art studies of, xvi, 61, 62–63, 65
character of, 78–79, 100, 107, 111, 116
clients of, 70–71, 79–80, 82–84
and Cornish colony, 72, 74–75, 85–87, 90, 95, 98, 107
death of, 109–10, 115–16
and Fuller, 64–65, 66–72, 79, 87–90, 92, 98–99, 106, 111
health problems of, 66–67, 69, 78, 80, 84, 89, 90–91, 99, 104–5, 107, 111, 116
honors and awards to, 104
and house fire, 84–85
In the Looking-Glass (self-portrait), 98
loss of sight, 90, 107, 111
miniatures by, 68–69, 70, 71–72, 89, 91, 101, 104, 111
money worries of, 67, 69–72, 76, 79–81, 89, 92, 98, 99, 105–6
mural by, 65–66
in New York, 68–70, 77, 79–80, 91–92
psychic powers of, 86–87, 117
and Sargent, xix, 60, 61, 62–64, 104, 111, 114, 116–17
Women of Plymouth, 65, 74, 86
Fairchild, May (Charles Jr.’s wife), 101
Fairchild, Nelson (brother), 101
Fairchild, Sally (sister), 55, 100, 148
death of, 115
and Gordon, 103–4, 108–9, 110
and her mother, 103, 107–8, 109, 116
in later years, 115
and Lucia, 78–79, 99, 107–8, 109–10
marriage prospects of, 77–78
Sargent’s portrait of, xiii, xvi, xix, 56–57, 60, 61, 78, 116, 117
travels of, 99, 103, 116
Fairchild family, 55–60
“Bel’ Napoli” in Newport, 66–67
family business of, 100–101
financial problems of, 77, 99, 110–11
in Nahant, 55, 56–57, 60
papers of, 86–87, 90, 108, 117
suicides of, 101–2, 110
Farragut, David, 73
Flinck, Govaert, 217
Forbes-Robertson, Johnston, 28
Forster, E. M., 52
“Four Hundred,” 124
Frederick, Empress, of Germany, 222
Freer, Charles, 237
Frick, Henry Clay, 178
Fuller, Agnes Higginson (mother), 64, 98, 105–7, 111
Fuller, Blair (great nephew), 115
Fuller, Charles (son), 70, 75, 84, 85, 91–92, 95, 105–6, 109, 112
Fuller, Clara (daughter):
birth and childhood of, 70, 75, 84, 85, 90, 92–93
and Cornish colony, 75, 85, 95
and her father, 90, 91, 92–93, 98–99, 113–14
and her grandmother, 105–7
and her mother, 85, 87, 90–92, 98–99, 107, 109–10, 115–16
and Sally, 110, 115–16
teen years of, 104, 105–7
tonsillectomy of, 92–93
Fuller, George (father), 64
Fuller, Henry Brown “Harry,” 76, 84, 111–15, 117
and Clara, 90, 91, 92–93, 98–99, 113–14
and Cornish colony, 72, 74, 75, 95, 98–99
death of, 114–15
and his mother, 79, 98, 106, 111
Illusions, 65, 89–90, 267
and Lucia, 64–65, 66–72, 79, 87–90, 92, 98–99, 106, 111
and money, 67–68, 69–70, 72, 79, 92, 98, 106, 111, 113–14
and Susie (waitress), 112–14
and Symbolism, 65, 90
Triumph of Truth over Error, 65, 93–94
Fuller, Lucia, see Fairchild, Lucia
Gainsborough, Thomas, 77
Gardner, (William) Amory, 195, 200, 290
Gardner, Augustus “Gus,” 195, 200, 290
Gardner, George, 184
Gardner, Isabella Stewart “Belle”:
art collection of, xvi, 178, 208–9, 212–20, 224–25, 226, 227, 234, 237, 239, 241–42, 243, 286
and Berenson, 213–18, 220, 242
birth and early years of, 179–80
and Boston Brahmins, 181–83, 184, 186, 240–41
broken leg of, 225–26
and customs duties, 219–20, 225
as Dante devotee, 195–96
death of, 231, 244, 245
in Egypt, 176–77, 188–94, 229, 288–89
first meeting of Sargent and, 201–2
health problems of, 242
and her nephews, 195, 200–201
on the Ibis, 176–77, 189–94, 288–89
and Jack, see Gardner, John Lowell Jr.
