Sewell, Aunt Emma, 126
Shand-Tucci, Douglass, 200
Shaw, George Bernard, 115
Shaw, Robert Gould, 73
Shinn, Everett, 94
Shipman, Louis, 95
Smith, Al, 170
Smith, Joseph Lindon, 219, 226, 293
Smith, Logan Pearsall, 290
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, 119, 125, 175, 267
Society for Psychical Research, 38
Society of Dilettanti, 298
“Souls” (social circle), 144
Spanish-American War, 41
Spiritualist movement, 38, 40
SS William J. Palmer (Liberty Ship), 53
Steurs, Maggie de, 276–77
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 61, 102, 115
Stewart, David, 179
Stewart, Isabella Tod, 179
Strettel, Alma, 3–4
Stuyvesant, Mary Rutherfurd, 273
Stuyvesant, Peter, 124, 140
Stuyvesant, Rutherfurd “Stuyve,” 140, 141, 277
Sullivan, John L., 207
Susie (waitress), 112–14
Swinburne, Algernon, 133
Symbolism, 65, 90
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 19, 129
Terry, Ellen, 4–5, 16, 17, 21, 27, 34, 41, 70
Thackeray, William, 129
Tharp, Louise Hall, 200
Tiffany & Company, New York, 98, 297
Titian, Europa, 220–21, 231–32, 295
Travi, Teoboldi “Bolgi,” 233–34, 235, 242
Tug (dog), 115
Turner, J. M. W., 220
Twain, Mark, xiii, 59, 62
Twysden, Lady Duff, 112
Vanderbilt, George, 31
Van Rensselaer, Mariana Griswold, 32, 239–40
and Gardner, 221–25, 229, 230
and Gardner Museum, 221, 222–23, 224, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 236, 240, 241
Vermeer, Johannes:
artworks attributable to, 213, 293
The Concert, 212–13, 214, 293
Victoria, queen of England, 128, 144–45, 217, 278–79
Victorian Age, behavior in, 4, 131, 177
Wagner, Richard, 24, 62
Ward, Sam, 138–39, 140
Warren, Mrs. Fiske (Gretchen Osgood Warren), 238, 240
Warren, Rachel, 238
Wells, H. G., 115
Westinghouse, George, 59
Wharton, Edith, 144
Whistler, James MacNeill, 148
Harmony in Blue and Silver, 212, 293
“Peacock Room,” 237
White, “Daisy” Rutherfurd, 138, 143–44, 162, 276, 278–79
White, Henry “Harry,” 143, 144
White, Stanford, 279
and Chanler family, 146, 147, 159
and Gardner, 118
and Madison Square Garden, 87
and Sargent, xviii, 20
social circle of, xviii, 146, 153
Whiting, Arthur, 95
Whitman, Walt, 62
Wilde, Oscar, 5, 148
Wilson, Woodrow, 169–70
Wolcott, Frances, 15–16
Wolfe, Elsie de, 240
Woolf, Virginia, 2, 52
Woolson, Constance Fenimore, 182
World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago (1893), 65, 86
World War I, 168–70, 214, 242
Worth, Charles/House of Worth, 185–86, 195, 278–79
Zorn, Anders, 209
Archie and Amélie: Love and Madness in the Gilded Age
Photographing Montana 1894–1928:
The Life and Work of Evelyn Cameron
I Dwell in Possibility: Women Build a Nation, 1620–1920
National Geographic Guide to America’s Great Houses (coauthor)
Copyright © 2017 by Donna M. Lucey
All rights reserved
First Edition
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Book design by Ellen Cipriano Design
Production manager: Julia Druskin
Jacket design by Jennifer Carrow
Jacket art: Elizabeth Winthrop Chanler (Mrs. John Jay Chapman) by Sargent,
John Singer (1856–1925), 1893. Oil on canvas, 49 3⁄8 × 40 1⁄2 in. Smithsonian
American Art Museum, Washington, DC / Art Resource, NY
ISBN 978-0-393-07903-6
ISBN 978-0-393-63478-5 (e-book)
W. W. Norton & Company, Inc.
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