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Slave of the Aristocracy: Book One – On the Auction Block

Page 7

by Ashley Zacharias

  Her asshole felt loose and slippery for a good part of the day. It felt funny when she walked around.

  As she feared, it was raining outside. Not the downpour of the previous day, but a steady drizzle.

  She had her green housedress and slippers but no coat.

  She would get drenched walking all the way down the hill to the bookstore, but she had no choice. She couldn’t wait for a sunny day to learn to cook. Here by the Western Sea, it sometimes rained for weeks without stopping.

  The housedress had no pockets. That was standard for a slave dress. Nobody wanted his slave to be able to fill her pockets with items stolen from the house. An owner could not keep a slave that he could not trust and it was expensive to lose slaves that way. So Flame had to carry the twenty-plaq note and the electronic gate key in her hands.

  By the time she reached the end of the block, her dress was drenched and clung to her like green skin. Passers-by could see that she was wearing no bra or underwear.

  Young men slowed their cars and shouted lewd comments at her. Old ladies called her shameless when she passed their houses.

  But no one molested her physically. By definition, a slave could not be raped. She did not own her body so she had no right to decide what anybody else did with it. But property could be mistreated and a man who was wealthy enough to own a slave was powerful enough to exact terrible vengeance on anyone who was foolish enough to mistreat his property.

  Commoners knew that molesting a slave was not worth the risk. Certainly not on a public street in broad daylight.

  On a dark, empty street after midnight, it would be a different matter. The wise slave would never leave her kennel after dark. And the owner who sent her out would have to expect her to come back well used by anyone who found her.

  The walk down the hill was long, cold, and miserable.

  She could not touch the books with wet hands so she stood inside the entrance to the bookstore and dripped on the doormat for a long time.

  The clerk glared at her in disgust. Female customers ignored her but male customers ogled her openly.

  She kept her eyes lowered, refusing to meet anyone’s gaze.

  Her dress did not dry but, eventually, her hands did. As soon as she could touch paper without leaving a mark, she sought out the shelves with cookbooks and perused the titles. Learning to Cook looked like the best one, but it cost twenty-five plaqs and she had only twenty. Cooking Essentials cost fourteen-ninety-nine so she took that to the cash.

  The clerk didn’t look at her or speak to her, just took the money, put it in the register, and closed the drawer.

  Flame stood there for a moment waiting.

  When the clerk signaled for the next customer, Flame said, “I need the change and a receipt.”

  “No change,” the clerk replied.

  “Then the receipt will say that the book cost exactly twenty plaqs.”

  Flame couldn’t believe that anyone would be so petty. When she was a lady, no clerk had ever dared treat her with anything less than servile accommodation. But, lady or slave, she was going to keep standing right here in front of the cash until she got what she was due from this stupid creature.

  The clerk stared at her and she stared back.

  The waiting customer said, “I can’t wait all day. Get this settled.”

  Flame spoke again. “You do realize that I’m a slave, right? I can’t own anything so this is not my money or my book. You aren’t trying to cheat me; you’re trying to cheat my owner. He will not like that.”

  The clerk relented, rang up the purchase properly, and dropped the change and receipt on the floor, forcing Flame to squat down and pick it up.

  “A bag,” Flame said.

  “No bag.” The clerk’s voice was firm.

  She was an especially slow, stupid creature if she still failed to comprehend the situation.

  “This book is my owner’s property,” Flame said. “When it is damaged by the rain, he will have to return it. I will be beaten but I will make sure that he speaks to your manager and has you sacked. Don’t underestimate the influence that a slave can exert over her owner when she is about to suck his cock. My bruises will heal long before you find another job.”

  “Give her a bag,” the waiting customer said.

  The clerk threw a plastic bag at Flame. It, too, fell on the floor.

  Flame walked out into the rain with the book and change safely in the bag and her head held high.

  Slaves didn’t win many victories, so each and every one, no matter how trivial, was exquisitely sweet.

