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Beta: Her Alpha

Page 6

by C. M. Steele

  I look at my brother, but he doesn’t respond so I know it’s true. “No…no. Hunter, Cat please tell me it’s not real. Tell me…tell me it’s not true. My Erik,” I cry out, sobbing and moaning as hysterical as I feel.

  “Damn it, Cat. Do it,” Hunter growls. The last thing I feel is a needle pierce my neck and a drowsy feeling taking over.

  The room is dark. I don’t know where I am, but I’m curled up into my mate’s body. It was just a bad dream, I think to myself. I cuddle deeper into him, but he’s not holding me back like he normally does. Every time we’re near each other we’re wrapped up in one another, even in our sleep. I look around, and there’s a large bandage wrapped around his head. A brokenhearted howl rips through my chest. Tears flow down my face. My nightmare is real, and it’s brutal. The room is immediately full of my family. Gage and Hunter’s eyes are open wide, scouring the room for potential threats, but Cat places a hand on Hunter’s chest to calm him. With a silent conversation shared between them, he backs down.

  The room is quiet except for the sound of the machine beeping in the background. There’s nothing but the sound of that machine, and it’s killing me. I turn my face to my brothers. “I love you both, very much. But if he doesn’t…I won’t…I can’t…”

  Everyone has tears in their eyes. They understand that this is more than a mating thing. Erik’s life and mine are intertwined, and the bond is unbreakable. I turn back to Erik, not caring who’s around. “My world, you need to stay with me. You’re going to be a father; we can’t leave our pup without parents. The pup will need us. I need you. Damn it, Erik! You can’t leave me.” My hand rests on his heart with my head on his chest. “Don’t leave me, Erik. I love you. I can’t live without you.”

  Sobs continue to rack my body. They all leave the room, their tears echoing in my ears.

  The sunlight peaks through the room, but there’s no change in him. Resting my head on him, I will him to survive. Looking at the heart monitor, it’s beating slightly faster than yesterday, but it’s a negligible change. My bladder finally gets the better of me, so I force myself up and away from his side to use the restroom.

  I don’t get five feet away before the room starts to spin, and I collapse on the floor.

  “Babe, what are you doing to yourself?”


  I’m in his arms, but I know it’s just a dream. We’re not in the hospital anymore, but in the café where we had a big fight. He looks normal and strong, but there’s something different. His eyes have changed—they’re empty. There’s no life in his honey-colored eyes. This can’t be real because even when upset his eyes were bright.

  “What’s going on? Are we dead?” I ask, looking at the empty café.

  “No, Chloe, but we will be if we’re not strong.” The lights on the street outside start to darken. It’s now pitch black out and the only light in the room hangs from the ceiling. I’m so scared and I cling to my Erik. He’s got a tight grip on me, but my eyes refuse to stop looking around. I see the walls crumbling around us.

  “I don’t understand, Erik.” Panic is setting in.

  “You need to be strong for us. You’re my mate, and your pain is mine. Our love and strength will save us, but only if you stay strong for me.” He bends down and kisses my lips. When I open my eyes, the light brightens slightly.

  It’s then I feel a jolt, and I’m awake. My eyes are wide and frantic. “Where’s Erik? What happened?”

  “Nothing’s changed, Chloe. It’s only been two minutes since you fainted.” I push myself out of Gage’s arms.

  If my dream about what happened to him was true, then I have to believe the newest dream. He’ll be okay if I stay strong. “Get me something to eat, and some Tylenol. I have a terrible headache.”

  They bring me some food in a hurry. I’m eating a roast with mashed potatoes and drinking water, the whole time believing that Erik and I will survive this. He has to make it, and I have to be his anchor.

  Chapter 9

  My head is throbbing like a son of a bitch. I can’t really open my eyes, but I know Chloe’s in my arms. Her scent is so strong to me, and inhale her in. My heart starts to beat faster. My eyelids begin to flicker, the light of the full moon visible through my stunted sight.

