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Dearest Stepbrother: Double Trouble - Ultimate Bundle

Page 17

by Olivia Hawthorne

  I wasn’t working and had pretty much given up on job hunting while planning the wedding. However, Alex and Asher both had careers and images to maintain as they climbed the ladder of success. How would they explain that they were both married to the same woman – a woman who they at one time in their life had considered their sibling?

  The thought scared me, but I was too much of a coward to voice my concerns to either of them. Saying it out loud might make the implications all the more real to one or both of them.

  “All ready.” Asher came walking back out into the living room with a secret hidden behind his sparkling green eyes.

  I glanced at the mischievous expression on his beautiful and rugged face and asked, “What did you do in there? I’m assuming it’s just a bath, but by the look on your face…”

  His eyes glinted with something I didn’t recognize, but whatever it was made my thighs squeeze together and my body warm up to a point of being almost unbearable.

  “Guess you’ll have to find out,” he said as he extended his hand to help me up from my seat. A shiver ran down my spine as soon as our skin met, but I ignored the desperate need thrumming through me and followed him into the dark bedroom. He led me through the room and down the short walkway to the bathroom, pushing the door open to reveal the candles that completely covered every available surface.

  The water in the bath that was strewn with fresh rose petals appeared to sparkle when touched by the light of the dancing flames. Asher picked me up as I stood mesmerized by the beauty of the room, carrying me to the tub and lowering me down slowly into the water that smelled like it had been infused with essential oils. I breathed in deeply, every muscle in my body relaxing in reaction to the serene atmosphere.

  Kneeling down by the tub, Asher locked his eyes to mine and reached for a soft loofa and body wash that sat on the edge of the tub. “Sit up, beautiful. I’m going to clean you up.”

  He smiled and I reached for him, but pulled my arms back to my body when he playfully dodged out of my reach. I frowned and he laughed.

  “No touching,” he teased.

  “But I want you in the tub with me,” I complained.

  “Not until you’re clean.”

  His hands went to work, scrubbing the loofa up and down my back, the strong scent of the body wash brushing across my senses as I relaxed in the water. The only sound in the room was the water swishing around in the tub…and for me at least, the sound of my heart beating in my chest.

  I couldn’t stand the slow way he touched me on my back, neck and shoulders, finally dropping the loofa into the water to massage the tired muscles in my body. My head dropped forward and I closed my eyes, relishing the feel of his strong hands on me. Eventually, he pulled me back to lie against the tub and went to work washing the rest of my body – starting with my toes and working his way up.

  Every time he was close to touching me between the legs or even on my breasts, he smiled and made sure to avoid those areas. I could tell the bastard was enjoying driving me crazy as he touched and teased every place on me except the places where I needed him the most.

  Minutes passed and my head fell back against the wall, my heavy eyelids closing when his hands cupped my breasts slowly spreading the soap over my skin and massaging the weight of my breasts. My lips parted and a moan escaped me, my back arching forward as I silently plead for him to move faster, to grip me harder…but he wouldn’t give in.

  With a single fingertip, he trailed down along my abdomen, over my stomach and finally touched my between the legs, bringing my entire body to life when he circled his finger over my clit. My hips bucked forward and my legs spread apart, completely opening myself up to him and whatever he planned to do with me.

  As his thumb continued to massage my clit, two of his fingers slipped inside me, his hand moving slowly, back and forth, as he pushed me towards a climax that would be soft and sweet. The skin of my breasts tightened, my nipples hard and needy when his mouth closed over the tip of one. Circling his tongue over the swollen and tender skin, he sucked lightly, his fingers continuing to move in and out of my body.

  “Yes…” I breathed out, so entranced by what he was doing, I couldn’t form any complete sentences; much less actually speak them.

