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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

Page 51

by Nikki Bolvair

  Scott cleared his throat importantly. “Ellie, how’s the mess with your mother going? Have either of you come to your senses yet?”

  I raised one eyebrow, the only sign of irritation I’d give him. “My ex-stepmother and I are in the middle of a complicated legal battle, as I know you’re aware. I’m sorry, but I’m not at liberty to discuss it here.”

  “I understand, of course.” He peered around the room, searching for a reason to make his exit. “I must excuse myself, I see…” He trailed off as he scurried away.

  Arch’s hazel eyes were bewildered. “What’s his problem?”

  “I’m certain he’s the one trying to turn the board against me.” If looks could kill, Scott would’ve had a dagger in his back.

  “Do you think Raquel is buying him off?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “That’s my guess. I hope so, at least. If she is, there will be a trail. That’s one thing my lawyers are looking into.”

  “Time is beginning to run short. Your next meeting with the judge is in a few weeks isn’t it?” I didn’t see any more board members yet. I led Arch toward our table.

  “Yes.” I sighed and studied Arch’s face. His hazel eyes turned green under the twinkling Christmas lights. “I wish I could at least discuss the case with you.”

  “Have faith. Something will turn up. No judge in their right mind will give this place to her.” He gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. “Let’s focus on fun tonight. Maybe we can sneak away for a little tour,” he said with a roguish wink.

  I pushed his shoulder playfully. “You wish.”

  “He wishes what?” asked Wes.

  “None of your business, Wesley Earl Lawson,” Arch chided.

  “Wesley Earl Lawson?” I couldn’t believe my ears. “Your names are Archibald Duke, Gray Baron, and Wesley Earl?”

  Three sets of cheeks turned pink. Wes and Gray nodded their heads reluctantly, and Arch replied, “Unfortunately.”

  I clapped my hands delightedly. “You guys are my little posse of royalty? Like my charming princes or knights in shining armor?” What an excellent secret. I was sort of dating royalty.

  “I tried to tell you our parents are strange. When they found out they were all pregnant at the same time, they wanted to put a theme to our names,” said Wes.

  “We actively try to keep people from discovering that little tidbit,” added Gray.

  “Delightful. Absolutely delightful. I have to start calling you by your royal names, of course. Come along, Earl. I’ll start teaching you to dance. Todd and Rick are already out there.” I scanned the room again. “I still don’t see the rest of the board. Maybe they’ll come in while we dance.”

  “As you wish, my lady,” my Earl replied.

  I didn’t try to teach him anything. We stood close to one another and shuffled side to side like a couple of kids at their high school prom. It gave us a chance to talk. “I want to know more about your families. We’ve talked about everything under the sun but them.” Wes’s back stiffened, and I pulled my head away from his chest. “What’s wrong?”

  “Ellie, our families are a sensitive topic for us. We don’t like talking about them. I promise, though, we will, soon.” My curiosity burned, but I let the matter rest. I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable.

  “What do you dream of, Ellie? What’d make you happy in life?”

  I sighed and contemplated all the opportunities given to me in life. “I want to run this company until I retire. And I want to raise my children here, the way I was raised. I spent more time here than home as a child.”

  “I have every confidence in you.” Wes led me into a little spin and pulled me closer.

  “She doesn’t deserve this company. It was built by my family, and one of us should always be at the helm.”

  “What’ll you do when you win?” His surety of the trial outcome made me chuckle.

  “First, I want to finish college. I want to appoint my own interim CEO to manage things in my absence.” I put my head on Wes’s chest. “There are women here that have been shunted to the side since my father died. Long term, dedicated employees who could take this place and run with it. Dad had specific goals, you know?”

  “Did he leave any of them in writing?”

  “I couldn’t find them. I searched high and low for weeks after he died, but she must’ve found and destroyed them.” Another reason to hate the horrid woman.

  “What was his vision?” The song ended and a quicker tempo started up. Wes led me off the dance floor and toward the bar. I nodded a hello to the young, lanky bartender. “You’re Thomas Elmore’s son aren’t you? Tom from accounting?”