  I can feel my body come to life, slowly, but the movement is painful. I lift my arm and put it where I need it to be, wrapped around my wife. She moans into my embrace, cuddling deeper, so I give her a tighter hold. Suddenly, she’s sitting up, looking at me with wide eyes and an open mouth.

  “Erik!” she sobs loudly. “You’re alive,” she cries before leaning down and kissing my face wherever she can reach.

  “Chloe,” I croak, my voice raw and unused.

  “Let me get the doctor,” she says, trying to pull away.

  “No…not yet,” I growl.

  “Okay. Whatever you want.” Chloe leans over me and kisses my lips. The feel of her lips on mine is the best. It’s just a tiny kiss, but it sets my wolf in motion for more. My body doesn’t ache as bad as it did a moment ago, so I use both my arms and pull her to me. I’m hornier than I should be. Growling, I press my hips up into hers.

  “Erik, oh Erik,” she sighs, and her desires take over. She’s grinding on my pelvis and lets out a howl, tossing her head back as she comes.

  We’re grinding and kissing with no regard to my injuries or where we are, which I assume is a hospital. The door opens with doctors and my brother-in-laws. Chloe blushes and I growl, wrapping her in my arms, trying to protect her from them.

  “Calm down, Erik. You’re going to hurt yourself and Chloe. We’re not going to harm Chloe.” Hunter understands my need to protect her.

  “Erik. Hunter’s right. They’re here to make sure you survive.”

  Gage adds, “Yeah, ass. If you die, so does she. We’re not ready to lose her yet.”

  “That’s fair.”

  Hunter approaches with a doctor, who’s one of us. “This is Dr. Mark McCormick. He just needs to evaluate you.” He looks at Chloe, who I’ve still got attached to my chest. “Chloe, come on. I know you’re thrilled he’s alive, but you could let the man heal.”

  “Fuck off, Hunter. I think she made me better,” I admit angrily. I don’t want her to be more than an inch from me right now.

  “Well, it’s been known that our mates are our other halves. It also helps that the full moon is high. Our strength increases, and your strength rivals the Alpha.”

  “I’m going to let him look you over now. I’m not going anywhere, though.” I look at her like I’m not ready for her to leave me, but she raises her brow. “You’ve got to be examined. If you have something wrong, they need to see it now. I want you around for the long haul.

  “Okay, babe.” She climbs off the bed with Gage’s help, and the doctor starts his checkup.

  “Do you remember what happened to you?” the doc asks, while checking my vitals.

  “A little. I’d gone to Evansville, but the trouble that was there had been cleared up, so I started to head back to the office, then I was T-boned. I was on the phone with the dispatcher letting her know I was returning when I got smashed. I had just lifted my head when I saw the masked man shoot me. That’s about it.”

  “Did you recognize the shooter?” Hunter asks me. Something about the way he’s asking makes me think that he has an idea of who the cowardly bastard is. It’s scary to think we’ve got someone else after us still.

  “The scent was familiar, but it’s hazy,” I admit. I was dazed and thinking I’d never see Chloe again.

  Hunter lets out a growl of frustration and mutters, “That means it’s probably someone in our pack.”

  “I don’t want Chloe away from me. So Hunter, you’re going to have to figure something out. She can do whatever you need via the computer and phone, but unless I’m by her side, she isn’t leaving the house.”

  “I’m sure you’re going to be in your home for a while, right, Doc?” Gage asks.

  “Yes. L
ight duty around the house is all I recommend. You were shot in the head. It’s a miracle you survived at all. I want to do a CAT scan, but I think you’ll be able to leave tomorrow if I know anything about our kind.”

  “Who’s going to do my job, then? Ryan can’t be running the show by himself. I had new candidates coming today.” It’s my responsibility to keep the order and peace. I’ve done a bang up job this past month.

  “I took care of that for you. As the Alpha, it’s up to me if you’re unable, so I hired all six including the human female.”

  “Ryan’s against hiring a regular human.” I hope he doesn’t give the woman hell.

