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The Persian Night: Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution

Page 46

by Amir Taheri


  Kasravi, Ahmad


  Kaykhosrow (King of Kings)


  Kennedy, John F. and Cuban missile crisis

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kermani, Ahmad Janati

  Kerry, John


  Khadivar, Hissmaud-din

  Khair-Baksh, nawab

  Khaksar movement

  Khalatbari, Abbas Ali

  Khalifah, Aqlal

  Khalilzad, Zalmay

  Khalkhali, Sadeq on Great Satan on “Islamistan,” on Jewish conspiracy as “Judge Blood,”

  Khamenehi, Ali adulation of as “Ali Shah,” as “Ali the Beggar,” and Arabic language assassinations and Assembly of Experts career of and Clinton “convergence” office and death cult on “Death to America,” election of on freedom and gender apartheid on Hidden Imam on hijab and IRGC on Israel and Khatami limits of prestige on loyalty vs. expertise on “madness for America,” modest image and music as nongoverning president and “office of the leader,” opium rumors on patriotism and Persepolis and Persian culture and Rafsanjani rejects U.S. offer on Rushdie sayyed claim and Souleh prison as “source of imitation,” and succession issues on U.S. “black republic,” on U.S. destruction weakness of and Yugoslavia

  Khamenehi, Mohsen

  Khamoushi, Hadi

  Khan, A. Q.

  Kharsah, Ghada al-

  Khatami, Ahmad

  Khatami, Muhammad: apostasy law assassinations and Clinton and Combative Clergymen and “dialogue of civilizations,” dissatisfaction with and economy family ties on hijab as Hojat al-Islam Holocaust denial on Hussein as model on Israel and Khamenehi on modernity and nuclear program pessimism of as “progressive,” repression by “revolution in one country,” and Rushdie sayyed claim secret talks on secularization as “smiling face,” on stoning moratorium on student protests and Tabassi and Western leftist models

  Khatami, Muhammad-Reza

  Khodayar, nasser

  Khoei, Esmail

  Khoiniha, Muhammad Mussavi

  Khomeini, Ahmad

  Khomeini, Hussein Mussavi

  Khomeini, Ruhallah on Ali’s divine right antinationalism Arab claims of and Arabic language as arbiter of Islam austere image and Banisadr and Carter censorship by on child brides clerical opposition to on common folk and Communist support for and constitution contempt for expertise and cult of personality and death cult on democracy and embassy hostages executions in exile expedience and Gorbachev Hal al-Masa’el (“Solution to Problems”) and Hindi name and Hojatieh as “imam,” and Imam Committees as “innovator,” on insurance intellectual supporters of on international law and Iran-Iraq war on “Islamic governance,” on Jews & Israel and Jihad Sazandegi and Khamenehi on killing linguistic oddity Lugo’s homage to and lunar calendar on music and Mussavi name and national emblem on “permanent revolution,” and Persepolis and Persian language poems of political prisoners of on “rage of youth,” and Red Crescent reassurances to U.S. and rial and Rushdie fatwa as “saint,” sayings of as sayyed as second Muhammad on Socrates spying children fatwa and state structures successor question and taqiyyah Tahrir al-Wassilah (“Release of the Means”) on temporary wives as uncompromising on United States on usury and walayat e faqih on women writings of on Zoroastrians

  Khonsari, Muhammad


  Khorramabadi, Jalaleddin Taheri

  Khorramdin, Babak

  Khorsandi, Hadi

  Khosrow Anushiravan

  Khosrow Parviz

  Khrushchev, nikita


  Khuzestan Welfare Party

  Kim Il-Sung

  Kim Jong-Il

  Kissinger, Henry


  Koran on adultery and Arabic education on common folk 48; Communist Manifesto comparison composition of on fighting unbelievers and governance and Hidden Imam hijab in on homosexuality Iranian production of Jewish “alteration” of Jewish sources of killing in Mein Kampf comparison on “merciful and compassionate,” Moses in polygamy in and Ramadan on Seal of the Prophets Shiite view of tampering charges as unchangeable in vernacular women in


  Koulai, Elaheh

  Kurdish Communist Party

  Kurdistan and Soviet Union

  Kurdistan Democratic Party (PDK)

  Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran

  Kurdistan Workers’ Party

  Kurds: and Ahmadinejad in Iraq language of massacre of as “other,” Pejak rebels as Sunnis in Turkey

  Kuwait and Iraq Shiite radicals in


  labor unions as anti-Islamic and “Islamic councils,” and Islamic Labor Code in Kurdistan strikes by

  language Arabization Greek concepts Khomeinist newspeak of Koran “revolution,” political terms see also Arabic language; Persian language

  Lapidation Act

  Larijani, Ali Ardeshir

  Latin America

  League of Arab nations


  Lebanon aid to Hezballah in Iranian dominance over Khomeini cult in Marine barracks attack and PFLP proxy war in

  Legion of Mankind’s Servants of Humanity

  Lenkorani, Muhammad Fazel

  Le Pen, Jean-Marie

  Libya and Israel

  life expectancy

  Lin Biao


  Lugo, Fernando

  Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio

  Machel, Samora

  Machiavelli, niccolò

  Mahallati, Fazl-Allah


  Mahathir Mohamad

  Mahdavieh Charitable Society

  Mahdavi-Kani, Muhammad-Reza

  Mahdi al-Muntazar. See Hidden Imam

  Mahfouz, neguib

  Mahzoon, Ali

  Maistre, Joseph de

  Majlis. See Islamic Consultative Assembly

  Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir

  Makarem-Shiraz, nasser

  Makki, Hussein

  Maleki, Khalil

  Maleki, Mahmoud

  Malenkov, Grigori

  Malik ibn Anas

  Maliki Mazhab

  Malkam Khan, Mirza

  Manuchehrian, Mehrangiz

  Mao Zedong and Red Guards

  Mar’ashi-najafi, Shahabeddin

  marja taqlid (source of imitation)

  martyrdom advantage of Ahmadinejad on Hussein bin Ali

  Martyrs’ Foundation

  Marxism Jews blamed for and Shariati

  Marxists: beard style of and hijab color as hypocrites as Khomeini allies in Latin America terrorist groups see also Tudeh (Masses) Party


  Mash’al, Khalid


  Mashreqi, Enayatallah

  Maudoodi, Abul-Ala


  Maybodi, Ali-Reza


  Mazluman, Reza

  Mecca deities of “the Generous,” Ka’aba in pilgrimage to


  Mesbah-Yazdi, Muhammad-Taqi

  Meshkini, Ali-Akbar


  military. See armed forces; Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps; nuclear program

  Milosevic, Slobodan

  Ministry of Foreign Affairs

  Ministry of Intelligence and Security

  Ministry of Islamic Guidance and Culture anti-Jewish propaganda and Chomsky “Great Satan” poetry contest and Protocols of the Elders of Zion

  Ministry of Islamic Orientation

  Ministry of Justice

  Ministry of Public Health

  Ministry of the Interior

  Mirfenderesky, Ahmad

  Mir-Fetros, Ali

  Mitterrand, Danielle

  Mitterrand, François

  Mobilization of the Dispossessed. See Baseej Mustadafeen.

  Mohajerani, Abbas

  Mohajerani, Ata-Allah

  Mohammad Ali Shah Qajar

ohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi Carter’s pressure on and China in exile Family Protection Act Islamic Summit and Israel military resources and Mossadeq and national service corps opposition to and political prisoners religion under and Soviets as U.S. friend Western plot against women’s enfranchisement

  Mohammadi, Akbar

  Mohammadi, Manuchehr

  Mohit-Tabatabai, Muhammad

  Mohri, Hussein

  Mohtashami-Pour, Ali-Akbar



  Montazeri, Hussein-Ali break with regime reform potential

  Morales, Evo


  Mortazavi, Saeed

  Moshiri, Bahram

  Mossadeq, Ghulam-Hussein

  Mossadeq, Muhammad and “balance of negatives,” and British and CIA as defense minister and Hojatieh as “martyr,” and mullahs myths of oil nationalization parliament dismissal as populist shah’s power over state of emergency and “surveyed residence,” andTudeh (Communist) Party as uncompromising