life pattern of, 177–78
museum of, see Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
personal traits of, 177–78, 202, 205, 216, 227
Sargent’s letters to, 4, 99, 237, 293
as Sargent’s patron, 20, 63, 202, 209, 211–12, 218, 238
Sargent’s portraits of, xiii, xix–xx, 202–5, 237, 238, 242–44
schooling of, 180
socializing, 186–87, 195–96, 205–8
travels of, 180, 185–86, 187–95, 196–200
and Venice, 221–25, 229, 230
wealth of, 212, 227
will of, 178–79, 286, 296
Gardner, John Lowell III “Jackie,” 185
Gardner, John Lowell Jr. “Jack,” 180–81
and Belle’s collection, 212, 216, 218, 220, 224, 227
and Belle’s museum, 224–25, 226
and Belle’s portrait, 204–5
and Belle’s socializing, 186–87
death of, 227–28
and family business, 184, 187
and travel, 187, 188–95, 197–200, 223
Gardner, Joseph (Joe’s father), 194
Gardner, Joseph Peabody “Joe” (son), 194–95, 200–201, 290
Gardner family:
and Civil War, 184
shipping business of, 183–84
Garland, Hamlin, 49
Garrison, William Lloyd, 150
Gaskill, Elizabeth, 130
Gilded Age, xiii, 72, 81, 146
collections in, 209, 218
fashion in, 185–86, 278
letters, diaries, and papers from, xv–xvi
marriage customs in, 39
Old World connections in, 115, 126, 292
Panic of 1893, 33, 68, 76, 99
portraiture in, xiv, xx, 243–44
railroads in, 6–7, 179
robber barons in, 209
in Smithsonian collection, 125, 175, 267
travel in, xvi–xvii
yachts in, 82
Giotto, 217
Gladstone, William, 40
Glessner, Frances, 234
Glory (film), 73
Gold Rush, California, 179
Grant, Ulysses S., 7
Great Depression, 114
Grew, Jane “Jessie” Norton, 81–82
Grimes, Frances, 266–67
Haas, Madame, 25
Harrington, Tim, 291
Harrison, Alma Strettell, 33, 46, 48, 52
Harrison, Peter:
and Dos, 34, 44–46, 48, 52, 246
and Elsie, 33–35, 39, 40, 42–46, 47, 48, 51–52
Elsie’s correspondence with, 43–46, 51–52
and Sargent, 246, 258
Hay, John, 95
Helleu, Paul César, 237
Hemingway, Ernest, 111, 112
Henry VIII, king of England, 12
Higginson, Henry Lee, 60, 77
HMS Eurydice, 134–35
Holbein, Hans the Younger, 216–17
Holl, Frank, 81
Holmes, H. H., 86
Holmes, Oliver Wendell Sr., 181
Homer, Winslow, 77
Hopkins, Emma Curtis, 165
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 134
Houston, Charlotte, 102
Howe, Julia Ward, 62, 204
Howells, William Dean, 59, 103
Hugo, Victor, 125
Irving, Henry, 5
Isabella, queen of Spain, 217
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Boston, 220–25, 228–35
acquisitions for, 224–25, 226, 233, 286
the collection in, 230�
�32, 233, 286
The Deposition of Christ in, 218
Fens site of, 226, 228, 234
as Fenway Court, 205, 228, 235, 236, 237, 238
Gardner’s creation of, xvi, 177, 178, 179, 228, 232–33
Gardner’s portrait in, 205
and Gardner’s will, 178–79, 286, 296
installation of artworks in, 233–35
interiors of, 205, 228–30, 231, 278
opening gala, 235–36
performances in, 236–37
public admission to, 239–41
and Sargent, 236, 237–38, 241, 242
Sears as architect of, 178, 221, 226, 228, 232, 233
thefts from, 213, 217
and Titian’s Europa, 220–21, 232
Venetian influence in, 221, 222–23, 224, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 236, 240, 241
Italian Renaissance, 214–15, 232
Jackson, Helen Hunt, 8
James, Henry:
and Chapman family, 172
and Cornish colony, 95
and Fairchild family, 57, 62
and Gardner, 200, 201, 223–24
The Golden Bowl, 95
and Palmer family, 3, 15, 16, 254–55
social circle of, xviii, 3, 34, 57, 59, 62, 115, 144
and Venice, 222, 223–24
The Wings of the Dove, 224
James, William, 167, 236
Janvier & Duval, 98
Jay, John, 150