  Slaves could be shockingly petty.

  That was another truth about slavery.

  * * *

  The first six weeks passed quickly enough.

  Thanks to Barry’s tutelage, Dodge learned the joys of having his cock sucked expertly. Barry didn’t mind giving her lessons in that.

  No thanks to Mrs. Dodge, Flame learned to cook and prepared all the meals.

  Mrs. Dodge never hesitated to express her opinion that they would eat much better if Flame were permanently banished from the kitchen.

  Mr. Dodge was determined that Flame continue to teach him and Mrs. Dodge every nuance of acting like an aristocrat, from how to walk gracefully to how Mrs. Dodge should color her hair. The most difficult lessons were proper diction, vocabulary, and choice of conversational topics. She had the Dodges reading more widely and watching more news and documentary television than ever before. Their dinner conversation became noticeably more sophisticated and interesting.

  Flame ate every meal off the bathroom floor. Mrs. Dodge never failed to step in it and force Flame to lick her shoe clean before allowing her to eat the Dodge’s table scraps. Mr. Dodge knew nothing about that. It was the women’s own secret little ritual and, if it made Mrs. Dodge feel better about Flame’s critiques of her dress, speech, and behavior, Flame would endure it. Not that she had any choice.

  The one advantage of eating alone in the bathroom is that the most disgusting scraps could be quietly flushed rather than consumed.

  The kennelman’s care included weighing Flame every week. She was hungry all the time and was losing weight steadily. As Irene, she had struggled to keep her weight under control. She had been moderately successful and had been what was politely called curvaceous without being clinically overweight. Now, as Flame, her stomach was flatter and her thighs slimmer and firmer.

  It helped that she was getting exercise when she cleaned the Dodge house, ran errands, and engaged in more energetic sex than was customary for husbands and wives. On the occasions when husbands and wives had sex.

  She inferred that Dodge wanted her to retain her full breasts and hips because, after six weeks, when she was on the verge of developing the willowy figure that she had not enjoyed since she was fifteen, the kennelman began providing high-protein breakfasts.

  Dodge enjoyed disciplining Flame every few days. She had felt the sting of the strap and flogger as well as the paddle. He never used the cane on her, though, and was careful to avoid hitting her hard enough to risk breaking her skin with the other implements.

  He had no trouble striking with enough force to cause considerable pain.

  These beatings were not an attempt to correct any behavior, but merely so that he could watch her jitter and writhe on the whipping bench. There was nothing that she could do to avoid them so she endured them with as much aplomb as she could muster.

  The worst beating, by far, was the one time she was strapped as a disciplinary measure. Mr. Dodge administered it at Mrs. Dodge’s request. She accused Flame of failing to clean the bathroom floor properly. She had found a spot of grease near the base of the toilet after a meal. Mr. Dodge wasn’t told that she made Flame clean the floor with her tongue – that was between her and the slave – only that her cleaning had been substandard.

  Mr. Dodge had used the strap with full force. Twenty strokes had left Flame’s ass horribly bruised for more than a week and she had barely been able to

walk for two days.

  After that, she went over the bathroom floor twice with her tongue after every meal, just to be certain that it was spotless.

  Dodge fucked her every day, sometimes more than once. Usually he restrained her with ropes or chains – that was his aesthetic preference – and occasionally he used her mouth, but he never went near her asshole.

  Even so, she kept her anus lubricated and stretched with daily insertions of the butt plug just to be prepared.

  The Dodges entertained old friends regularly, but Flame never met them. She was kept in the kennel when people came over for drinks or dinner or cards.

  That changed in the seventh week.

  Flame had not been paddled for several days when Dodge took her to the pleasure room and told her to mount the whipping bench.

  Her heart thudded in her chest as she positioned herself on the leather pads. She looked at the cane hanging beside the other implements of chastisement. What this the day that she would be caned?

