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Embracing Forever

Page 24

by K. Aten

  Sarah thought it sounded familiar. Suddenly a violin started to play, an instrument she had never before featured in her music. Shock came over her face. “I’ll be a bucket of fuck! Is that who I think it is?” Keller nodded and smiled. “Okay, I’m in. I’m incredibly honored that they took the time to learn my songs. I thought they were touring?”

  Annie squealed. “Oh my God! You’re talking about Resurrection, aren’t you?”

  Keller nodded and everyone was startled at Jesse’s immediately reaction. She slammed one hand onto the table causing the beers and wings to jump, the other fist pumped the air. “Yes! This means I’m off the hook!”

  Sarah started laughing. “Yes, you’re both off the hook if you want to be. Or you can still perform with us, it’s up to you.”

  Jesse shook her head. “Nope, I’m good with just watching; thanks though!” She turned to Annie. “What about you babe, you still going to play?”

  The younger Colby took another bite of overly-sauced wing and chewed thoughtfully. “I’m not really sure. I mean, a part of me is terrified, but another part of me wants to meet the challenge. You know?”

  “So what’s the harm in doing it?” Keller looked at the younger woman seriously. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s that you’re more likely to have fond memories of a ‘what was I thinking’ moment than a ‘I wish I had’ moment. Live a little, A.”

  Annie looked at Sarah. “And what do you think?”

  “I think that you will be great, and I would be incredibly honored to share the stage with my little sister.”

  The younger woman was quiet but pleased when she answered her sister. “Thanks, Sarah. And I’ll do it, provided there’s room for me with the guest band. I mean, it’s only one song.”

  The small group of friends ended up staying for a few hours before everyone headed off in separate directions. Sarah had walked to the restaurant from her studio, so she rode with Keller, which left Jill and Louve to say their private goodbyes. Louve had invited everyone out to the farmhouse for a Sunday brunch the day after Pride, so even if circumstances occurred that prevented them from meeting up the next day, they would still see each other before the weekend was out.

  Instead of going back to the condo like Sarah expected, Keller took them farther downtown. “I thought we were heading home, I have plans for you.”

  Keller smiled. “Relax, my love. Grace invited us over to their hotel and I thought you might want to stop by to say hi. They got in about an hour ago, but figured it would cause a small riot if they met us out in public for happy hour.”

  Sarah nodded. “Good point.” Then she slapped Keller’s arm with the back of her hand. “I can’t believe you’ve been keeping this from me!”

  “So you were surprised then?”

  A warm smile met Keller’s words. “Of course I was surprised! And delighted, and amazed that I have such an awesome and well-connected girlfriend.” Sarah was silent for a few more blocks then a thought popped into her head. “Oh crap, how are we going to rehearse? We should at least play through a few times together so we can get a feel for each other. The impromptu jam session in our condo months ago doesn’t count.”

  Keller gave her a very self-satisfied smile. “Ah, well being the consummate planner that I am, I arranged for a few hours of studio time tomorrow morning. So you have all the space you need between ten and noon. And since you don’t perform until three; that gives you plenty of time to chill before you all go on.”

  “Studio Seven?” Keller nodded and Sarah felt an entirely new appreciation for the woman she shared her life with. “You really are kind of amazing, you know that?” The singer had her head cocked to the side as she watched Keller maneuver the streets during the tail end of rush hour traffic. The look in her eyes was full of a love that Sarah never thought she’d feel for another person. Yet here she was. Keller glanced her way and returned the look. Yes, here they were.

  After meeting up with the members of Resurrection at their hotel, they all opted for a late dinner in the restaurant downstairs rather than have the celebrities brave the Columbus nightlife. Before they bid the band goodbye, Sarah gave each person a big hug and thanked them for all the work they had done in preparation to play with her at the festival. Then they bid farewell until the next morning.