  “Yes ma’am. I’m working my way through college.” He gave me a wavering smile.

  I opened my handbag and slipped him two of the envelopes. “Merry Christmas. If you spot your dad around, tell him to say hi.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Thank you!” He tucked the envelopes into his black apron.

  Wes and I moved off to the side of the bar, giving us relative privacy.

  “Dad wanted to promote more women. His dream was to see me lead a company of strong women. He talked about the glass ceiling a lot. By the time he retired, I’d be ready to take over, and he hoped to have a board full of women to advise me.”

  “It’s an admirable goal. Many men his age have the opposite outlook.”

  “He was a wonderful man. I miss him dearly.” My gaze covered the filling room, seeking out the women my father had been grooming to promote, but instead, I landed on the table where Arch and Gray waited for us. They were being harangued by my stepsister.

  “We need to go save them,” I said, pointing to the table.

  “Who’s that?”

  “My stepsister. Miss Popularity herself.” The pending confrontation gave me an instant headache. I touched my nauseous stomach, dreading the coming cattiness.

  A warm hand touched the small of my back. “Don’t sweat it. You’ve got us, and if need be, we’ll find Todd. You’re not here alone.”

  Such a support system was a novel experience. For most of my life, it was only Dad and Todd on my team.

  I marched my way over to confront Michelle. She wore a backless pink dress with an awful bow on the butt. Her bony back faced me as she leaned across the table.

  As I walked up, I caught the tail end of her words. “ you any trouble, you tell them to find Michelle. I’m important around here. If I vouch for you, they won’t say a word.”

  I started to tap her on the shoulder, but stopped myself. Pretty sure she was trying to flirt; I wanted to listen to the rest of her conversation. “My mother is in the process of taking this place over. They won’t say no to me. I don’t know why you won’t tell me who you’re with, but I promise nobody will bother you.” Arch and Gray pointedly ignored her. They were so focused on not paying her any attention they didn’t even notice me walk up.

  “Michelle, they’re here with me,” I announced.

  She whirled around, revealing the front of the dress—worse than the back. Arch and Gray swung their heads around to face me, relief evident in their expressions.

  “Cynthia.” Michelle’s voice dripped ice.

  “You know I don’t go by my first name, Michelle.” Why do you bother trying to correct her?

  She rolled her heavily made up eyes. Her makeup looked like it was applied by a circus clown’s makeup artist. “Whatever.”

  “Why are you going around telling people you basically run this place? You know it’s not true.” And never will be, bitch.

  “You won’t win this case. You don’t have a leg to stand on. It’s inevitable. My mother will be in charge. Then, you’ll pay for what you did to Mitch.”

  I bit down on my tongue before I flew off the handle. Wes pushed up close behind me and whispered in my ear. “Stop talking to her. Everything needs to be done through the lawyers.”

  “Michelle, if you have anything further to say, you can call my lawyer’s office.” I stepped
back, wordlessly asking her to leave.

  She stomped off on heavy pink heels, too clunky for the dress. “Todd would have a field day with her style. Where is he?”

  Arch pointed to the dancers. “Still wrapped around Rick.”

  I watched my friends dance for a moment with frayed nerves, acutely aware of six eyes on me. “Are you okay?” asked Gray.

  “She’s crazy, you know.” Arch stood and took my hand. I stood in a Wes and Arch sandwich, and it comforted me, slightly. I didn’t care who watched us. “Anyone that didn’t know you would be able to see through her right away. And anyone that does know you wouldn’t give her the time of day.”

  “My brain understands. My heart is another story.” Tears welled up in my eyes. “Excuse me, I need the restroom.”

  With no desire to use the restroom, I headed for my dad’s office. I’d had the lock changed after he died. No one could use the space until I could decide what to do with it. I wanted a moment to be near him again.

  When I reached his double doors, they were cracked open, light spilling out. Alarm filled my stomach. Nobody had a key but me, and mine was in the purse in my hand. I slowed my steps and approached the office as quietly as I could. Soft noises from within made me freeze. A distinctive moan floated out the crack in the door, then a man said, “Raquel.”