  But after securing her wrists and ankles, Dodge cranked her legs wide apart. He shucked his trousers and positioned himself at her head. “Get me hard.”

  With her hands cuffed to the bench, she could only use her lips and tongue to stimulate him to a full erection. It was not a problem because he was half hard already.

  When he was full and rigid, he moved behind her and gave her a royal fucking.

  She was always surprised how much she liked to be fucked when she was restrained. She struggled against her bonds, writhed against his body, and came like a locomotive, screaming in ecstasy as he pulsed inside her.

  She neither liked nor disliked Dodge, but she loved his cock.

  He left her limp and expended on the bench when he was finished. “We’ll be entertaining on Saturday,” he said. “Not the usual crowd. People from up the hill. I’ve hired staff to cook and serve. A chef, sous-chef, and three waiters should be sufficient, don’t you think? That’s what the service said.”

  “How many guests?” she asked from the bench.

  “Six couples besides Martha and myself.”

  Three waiters for fourteen diners would be a little light but they could manage if they were competent.

  “Anyone of rank?”

  “Sir Anthony and Sir Drake and their ladies–” Dodge’s voice puffed with pride.

  Flame had never met Anthony or Drake but had heard of both of them. People in her social circle were dedicated gossips and, sooner or later, everyone was mentioned in one story or another. Both Anthony and Drake were knights who had inherited their fathers’ titles and estates. Anthony was a gambler who had frittered away the bulk of his inheritance. James considered him a sinking ship and never bothered including him in social events.

  Drake was the opposite. A hard-working manager who would rather toil in his office, increasing his fortune, than waste time at dinners and balls. James had invited him to dinner once, but Drake had sent regrets, citing a pressing engagement.

  “– and the Baronet and Dame Grenfeld.”

  That was a different matter. Irene had been introduced to Grenfeld on three or four occasions. Or it would be more proper to say that Grenfeld had been introduced to her as she had been the higher rank – the wife of a lord. She had taken a turn on the dance floor with him once at the Autumn Solstice Ball.

  Once. His hands had been more lively than his feet, which was more than a little inappropriate considering the difference in their rank and their relative unfamiliarity. She had declined a second dance.

  “You will entertain the gentlemen after dinner.”

  Flame’s heart sank.

  Baronet Grenfeld would have his second dance with her on Saturday night. Him and six other gentlemen.

  “You need to hire one more waiter,” she said. “The Baronet and his wife should have their own service. The knights can share a service and the other three guests can share the third. The fourth can float so that no one will be left waiting. Make sure that the floater understands that the knights have priority.”

  “Is the floater really necessary?”

  “It will make all the difference. The knights will feel like they have dedicated service even if they don’t. I’ve used floating servers myself.” She didn’t mention that she’d used floaters only in emergencies. In James’ manor, they planned for dedicated service for every couple but sometimes a waiter was indisposed and two of the others were called upon to float between three couples. It worked well enough.

  “Very well. Anything else I should consider?”

  Flame was still secured to the whipping bench. She turned her head to look at Dodge who was sitting in the easy chair admiring her form.

  “Have you ever entertained members of the aristocracy before?”

  He shook his head.

  “There is one aspect of this dinner that I cannot advise you about. After the meal, the men will expect to withdraw to the billiard room for brandy and … sport. During that time, Mrs. Dodge will have to entertain the ladies in the drawing room.” The ladies’ drawing room was always located far from the billiard room to ensure that they were not disturbed by their husbands’ raucous games. “I can tell Mrs. Dodge everything that she needs to know about entertaining the ladies, but I cannot tell you anything about entertaining the gentlemen. Obviously I was never invited into the billiard room and my husband never breathed a hint of what might have gone on. This time I assume that you will invite me in.” She smiled wryly at Dodge. “Believe me, I will do everything in my power to delight your guests. Pursue any whim they might suggest. But I can only speculate what that might be. I have no personal experience.”

