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The Conqueror of Zones

Page 10

by Shadows Finger

  Bang! Bang! Bang!

  The explosions of their attacks shaking the pillar of rock and the palace causing the lake to become chaotic as its waves shook about violently.

  Myria seeing this frowned but she quickly reigned in her mood as she looked towards Feng Yu and Leon as she spoke, “Their forces outnumber us, and with the means, they possess it will only be a matter of time before the weakened Origin Barrier breaks, we have no choice but to use it...”

  Leon hearing this nodded his head, while Feng Yu asked, “What do you plan to do?”

  Myria was about to reply before Leon replied in her stead, “Talk later we must activate it immediately!”

  “Um. Then let’s go!” Myria said as he prepared to leave, she looked towards the surrounding allies and palace natives and commanded, “All citizens and soldiers prepare for battle! A few of you must remain here and stay on the lookout for the remaining army leaders who've received the retreat command, they will appear in this square via the same teleportation method. As for all the special soldiers and members of the Spell Squad, follow me to the palace central garden, we must quickly activate that ‘thing’...”

  “What?! We are actually going to use that?” One of the special soldiers exclaimed in shock as her mouth opened wide while beads of sweat trickled down her forehead.

  Not giving the fairy any reply, Myria’s figure quickly flew off towards the garden, Leon promptly followed along with the special solders and Feng Yu who had a curious look in his now golden eyes.

  The remaining army members and citizens quickly moving off to different positions as they readied their weapons to prepare themselves for the oncoming battle. After walking for a short while, Myria and her group finally arrived at the central palace garden.

  A beautiful water fountain stood at the center of this region, filled with pureness like no other as they sparkled with a bright light. The plants in this region were also unusually lively, as they seemed to have a life of their own wiggling about wantonly as if the dangers above could not affect their splendor.

  They were of many types some being massive thorny vines connected to large red roses, with others being plants with large mouths and exotic looking grasses. Feng Yu looked around in interesting as he thought, “These plants look familiar...”

  Myria upon arriving here wasted no time; she flew towards the water fountain and clapped her hand repeatedly in a strange rhythmic pattern.

  Rumble! The garden shook as the water found started to change, a plain white pillar rose from its waters stopping at the height of a few meters before Myria's floating form, following this a few similar looking pillars soon after rose, arranging themselves around this central pillar in a V-like formation.

  The fairy spell guard’s unit seeing quickly moved to their respected pillar and placed their tiny palms on top of their surfaces. Upon seeing this, Myria then put her palm on top of the pillar positioned before her, as she did this she spoke, "Begin!"

  The moment she said this, she along with the spell guards quickly started to channel their magical energies into the pillars which soon after lit up in a greenish light.

  One of the special fairies seeing this sweated even more as she muttered, “May the goddess of nature protect our spirits...”

  Myria then closed her eyes and spoke, “Guardian of the Fairyland, protector of all born in nature! I at this moment release your spiritual bindings! Allowing you to reign free once more, unleash your fury on those who’ve ruined our once beautiful lands! Gia Bramble! Annihilate them all!”

  Piiiiiiii! Instantly, a bright crimson light illuminated the surroundings. It spread out far and wide till it eventually covered the entire scene beneath the now diminishing origin barrier.

  Troop Commander Vandus seeing became surprised, but he quickly recovered and yelled once again, “Don’t let up! Attack! Attack!!!”

  The fiends who were beginning to falter due to the sudden scene after hearing his commands regained their drive as they unleashed an even more furious assault, as their energy attacks bombarded the barrier causing it to make cracking noises. Soon, the ever so tenacious barrier had finally reached its limit.

  Crack! Boooomm!

  The barrier broke to pieces as which scattered after a massive explosion leaving behind the colorful crimson light that shrouded the entire palace underneath. The fiends seeing this sneered as they prepared to rush forwards, but Troop Commander Vandus frowned as he lifted his hands and commanded.