  My stepmother was inside my father’s office with another man! I took two deep breaths, trying to decide what to do. If I confronted her, there was the possibility no one would believe me.

  My phone. I pulled my cell out of my bag. Luckily, I’d put it on silent before the party. Launching the camera, I double checked the flash was off and hit record.

  Surreptitiously, I glanced around to check nobody was nearby to witness me get down on my knees and slip the phone inside the door. I could see the screen and could tell I definitely filmed something, but the angle was bad, and I couldn’t make out anything specific. I let it record. Truth be told, I had no desire to watch what happened in the room, but I knew I needed to get the proof. It was my big break.

  Several minutes later, my legs burned, and my arm felt like it was going to fall off from holding the phone out. Laughter floated up the hallway behind me. I pulled the phone out and turned off the camera. I waited in the office beside my dad’s until the giggling couple passed by.

  I peered into the hallway. Dad’s office door was shut. The lovebirds noticed the passersby and pushed the door closed. I ran on tiptoe toward the party as fast as I could in the heels, slowing to a normal pace when I passed someone in the hallways.

  Thankfully, Rick and Todd sat at the table when I arrived. I tugged on the first arm I came to—Wes’s. “Come with me, please. Todd, Rick, do you know where the cafeteria is?”

  They both nodded, giving me curious stares. “Where have you been?” Todd hissed at me.

  “In a minute,” I whispered. “Discreetly bring Arch and Gray down there. It should be empty now; all of this was catered externally. Don’t come together, split up and play it nonchalant.” My head spun with the information I’d gathered.

  I gave a winning smile, congratulating myself on my acting skills, and took Wes by the hand. “I’ll show you to the restrooms,” I said for the benefit of anyone standing nearby.

  As soon as we left the room, we hurried to the elevators. “We need to get out of sight,” I said.

  “Why?” Wes watched me like I was a firework about to explode.

  “Not here. Act normal.” My eyes darted around. It was hard for me to follow my own advice and act normal as keyed up as I was about the video in my phone.

  Several people exited the elevator to join the party. I introduced Wes to a few people I’d known all my life. I handed out more envelopes and asked about families. Externally, I was a calm, professional cucumber. Inside, I was a pickle, screaming with anticipation.

  We entered the empty elevator and headed for the service level. I pulled Wes to me for a hug. “The elevators are monitored, and I think they have microphones. Someone tried to steal a highly anticipated sequel one time, and we upped security,” I began to whisper. “If anyone catches us down there, we’ll pretend we were seeking out some privacy.”

  “What’s going on?” Wes asked. “I’m worried.”

  I simply shook my head. I needed them all to watch the video I took and tell me if my hopes were up for nothing or if I had won my case. I still wasn’t sure what I recorded. If it was Scott and my stepmother having sex, it would at least sway my case.

  Once we were safely in the cafeteria, I collapsed into a chair, relieved. We made it.

  “Now, will you tell me what the hell is going on?” He wore his blond hair slicked back, and it was disheveled. He’d been running his fingers through it, and I hadn’t even noticed. My evasive behavior upset him.

  “I’m sorry, Wes, but I have no idea where all the cameras and microphones are. As soon as everyone shows up, we’re going to go into the bathroom across the hall. I know there are no surveillance devices in there.”

  Wes gave me a look saying clearly, I’d spoken another language. “I’m being far too cautious and overly dramatic, but this is my future on the line. I need to be sure.” I couldn’t risk Raquel finding out I shot the video before I was ready for her to know.

  The arrival of Todd and Arch saved me from any further explanations. I jumped out of the chair as they entered. “Rick and Gray should be right behind us. What the hell is going on?” Arch demanded.

  “Not yet. Wait until they get here.” Three faces stared at me like I’d grown horns. Pacing seemed the thing to do while we waited. Rick and Gray burst in moments later, causing me to jump and scream.

  Gray was furious. “What’s wrong with you? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you while you were gone?” He grabbed my hands and began to check me over.