  Mostafavi, Rahmat

  Motahari, Morteza and Popperites

  Mottaki, Manuchehr


  Muawyyah on crushing Iranians and Hassan infanticide

  Mubarak, Hosni

  Mugabe, Robert

  Muhammad (Prophet): and Ayesha and Byzantine Empire cartoons of clan color conquests of goatee governance by Hegira intercession attempt on Jahilyah and Jews as masked and Persian Empire and Qureysh tribes; and Salman as Sayydena and sayyed (masters) as “Seal of the Prophets,” in Shiism successors to and tribal law and women

  Muhammad, Davoud

  Muhammad Baqer

  Muhammad ibn Hassan. See also Hidden Imam (Mahdi)

  Mujahedin Khalq (People’s Holy Warriors)

  mullahs: beards & turbans and bonyads caution of ease of becoming executions of exiled imprisonment of and NIOC opposition to Khomeini and Pahlavi secularism private armies of wealth of

  Muqaddam, Ismail


  Muslim Brotherhood (Ikhwan al-Moslemeen) and Hamas

  Mussa bin Jaafar (Mussa al-Kazim)

  Mussavi Khamenehi, Mir-Hussein.

  Mussavi-Khoei, Abol-Qassem

  Mussavi-Lari, Abdolvahed

  Mussolini, Benito Latinism of

  Mutallibov, Ayaz


  Mutuwakkil, Ahmad Wakil

  Myanmar (Burma)

  nabavi, Behzad

  naderpour, nader

  najafabadi, nematallah Salehi

  najafabadi, Qorban-Ali Dorri

  najafi, Aqa

  napoleonic Code

  naqqache, Anis

  naraqi, Ihsna

  nasrallah, Hassan

  nasser, Gamal Abdel anti-shah propaganda and “Arabian Gulf,” on Israel and Suez fiasco

  nasser Khosrow

  nassiri, Yahya

  nateq-nuri, Ali-Akbar

  national Bank of Iran

  national Iranian Oil Company (NIOC)

  national Prisons Service


  nazari-Jalali, Ibrahim

  nazis and Heidegger and Munich accords


  negus (King of Abyssinia)

  New York Times on “beautiful” revolution



  nixon, Richard in China


  nobel Prize Clinton’s aim for

  non-Aligned Movement

  north Korea in “axis of evil,” economic model of and missile program


  nouri, Abdallah


  nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty

  nuclear power Bushehr plant hazards of

  nuclear weapons program and global cartel claim and Hidden Imam and IRGC and “nuclear apartheid,” suspension of and terrorism thwarting of Un sanctions on

  nuri, Abdallah

  nuri-Ala, Esmail


  Obama, Barack on direct talks free gifts

  Obeid Zakani

  oil and Ahmadinejad’s largesse British interest in and economic boom and Iran-Iraq war Islam’s advantage in in Latin America nationalization of and technology underinvestment in and U.S. sanctions


  Omar, Mullah Muhammad

  Omar bin Khattab (Caliph) on book-burning conquest of Sassanids as evil and hijab murder of ultimatum to Yazdegerd III,

  Omar Khayyam

  One Thousand and One Nights


  OPEC Fund

  Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

  Organization for Women’s Liberation

  Organization of American States

  Organization of the Islamic Conference

  Ortega, Daniel

  Osanloo, Mansour

  Osman ibn Affan (Caliph) as evil and Koran murder of

  Ottoman Empire Arabs oppressed under disintegration of

  Ottomans crescent symbol in Iraq wars with and women

  Pahlavi Foundation

  Pahlavi Shahs economic development and intellectuals and Mossadeq secularism state structures

  Pakistan and Baluch rebels Iranic languages in Jaafari Movement military technology Shiite radicals in and Soviets women in

  Palestine Liberation Organization

  Palestinians see also Hamas; Israel

  pan-Arabism and nasser


  Parsa, Farrokhru

  Patten, Chris

  Pejak (Party of Free Life in Kurdistan)

  Penn, Sean

  People of the Book

  People’s Fedayeen Guerrilla Organization

  People’s Front for the Liberation of Occupied Arabian Gulf

  People’s Front for the Liberation of Palestine

  Perón, Juan


  Persian Church of Christ

  Persian Empire: and Muhammad Muslim war against revival dreams

  Persian language Arabization of in armed forces gender-free “sick letters” in and Khamenehi Khomeini’s weakness in Khomeinist newspeak Pahlavi form

