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Falling For Them Volume 2: Reverse Harem Collection

Page 108

by Nikki Bolvair

A gentle finger slid past my folds and slipped inside my tight channel. My body was hypersensitive, and as he kissed and stroked my most intimate areas with his mouth along with stroking my core, an orgasm built until I was wound tight, ready to explode.

  “Colten, I’m right there,” I groaned.

  He gave me one last stroke before lifting his head and grabbing my thighs, tugging me to his erection. “I want to feel you, silky on my skin, as you clench around me in the midst of a release. Can you do that for me, baby?”

  I cradled him with my knees as his hips took position and he thrust home. “Love you, Carly. Save the lights, I love you.”

  He lifted his head, and the glow in his eyes shone through. Blue hues surrounded us as we rocked slow and steady, our heartbeats in sync. Our pleasure built, breaths quickening, until the hues burst into speckles of light and rained upon us as we came together.

  He gave me a slow and lingering kiss. “I know Zander’s a possessive asshole, but you’re mine now just as much as his.”

  Colten left me, and Hale came next, primed and ready. He climbed over me and twisted us around until I straddled him on top.

  Bright excitement filled his green eyes, and I giggled. “I promised you that you’d enjoy it.”

  My eyes widened as another set of hands met my hips and lips kissed my shoulder. “No time to be scared, sweetheart.” Baxter’s husky voice floated over my senses. “We’re just going to make you feel good.”

  Baxter’s hands grabbed my hips as Hale’s lined up with mine. His swollen girth won out over Colten’s, but I wasn’t about to say that.

  Hale threaded his fingers through my hair and brought my mouth down to his for a deep and soul-searching kiss. He told me through actions what he hadn’t said yet. He loved me.

  Hale slipped out of me, and Baxter’s hips moved closer. I gasped as he joined with me, slow and easy, then eased out and Hale entered once again. The sensation was incredible. I wasn’t sure how they did it without bumping one another, and I didn’t care. By the gold tint in the blue hues that had shown up again, none of us did.

  Hale slammed his hips into me and stayed seated in place while hot silk pulsed inside me. He pulled away, kissing my forehead and my lips, before moving me off of him, leaving Baxter and me to ourselves.

  Baxter rolled us over, and with him being so tall, he grabbed my wrists in one hand and trailed the other palm down my chest to my breasts. “So pretty,” he murmured, staring into my eyes as he rolled my nipple with precision, watching my gaze flare with arousal. “And responsive.”

  With the first nipple taut, he moved to its twin, brushing his palm over my plump breast, tweaking the raised nub to a peak. He let my wrists go, dipping his head to capture the aching flesh he toyed with into his hot mouth. Patiently, he licked, kissed, and sucked both of them until I became dizzy with need. It was evident Baxter had every intention of drawing things out, and I wasn’t sure I’d survive it.

  My hands gripped his hair, and I bucked, causing him to grunt. He needed the message that I wasn’t willing to wait any longer. I hadn’t had an orgasm with Hale, and I wanted one with him. His hand trailed downward to my thigh, lifted it, and he slid inside. I groaned as he held onto me, thrusting, one surge after another, until he, too, completed.

  The hues of gold and blue threaded around us as Baxter relaxed, but I was still wound tight. The beast forgot me!

  I tapped his shoulder hastily. “Uh, Baxter? What about...”

  He rolled us until I was on top and grazed a hand down the back of my spine, causing a flair of pleasure to pulse throughout my body and my core to tighten.

  “Baxter,” I breathed, squeezing my eyes closed, arching as his fingers pressed in three spots along my spine.

  I gasped, and my hands clenched his shoulders. An orgasm, sharp, edgy, and nothing like I’d ever expected, exploded across my senses, leaving me drained and lax.

  I curled into his chest and murmured. “What? How?”

  He kissed me. “I have a way with animals, sweetheart. But I also have a way with you.”

  He rolled off the bed and took me with him into the bathroom for a hot shower. He cleaned up, told me to stay, then kissed me goodbye.

  I waited in there for only a few minutes before Zander came in. His predatory gaze travelled over my body, and I let my gaze travel, too. He was hard, ready, but all he did was turn me around and start washing my back.

  I relished the feel of his hands on me as I asked, “Where were you?”