  “No! I’m not hurt. Follow me, and I’ll explain everything.” Peeping out of the cafeteria, I peered up and down the hall. I couldn’t see anybody, and I was pretty sure the stretch of hall didn’t have cameras. If security was watching the cafeteria, they wouldn’t know where we’d gone, giving us enough time to get the explanations out of the way. There was no way I could’ve waited until we got home, which would’ve been the smartest thing to do.

  When the coast was clear, I bolted across the hall to the bathroom. Holding the door open, I gestured for them to all follow. Wes murmured something to them, which spurred them along. I fought laughter as they all looked both ways to make sure nobody spotted them.

  The comedy of the situation hit me hard. We played secret agent, running around a large company like children. It would’ve been fun if I wasn’t apprehensive about what was on my phone.

  The bathroom was basic—nothing like the swanky bathrooms where we entertained clients. I rolled my neck and took a deep breath. “Okay. I need advice.”

  Arch shook his head and seemed to be trying hard not to roll his eyes at my dramatics. “Start at the beginning, please.”

  “I’m not sure how much you’re allowed to know, given you’re practicing lawyers, and you’re the partners of my lawyer. If I get into information you shouldn’t know, tell me immediately.”

  “We’re allowed to know information. We’re not allowed to give advice.” Wes reassured me they’d help in any way they could, ethically.

  “I got overwhelmed after speaking to Michelle,” I began.

  “You should’ve called me. I would’ve taken care of that bitch.” Todd was pissed.

  “Todd! Focus.” Rick reined him in.

  “Thanks, Rick. I wanted to be near my dad for a while. I went to his office on the top floor, but someone was in there. I figured out it was Raquel with a man. I’m almost positive I know who the man was, but there’s no way in hell I’m watching this video. I need someone else to watch it and tell me if I shot a video of Raquel having sex with Scott Allen, the interim CEO of Asche Publishing.”

  Todd and Rick gasped in unison. “If that’s what you found, then this case is over, pu
mpkin!” said Todd.

  I looked at Arch, Gray, and Wes. They all had huge smiles on their faces. “I know you three can’t comment, but I’ll take your smiles as this is a good thing for my case.”

  Arch shrugged. “You’d have to ask your lawyer.” He continued to smile though.

  “I need someone else to watch it. I can’t stand to see it.” I handed my phone to Todd.

  “Yuck,” he said, but he tapped away at the screen, pulling up my videos. He hit play, and all five guys crowded around the phone in his hand.

  The microphone on the cell picked up more volume than I’d been able to hear in person. When I realized there was more to their tryst than canoodling, I crowded in with them.

  The screen showed them doing some heavy petting and kissing, but thankfully all clothes remained on. Their words excited me. “Scott, I’ve upheld my end of the bargain. I need you to deliver the board to me. Unless we get more of them on our side, our plan will never work.”

  “Are you sure it’ll work?” The slimy CEO pulled away from Raquel’s neck, giving the camera a crisp view of both of their faces.

  “How many times do I need to explain this?” Raquel pushed Scott to arm’s length. “We win the lawsuit. I take over as CEO. We prep the company to sell, then the night before the news breaks, we sell our stocks. All of my stocks are already in a fake name. We need to sell yours to the same fake name before I get control of the company. Then the sales won’t be traced to us. I know a guy that can do it entirely under the radar.”

  “You’re exciting when you’re being devious.” He began to lift her dress, and I jumped and turned away. Mercifully, the video cut off before anyone was subjected to my naked stepmother.

  Todd said what everyone thought. “This is it, Ell. Show this to the judge, and it’s all over.”

  “I wondered though… Couldn’t I show it to Raquel and basically blackmail her into dropping the suit? Wouldn’t it be faster and easier?” My three non-lawyers gave me serious, unhappy looks.

  “That’s too generous. They need to pay for what they tried to do,” replied Todd.

  I glanced at my silent judges, and they smiled again. “You three are kinda creepy.” They chuckled but continued their silent treatment.


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