Jefferson, Thomas, 184
Johns, Clayton, 225
Joyce, James, 111
J. P. Morgan Library, New York, 229
Kipling, Rudyard, 148
Korbay, Francis, 27, 29
Ku Klux Klan, 170
La Farge, John, 108
Lafayette Escadrille, 169
Laurence, Caroline Mudge, 204
Lee, Higginson & Company, 59, 76
Lennon, John, 11
Leo (dog), 13, 19
Lincoln, Abraham, 73, 184, 193
Loeffler, Charles Martin, 236–37
Luling, Grace Dunham, 91–92
Lummis, Charles Fletcher, 240
Lyceum Theater, Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth exhibited in, 5
MacDonald, George, 9
Macknight, Dodge, 243
Macmillan, George A., 298
Manet, Édouard, 213, 237
Marc Anthony, 177
Marshall, Mary:
and Chanler family, 120, 121, 125, 136, 142
and Elizabeth, 137, 140–41, 142, 153
and haunting spirits, 124
Marx, Karl, 129
McAllister, Ward, 124
McClellan, George B., 193
McKim, Mead & White, 20, 147
Mellen, William Proctor, 6–7, 30–31
Meredith, George, 3, 17, 28, 254–55
Meredith, Marie, 28
Metropolitan Museum, New York, 104
Minot, Grace, 207
Miró, Joan, 111
Mitchell, Silas Weir, 48
Monet, Claude, 237
Montaigne, Michel de, 114
Morgan, Jane “Jessie” Norton Grew, 81–82, 107
Morgan, J. P., 81, 82–83, 178, 218
Morgan, J. P. Jr. “Jack,” 81, 83, 84
Morgan family, 81–84
Morse, Langdon, 73
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 245–46
Myers, Elsie Queen “EQ” (daughter), 51
Myers, Eveleen (daughter), 52
Myers, Eveleen Tennant (mother), 38–39, 40
Myers, Frederic W. H. (father), 38–40, 50–53
Myers, Leo, 38–40
marriage of Elsie and, 50–53
The Root and the Flower, 53
suicide of, 53
Nahant, Massachusetts, Fairchild family in, 55, 56–57, 60
National Academy of Design, New York, 174
New Gallery, Elsie’s portrait hanging in, 4, 25
New York:
Brearley school in, 10
the Dakota in, 10–11
house museums in, 178
Nichols, Rose, 292
Norton, Charles Eliot, 195, 214, 215
Norton, Richard, 216, 218, 219
Nubar, Pasha, 288
Paderewski, Ignacy Jan, 27, 29
Paget, Dr. James, 138
Palazzo Barbaro, Venice, 222–24, 225, 228
Palmer, Dame Dorothy (ghost), 3, 16
Palmer, Dorothy “Dos” (sister), 9, 19, 36
and Harrison, 34, 44–46, 48, 52, 246
Palmer, Elsie, xvi
birth of, 8–9
childhood of, 9–13
death of, 53
and Glen Eyrie, 9, 14, 32, 36–38, 47
and Harrison, 33–35, 39, 40, 42–46, 47, 48, 51–52
health problems of, 22
and her father, 9–10, 13, 22–23, 29, 30, 31, 35–36, 49, 51, 52–53
and her mother, 13–14, 17, 21–22, 23–24, 28, 33, 41, 42
and Ightham Mote, 11–13, 14, 17, 19–20, 26, 35
and marriage prospects, 28, 39, 40, 47, 50
and Myers, 50–53
Sargent’s portrait of (A Portrait), xiii, xix, 1–3, 12, 17–19, 20–21, 25, 26, 27, 43, 252
schooling of, 10
social activities of, 27–28, 32, 36
teen years of, 13–14, 15, 24
travels of, 13, 24, 31–33
Palmer, Marjory (sister), 9, 36, 42, 43, 49
Palmer, Queen (mother), 3, 7
death of, 35–36
and Elsie, 13–14, 17, 21–22, 23–24, 28, 33, 41, 42
and Glen Eyrie home, 8
health problems of, 6, 9, 10, 30, 35
at Ightham Mote, 12, 15–17, 18, 28
at Losely Manor, 25, 29–30
as “Motherling,” 13–14, 22, 32
and Sargent, 18, 21, 26
Palmer, William Jackson “the General” (father), 3, 25, 40
in Colorado, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 46–49
death of, 51
and Elsie, 9–10, 13, 22–23, 29, 30, 31, 35–36, 49
equestrian statue of, 52–53
and Ightham Mote, 14–15
injury to, 48–49
and Queen, 7, 15, 30, 31, 35
and railroads, 6–7, 30, 38
Palmer family:
at Blackdown, 19–20
and “Definitions” (parlor game), 255
Glen Eyrie home of, 8, 9, 14, 32–33, 36–38, 40–41, 46–47, 49