  When the two women walked into the condo they were met by an anxious husky. After Duke was fed, Keller volunteered to take him out to wee in the park behind the condo. Once she was out the door, Sarah put on some music and started filling the Jacuzzi. Candles were next followed by a bottle of bubbly on ice. As soon as Keller re-entered with Duke, she was met by Sarah. Keller removed the dog’s leash and harness and hung them both by the door and watched her lover approach. Sarah was wearing nothing but a silk robe and handed her a glass of champagne and Keller raised an eyebrow. “I thought you’d want to relax this evening and just chill since tomorrow is going to be so hectic.”

  Sarah grabbed her hand and tugged her toward their bedroom. “This is how I relax, now come on.”

  Keller smiled. “What’s with the bath? Is one of us dirty?”

  Sarah gave her a heated look. “Only my thoughts, love.” Before Keller could come up with a retort, the robe dropped into a puddle of silk on the floor. Sarah smiled and reached across the short distance between them to close Keller’s mouth. “Guess what I’m going to do?”

  Keller wet her lips, wearing hunger on her face like a veil. “What?”

  “I’m going to give you a preview of what you can expect tomorrow after my show.” Before Keller could answer her, Sarah grabbed her hand and led her to the bathroom. Once Keller matched her nudity, Sarah got into the tub and pointed at the water between her legs. “Come on hot stuff, let me show you how much I appreciate everything you’ve done.” It took mere seconds for Keller to sink into the tub in front of Sarah. Her exhale turned into a light moan as her body dropped into the steaming hot water. Sarah smiled unseen behind her and lathered her hands with body wash from the shelf next to the tub.

  “Now relax and let me love you.” Slippery hands easily traced along Keller’s skin. She kept her touch relaxing, skirting all the places Keller wanted her most. She continued the gently caressing wash for quite a while until she could feel Keller’s frustration practically radiating from the body in front of her. Eventually Sarah whispered in her ear. “Can you feel me?”

  “Yes.” Keller sighed.

  In the next breath, Sarah let down her shield and opened herself fully to Keller’s mind. “What about now?” She brought her hands up and cupped Keller’s small breasts, rolling her nipples between thumbs and forefingers. Keller’s back arched into Sarah’s touch and the abrupt movement caused the water to slosh precariously. She chuckled. “Careful lover, we don’t want to make a mess now.” Using her longer legs, she draped them over the top of Keller’s, holding her down. At the same time Sarah grabbed her around the waist with her left arm, pulling them tightly together. When the fingers of her right hand began moving down Keller’s body, the blonde gripped Sarah’s left wrist tightly. As soon as Sarah slid her fingers through Keller’s slippery folds, she felt her lover tense then start to writhe. She simply tightened her grip to keep the other woman from moving around too much.

  Keller’s head was leaning back against Sarah’s shoulder, her neck smooth and inviting. With strokes that took her fingers down the length of Keller’s sex, then back up to circle around her clit, Sarah knew that Keller wouldn’t last long. They were linked now and as Keller’s breathing increased, so too did Sarah’s. Keller, typically a quiet lover, loudly moaned. Even if she couldn’t feel what Keller was feeling through their bond, Sarah would have taken that to mean her lover was rapidly approaching orgasm. In a perfectly timed mental and physical motion, Sarah sank her teeth into Keller’s skin at the same time she entered the smaller woman with her aura. Five seconds later it all became too much and Keller pulled her over the edge into ecstasy.

  Sarah re
leased her grip on Keller’s waist and moved her legs as they both relaxed back into the tub. They stayed there until their breathing slowed and the water began to cool. The women were basking in the intense afterglow that always seemed to follow the feeding/aura probe/orgasm combination. Their silence was eventually broken by a deep breath and long exhale from Keller. “I think that it just may be your turn now.”

  Sarah laughed at the smaller woman’s languid voice. “I came with you.”

  Keller shifted so her ass pressed firmly into Sarah’s crotch and she smirked when the woman behind her gave a little gasp. “I’m aware that you came, but I also know it’s different from when I actually touch you. You’re throbbing right now, aren’t you?”

  Sarah bit her bottom lip and ground herself against her girlfriend’s ass. “I never said I was opposed.” Keller laughed and abruptly sat forward, breaking the contact between them. Sarah growled at her. “Tease!”