  “Halt!” His voice echoing in each of fiends ears, as they heard his words, they all paused and looked towards the scene before them confusedly. Troop Commander Vandus didn’t feel comfortable, so he motioned towards a few special looking fiends who stood by his side, each wearing dark robes emitting dark energies.

  As they saw his strange hand sign, the special fiends then nodded their heads formed a bizarre formation as the few obscure chants sounded to from their lips. While this occurred on the side of the fiends, the lights shrouding the entire fairy palace had begun to fade.

  Quickly, they faded revealing the scene underneath. The mouths of a majority of the fiends who saw the scene couldn’t help but open wide as their pupils constricted to an extreme degree.

  “This... this...” Troop Commander Vandus mumbled as he was at a loss for words for the monstrously before seen in his eyes, he stuttered for a bit before exclaiming. “This is a GIA BRAMBLE!!! How did they get this?!”

  The fear in the hearts of all who heard these words only grew worse as all beings in this realm, or rather, in all domains knew what those words meant.

  The Gia Bramble... a spiritual plant of heaven and earth born of nature with its sole purpose being only to defend nature’s life from all threats. It is living weapon birthed to kill all who oppose nature, and exceptionally good at this very task. Its hundreds of thousands of massive thorny vines that dripped with a dreadful kind of poison which could destroy all things, along with its large man-eating plants connected to certain vines looking vicious to the extreme.

  Rumor has it that a fully-grown Gia Bramble could blanket an entire universe with its many branches being no different from worlds. They can tear through to fabrics of space itself, ensuring that all who opposes them will meet a swift but painful end.

  Luckily though, the current Gia Bramble was in its early infancy stage and has yet to grow to such a degree. Feng Yu who was also within the place that was surrounded by these brambles was stunned, his mouth opened wide as he exclaimed, “Such a terrifying plant, to think such a thing could exist in the world!”

  Myria who seemed to not care about anyone's shock finally commanded, “Kill!!”

  The Gia Bramble knew its enemy the moment it was born, upon sensing the chaos in the lands and seeing the massive crater of the surrounding 10 Kilometer region, its anger grew to its peak.

  Bang! A terrifying wave of energy rippled from the Gia Bramble that was infinitely close to True Soul realm or in fiend terms Stage 5. In fact, its rippling powers were in no way inferior to an actual True Foundation realm practitioner despite it being a spiritual plant of the Stage 4 realm of strength. Its murderous intent quickly creating a field of oppression within the surroundings, as its brambles started to unwrap from the Fairy palace as if preparing to attack.

  “Not Good! It’s gone berserk, all fiends form up together, protect summoners for as long as you can!” Troop Commander Vandus yelled at the top of his voice having recovered his state of mind.

  The moment he said this, the surroundings fiends promptly reacted quickly forming up groups which were arranged in a strange formation. However, despite their swift movements, a large majority of the fiends were still scattered far apart and were not able to form up in time.

  The Gai Bramble acted quickly making it move the moment its thorns unraveled, with a roar that seemed to come from hell itself yelled while swiping its many brambles at all of the surroundings fiends.

  “Rooaarrrrr!” The world shook as the ripples of energies scattered
about wildly from its vicious swings turning any all fiends who were unlucky enough to be swept up by them into ashes. Yet, that was only the peaceful death, compared to those who were smashed and caught by the massive brambles who became manged pieces of flesh that were barely alive.

  “Arrgghhh!” The saddening cries of pain resounding throughout the area as fiends struggled. Their blood rained down from the sky looking like showers as the thorns of the Gai Bramble continued to sweep away all who were unlucky enough to be near or in their direct path.

  Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Bang! Bang! Bang!

  A dark ball of energy shrouded a large group of fiends numbering in the seventy thousand; it protected them from the heavy attacks made by the thorns that were continuously swiping about recklessly. Soon, the dark energy field started to grow dim as if it could fade at any moment.

  Troop Commander Vandus seeing this gritted his teeth as he looked towards the summoners behind him and shouted, “Hurry up with the summoning, the defensive ward won’t last!”

