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Digital Dalliance: A Hotwife Novel

Page 4

by Lexi Archer

  6: Not That Kind of Girl

  It was nice getting home an hour before the rest of the world. That meant I avoided most of the commuters in the afternoon and it meant I had an extra hour where I could log in and veg out after a tough day answering phones at the office.

  I felt that familiar rush of endorphins as I sat down at my computer. As I double clicked on the icon to log into Tales of Elassa. The familiar violin music washed over me and it felt as though I was immersing myself in a cold pool of water. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Typed in my username and password and then I was in.

  I became Maia, high elf priestess of the Hokuten Order. A high elf priestess who was respected. A high elf priestess who was considered one of the best role-playing scenario writers on the server. Here was a place where I was more than just the receptionist.

  Escaping reality was nice sometimes.

  A beep. A ding. I looked up in curiosity. My message icon was blinking on my UI. Now that was interesting. Most people who I knew didn’t play during the day. Sure the server was online twenty-four hours a day unless it was down for maintenance, but at the same time I tended to only have friends who played at night because that was when I was on. My understanding was the place was pretty sparsely populated during the day when most of the US population was at work or at school or doing other things that people with normal lives did.

  The only people on right now were mostly the unemployed, kids who didn’t have to be at school for whatever reason, college students, and people like me who were lucky enough to get off of work a little early.

  I clicked the icon and a message popped up. Immediately I felt my pulse racing. Immediately I felt blood pumping through my body, roaring behind my ears. I felt my nipples harden and strain out towards the computer. And above all of that I felt guilty because it wasn’t John who was getting that reaction.

  Him. Conlan. He was on, and he just sent me a message.

  “How’s it going?”

  Three simple words, and yet I found myself racking my brain trying to think of a way to respond to them. I desperately tried to think of something that would make me seem witty, clever, a sophisticated woman of the online gaming world, and yet my words failed me. I found myself simply responding honestly.

  “Better now that I’m logged in. How about you?”

  “Much better now that you’re online. ;)”

  I pulled back from the keyboard. Partly to get control of myself and partly because I couldn’t believe he actually just said that. I also couldn’t believe that I was actually going to respond to him. This was getting out of control but I couldn’t control myself. That scared me more than anything else. I still loved John, we’d had a great time at our last date night, but at the same time there was something about the newness, the hotness that I felt when I talked with this guy that was making me throw caution to the wind.

  “Oh really? Why would you say that?” I typed back.

  “You seem like a smart girl. You do the math.”

  I blushed. This was ridiculous. Why was I blushing like this? Why did I feel like a silly girl with a crush? Why was I continuing this conversation? And yet I plowed ahead. By changing the subject. At least I was that good.

  “So you’re pretty good at role-playing and writing for a raiding type,” I said.

  “What makes you think I’m a raiding type?” he asked.

  “You have a server first item on you,” I said. “You don’t get that by sitting around the big role-playing areas all night long. Trust me, I know.”

  “I do a little bit of writing in my spare time,” he said.

  “Oh? And what do you do that you have time for writing and being a top raider on this server?”

  “College student. Studying finance but everyone needs an outlet,” he replied.

  “Really? What year?”

  “Graduate this year. Not looking forward to the real world.”

  I sighed. I could understand that sentiment. If I had to deal with that bitch of an office manager walking past my desk looking judgmental if I wasn’t on the phones, as though I could control when a phone call came in, one more time then I was going to scream.

  “Yeah, enjoy the college cocoon while you can,” I said.

  “So how long have you been role-playing?”

  I thought about that. I’d been doing this at least since I got to college. I didn’t really have a computer that could handle gaming before that.

  “A few years now,” I said. “What about you?”

  “The same. Nice way to blow off some steam,” he said.


  “So speaking of steam and role-playing. Are you one of those who’s done some steamy role-playing? ;)”

  I pulled back from my computer again and thought about that. Normally when someone brought that up it earned them an angry response and a block. Only there was something about this guy that intrigued me. There was something about the way he’d handled his character the last time we met and the casual way he flirted with me that, let’s be honest, had me deep in the throes of a little crush.

  And because of that little crush I was reacting very differently to that question. I smiled and felt warmth spreading through my body. Here was a guy who was like me. Here was a guy who was a writer, even if it was just a hobby. The more I learned about this guy the more intrigued I got. The guiltier I felt as well, but that guilt didn’t stop me from plowing right ahead, but I figured at the very least I should mention that I was spoken for.

  “Honestly I’ve never actually tried that,” I said. “Never saw the value in it since I’ve got my husband here to take care of me.”

  “Husband? Interesting,” he said.

  “Why is that interesting?” I asked.

  “I love a challenge. ;)”

  I blinked. I reread that line to make sure it actually said what I thought it said. Now this definitely was a cocky one. Even more intriguing. I looked over my shoulder to where John would normally be sitting and was thankful that this conversation was happening now before he got home. This definitely isn’t the sort of conversation I’d be comfortable having while he was sitting there with the potential to look over my shoulder at any moment.