  Keller stood and grabbed a towel hanging nearby. “No, slowly and torturously washing my body for nearly a half hour while skipping all the good spots is a tease.” She dried herself then held the towel in front of her when she was done. “I’m promising to fuck you with your favorite toy until you pass out. No teasing, just fucking. Interested?” She dropped the towel, and before Sarah could answer, disappeared through the doorway back into the bedroom. The singer was out of the tub and drying herself in seconds.

  As soon as she crossed the threshold into the bedroom, she was stopped in her tracks by the sight of her soul mate standing near the bed in nothing but an oversized strap-on. The large pink toy jutted out from her hips obscenely. It was big enough that the singer knew had she not been a fast-healing vampire, she would be sore the next day. But now that she was infected, indulging in her size-queen tendencies with no aftereffects was just another perk. She noticed the lube on the nightstand and smiled. Healing or no healing ability, they weren’t foolish. Another thing that drew her attention was a palm size bug-looking toy with dangling elastic straps.

  She walked toward Keller and tried to figure out what the thing was. “That’s new.”

  Keller smiled and held it out to her. “You like it?”

  Sarah took it from her and investigated the item. There was a cord with a power box connected to it but she still couldn’t figure it out. “I don’t know, what is it?”

  “That, my love, is a butterfly.” She pointed to identical power box that was tucked into the waist strap of her harness, the cord disappearing underneath to places unseen. “And we’re going to play a little game called ‘Loser Comes First.’ Are you ready?”

  Sarah swallowed, suddenly understanding the purpose of the butterfly. She turned the wheel on the power box and the rubbery pink insect came to life. She shook her head and grinned at her lover. “I’m so going to lose this game, and I’m going to love every minute of it! Now help me put it on.”

  Keller laughed and helped sort out the tangle of thin elastic straps that would secure it to Sarah’s waist and upper thighs. Once the toy was nestled in place, she gave the wheel an experimental flick. The sudden vibration against her clit made her jump and Keller laughed again. “Better dial it down, love, we don’t want ya’ to become Speedy McRacer again.”

  Sarah turned it off completely and clipped the hook on the back of the power box onto the elastic waistband. “You’re so funny, you never let me live that down.” She looked at the toy strapped to her lover, then over at the bed. “So how do you want to do this?”

  Keller gave her a smoldering look. “I want you on your knees. And—” She pointed at the taller woman. “No cheating. Keep your shields up, keep your aura tucked away inside your own body. This one’s going to be all physical.”

  Sarah cursed under her breath. “I don’t even know if I can keep my shields up during sex anymore.”

  “Think of it as practice then. You need to be able to keep your shields intact no matter what the distraction.” Sarah sighed and nodded and both women crawled up on the king size bed. Keller struggled a bit because the big toy kept getting in her way. “Jesus Jenny but I don’t know how you take this monster. It’s hard enough just to move around in it. I have short legs you know!”

  Sarah was upright on her knees, directly in front of Keller. She turned her head and looked over her shoulder at the short woman. In a voice that had lowered with anticipation, she licked her lips and spoke. “Are you at least going to kiss me first?

  Keller sorted herself out and with her left hand, she grabbed the bottle from the night stand and lubed the toy. With her clean right hand, she turned on her vibrator and then turned on Sarah’s. Sarah’s eyes widened in surprise and her breathing immediately picked up. “What’s the matter, still wound up from earlier?” With the two lubed fingers from her left hand, she slowly penetrated Sarah’s depths, forcing the tall woman onto all fours.

  Sarah’s eyes fluttered shut and she nodded, then she opened them again and stared back over her shoulder into Keller’s blue eyes. “No kiss?”

  Keller withdrew her fingers and positioned the toy at Sarah’s entrance. Then she gave her lover a mischievous smile and responded with one easy word. “No.” Before Sarah could say anything else Keller thrust her hips forward and slid the strap-on all the way in. She immediately set up a moderate rhythm, rolling her hips with each thrust.

  “Holyshitjesus, oh God!”

  Keller could feel a little trickle from her lover so she called out to her. “Shields, Sarah!”