  “I know, but I don’t give a fuck what he has to say. He’s lucky I don’t fire his ass myself. He’s insubordinate and a fucking punk.”

  “Hell, yeah, but I don’t have anyone else.”

  “No, you don’t, but I’m going to go around and talk to the new employees and give them training schedules that revolve around my own time.”

  “I don’t think Cat’s going to like that very much,” Chloe says as she continues stroking my hand.

  “No, she’s not, but she understands. Our priority is keeping the pack strong and secret, so she’s going to be staying at the hotel until we get you back on your feet,” Hunter replies. I know it’s not something that’s up for debate. I’m not in the position to argue at this point.

  “Do you think we should stay there, too?” Chloe asks Hunter. I know she’s deferring to her brother because it’s his hotel and he’s the Alpha, but my jealous heart doesn’t like her relying on him instead of me.

  “It’s up to your mate. He’s got to be resting as much as possible, but I understand where your concern is. The hotel is very secure, and there’s the staff to wait on you.”

  “I’m just worried about Cat. If we stay at home, she’s going to be busy and stressed and all by herself.”

  “Babe, if you want to stay there, it’s fine.”

  “How about you stay at your house for the first week, then move to the hotel the next week, when you’re healed a little more. I’m planning on staying in town until we get to the bottom of this,” Gage suggests.

  “That’s a much better plan,” I agree. “Now that we’ve done that…can you all get the fuck out of my room? I want to spend some time alone with my wife.”

  Chuckling and shaking their heads, they leave the room.

  “Now, where were we?” I ask, winking to my mate.

  Chapter 10

  This has been an amazing week with my Erik. I thought I’d never see him again, but he survived. After spending a few days in the hospital, we got to go back to our house. Tomorrow we move to the hotel. Erik’s going to be meeting his new staff once we settle in. Tonight Erik has something planned for me. Since our little orgasm at the hospital, we haven’t been together. He’s trying to recover, and so I’ve been letting him. I want him, but I know his health is the most important thing. It’s the hardest thing I’ve had to do, but I’ve been fighting all my desire for him by working and tending to his health.

  He’s cooking dinner, so I’m sitting in my office he made for me, working. It’s only off the kitchen, so when my brother calls, I can hear part of Erik’s conversation. “Can our mating desire leave us after a major incident like what happened to me?”

  “No, it’s not that she doesn’t tell me or show me she loves me. It’s just because we…we haven’t gone at it. Do you think it’s my scars? These marks aren’t hard to miss.” My heart aches from his idea that I don’t want him because of that, and I let out a little whimper.

  I can hear him walking out of the kitchen. “Thanks, Alpha. Yeah, I’ll meet with them. Is Ryan meeting with us?”

  “Okay, see you tomorrow.” He hangs up, and his footsteps get louder. Then my office door opens up and startles me.

  “I didn’t mean to startle you,” he replies. His words have a double meaning to them, and I know it’s about the five-inch scar that goes from his left cheek through his hairline and out around his ear. It’s not as bad as he thinks it is, but the meaning behind it is. I almost lost him; we almost lost us. When I look at it, the feelings of pain and sadness are still there. I rub my belly automatically because I can feel our little one moving with my agitation.

  “Erik,” I mutter. Standing, I make my way to the man who I can’t live without. “I love you unconditionally. I’ve loved you since we first met. There’s nothing that can change that. By the way you’re still as sexy as you’ve always been.”

  “Then why? Why have you been pushing me away if it isn’t because I look scary? I’ve seen the locals give me looks.” His anger, frustration, and pain are echoed in his words.

  “Babe, we were out one day. You’re the sheriff. They’re just in shock that this could happen. Looking at your scar upsets me, but not the same reason it does you. I relive the pain of thinking I’d never hear your voice, or feel your touch. That’s it.”

  “So you’re too fucking traumatized to want me? I just don’t understand. I’m in pain and I still want to mate, to love and fuck you all hours of the day.”

