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Big Bad Doms Box Set (BDSM Romance)

Page 12

by Edward Tailor

  She took her walk home slow and steady as the movie replayed itself over and over in her mind. Derek’s image still imprinted on the faces of the actors didn’t help her condition one bit. She assumed she’d find her mom still working diligently at her easel and was surprised to see her workroom empty upon her arrival. Hopefully, she wasn’t in the kitchen already getting a jump on the tacos. However, the kitchen proved to be just as empty as her mom’s workroom had been. Maybe Jade had gotten one of her killer migraines and was resting upstairs? Heading up the stairs to check and make sure her mom was not ill or anything, Bianca came to a complete stop on the first landing. Grunts, groans and moans accompanied by the sound of what she was sure was slapping skin filled her ears, the sound turning her face red in an instant. Her mother was clearly having sex in her bedroom. And by the sounds of it, both parties were nearing their peak.

  The decision to slink past her mother’s partially open bedroom door to achieve the sanctity of her own room wreaked havoc on her mind. What if they heard her passing by? What if she accidentally caused them both to lose the moment? Her mother would never forgive her. She just couldn’t stand the sounds, they were revving her body up all over again, and she’d just managed to get herself under control during her walk home. The images of Derek had finally dissipated as she gained her equilibrium back.

  Her decision made, she walked as silently as possible. She felt like she was walking on broken egg shells, tiptoeing past the open crack of the bedroom door. She tried to avert her eyes, she really did. Honest. But the thought of seeing a real man enjoying sex even if it was with her mom was simply too hard to fight. A hasty glance through the small space the slightly ajar door offered had her freezing instantly and biting her lower lip to stifle her moan of utter want. Derek, and there was no mistaking it was him, was unquestionably plowing into her kneeling mother from behind His back glistened with a fine sheen of perspiration as his muscles bunched and gathered.

  His back was covered with a two headed bird, maybe an eagle; their beaks open as if squawking in anger. Their beady golden eyes looked almost real and seemed to bore right into her. His tight ass muscles flexed with each thrust into her mother’s body. Moisture saturated her panties, making her bite her lip so hard she drew blood. Not caring anymore how quiet she was, she dragged her gaze from the carnal scene before her, practically running into her room before closing the door with a quiet snick and flinging herself onto her bed. Her mother’s shouts of bliss and Derek’s grunts of certain gratification filled her ears as she shoved her headphones on and turned the volume on her iPod up high. The sounds of The Black Eyed Peas, Adam Lambert and Adele offered no relief.

  She’d fallen into a fitful sleep and was startled awake thirty minutes later by Jade’s hand shaking her arm. “Bianca? I’m sorry, I never heard you come in. I was... entertaining Derek. It looks like taco night is off, how about some grilled cheese sandwiches and soup instead?”

  Wiping her bleary eyes, she replied softly. “Sure mom. Grilled cheese sounds great, but I think I’ll skip the soup. I shared one of those ice cream crepes at The Scoop with Jennie and Chloe after the movie and you know how filling those are.”

  “Grilled cheese minus the soup coming right up then,” chirped Jade.

  Their make-do dinner became pure torture as Jade plied Bianca with all sorts of questions about the movie and then proceeded to tell her what an animal Derek had been. “Don’t worry honey, you’ll get your taste of that type of sheer ecstasy soon, I’m sure of it.”

  Soon couldn’t come fast enough for Bianca.

  Chapter Four

  The week went by in a blur as she took her final exams and began preparing for graduation. The practices for the graduation ceremony were long and drawn out due to the antics of several of the goof-offs in her class. The principal was threatening several of them with being banned from the graduation altogether.

  Saturday finally arrived, and she was a woman on a mission. She was going down to Derek’s tattoo parlor and confronting him. She needed to know why he did not tell her mother that he was the one who had inked her sunburst, needed to know why he pretended not to know her.