  My hips began to move on their own, writhing over the smooth surface of the tub. His hand moved faster, the water splashing as his arm moved through it. My body tensed, an orgasm taking over that felt like it took minutes to pass. It wasn’t explosive, but it was consuming, a climax that came from the absolute love I felt for another person rather than one caused by a simple, and instinctual need.

  His name fell from my lips on a reverent prayer. Still trembling, I opened my eyes and blushed when I found him staring at me intently. Heat rolled behind his eyes. His lips were held slightly apart and his chest moved in and out with heavy breath.

  For a few seconds, we just stared at each other, but he moved suddenly pulling me from the tub and carrying me – dripping wet – to the large bed.

  It didn’t matter to him that the water was soaking the sheets. He needed to be inside me so bad, that there was nothing that would slow him down from taking me.

  My body had barely touched the mattress when he climbed between my legs, his eyes looking over my body before looking back at my face. His hands were on my knees and he spread my legs apart, only pulling his eyes away from mine when he looked down to position himself…and slowly sink inside me.

  My head rolled back on the pillow, my eyes clenching shut because he’d immediately filled me, pushing heat along my skin as another – more dangerous and violent – orgasm began to build.

  There was nothing slow about this moment with him. Without warning, he began to thrust in and out of me – fast and hard – until I was rolling my head back and forth over the pillow moaning his name.

  “You are so fucking sexy. I will never stop loving you.” He growled out the words just as an orgasm exploded inside me. My back arched and my legs squeezed together at his hips…his cock continuing to push into me as my muscles gripped his width.

  He climaxed with me, his cock pushing in so far that it felt like we could lock together.

  Trembling, my body eased back down on the mattress, sinking into the sheets that were now soaked by my body. Asher fell on top of me, his heart beating hard against his chest.

  He kissed me softly on the cheek, eventually resting his head against my chest as his body calmed down.

  Minutes passed before he looked back up to me.

  As soon as his eyes met mine, I whispered, “And I will never stop loving you.”

  Chapter Four

  “We have three days until the wedding, Alex. What do you mean you haven’t had your tuxedo fitted yet?” I huffed out a heavy breath and folded my arms over my chest. Fixing my eyes to his, I begged, “Please tell me you’re kidding.”

  His smile was cherubic and I could almost see the halo hovering over his styled brown hair.

  Walking towards me with three large steps, he wrapped his strong arms around me and pulled me against his chest.

  “What do you say to going into the bedroom and letting me make this up to you, huh?” He chest shook with silent laughter. “I’m sure that will help you relax a little and realize that this is all going to work out.”

  I pulled away from him, half laughing as I slapped him playfully on the shoulder. “Oh, hell no!” Pointing towards the door, I said, “You’re going to the tailor’s right now to get your tux fitted and I’m not letting you back into this apartment until it’s done.”

  His deep laughter filled the space. “Okay. Sheesh, Kelly, you need to relax, babe. This is our wedding. It will be perfect regardless of the details just because it’s the day we finally make things official between us.” His grin brightened his face, dimples indenting his perfectly shaved cheeks.

  I wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss along his soft cheeks, but my anxiety about the wedding had been keeping me on edge too much to a
llow me to relax enough to sexually molest either of the twins over the past few days.

  “Out, Alex. Get it done and then the wedding will be perfect.”

  I smiled sweetly and chuckled when he sighed and grabbed the tuxedo from the back of the couch. “Fine, Mistress…I’ll do your bidding.”

  He glanced over his shoulder as he walked out the door and smiled at me with such a boyish charm it made my heart stutter.

  I stared at the closed door for a few seconds gathering my thoughts and turned to walk into the bedroom. Scattered across the bed were all the notebooks and order forms for the wedding decorations and food. I needed to go through them and check off – for the thousandth time – that everything had been accomplished and prepared.

  I’d taken one step into the bedroom when I heard the front door slam open and closed and heavy footsteps pounding through the living room. Turning quickly, I was caught up in Alex’ arms before I had a chance to ask him why he was back in the apartment.