  The summoners who heard his words quickly increased their chants, as a massive dark circle formed above them releasing an ominous prestige within the world.

  Myria, Feng Yu, and Leon seeing this change of events frowned as they knew full well what they circle was, Feng Yu being an individual who has experienced two lives have also seen this before, he muttered, “A Grand Summing Formation Circle...”

  The fiends seeing the formation circle became excited as they didn’t even bother to pay any more attention to the ward that was now fading away. Within moments, the summing circle was complete, and fiend summoners finally began to finish their chants.

  “Harbinger of chaos, dancer of doom, heed our calls and come before thee! Descend! Great Hellion!” The voices said in unison as the circle soon after began to change.

  Instantly, an evil aura erupted soon quickly shrouding the entire region. A massive dark creature that was 300 meters tall 100 meters wide started to emerge from the summoning circle with two large red eyes and a mouth that had sharp jagged teeth made of darkness. Its body was burning in black flames that gave one a feeling of infinite heat, as just by the creature’s appearance it brought up the temperature to astounding degrees.

  The creature stood in the void gazing at the world before it with pure indifference along with an inherent ruthlessness that could be seen at the depths of its eyes. Quickly, the atmosphere grew darker as the scene began to take an entirely new turn...

  Chapter 134

  Hellion Spawn Vs Gia Bramble! The Elders Awaken!

  The Hellionfiend... a rare and dangerous breed of fiend-kind, it is of a brutal and cruel nature living only to destroy all beings in its sight, a powerful beast with a strength no weaker than a that of Variant High-Class fiendkin. Its battle power is astounding making it almost comparable to a 1 Cycle True Soul realm expert while being at the peak of stage 4 – Warrior realm.

  Myria and Leon seeing what was summoned exclaimed, “They summon such a creature here!”

  Feng Yu seeing this beast also became stunned as he felt a terrifying feeling of oppression as if he was nothing more than an ant that could be burnt out of existence. The Gia Bramble sensing its foe reigned in on its fury as it felt a certain degree of threat from the being that had descended.

  The creature also sensed the dangerous entity that was protecting the Fairy Palace as it looked at it with a certain level of keenness despite its berserk-like appearance. It glanced towards the excited looking fiends and spoke with its mind, “You summoned me to fight this being?”

  Troop Commander Vandus hearing the creature's words calm his mood and spoke, “It is as the Great Hellion suspects, we only require for you to constrain that spiritual plant as we can handle the remainders!”

  The Hellionfiend remained silent as it slowly inspected the strength of its foe, after a bit of time the Hellionfiend nodded its head in compliance. Troop Commander Vandus along with the nearby fiends seeing this became excited as they thought they would have had to 'pay a price' to please Hellion to move.

  The moment the Hellionfiend turned its gaze once more towards the alliance army members, the pressures of the world immediately grew intense, the Gia Bramble sensing this change soon quickly acted by stretching its vines outwards in preparation to subdue this creature.

  Swish! Swish! Swish!

  The thorns cut through the air like rays of light showing a speed that was in no way relatable to its massive scale, instantly the sky became painted with shades of red caused by its numerous thorns’ after-images.

  As the Hellionfiend stood at the center of these assaults it remained calm, the savage light in its eyes growing brighter as it prepared to act. It then lowered its body putting pressure on its rare legs as if it was about to dash into the air as one would do on the ground. The void below its feet rippling with a strange dark energy which gave the illusion of the sky’s surface being no different from the ground.

  After lifting its massive head high, the Hellion then gave off a brutal roar as it charged through the assaulting thorns. “Roarrrrrrrr!!!”

  Blink! Its body blinked vanishing from the sights of all those who were below True Soul realm, reaching a speed that only Troop Commander Vandus, Myria and Leon could barely follow as they were beings who had gotten to the very apex Warrior realm.

  It moved like a conscious meteor whose paths was indiscernible, with a body clad in blazing black flame-like energies it swayed from to right agilely avoiding most of the head-on assaults, while flexibly twisting around the unavoidable vines of the Gia Bramble narrowly avoiding the sharp spikes coated with its deadly poisons.