  The bell over the door jangled as she entered. She didn’t see Derek immediately and her hopes deflated like a popped balloon. Hard, heavy metal rock blared through the speakers before it was turned down to a more tolerable level. A sinfully gorgeous male with scruffy brown hair, a brown goatee, a small ring through his lower lip and both ears pierced greeted her. “Can I help you miss?” He stood there with his bulging arms displayed in his sleeveless T-shirt and his hands shoved into the pockets of his low slung jeans. A pair of worn motorcycle boots on his feet completed the Rough Rider look. He appeared to be a few years younger than Derek, maybe his late 20’s was her guess. Bianca was afraid to answer, afraid that her drool would slip out and dribble down her chin embarrassing the shit out of her, so she settled for a curt nod while she attempted to collect herself. “Is Derek here?”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “Sorry sweetheart. It’s his day off today. Perhaps I can assist you or pass a message along?”

  She had to think of something quick. No way could she stand here and complain or ask why Derek misled her mother. “Well... he did this tat for me a few weeks back,” she pointed to her ankle, “and I was hoping he’d recommend another one for the bottom of my spine just above my tush.” Oh my god, did she just say tush? Maybe the floor would open suddenly and swallow her whole. “I mean my butt.” That wasn’t much better, but it was at least a bit more adult sounding. It seemed that her age had regressed in seconds in the presence of this hot stud.

  “I’d be happy to show you some pics if you’d like. I can make several suggestions in fact if you’re interested.” He extended his hand over the counter, his large meaty palm engulfing her much smaller appendage. “I’m Maks, spelled M A K S not M A X. I’m Derek’s cousin and business partner.”

  “That is an unusual spelling. Any reason for it?” she replied.

  “Yeah. I was born in the Ukraine. Derek’s father and my father are first cousins. My real name is Maksim, but I prefer Maks. So will you take me up on my offer? I already have a few ideas in mind that I think would look amazing on your lower back.”

  Bianca really gave it less than a nano-second of thought before replying. “Sure, I’d love to see what you can suggest. And my name is Bianca. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Maks.”

  “Great. Follow me into the office then sweetheart, and I’ll grab the books.” She followed him into the same office that Derek had brought her to the last time. Taking a seat on the plush couch with a small coffee table placed strategically in front of it, she watched Maks take several photo albums off the book shelves on the opposite wall before plopping himself down next to her and opening the first album. “I thought of this pair of angel wings the minute you told me where you wanted the ink. What do you think?” His fathomless deep brown eyes pierced hers, awakening her overactive sexual senses. Damn it! Did everyone that worked in this shop have a drop dead gorgeous bod and sinfully alluring facial features?!

  She looked at the delicate feathered wings with pink tips and gulped trying to mask it with a cough. “This, ahem, is really nice. What was your second choice?” Her eyes were glued to the tat on his upper left bicep as he stretched to reach the second book from the stack he’d placed on the table. A black panther nearly jumped off his skin, jaws open wide as if to take a big juicy bite out of her. She needed to fill the silence that was like an open chasm in the room. “Who does your ink? I imagine it’d be impossible to do your own.”

  His rough bark of a laugh sent tingles straight to her clit. “You’re right there. It is virtually impossible to ink yourself, especially on those hard to reach places. Derek and I ink each other. Have you seen all of his tats?” He opened the next book and pointed to a picture of a floral vine sort of thing. It would crawl across the base of her back. “This might look nice too. A creeping vine with a few flowers intersper
sed. Of course it’s your body, so your choice.” He moved closer to her as if he was trying to inhale her perfume or something. Her nipples responded promptly, nearly poking through her bra and stabbing a hole in her shirt. She was in an extremely uncomfortable position here. She was hot for Derek and yet here she was getting feverish, not to mention wet from the close proximity of his cousin and business partner. What the hell was wrong with her?

  She licked her suddenly dry lips while trying to hide the quiver from her voice. How could she possibly answer his question about Derek’s tats? She could just imagine herself saying, OH! That two-headed bird on his back literally came to life before my eyes as he fucked my mother like a jack hammer. “I think I like those angel wings. Should I make an appointment for Derek to do the ink next weekend since I’m here on his day off?”

  Bianca tried to hide her widening eyes and slight embarrassment when she spotted what was obviously a boner behind the zipper of Maks’ jeans. The need to say something had her stammering out loud. “I... I’m eighteen, you know.” She wiped her hand over her face peeking through her fingers, her humiliation at her inability to speak without stuttering so transparent.

