Alien Invasion: and the origins of mankind
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surrounded by endless forest in all direction.”
The General stormed down the three steps and over to the computer monitor and lead forward. “Well, look at that. It looks as though the aliens want to attack a small little town before moving onto the entire planet. Well, not if I have anything to say about it. This town will be the battleground for the greatest war ever fought. This is where we will make our stand. Hit them with everything we got and drive the aliens away forever. It looks as though the town of Springbrook Gardens will be getting a visit from the military.”
He stood up straight and spoke in a powerful voice. “Soldiers, ears to me” he paused for a moment as everyone in the room quickly stopped what they were doing and turned towards him. “The day we have been planning for has arrived. All the years you soldiers have been preparing to defend earth is now upon us. We will be going to war. I’ve always known the aliens could never be trusted. I always knew one day they would attack earth. For so many decades they have been visiting us pretending to be nice, but the truth face of the aliens has now been revealed. Many years ago I received secret information about the town where the aliens will start their attack. Just now I have been handed the latest update of where the aliens are planning another secret landing. Well the two names match up, which means they are using this so-called secret friendly landing as a means to invade. They’re expecting us to show up with smiles and be underprepared. Then they’ll hit us with their weapons and take over the earth. They will not succeed. We will stop them. In fact, this is what really will end up happening. In one year from now we will depart and carry out a top-secret mission to the town of Springbrook Gardens. They will try to launch their invasion believing we are underprepared, only to find out we are fully stocked and ready to fight. We will hit them first, catching them off guard.
We will scare them so badly with our state of the art weapons they will take off and leave earth forever stopping there silly ideas of a global invasion. By the time it is all over the world will be safe and the media will never have a clue to what really happened. We can’t have the media knowing. There desire to print the truth will only get in our way. The world will never found out either, the less people know, the better it is for them. It is also important that everyone living in the town of Springbrook Gardens never catches onto the truth the whole time we’re there. Right up until the very last moment to the start of the Great War. Make no mistake. We are going to war. We cannot have the town’s people panicking and getting in our way when they see all the military vehicles pulling into their town. We must fool the town’s people into thinking we are there for friendly reasons. We cannot risk scaring them with the truth. This is how we will fool them, I want the mayor of this small town contacted and have a special event set up were the military will have a friendly visit, a chance to mix and mingle with the residences to promote the army. This way no one in town will question why so many military trucks are arriving in town all at once. We don’t need anyone in this town questioning anything. The more we can fool the public, the more power we have over them. As for the scientists who come with us, I don’t want them knowing the truth either. If they find out aliens are planning an invasion and us having top-secret weapons they might try to communicate with the aliens and get them to change their minds about the invasion. The only thing they will end up doing is tipping off the aliens about our top-secret weapons and the aliens will choose another date and location for there invasion and we won’t know where or when it is. This must not happen, we’ve been given this golden moment, let’s not loose it. We will let the scientists meet with the aliens on the Friday night out in the woods, making everything seem normal. However, the whole time we will be preparing are own weapons and right before the aliens start their invasion on Saturday afternoon we will hit them first. They won’t be ready for us. We will catch them off guard. We will shock them with our new state of the art weapons. We’ll scare them off and never again will they dare return to earth. Today we make a stand and save our earth from the foreign outsiders”
There was no cheering in the room after he finished speaking. Cheering was an emotion, something all of them men in the room had given up years ago. The soldiers went back to work with there new orders, preparing for the war.
The General walked to the other side of the room and turned to solider 26 who was seated at a computer terminal. “Give me an update on the construction of the supergun”
The solider opened up a program on his computer. “Sir, the supergun is ready to go. Its ready for testing”
The General looked at the 3-D hologram of the massive gun rotating in the air. The actual gun was two blocks long resting on a flat bed truck. “Good.” He said in a low deep voice, like sandpaper in his throat “I like what I’m seeing. We’ll use the next few months to test the gun and have it shipped out in pieces to Springbrook Gardens and assembled back together when we arrive. Make sure to use moving trucks to disguise the pieces in transport. The moving trucks will blend in with all the other vehicles on the road. No one will ever suspect parts of a massive gun that will be used to bring down an alien saucer are inside innocent looking moving trucks. Just like how the government transports toxic waste, inside of moving trucks across busy highways and small towns. If the bleeding heart liberals found out they would be protesting like crazy. Just like how they protest over the cutting of Rainforests trees and melting icebergs in the north.” The General smiled an ice-cold smile and turned back towards solider 47 “Send a coded message into space to be picked up by the aliens, telling them we agree to meet them and we will bring the scientists along to collect the information from them as usual. Make it look as though it’s just another simple meeting. Let them know the meeting will take place in the deep forest just outside of the town of Springbrook Gardens”
“Right away sir” Solider 47 said as he turned to leave the room.
The General turned back towards 26 “We will also have to lock down any access to the forest that surrounds the town during the night of our encounter with the aliens. I don’t want a single person in the town seeing the UFO landing. I want a story told to the media of a deadly insect flying around that can kill trees. I want everyone in the country afraid of this insect and how it’s been spotted around the town of Springbrook Gardens. I will contact the mayor and tell him the military will come by to dust the forest to save the trees. It will be an excuse to close off the roads leading in and out of the town for the night. Giving us all the cover we need to hide the saucer’s landing. At the same time we will tell him the military would like to visit and have a friendly meet and greet. Give the kids in the town a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet soldiers and touch military vehicles up close. We’ll do this to justify all the military vehicles pouring into their town without getting everyone nervous.” He looked back at the solider who had the map on his screen “How close is the nearest train tracks to the town?”
The solider looked at the map “Sir, the nearest train tracks run just outside of the town next to the highway after the forest”
The General smiled “Beautiful. Couldn’t plan it any better if I tried. After we’ve arrived and finished meeting with the aliens in the forest during the night. I will then want a story told to the town’s people of a train derailment next to the highway. I will announce to everyone in town the military will help clean it up, but the main road leading in and out of town will have to be closed off for the day, that way when the battle with the aliens start no one will be able to leave and tell the world what’s happening. We can’t risk having the world find out about this operation, even if it means sacrificing everyone in the town.”
The General walked back up the steps to the center of the room and stared at the image displayed on the large screen in the center of the room of a real photograph of a grey alien. It’s small mouth, little thin noise, triangular shaped head and grey skin, but the one feature that stood out the most, where the big black oval eyes staring back into the camera as if it knew its picture w
as being taken.
Grey aliens never expressed any emotion, but somehow everyone who looked at the picture knew they were smart, smarter then any human.
One year later. 3 days before “the event”
Timmy knew he had only moments to live. His heart raced a mile a minute as his hands shook. The bright sun shined down on him as he stumbled his way through the park. His vision was getting blurrier with each passing second. He was losing his ability to concentrate, but tired his best to remain focused on the task at hand. He slowly stumbled across the grass getting closer to the man in the dark trench coat sitting on the park bench who face was hidden behind a newspaper; the eyes covered by black sunglasses.
He had given the slip to the mysterious figure who’d been following him for the past few blocks. He didn’t know the name of his assassin, all he knew was the poison in his body was in full effect and he would collapse for good at any moment. He had to succeed; he couldn’t fail, not now. Too many people where depending upon him. Too much time had been invested for him to end up in failure. Too many lives had been