  Sarah cursed and her breathing grew ragged once again, but she managed to tighten her shields. Despite the lube and underlying arousal from earlier, it took her a few minutes to get used to the sheer size of the dildo. She managed to be both loose and tight. Keller eventually increased the strength of her thrusts, which caused the soft rubber tip of the toy to lightly bump Sarah’s cervix. A lot of women didn’t like it that deep, but Sarah wasn’t one of them. She started moaning and clawing at the bedspread below her hands. Sarah could feel every single inch moving in and out of her as she spiraled higher and higher.

  Despite the coolness with which she proposed the game, Keller was rapidly approaching her limit. She knew she wouldn’t last much longer between the pounding of the strap-on between her legs and the vibration from the butterfly. And without cheating by using her powers, she was left with only her physical skills. She started changing up her rhythm, shallow then deep, fast then slow. Then when Sarah seemed to relax a bit, she began thrusting fast and deep. Very fast. The sound of sweat-covered bodies slapping together at a rapid pace was easily drown out by the woman on her hands and knees. Sarah was yelling unintelligible words and phrases, whatever came to mind as she was fucked senselessly by her lover. Keller felt it and knew she wouldn’t last any longer. She cursed and cried out as orgasm took control of her body. “Fucking hell!”

  Hearing her lover coming was all it took for Sarah to follow. Her screams were primal and raw and they continued for the length of the unusually long orgasm. Keller eventually shuddered to a stop and quickly turned off the vibrator that was creating havoc with her overly sensitized clit. Sarah gave a final shudder and promptly collapsed on the bed below her. Keller quickly withdrew the toy and shut off Sarah’s butterfly as well. Then, with all the grace of a land-bound walrus, she collapsed onto her back next to her unconscious lover. She noted the rips in the sheets next to Sarah’s hands and shook her head with a smile. Their sheets didn’t seem to last much longer than Sarah’s underwear but she wasn’t going to complain. She had the harness and vibrator removed before Sarah finally came around. When the singer was fully aware, their eyes met and Keller smiled.

  Sarah returned the smile and hoarsely added two words. “Promise fulfilled.”

  Chapter Eleven

  THE NEXT DAY dawned beautiful and clear, and weather reports predicted the temperature would be in the upper eighties. Keller told Sarah that she wouldn’t have to worry about being drained by the sun because she would be gaining an enormous amount of energ
y from the crowd for the hour that she was scheduled to perform. The sun would actually help because it would drain enough that Sarah wouldn’t feel overloaded after her performance. They just had to be careful the rest of time they were out in the sun. The two vampire members of Resurrection would be taking the same precautions.

  Practice went very well. The two hours that the five musicians spent going over Sarah’s music practically flew by. Sarah was impressed with the way Grace, Colton, Corentine, and Mozzie had taken the time to learn her music, on top of their own busy tour schedule. But then, they had all be doing music in some shape or form for a very long time. They made regular seasoned professions look like amateurs. By the time the session came to an end, they had created a set list that included both new and old songs by Sarah, as well as a few songs by Resurrection. They even chose two other cover songs by another popular band. They were able to run through everything at least once, twice for a few of the trickier ones. All in all, Sarah felt pretty good about her upcoming performance. Standing in the lobby of the studio, she looked at the four members of her guest band. “So how do you want to do this today?

  Colton look at her quizzically. “Do wut, luv?”

  “How do you want me to introduce you? I mean, are you here on the sly? Do you want your presence in Columbus kept on the down low, or can I introduce you as Resurrection? If you want to be anonymous, I can do that.”

  Mozzie spoke up in his quiet accented English. “Won’t you get more notoriety if you play with a famous band?”

  His wife chastised him. “Mozzie! Do not assume that everyone is out to ride our coattails.”

  He inclined his head toward Sarah. “My apologies, Miss Colby. I did not mean to imply you were another of the many leaches we meet in this business.”

  Sarah laughed. “Please call me Sarah. And no, I don’t need the notoriety. I do well enough with my music instruction. And truthfully, I’m only playing this gig as a favor to Annie. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have volunteered, given our current circumstances right now.”


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