  Maks couldn’t help but chuckle as he ignored her blushing face, trying to smooth the awkward moment over. “I’m actually free this morning, sweetheart. I can do the ink today if you’d like. Of course I’ll understand if you’d prefer to wait for Derek.”

  Sweat began to bead on her forehead at the thought of Maks’ hands on her body applying the ink to her skin. He’d have to touch her legs maybe even her ass. Could she lie still long enough for him to do it? Could she even do it if Derek was the one applying the ink? She chastised herself internally for her lack of indecision. Get a grip, Bianca! You’re almost a high school graduate! Inhaling sharply, she looked up into those bottomless brown eyes and nodded. “If you have the time, I’d like that Maks. If Derek trusts you enough to do his ink, then I certainly trust you as well. And to answer your question, I haven’t seen all of Derek’s tats only the ones on his arms.”

  “My bad then, Bianca. Someday you should ask Derek to show you his back and his chest. Those tats are some of my finest work. Let’s get you set up in the other room and I’ll get started with the transfer.”

  She knew how this worked and she could do this she told herself firmly, she would do this without shaming herself. “Lead the way, do you need me to lower my jeans or take off my shirt?”

  “You’ll definitely need to raise your shirt and drop your jeans, but if your panties are low enough you should be fine leaving them on.” She followed him into the work room, praying that he wouldn’t notice her awkward steps. Her pussy was wet and her panties were rubbing against her clit with every step she took. A split second of doubt entered her thoughts. Would she be able to handle this? Shaking her head abruptly to dispel those nagging qualms, she sat on the bench he indicated.

  An hour and forty-five minutes later, she was still straddling the bench, her arms resting under her chin across the back of the seat as she bent forward. Her shirt was hiked up to her bra and her jeans were down at her left ankle, her right leg free of any encumbrance. Maks worked fast, he’d prepped her skin, applied the transfer and already applied the blue tint to the feathers. All that remained was the pink tips on the wings now. “How you doing, Bianca?”

  “I’m fine, Maks. Could I possibly get a glass of water?” She wasn’t fine by any means. Her panties were damp and her clit was throbbing. The feel of Maks’ gloved hands on the top of her ass crack was unbearably erotic. She couldn’t tell if she was sweating from the initial pain which had dulled once her skin got used to it or from the near-orgasmic state she was in. Eyes closed, she took a deep breath as a gloved hand reached around to pass her a glass of water. The cool liquid soothed her parched throat and made her relax somewhat. The buzzing of the needle began again, but this time it wasn’t Maks’ hands she felt on her heated skin. She knew those hands. She’d fantasized about them interminably over the past few weeks.

  “So, angel, tell me… Did you get all wet and bothered when you saw me fucking your mother into insensibility?

  Chapter Five

  Surely she was dreaming. Maks’ constant calming attitude and his soft whistling must have lulled her into a dream state. But what would it hurt if she just went along with her little dream? She answered the question in her mind, not realizing that she was actually slurring her words out loud. “It was incredible. My panties were shoaked. Snothing I did could eash me.” Suddenly more alert, she recognized the fact that she’d spoken aloud. She was mortified. Would Maks understand her ramblings? The urge to jump off the bench, and run out the door was a very real possibility. It mattered not that her pants were dangling around her ankles and that she’d most likely trip and fall in her efforts to make a speedy exit or that the needle working on her delicate skin could do irreparable damage.

  The buzzing stopped before an answer found its way to her ears. Derek’s deep tenor admonished her, “Now, now Bianca. Hold still, I don’t want to mess this tat up.”

  “Derek?” Her voice sounded foreign to her own ears.

  “Yes, angel it’s me. I just had a very interesting chat with Jade. She thought you might be here and well... I thought I’d come to see if you or Maks needed any help. These angel wings are perfect for you, by the way.”

  Bianca turned her head to find two sets of decadently wicked eyes looking her up and down. “What are you guys staring at? And what interesting chat did you have with my mom, Derek?”