  “So have you ever gotten up to some naughty role-playing?”

  “Not exactly, but I’ve always wanted to try it if I found the right girl,” he said.

  Oh my. If I thought this conversation was dangerous before that was nothing compared to the dangerous places it was going now. I looked over my shoulder again, an instinctive reflex even though John wasn’t there, and laughed at myself for being so ridiculous. I glanced at the clock. I was safe for at least another ten minutes. I felt bad for making sure that I was safe for another ten minutes, but whatever. I was more interested in how goddamn turned on this conversation was making me.

  And I figured I’d be able to channel that energy into John when he got home, so it’s not like it was all bad. It’s not like it was cheating talking about this.

  “Never found the right girl?”

  “Until recently no,” he replied.

  Another wave of heat moved through me. I was so fucking wet down below. I looked over to the door. John needed to get home soon. He needed to get home and put a stop to this. He needed to get home so I could fuck his brains out and get rid of all this pent up energy that was threatening to overwhelm me and make me do something that a married woman shouldn’t do with another man. Sure I’d be doing it in-game, but something told me that was a distinction John wouldn’t exactly appreciate.

  “You shouldn’t say things like that to a married woman,” I said.

  “Tell me to stop and I will,” he replied.

  And there it was. He’d thrown down the gauntlet. I could tell him now and he probably would stop. No doubt he’d move on to some other girl in a role-playing zone and the thought of someone else getting to role-play with him caused jealousy to flare in me.

  “I’m not going to tell you to st
op,” I said.

  “Someday I’m going to hold you to that…”

  God it was amazing how words on a screen could get me so worked up. So turned on. I felt like I needed to head over to the bedroom and get out my plastic buddy, but I didn’t. I would’ve had a hell of a time explaining to John why I had my vibrator out when I just got home from work.

  As though thinking of John was enough to make him appear the door rattled.

  “Maybe you will. Maybe you won’t. Either way that day isn’t today. Hubby’s home.”

  “Give him my regards.”

  Yeah, like I was going to do that. If I had my way John would never find out about this. It was a harmless flirtation. At least that’s what I kept telling myself. The door opened and I stood to greet my husband with the kind of welcome home most men only dream about getting from their wives.

  7: Honey I’m Home

  I walked through the door with a smile on my face. Things had been going so well, especially after that date night last week, that I had every reason to expect a fun time tonight. Hopefully we were past the point where we both spent so much time in that damned game that we ignored each other.

  “Honey, I’m home!”

  To my surprise Kayla appeared right away. She wasn’t in front of the computer monitor for a change, not that I minded as long as we made time away from the computer monitor. No, she was walking through the living room coming towards me with a look that I could only describe as the sexiest pair of “fuck me” eyes I’d seen on my wife in a good long while. Maybe since the first time we met up with each other and all the digital sexual tension that had been growing between us while we were playing the game finally exploded in one glorious moment together in a hotel room.

  My cock was instantly standing at attention. And I was immediately on guard. I immediately wondered what it was that got her worked up like this. What it was that was so hot that she was looking at me like that right after she got home from work. Usually her job stressed her out to the point that she needed a few hours to decompress.

  Except she had been decompressing. My thoughts went to that Elassa shard. To Conlan.

  So instead of going for the kiss or the embrace, which was obviously what she wanted from the way she was looking at me, I walked past her into the computer room. I wanted to test something. When she came rushing in past me and quickly flipped off her monitor that just aroused my suspicions even more.

  Of course that wasn’t the only part of me that was aroused as she leaned back on her desk and looked up at me. Still, that nagging suspicion… I figured I’d go for the direct route. See what that got me.

  “Is there something you want to tell me honey?”

  A shadow passed across her face and was gone almost as quickly as it had appeared. Replaced by a smile. A smile that I didn’t quite believe, but then she was advancing on me and seeing her like that got me so turned on.

  Fuck it. Whatever was going on had to be digital only, and I was in one of those ridiculously worked up states where a puff of wind would’ve been enough to give me an erection. And having my wife advancing on me, feeling her pressing her body against me, feeling her tits against me and her pussy grinding against my rock hard cock as she looked down in surprise and then up with a smile, well to say that it was all too much for me would be the understatement of the century. The understatement of the millennium.

  Sure I still had my suspicions, but in the moment I figured I was going to run with having my gorgeous wife rubbing her body against me. Leaning up to kiss me.

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her against me. She let out a satisfied sigh. Then my mouth was descending on hers and we were making out in the middle of our computer room. I thought about moving to one of our computer chairs, but we’d discovered the hard way early on that those weren’t really cut out for sex. The first time we discovered that the hard way had almost resulted in a trip to the emergency room and definitely resulted in a trip to the local office supply store.

  So I reached down and picked her up, it was fairly easy to do with her petite frame, and carried her back to our bedroom. I fell back on the bed with her on top of me and continued making out, my hands roaming up and down her body.