  His attentions didn’t stop. “Setting up new boundary wards. I didn’t want anyone dropping in unexpectedly.”

  My breath caught when he drew in closer. His arms slid around mine to gently cup my mounds, and his thumbs brushed across the taut points of my nipples.

  “You mean our parents?”

  His chest shook against my back in amusement as he pinched my nipples. I gasped.

  “Precisely,” he murmured.

  His hands roamed and drifted down toward my stomach. “Put your foot on that ledge,” he demanded.

  Seeing the ledge on the shower wall, I swallowed and did as I was told.

  He leaned down as his lips met my shoulder, and a thumb brushed my nether lips. Goosebumps sprinkled all over my body in anticipation.

  His husky voice vibrated along my skin. “Do you know why I asked to be last? Why I’d tortured myself with thoughts of my brother and your bond mates pleasuring you until you’re exhausted?”

  I leaned back against him, his mouth curving to my neck, and took a guess. “Because you’re into BDSM?”

  He chuckled, eased his fingers between my folds, and stroked my raised clit. “No, I like you just fine without the spankings. Not that I wouldn’t do it for you if that’s what you want.” I gasped as he slightly bit my neck, then sucked when he let go. “It’s because you’re soft, not tense, and I can take my time to rev you up. Stroke you just like this…”

  And he did, almost to the point of an orgasm before he twisted me around, took my head in hand, and brought my lips to his. My hands landed on his chest briefly before I curled them around his neck.

  Between our slippery bodies, I felt him swollen hard. I ached to hold him, to give as good as he gave. My palm inched across his shoulder, down the ripped muscles of his stomach until I gripped his hard length. His lips parted from mine with a hiss as he moved his hips away. “No, baby, I’m right there, and I want to feel you around me when you come.”

  He moved us back until I met the shower wall. “Hold my shoulders.”

  I gripped him, and my heart fluttered as he reached down and lifted me, much like he had the first time. My thighs curled around his hips as his body pressed against mine.

  “Zander,” I gasped when he lowered me onto his shaft. Swollen and thick, it eased into my softness to fill me.

  He stayed seated and breathed onto the rise of my breast, trying to calm down. The hands on my hips contracted when I shifted.

  “Don’t move,” he groaned.

  As if he couldn’t resist the urge, he pressed against my ache, trying to ease his. He tensed. His head lifted, and vibrant green eyes bore into mine with a fierceness I’d never seen from him.

  “Shit, fuck, hell!” he cursed before he pulled out and slammed back into me.

  “Zander,” I cried, burying my head into his shoulder when the sensations became too much.

  He kept his rhythm while he murmured, “Hell and Heaven in one gorgeous package. You’re theirs, Carly, but you’re mine.”

  In that moment, as we came together, the golden blue hues came back, twisting and binding around us until a tint of pink entered and exploded around us. The quiet echoes of a promise I remembered hearing made my heart thud in my chest.

  *For when the body fades, the spirit stays. *

  “This is my bond,” I whispered against his neck, feeling like it was the right thing to do. “I love you, Zander.”


  “What in the world?” Carly screeched as her a
ss popped down in the seat. She looked cute in her PJs and pissed-off face. “Why?” she demanded.

  I cocked my head to the side and went for honesty. “I need you.”

  She groaned, leaning her head back like that was the most upsetting thing to hear. I guess, for her and the newly-acquired male suitors, it would be.

  “Not you, too!”

  I chuckled. “No. Not like that.”

  She glared, not at all impressed I wasn’t one to seek out her romantic attentions. “I have questions.”

  I nodded, knowing this was coming. “And I have answers…”

  She bit her lip. “Why couldn’t anyone else see you in the hospital room when I was sick?”

  Letting one of my secrets go, I told her, “That’s because I projected myself there. You were the only one who could see me.”

  Releasing her lip and squinting at me, she asked, “And how did you know I needed the vaccine?”

  “I know a lot of things,” I replied, being vague on purpose. I leaned forward, my gaze intent on hers and grinned when her lips pursed. “Carly, I helped you. Now, I need you to do something for me.” I snapped my fingers and pencil and paper appeared on the desk in front of her. “I need you to draw another picture.”

  She was befuddled. “Why?”