  His lips pressed against mine with a fervent need, his tongue not bothering to seek permission to push inside my mouth and take control of the kiss. I was squeezed in his strong embrace as his hands found my ass, his fingers gripping the cheeks and lifting me up off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist, throwing my arms around his shoulders to pull myself closer against him.

  Only when we had to breathe did we pull away from each other, Alex still holding me up as his green eyes locked to mine.

  “You know how much I love you, right? Because, I can’t live without you, Kelly. I’ll never be able to live without you. You mean everything to me.”

  His words knocked me back and I loosened my legs from around his waist so that he could let me down. Reluctantly, he set me back on my feet, but reached up to hold me at arms’ length.

  The fears I’d had about Asher or Alex came back to me, the emotion causing me to shake as I stared at him. Deciding to tell Alex about how I felt, I hoped that I was right about him being the twin who wouldn’t hold my doubts against me – or have his feelings hurt because of them.

  “What’s wrong, babe?” He asked, his head angling slightly to the left as he waited for my answer.

  “Are you sure you want to marry me, Alex? What will people think as you become more successful? How will you explain it?”

  I blurted out my questions realizing that if I slowed down at all, I would become too afraid to ask them.

  Alex stared at me for a moment, the several seconds it took him to respond causing my heart to pound against my chest.

  A smile creased his lips, the tips pulling up until his lips parted and he flashed his gorgeous, straight, white teeth.

  “You are so fucking cute.” He leaned over and kissed my forehead before pulling back and saying, “There is no way in hell that I’m not going to marry you in three days, Kelly. All I’ve been thinking about over the past few weeks is the wedding. I don’t give a damn what anybody thinks about our relationship. I have no obligation to explain my personal life to anybody. You can still come with me to parties and stuff like that, and nobody has to know that you’re married to my brother as well.”

  “But what if they see me out with Asher?” I argued.

  His smile brightened, “Babe, we’re identical twins. I doubt anybody would figure out that it wasn’t me.”

  Relief withered my shoulders and I relaxed as he pulled me against him. Feeling safe and secure in his warm embrace, I breathed out a sigh, finally feeling better now that I’d said something about my fear.

  “I need to get going, Kelly, but stop worrying about things you don’t need to worry about. You have enough on your plate already. There’s no need adding to it with unnecessary problems.”

  Nodding my head I agreed with him, groaning when he let me go to walk back out into the living and out the front door. Turning back to the notebooks, charts and order forms, I sighed again and got to work.

  * * *

  “Sweetheart, are you feeling okay? You have no color in your skin.” Reaching up to place her palm against my forehead, my mom checked my temperature as I looked into the mirror for the final fitting on my wedding dress. Shaking her head, she pulled her hand away and said, “You don’t have a fever, but you are feeling a little clammy. Have you been getting enough sleep?”

  In truth, I hadn’t been getting enough sleep. The twins thought it would be a good idea to sleep in the guest bedrooms for the week before the wedding so that our wedding night would feel like the first time all over again. I didn’t understand their logic. All I understood was that I was unable to sleep for nights on end because I wasn’t squished between them in my bed.

  “I’ve just been stressed about the wedding details. It’s a lot of work.”

  My mom eyed me suspiciously. “Well, what are your symptoms? Stress can kill you just like anything else. Plus, I’d hate for you to blame stress if you really are sick with something else. Maybe you should stay at my house until the wedding so I can pamper you and coddle you back to perfect health. You don’t want to have bags under your eyes for the wedding photos.”

  Continuing to stare into the mirror, I made the mistake of examining my face and realized my mom was right. I looked haggard and tired and I didn’t want to look like this on my wedding day.

  “I might as well stay with you. The twins are sleeping in the guest bedrooms for the next three nights so that the wedding night feels new.”

  I wasn’t thinking clearly when I admitted that to her and the expression on her face was almost comical…and green. Although my mother was supportive of our decision to marry each other, she still didn’t want to hear the intimate details.