Ightham Mote residence of, 3–4, 6, 11–17, 18, 19–20, 22, 28, 35, 255
at Losely Manor, 25, 26, 28, 29–30
and Queen’s death, 35–36
travels of, 30
Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo (1901), 90
Panic of 1893, 33, 68, 76, 99
Paris Salon (1884), 201, 205
Parnell, Charles, 21
Parrish, Maxfield, 74, 87, 95, 98
Parsons, Alfred, 24
Pasteur, Louis, 46
Perkins Institution for the Blind, 235
Piano, Renzo, 296
Pitt-Rivers, St George, 77
Plainfield, New Hampshire, Lucia and Harry’s house in, 72–76
Poe, Edgar Allan, 2, 164
Potter, Henry Codman, 91, 155
Praxiteles, 218
Price, C. A. (pseud.), 62
Proctor, George, 209
Prohibition, 113
Putnam, Corinne, 226
Radnor, Lady, 245
Raphael, 217, 219
Ray, Man, 111
Rembrandt van Rijn, 213, 217, 220
Revere, Paul, 54
Rives, Amélie, 162
RMS Baltic, 246
Roosevelt, Theodore, 142, 159, 163, 238
Rosemary’s Baby (film), 10
Roth, Philip, 173
Rothstein, Sir William, 292
Royal Academy, London, 174
Rubens, Peter Paul, 217, 220
Russell, Lord Bertrand, 77, 115
Rutherfurd, Margaret Stuyvesant “Daisy�
� (White), as Elizabeth’s guardian, 138, 143
Saarinen, Aline, 229
St. Denis, Ruth, 236
Saint-Gaudens, Augustus, 66
Amor Caritas, 87
and Aspet estate, 73
and Cornish Colony, 72–75, 87–88, 94–98
Saint-Gaudens, Gussie, 87–88, 96, 97, 266–67
Sandow (perfect man), 206
Santayana, George, 241
Sargent, Emily (sister), xvii, xix, 6, 20, 119, 242, 246
Sargent, FitzWilliam (father), xvii, 5–6
Sargent, John Singer:
as American artist, 6
birth and childhood of, xvii
Boston Public Library wall decorations by, 20, 21, 25, 34, 147, 237, 243
Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose, 284
commissions of, 2, 19, 20, 55, 70, 147, 209
death of, 116, 246
El Jaleo, 210–11, 241
Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth, 4–5, 21
English residence of, 6
family background of, xvii, 6
and Gardner Museum, 236, 237–38, 241, 242
and Gardner’s death, 244, 245
Group with Parasols, 34
honors and awards to, 63
Lady with a Blue Veil (Sally Fairchild), xiii, xvi, xix, 56–57, 60, 61, 78, 116, 117
and Lucia Fairchild, 61, 62–64, 104, 111, 114, 116–17
Madame X, iv, xvii–xviii, 63, 201–2
murals of, 245–46
myth of, xiii–xiv
personal traits of, xviii, xix, 20–21, 34, 57, 258
A Portrait (Elsie Palmer), xiii, xix, 1–3, 12, 17–19, 20–21, 25, 26, 27, 43, 252
as portrait artist, xiii–xiv, xix, xx, 18, 27, 56, 57, 63, 84, 110, 143, 210, 224, 238, 240, 298
portrait of Elizabeth Chanler, xiii, 118–19, 125, 145, 146, 147–49, 174–75
Portrait of Miss Elsie Palmer or A Lady in White (aka A Portrait), 252
portrait of T. Roosevelt, 238
portraits of Gardner, xiii, xix–xx, 202–5, 237, 238, 242–44, 293
portraiture procedures of, 17–19, 148–49, 238, 243–44
preliminary sketches made by, 2
reputation of, xx, 5, 144
scrapbook dedicated to, 54–56
social circle of, xviii, 3–4, 115, 116, 143
Stevenson portraits, 61, 102
Street in Venice, 146–47
theater interests of, 209–10
tiring of portraiture, xiv, 81, 242, 245, 298
Tite Street studio of, 20, 25, 26–27, 34, 147, 224, 246, 293
travels of, xvii, 222, 224, 244
Sargent, Mary Newbold Singer (mother), xvii, 5, 6, 222
Sargent, Violet (sister), 6, 19, 21, 55, 58
Sassoon, Sir Philip, 246
Scott, Sir Walter, 21, 125
Sears, Willard, 178, 221, 226, 228, 232, 233
Sewell, Miss Elizabeth, 129–33
Amy Herbert, 131–32
and Elizabeth Chanler’s character development, 135–36, 137, 141, 153
and Elizabeth Chanler’s schooling, 126, 128, 132–33, 139
moral outlook of, 129–32
Sewell, Aunt Ellen, 126, 131, 132, 133, 135
Sargent's Women Page 36