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Alien Invasion: and the origins of mankind

Page 25

by Mark Douglas Doran

knows what where doing”

  “Sir, based on the description, the crazy man appears to be John Smith”

  The General looked shocked then angry “John Smith? What is he doing in town? He’s the last person I wanted to see here. Knowing him, he’ll find a way to mess everything up. I want this guy found now. Keep having the men in black look for him”

  “Yes sir” solider 14 left the tent.

  The general leaned back in his chair. He thought back to the first and only time the base in the desert had ever been broken into. It was a complete mystery on how an unemployed drifter named John Smith “appeared” in the most secured base in on the planet. He clamed he was nothing more than a gold hunter. The type of guy who walks the beaches with a metal detector believing he’d strike it rich by stumbling across long lost gold, but only finding bottle caps and quarters. He said he traveled around the world looking for rare and unique artifacts. He claimed that while in a far off country half way around the world he stumbled across a street dealer who’s face was covered up and appeared to have red eyes hand him a map as he walked by. When he looked at the map it pointed him in the direction of the desert. The map said true riches and wealth would be found there. After he read the map he looked back to the street dealer, who was gone, as if he was never there to start with.

  So he set off to search the desert looking for the gold. One night while standing on top of a sand dune, he lost his way. He found himself standing in the middle of nowhere wondering how he was going to get home. He was about to give up hope when he looked up and saw a bright light in the black sky, like a star. The light was close to the ground; it was brighter then any other light. Somehow it was warm, calling out to him. He said it looked like a star, he knew he had to follow it. He started moving his feet across the desert sand walking towards it never looking away, as though it was calling his name. He had no idea what was causing it or why it was there, he just followed. Over the next few hours he got closer until he found himself standing right under it. It was silent, serene and warm. In the middle of the dark desert with nothing around for miles around he was standing under a peaceful light. He didn’t know what to do next; he just stood there staring into it. The next thing he knew he was inside a military complex. He looked around wondering how on earth he got there.

  Well, at least that’s the story he told everyone. The General didn’t believe it. He figured John Smith had to be a spy, but just who was he working for?

  Was the General just expected to believe that a simple guy just happened to wonder through the desert following a “bright light” and came to a stop right on top of a secret military complex? How on earth did he avoid all the radar and ground sensors? A fly would’ve been detected. So how did he get through? The General was sure the security cameras must’ve caught footage of John Smith sneaking in. When the he went back and reviewed the camera tapes, he couldn’t see him anywhere. At no point was John smith seen on camera walking down any corridor throughout the complex. So how did he get into the room in which the grey alien was kept? No prison or bank on earth had tighter security then the room the alien was kept, but one morning a scientist on his way into the laboratory saw through the two-way mirror and noticed John Smith inside in isolation room standing next to a grey alien. The scientist wasn’t even looking for an intruder. Why would he be? He was going out his daily routine when load and behold inside the containment room was John Smith. The scientist at first thought he must’ve been dreaming. Less then twenty humans on earth have ever been inside the room with the alien and all those men where some of the worlds smartest scientists, but a drifter? Impossible. Neither John nor the alien said a word the whole time he was in there, they just stood face to face in the darkness. By the time the scientist pulled John out of the room he was out of his mind. Rambling away incoherently. It what scientists call “information overload” something they always feared happening to themselves. It’s when you look into the eyes of the grey aliens and you receive too much information about the universe at once. The human brain cannot comprehend so much in a short time. It would be like going back in time and giving all the information about life on earth to a caveman in less then an hour. On another level the scientists were jealous of John Smith. He received all the knowledge they wanted to know. Absolute knowledge was something they all craved, but why did the gray alien choose John of all people? Why not one of them?

  From that moment on, talking to John Smith was pointless, the man was simple too crazy. Everything he said was a mix mash of pointless gibberish. Scientists tried talking with John almost everyday, recording his every word. They knew he was speaking in code, with three or four thoughts in each sentence. They recorded his words so it could be broken down later. Hoping it would give clues into advanced alien life. They wanted to know everything about the alien home world. The scientists desperately wanted to discover everything about the universe. They knew the scientists in the future would know the mysterious of the universe one day, but they wanted to know now. There greatest fear all of them had was they would die of old age never knowing the complete truth of what wonders the universe had to offer. John rambled on, speaking about how the aliens were smarter then all humans, how they know everything about our future. How they knew about our past. They have been here a long time. He mentioned how the day is coming when the entire human race will know about them one day.

  The General looked at the notes of the recordings. Nothing really caught his attention until John mention a place called Springbrook Gardens, saying the attack will take place then. For some reason the aliens let John know they were planning an attack on earth. Something the General always knew would happen. John never said the word “attack” what he said was, “the day of change would soon be here. The world will never be the same after the Saturday afternoon”. The General knew what it meant. After the aliens attack how could the world stay the same. The cat was out of the bag, the General knew the location of were the attack on earth was to start; all he needed was the date. Over the years the aliens had given “hidden” messages to the scientists as to where and when they were going to land. Why did the message have to be “hidden”? The General had not a clue, probably a test on the part of the aliens to keep the scientists smart, so they wouldn’t get lazy. But when they did land they would only stay for a minute or less and hand over information to the scientists then leave. Well, all he had to do was to wait until he saw the name Springbrook Gardens come up as a landing site and he would know were the aliens would attack.

  The General had John Smith locked in the most secured holding cell the world had ever known. No one on earth was getting out of it. Located deep below the military complex itself. He appeared to have no family. So no one would come looking for him, but one day he was “gone”, as simple as that. No one knew how. A guard went to look in on him and found the cell empty. The whole complex was in an uproar trying to find him. However the General just sat at his desk. He knew there was no need to look for John. John Smith was gone. The aliens had something to do with it. They made him appear in the complex and took him out of the cell, but why bother having him appear in the complex in the first place? What was it about John that made the aliens choose him? He wasn’t a scientist, nor was he a genius. He was nothing more then an everyday guy who would rather search the beaches for long lost gold and treasure then work a nine to five job. The scientists spent the next few months going over there recording trying to understand everything John said. Hoping somewhere in John’s comments would be bits of information the scientists could use to understand the aliens better. The General didn’t care. He had what he needed, the name of the town where the aliens would start there attack against earth. Now all he needed was the day.

  Now he’s here in Springbrook Gardens, ready to hit the aliens first, a “strike first” approach. Teach the big eyes creatures you can’t mess with earth. He had to make sure nothing got in the way.

  The General leaned back in his chair for a minute. He turned to soli
der 14 “Was John Smith spotted talking to anyone? I want to know how many people this guy had contact with”

  “Sir, he was spotted talking to a little kid” solider 14 said. “We don’t know what was said”

  The General paused for a moment “We can’t take risks. Follow the kid, see who he talks to, if he knows anything in the slightest pick him up and anyone else he talks to”

  “Yes sir, right away” solider 14 said and left the tent.

  The General looked at his watch and turned to solider 22 seated at the work desk “Its almost time for the encounter in the forest with the aliens, contact the scientists at the Inn. I’ll meet with them in the empty building at the top of Main Street. I want to look over a map and pinpoint the exact location of the saucer landing. I have to head into town for the music festival, I’ll slip out at some point and head over to the empty building”.

  “Yes sir” solider 22 picked up the phone and started making calls.

  The General stood up and placed his hat on his head and walked out the tent towards his jeep.

  Thousands were gathered around the

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