  “Well, then it’s decided. You can stay at my house and I’ll schedule spa activities. She clapped her hands together and jumped up and down excitedly. “Oh! This is going to be so great, Kelly! Our last little girls-only hurrah before you become a married woman.”

  I frowned at her enthusiasm.

  I felt sick. I looked like crap. And I’d just signed my next three days away to my mother.

  What the hell was I thinking?

  Chapter Five

  Twas the night before my wedding and all through the house…

  Before I could even finish thinking the first line, the contents of my stomach emptied into the toilet, my arms hugging the cool porcelain bowl like my life depended on it.

  “I’m going to the store to get you some fluids and stomach medicine.” My mom’s hand went to my forehead again and I lamented the fact that I had to pull my head away from the cool porcelain to allow her to check my temperature.

  “Oh dear, you feel warm – but that could be a result of the stomach upset. I don’t think this is just nerves and stress, Kelly. This has been going on for three days.”

  Barely able to speak with any strength, I said, “Mom, I’m sure I’ll be fine when I get through tomorrow. You’ll see.”

  She eyed me with suspicion, but then finally said, “If you say so, but I’m still going to the store to pick up some things.” She paused for a moment before asking, “Is there anything else you might need. Tampons maybe…or possibly…”

  “Mom!” I interrupted her, but then a thought occurred to me. My period should have ended three days ago, but in all the chaos of the wedding planning, combined with the stress of the small details and the lack of sleep, I never got my period.

  My head shot up and my eyes locked to my mom’s. “I didn’t get my period.”

  Her expression didn’t change as she stared down on me. Behind her eyes I saw so many things…excitement, nervousness, excitement again, and then sympathy.

  “Oh dear,” she said, “Well, let’s hope you’ll still be able to drink champagne for your wedding tomorrow. I’ll pick up a test while I’m at the store to find out if it will be in your best interests not to be drinking.”

  Without directly saying what we both were thinking, my mom left the room and I turned back to the bowl and threw up again.

  * * *

  “Oh honey! You are absolutely glowing! Although I think that was the magic of the makeup artist more than anything else.” My mom teased me as I examined every detail of myself in the full length mirror.

  My wedding dress was simple, yet stunning…the train was long and pearl buttons ran down the center of my back until reaching the upper swell of my bottom. The lace in the gown was sheer, which gave the illusion of my body, but was still proper enough to wear in front of a small gathering of family and friends. My boobs were busting out of the bustier top, but that was the detail that sold me on the dress in the first place.

  Asher was a boob man and he wouldn’t be able to keep from being excited when he saw me walking to him down the aisle.

  “I can’t believe you’ve really grown up.” Tears welled in my mother’s eyes as she stood back to look at me. “I couldn’t be more proud of you,” she said while attempting to hold back her sobs.

  “Aww, mom.” I stepped down from the raised platform used for dressing and wrapped my arms around my mother’s trembling shoulders. “Don’t cry. You’ll make me cry.”

  We hugged for several seconds, both of our bodies shaking with the love and bittersweet happiness that was inside us.

  Mom sniffled several times, finally regaining her composure and pulling away from me with a bright smile on her face.

  “It’s time, Kelly. You are about to become a loving wife to two very smart, beautiful and successful men. They are both good men and you are so lucky to have found not one but two men to love you.”

  My jaw almost dropped at her words. Normally, my mom skated around the specifics of our relationship, but in that moment, she not only acknowledged it, she praised it.”

  “Thank you, mom.”

  Flashing me another bright smile, she wrapped her hand softly over my upper arm and led me towards the hallway where I would wait to walk down the aisle.

  Taking her place beside me, she rolled her shoulders back as she wrapped her arm in mine. We were in place and listening for the moment the music cued us to walk forward. This wasn’t a traditional wedding by any stretch of the imagination, so my mother and I had planned all the details of the ceremony.


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