  “Because,” I said, placing my hands down on her desk, “at this moment I need you. I need what you can do, and I can’t do it for myself. Please, Carly,” I pleaded, as much as it hurt me to ask. “Draw.”

  She tapped the table, curious. “Why? What is it about?”

  I glared, frustrated with her young, human mind that had yet to be opened to our world. I might look young, but elders like me did not get talked back to by anyone. “Because, I’m researching the vaccine, and I think that there’s a chance that when Lydent mothers receive it, it can affect their future babies if those kids don’t receive it after they’re born. Not because of their power, but because while in utero, they become used to their mother’s blood. If one is born and not given...” I let my explanation fall as I conjured the last picture Carly drew. I pointed to the mother. “That woman, she’s Lydent. If her baby was a girl, her health could be dire. Not at first, but gradually. It was worse with you because you hadn’t had it before now. If it’s a girl, her daughter will have a little in her blood, but not enough.”

  “Yeah, but all Lydent females get the serum. Why would this be any different?”

  “Carly, you’ve been around long enough to know the answer to that question.”

  She gave a slow nod of understanding as she took in the drawing. “It’s because he’s human. She broke the law and married a human. They’re on the run.”

  “Now, do you see why I need your help?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  It didn’t matter anyway, but I cautioned her. It would have been suspicious if I hadn’t. “And you must not speak a word of this to anybody. Not a single soul. You have your answers.” I pushed the paper toward her. “Now, please?”

  She picked up the pencil and drew picture after picture. To ease the ache of using her fingers to draw so much, I offered her a peppermint when I noticed her finger shaking. She smiled and took it.

  I poured over each drawing and the answers they gave me. As the baby grew in the pictures, I knew for a fact it was a girl. Sighing, I leaned back in my seat and glanced over at Carly’s hunched form. I knew she couldn’t draw anymore, just like I knew this Lydent woman who dared to shake change in our world once again was the descendant of my sweet Anna.

  Carly turned in her chair, and I got up to walk over to her. She gave me the last drawing, and it made my heart stutter.

  “I think...” She bit her lip. “I think she’s dying, Hooks.”

  I nodded and traced the figure in the shaded tones she drew. “I believe you’re right.”

  Carly tapped her pencil. “We need to help her.”

  Glancing up, I agreed. “We do.”

  I waved a hand across her face, and it went blank. “You have a good heart, Carly. When you run, you won’t run far because I’ll need you again. Forget.”

  When she started to drop, I picked her up and shimmed into her house, grinning at the small resistance of the intruder wards that could never hold me. I sat her on the couch and lay a magazine across her chest as if she had fallen asleep reading, then shimmed out.

  Back in the classroom, I gathered up everything I could into my brown satchel and flung my hand across the room, obliterating everything to dust. The room now empty, I slapped the last remaining image on the far wall. Carly would be back. She would see it and have questions. She would find me, but not until I needed her. Then I shimmed away.

  The Series Continues in…

  The Bridge Over Snake Creek

  Thrill-seeker, and terminally ill by default, all Hannah wanted was for her life to go back to the way it was before. But that dream was like grasping water in a closed fist. A dream, one she could never hold on to...

  If someone told her in the beginning the way things would end, she would’ve gladly let historical secrets remain hidden. But curiosity was a cruel and vicious nag. Once the magic was out, there was no putting it back.

  Falls, Idaho was different. Strange. Just like the five guys who made it their mission to keep her daring ways to a minimum. They never wanted her to know who they really were, but they couldn’t help themselves.

  Sometimes, fate could play an unforgiving game. Things were not as they seemed, and the big picture started to unravel.

  Her sickness, there was a cure.

  Welcome to Falls.

  About the Author

  I love to write! I have been writing since I was young (maybe not long in this subject) but I enjoy it. When other writers find their main girl in their book having to pick between two or more good guys, I tend to be sad for the one who is left out.

  So why pick?

  This is fiction where vampires roam, fairies are real, and worlds are made of magic. So why have a girl pick? Why not stretch the boundaries and let her keep them? It could become quite interesting, don't you think?

  Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and on my website.

  Want more reverse harem stories? Check out Falling for Them Volume 3, coming out September 29, 2017, on Amazon!

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