  He smiled back at her. “I have no doubt that you will be richly entertaining.”

  “One thing that I do know, though,” she said, “is the ratio of slaves to gentlemen. One slave per six gentlemen is about the lowest ratio that I’ve seen personally and that was only when there were six slaves to entertain three dozen. My husband owned three slaves so he mostly limited dinners to a dozen couples at a sitting. When he did host a larger dinner, he borrowed enough slaves to ensure that there was at least a one-to-four ratio of slaves to gentlemen.” Irene knew that because it was a perverse tradition that it was the wife’s duty to borrow the slaves. It was part of the fiction that the slaves’ job was to help the wives in their domestic chores. It helped that the other wives were only too happy to get one of their husband’s favorite slaves off their property, if only for an evening. They always lent the most beautiful and attractive slave in the kennel. “Don’t misunderstand me, I will devote myself entirely to entertaining your guests. But if you could find some way to borrow a second slave – one with some experience in these affairs – I think we would be far more entertaining as a pair.”

  He was frowning most severely.

  She was keenly aware that she was still secured to the whipping bench. And that he had never yet used a cane on her. If she had overstepped her bounds, this might well be the night when she felt the force of that terrible instrument.

  She held her tongue and let him think about that for a minute.

  He was still frowning when he stood and walked toward her.

  She quailed in fear and pulled hard against her bonds in anticipation of what might be coming.

  “I appreciate your point,” he said, “but I can’t. I don’t know anyone who owns a slave that I might borrow.”

  She almost cried in relief. He had not taken offense. “I do,” she said.

  He cocked his head.

  “I know many households that own slaves.”

  “What good does that do me? I can’t call them. What would I say? ‘Hey, buddy, we’ve never met but I’d like to borrow your favorite slave for my friends to use for an evening.’ I’d be laughed at.”

  “You wouldn’t do it. Men don’t borrow each others’ slaves. If they tried, it would sound as bad as you said. It wouldn’t be seemly. Their wives lend and borrow their slaves for them. When I was the wife of a lord, I of
ten borrowed slaves from my friends. And lent my husband’s out. Sometimes all three of them at once so that his kennel was bare for a night.” That happened only rarely but she’d found great satisfaction in seeing her husband’s lust frustrated for a night.

  “Mrs. Dodge can’t borrow a slave, either. She doesn’t know the wives of any slave owners.”

  “I do. I might be able to borrow one for you.”

  “You? You’re a slave yourself.”

  “I can try. If any of my old friends will still speak to me. One of them might take pity on me. Even if I fail, it wouldn’t reflect badly on you. Like I said, men don’t get involved in the lending of slaves. And it can’t reflect badly on me, I’m just a slave. Nothing can degrade me any more than I already degraded myself when I stripped off my clothes, put a chain about my neck, and stepped up on the auction block.”

  “I’ll never understand why you did that.”

  “I’ll never be able to explain it. Maybe it had something to do with having to serve as a pimp for my husband’s slaves. But it was a lot of other things, too.”

  He shrugged. “I’ll talk to Mrs. Dodge about your proposal.” He uncuffed her wrists and ankles.

  “She might not be happy about the arrangement.”

  “She’ll like it or I’ll take the cane to her.”

  Flame was horrified. She’d never heard a man threaten to take a cane to his wife, even in jest. Then she wondered if Dodge had ever actually done it. Such a thing would be inconceivable in the proper social class. But this far down the hill? She didn’t know.

  “May I make a suggestion about deportment?” Her ass quivered in fear that he would take offence and re-chain her to the bench to express his displeasure with the strap.

  He raised an eyebrow. “You better.”

  “Your jest about taking a cane to Mrs. Dodge. Such a jest has to remain between you and me. It would be a serious breach of etiquette to ever, even in a casual joke, imply that you might treat a lady like a slave. Even to your most trusted friend. The distinction between slaves and ladies is absolutely inviolate.”


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