  “Turn around and let me finish this first Bianca. I’ll be done in about 30 minutes or less. Just need to add the pink to the wing tips, then we’ll get you properly bandaged and then, and only then, will we discuss my chat with Jade.” Derek spoke with a commanding tone to his voice, one she couldn’t help but obey.

  Settling herself once again on the bench she prayed with everything she had that she’d not make a total ass of herself. She steeled herself again as the buzz of the needle began. “Derek, I can’t imagine what my mother would say to you that I’d find interesting. Can’t you give me even a little hint?”

  “Bianca sweetheart, sit still,” Maks’ slightly accented voice filtered to her ears, “the man needs to concentrate. You don’t want too much pink or it won’t look right. He’ll answer you when he’s done.”

  She couldn’t believe she was here alone with these two handsome virile hunks. She smashed her lips together, hoping the spot dampening her panties wasn’t visible. Thirty minutes seemed like hours. She was edgy and her body was so out of sorts. Her nipples were painfully erect and her clit was pulsing with the beat of the music still playing through the overhead speakers. The sound of the buzzing stopped, making the music seem louder. Derek’s gloved hands slicked some antibacterial ointment over the tat before placing a soft bandage over it. The sound of the gloves snapping off his hands startled her, making her jump before she felt his warm palm skitter down her back, stopping just before her freshly applied bandage. The bench she’d been straddling was moved into a flat position as her body was forced to stretch out or fall off.

  Lying flat on her stomach now, her face was pressed to the cushioned leather and her legs were still open in a totally wanton fashion while Derek’s soothing voice tried to calm her jumbled nerves. “Easy angel. I’m not going to hurt you. Besides what’s your hurry? Don’t you want me to tell you about my convo with your mom?” Were her ears deceiving her? Did Derek’s voice have just a hint of sexual tension to it?

  “Of course I want to know what my mother had to say to you, Derek, especially if it pertained to me. I’d prefer to get my pants back on first, if you don’t mind.” She needed the added protection of her clothing, but really wasn’t sure if that would be enough to quench the burning need that was rifling through her body by this time. What could her mother possibly have said to Derek? Her imagination was taking off with a myriad of possibilities. In fact, it just flew out the window when she felt Derek’s finger s
lide under the crotch of her very wet panties. The dark spot of moisture on the brightly colored fabric surely gave her away.

  “Damn, Jade was right. You are very aroused, aren’t you angel? Your mom said you had it bad for me, but that wet spot covering your cunt was there when I arrived. Were you fantasizing about Maks too?” She could hear movement as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly at the same time she attempted to squeeze her thighs closed. She needed to hide that damnable wet spot before it caused more trouble. Why did her body betray her this way?

  Maks’ voice was closer now. She knew he’d entered the workroom again, knew it was his hand that grabbed her ankles, pulling her legs apart again. “You know Derek, I think she was in the beginning, but then she clearly had you in mind when she said that nothing could ease her. I don’t know cousin, perhaps a little test is in order?”

  Chapter Six

  She gulped, trying not to choke on her own saliva. “Test?...” She struggled to take control of her body back from these two able-bodied, brawny men to no avail. Maks held firm to her ankles as Derek spoke low and forcefully.

  “Relax Bianca. Hear us out then make your decision. If you still want to leave after you’ve heard our proposal,” he shrugged with a non-committal air, “then so be it. We won’t stop you.”

  It was so damn difficult to answer Derek with any sort of adult-like air. Her face was still pressed to the leather bench and her legs were still open, shamelessly displaying her soaked panties. She could feel the cool air brushing over that tell-tale wet spot, making goose bumps flush across her skin. Thankfully, she was able to prop herself up on her elbows while she formulated her response. “OK, I’ll listen, but I want Maks to release my ankles first.” She blew out her pent up breath when Maks complied and released her ankles. Endeavoring to sit up as lady-like as possible given the situation, she was stopped in mid-motion from doing so by dual growls. Well great Bianca, now what? Her internal dialogue was laughable. She had no fucking clue what to do now and those feral growls only sent another gush of moisture to the already saturated spot on her panties. So you’ll hear them out in this position then, fine...


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