  Persian literature censorship of contemporary hijab in Jesus in Khomeini’s ignorance of translation of “two centuries of silence” in


  Peter the Great

  Petraeus, David

  Petroshevsky, Ilya Pavlovitch




  Pishdadi dynasty


  Point Four program


  political prisoners Kurdish under shah


  Popper, Karl and Sorush

  Popular Arab Islamic Conference (1993)

  popular culture American

  Pound, Ezra

  Pour-Fatemi, Muhammad-Mahdi

  Pour-Mohammadi, Mostafa

  Prague Spring


  president: election of powers of



  protests: Arab and archaeological sites Baluch Kurdish labor union strikes repression of and shaving students teachers women

  Protocols of the Elders of Zion

  Qabel, Hadi

  Qaeda, al- and Clinton Cole attack safe haven for

  Qajar dynasty

  Qalibaf, Muhammad-Baqer

  Qarani, Valiallah

  Qassem, na’im

  Qassemlou, Abdul-Rahman

  Qavam, Ahmad

  Qavami, Jalal

  Qom Khomeini in and Sistani

  Qomi, Mahmoud Hojat

  Qotbzadeh, Sadeq

  Quds (Jerusalem) Corps

  Qutb, Sayyed

  Rabbani-Amlashi, Mohsen

  Radmanesh, Reza

  Rafsanjani, Ali-Akbar Hashemi (Bahremani): on Arabic language assassination trial and Assembly of Experts and Chamber of Commerce at “convergence” conference and courts and “dialogue of civilizations,” distrust of and economy failure of an
d Hamas on hijab as Hojat al-Islam Holocaust denial on Israel and Khamenehi missile project and moderates and nuclear program power base presidential election and Prophet’s clan purges by on “revolution in one country,” and USSR on U.S. vulnerability wealth of

  Rafsanjani, Mehdi

  Rahimian, Muhammad-Hassan

  Rahnavardi, Zahra

  Rajai, Muhammad-Ali sayyed claim

  Rajavi, Maryam

  Rajavi, Massoud


  Ramin, Muhammad-Ali

  Rastakhiz Islami

  Razmara, Haj Ali

  Reagan, Ronald arms to Iran and Beirut and Contras toughness

  Red Crescent

  Red Guards


  Renan, Ernest

  resurrection (Ma’ad)

  Reza (Imam)

  Reza Khan see also Reza Shah Pahlavi

  Reza Pahlavi

  Reza Shah Pahlavi: abdication anticlerical campaign hijab ban Iranian Academy Mossadeq opposition and Tehran University

  Rezai, Mohsen

  Rezvani, Mahdi

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Richardson, Bill

  Riggi, Abdul-Malik

  Rihai, Muhammad-Taqi

  Robinson, Mary

  Rodinson, Maxime

  Roman Empire


  Roosevelt, Kermit

  Roshangar, Majid

  Rouhani, Mahdi

  Rumi on beards

  Rushdie, Salman

  Russia and Armenia and Bolsheviks diplomacy as informal ally Iranic languages in nuclear fuel provision military technology Tehran embassy seizure see also Soviet Union

  Russian Empire

  Ruzbeh (Ibn Muqaffah)



  Sacred Precinct of Imam Reza

  Sadat, Anwar: assassin of and Cold War

  Sadiqi, Hussein

  Sadiqi, nader

  Sadr, Moqtada

  Sadr, Musa

  Safavids lion emblem Mazdakite massacre and sayyeds

  Sahih (Bokhari)

  Sahraroudi, Muhammad-Jaafar

  Sajjadi, Muhammad


  Salehi, Mahmoud

  Salman Farsi

  Samareh, Mojtaba Hashemi.


  Sane’i, Hassan

  Sanjabi, Karim

  Santiago, Lynda

  Sarshar, Homa

  Sassanid Empire fall of women in

  Satanic Verses, The (Rushdie)

  Saudi Arabia: and bin Laden and Cold War and Hezballah Khobar bombing and oil rial in Shiite radicals in and Sudan terrorist opposition in Wahhabism in

  SAVAK (State Intelligence and Security Organization) and Ahmadinejad Bakhtiar assassination and Hojatieh renamed and Shariati and Soviets

  sayyed and black turban making of presidents as


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