  She’d already changed into her pajamas, and the thin material might as well not be there at all. Running my hands along my wife’s body, getting to explore her contours, was something I never got tired of. We’d been married for a year now, hell it had been two years since we moved in together and three years since we first started in Tales of Elassa, but every time I touched her it felt like the first time. It always brought me back to that wonderful moment when we met each other in a coffee shop and we’d both been so turned on, so pleasantly surprised at two hard bodies coming together in an online video game of all places, that we’d almost immediately gone back to the hotel room and started going at it like a couple of horny rabbits.

  Thinking of that moment in the hotel naturally pushed thoughts into my head about her potentially talking to another guy in-game. About why she’d turned off the monitor so quickly when I walked into the computer room. She was sneaking around, hiding something, and it made me wonder if there was something going on.

  I know it wasn’t fair to be suspicious of her, especially since my suspicions had everything to do with how we originally met, but I couldn’t help it. And thoughts of her potentially straying in the game were pushing other thoughts into my mind. Thoughts I’d thought were ridiculous at first, but they kept popping in there. Thoughts of her in a hotel room with some guy she met in the game, only it wasn’t me this time. No, it was some random stranger from our server she’d been carrying on with, that she’d been “role-playing” with only they decided it was so hot that their passion spilled over into the real world.

  I knew I was crazy. She wasn’t unfaithful. Besides, what were the odds of her meeting another guy that looked as good as I did while playing the game? And still the question remained. Still that worry was there. It wouldn’t leave my mind.

  And the more those thoughts refused to leave my mind the more I wondered if it was actually a worry or if it was something different. An obsession.

  My cock was rock hard just from having Kayla on top of me grinding her pussy against me like that. Feeling her warmth against my cock should have been enough, and yet I kept thinking about another man feeling her pussy grinding against his cock. The thought made me lightheaded. I got even more aroused, if that was possible. What the hell was wrong with me? What the hell was coming over me? I couldn’t explain these new feelings, but it felt fucking amazing so I figured I’d just go with it for the moment.

  Only Kayla pulled back and looked down at me. “Is something wrong honey?”

  Damn it. I’d gotten so distracted by that fantasy that I hadn’t even realized I’d stopped kissing her with quite as much enthusiasm as I should have. And the last thing I wanted to do was explain to her that no, don’t worry honey, I was just thinking about another guy fucking you and getting really turned on in the process.

  So I decided to lie. Okay, maybe not lie exactly. But engage in a little bit of conversational misdirection. Same thing, but slightly different.

  “I was just thinking how great it is that we’re finally doing this again,” I said.

  There. That wasn’t exactly a lie. Sure it wasn’t exactly what I was thinking about, either, but she didn’t have to know that. And apparently the line worked on her, because the worried expression left her face and she smiled as she moved down to kiss me again.

  I made sure to keep up the enthusiasm with my kissing this time, but once again I couldn’t help but wonder if there was something more to that worry on her face. I’d worried that she suspected what I was thinking, but could the same be true of her? Could she be worried about me suspecting something of her?

  God knows I had plenty to suspect with the way she’d been acting.

  Then her hand moved down and grasped my cock and I forgot all about my suspicion
s. Well, at least I forgot all about my suspicions insofar as I was actually suspicious. The thought of her with another man was still running through my head on a continuous loop, but I was thinking about the fantasy that was turning me on more so than the worry that maybe my wife was cheating on me.

  They were sort of one and the same, but different at the same time. It was hard to explain. The turn on was separated from the worry somehow.

  Kayla’s hand made short work of my pants. She seemed to do a flick and my belt was undone. Another flick and my pants were unbuttoned and unzipped. She was damn skilled with that, and I loved it. A moment later she pulled my cock out and then she was descending on it with her mouth.

  I gasped as I felt that wet warmth descending on me. As I felt her tongue swirling around the underside of my cock. As my cock bottomed out in the back of her mouth and then she took me into her throat. I nearly went cross-eyed at that. She could deep throat me, but it wasn’t something she did that often. Only when she was really turned on.

  Which, once again, had me wondering exactly what it was that had her so turned on. Only that was just a fleeting thought. It was quickly replaced by the image of my wife going down on another guy, of her mouth descending on another man’s cock as I sat to the side and watched her.

  Wait, what? As I sat to the side and watched her? Where the hell did that thought come from?

  My breathing was coming in ragged gasps and I felt like I was on the edge of coming. I reached down and grabbed her hair in my hand, started pushing her up and down, only she pushed up against me. Pulled her mouth off of my cock and looked up at me and wagged a finger.

  “Naughty boy,” she said. “You’re not going to come in my mouth. If you’re going to blow a load then I’m going to enjoy it!”

  I wasn’t going to argue with that. She stood and ripped her clothes off in record time. And in my mind’s eye I was imagining some muscular hunk behind her ripping her clothes off in record time rather than her delicate fingers doing the work. In an instant she was standing before me naked and I was looking at her through the eyes of a man who’d been flirting with her online, who couldn’t believe this gorgeous videogame goddess was standing before him completely naked. I tore off my own clothes and sat back on the bed, my cock jutting out, as she got down on all fours and started climbing over me.


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