  “Erik, I want you to get better. Remember in the hospital when you got lightheaded after we kissed? I freaked out. You’ve had one of the most serious and life-threatening injuries a person can have, human or shifter alike. I need you as much as you need me, maybe even more with these hormones coursing through me all day, but I can’t risk it.” My voice cracks as it trails off, and tears stream down my face.

  “Chloe, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I promised never to do that to you, and I have again.” He wraps his hands around my waist, pulling me to him. His body is trembling, and it’s my fault. He’s probably shaking with need.

  Pushing my head from his chest, I look up into his beautiful eyes and relent. “Erik, if it means that much to you, I’ll let my wolf loose. She wants you so much, I’ve had to jump in the pool and do twenty laps three times today. Trust me, it’s not something I really care to do, but I’m worried I’ll lose you.”

  “Babe, no. It’s just, fuck…I’ve been trying to figure it out. Now that I know, I understand. I still want you, but I have something special for tonight, so it’s going to have to wait.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I smile up at him. He’s perfect.

  Damn, I can breathe again. Thinking she didn’t want me was killing me. I want to take her up on her offer to let loose, but there’s something I’ve wanted to do with her that I couldn’t before.

  I set up our food on the breakfast counter and we eat for the next twenty minutes. It’s her favorite—chicken fettuccine alfredo.

  “It’s my favorite. I can’t believe you remembered that.”

  “Chloe, there isn’t a thing I don’t remember about you. From the flush on your skin when you ran up to Hunter’s house the day we met, to the way your eyebrows scrunch together when you’re sending a text.”

  “Damn it, Erik. You’re a menace to my body. It’s been that way from the start.”

  “Me, too, babe. Now eat, because the night’s only just beginning.”

  Once we’re done, we wash the dishes together. She laughs at me because I got my entire shirt covered in water. It’s funny to her until I take off my shirt. Instantly, the giggling stops, and I can smell her pussy dripping in excitement. Looking into her beautiful green eyes, I can see her wolf eager to lunge onto me.

  “No, no, no. Mrs. Smith, you must behave. I’ve got plans for us tonight.” Tapping her nose with my finger, I warn her off before walking away.

  She snarls, and shouts, “Then put a fucking shirt on or I’m going to take what’s mine.” I just laugh and stroll into our bedroom for a shirt, not forgetting to lock the door behind me. I can’t trust her not to sneak up on me.

  I hear the doorknob jiggle, and I crack up. Fuck, I unleashed the Kraken earlier. With a huff, she stomps away. My poor mate. I’ll make it better by the end of the night.

  I’ve got a special movie for us to watch. It means a lot to her, and
I happen to actually like this chick flick.

  I walk back into the hallway, but she’s not there. I follow her scent, and she’s in the kitchen making some tea.

  “What’s the matter? Is your stomach upset?” She only drinks it when she’s not feeling a hundred percent.

  “No, I just had a craving for it.” She gives me an apologetic shrug.

  I can tell she’s telling me the truth, but I personally hate tea. “I’m going to grab a beer, if that’s okay with you.”

  “It’s fine. I’m not nauseous or anything.”

  “Good.” I grab her hand and command her ass to move. “Come on, mate. I want to spend the night with my best friend.”

  We head over to the living room with seventy-inch LED HD TV. It’s the first time we’re sitting here since we mated. We spent most of our time in bed, but I love football, so it’s great for game day. After the Seahawks’ last year, I almost pulled the damn thing from the wall.

  “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were trying to compensate for something else,” she says with a giant wink.

  “And you’re the only one that knows better.”

  “Forever,” she hisses in warning.

  “Forever.” I would laugh, but I’m the same way with her—irrationally jealous.

  We move over to the sofa, and I put my feet up on the coffee table, patting the seat next to me. She smiles and takes a seat at my side. With her feet tucked to the side of her, she lays her head on my shoulder.

  Pressing play, the opening music plays, and she squeals, “Pride and Prejudice, it’s my favorite.”


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