  As each of its attacks missed, the Gia Bramble began to grow even more upset as it roared to the heavens causing a strange aura to rise around its being. The Hellion sensing the change became surprised it quickly paused its assault by soaring towards the sky placing itself outside of the Gia Bramble’s reach.

  Instantly, the massive vines belonging to the Troop Commander Vandus started to shrink at an alarming speed. Within moments, they shrunk to the inside of the Fairy Palace all the way towards a single central plant that was located at the center of the water fountains. The thorny vines wrapped around this plant tightly until it became a ball of vines now smaller than 100 meters.

  The surrounding fiends seeing this became excited as they were about to charge recklessly once again, but they were quickly hindered by Troop Commander Vandus who knitted his brows upon seeing the sudden change. “This... so it was also variant, chet! So, troublesome...”

  The Hellion seeing the change became quiet as the look in its eyes grew dark as if it was waiting for the arrival of the worthy opponent.

  Feng Yu seeing the sudden change was once again stunned as he thought, “What could this creature be up to now?” He looked over at Myria and Leon and saw that they each carried calm expressions on their faces, only their eyes betrayed them as deep within layer a tinge of excitement.

  As if it could feel their moods, the Gia Bramble finally finished its transformation, and the large ball of thorny vines began to crumble as a bright crimson light shone from underneath. Soon, the entire ball disintegrated into ashes that faded away into nothingness, revealing a tall curvaceous silhouette that was shrouded by crimson light.

  The lights soon after faded, finally revealing the peerless beauty that had been shrouded by its glamour. A crimson-haired beauty that was no less than four meters tall, she wore a strange crimson-green dress that was decorated with many poisonous thorns, as her bright lime green skin blending perfectly with the thorny vines that wrapped around her dress while her mesmerizing eyes glanced towards the Hellion above with unshrouded killing intent.

  Bang! An energy that seemed to be many folds greater erupted from her being as she clutched her fists tightly before shouting, “Fiendish creature, prepare to meet your demise!”

  Her figure then soared into the air vanishing from all sights as she instantly traversed the distances from the Fairy Palace
appearing a few meters before the Hellion who gazed at her with cold eyes, as it opened its closed mouth which was now emitting a large clump of flames.

  “Hell Fire!!!!” The Hellion roared as a black burst of flames erupted from its mouth sending a blazing wave towards the Gia Bramble. The temperatures within the area instantly reached a new level as if even the heavens were suffering from these flames.

  “Bramble Net!!!” The Gai Bramble female shouted as she stretched her palms forwards, the moment this happened the vines that wrapped around her dress quickly swirled around her arms shooting outwards in an endless fashion. They coiled around each other creating a dense net of many layers that continued to spread outwards as it attempted to entrap the Hellionfiend.

  Almost instantly, these two attacks collided creating a massive expulsion following by an aftershock that spread out for a few kilometers. Luckily for the onlookers, this explosion occurred at a distance far above their reach.

  Boooom! The sky became a sea of black flames which were burning an everlasting net that seemed to regenerate every time it was burnt, the two mighty beings who were at the limits of the sky now locked in a struggle for supremacy.

  Troop Commander Vandus seeing that the dreadful thorns had now been trapped quickly motioned towards his army as he pointed at the now vulnerable palace that lay before his eyes.

  “Charge!!!” Troop Commander Vandus yelled as his wing-like flying artifact carried his body forwards towards the Fairyland, the surrounding fiends also promptly responding by charging downwards in the same manner.

  “Kill the enemies!” They shouted as their figures now moved like rays of dark beams that descended towards the castle that at full speed.

  Myria, Leon, and Feng Yu seeing this became solemn as they each gripped their weapons in preparation for a dreadful clash. Feng Yu quickly unsheathed Black-lightning and Crimson Ember which now glowed in strange thunderous and blazing lights respectively.


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