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Digital Dalliance: A Hotwife Novel

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  As my character descended I switched out of the game window for a moment to check the chat log. Only there was nothing there. That was one frustrating limitation. It tracked private messages in the game and private conversations via the chat client outside of the game, but it didn’t track any sort of open in-game communication. So if she was talking to this guy in that zone using open chat or if they were in a party together talking with group chat then I wasn’t going to see any of those conversations in the chat log.

  Damn it. And I’d thought option one had been so clever. At least it got me this far. I was just going to have to take it the rest of the way with option number two.

  I skirted the mountains around the edge of the zone keeping an eye out for the telltale green text over a character’s head. I figured the zone was so sparsely populated that any sort of text would probably be her or this guy she was with.

  It was a decent sized zone, but it’d been made back before they introduced flying mounts. That meant I could easily cover most of the territory quickly, and sure enough I found them in an area where the water ran right up to one of the mountains. I quickly put away the flying mount, dropped, and activated the stealth setting before I hit the bottom. The character took some damage, but not enough to kill him thank goodness. I was situated on a rock right above them, completely invisible, looking down on everything that was being said.

  And it turned out I was having a stroke of luck. If they were having a conversation in party chat then I’d be screwed. There was no way I’d be able to see what they were talking about. Only apparently they were fairly confident about not getting interrupted in this out-of-the-way part of a forgotten zone nobody ever visited anymore. I could see everything they were saying to one another, and I very nearly came against the bottom of the laptop when I read their chat.

  I’d been absolutely correct. My wife was stepping out on me, in a digital sense. She was engaging in the kind of role-playing she always said she never partook in. And rather than being upset, rather than being annoyed, rather than feeling ice in the pit of my stomach at the prospect of my marriage being over because she was cheating on me, I felt a fire instead. It was burning white-hot. It was making my cock throb and blood pump through me as though I’d just run up the side of one of these massive mountains my character was resting on.

  Rather than being pissed off I was just turned on. So fucking turned on. I couldn’t believe what I was thinking, but I was happy rather than angry.

  I sat down to enjoy the show, and hoped neither one of them thought to do a search of the zone like I did to see who was here. Having another high-level character would be suspicious, but it couldn’t be helped.

  I set the laptop to the side, activated some screen capturing software I’d installed earlier in the day, and pulled my cock out and started stroking as I enjoyed the show.

  12: Pixelated Passion

  I still couldn’t quite believe I was breaking my rule about sexy times in a role-playing scenario. That I was about to cheat on John. There was also a small voice whispering that it wasn’t a big deal. That this was just a game, after all. It was just a little role-playing session that was getting hot and heavy.

  Was it really cheating? I was just violating every principle I held dear when it came to role-playing. It was just violating the vows I took on my wedding day. I knew people who enjoyed this sort of role-play, I’d known women who stepped out on their men and looked down on them at the time because I wasn’t that kind of person. Except now that I was in the moment, now that I was being honest with myself, it seemed like I was that kind of person.

  And really, what was the harm? This really was just like reading a dirty story. Except it was a dirty story I was helping to write. It was a dirty story I was working on with a co-author. Deep down, in that part of me that was being completely honest, I knew John probably wouldn’t appreciate that distinction, but it helped me hang onto some small scrap of self-respect.

  The entire time I’d been idly running my fingers up and down my pussy. I was amazed at how incredible this felt just from my hand. My fingers were providing more intense stimulation than my plastic vibrating pal could ever hope to and it was all because of how turned on I was. It was all because of how incredibly hot I was because of Conlan.

  It was a conundrum. I wasn’t the kind of girl who did this sort of thing. And yet for my sexy confident Conlan apparently I was.

  My character popped out of one of the caves leading into the zone and went flying over the top of a waterfall. Both of our characters splashed down in the water and he started advancing on me. I put my hands back on the keyboard and licked my lips in anticipation.

  The water was surprisingly warm as I splashed down into it. I swam for the surface and took in a deep breath. I looked at my surroundings and my mouth fell open. It was absolutely beautiful.

  Light beat down from the sun overhead illuminating clear blue water with fish swimming idly by. This kind of ocean life was a sharp contrast to the stuff I usually saw which tended to be creatures with giant teeth intent on killing me.

  I turned and let out a surprised squeal. There was a very handsome, extremely sexy human barbarian with tousled wet hair advancing on me with an intense look on his face. It was a look that promised things that set my body on fire. Promised things that were turning me on so much as I tried to manipulate the keyboard and mouse with one hand while the other was down between my legs manipulating something else.

  In game I turned and swam towards the edge where water met mountain. As he got closer I smiled. He looked me up and down and it sent a chill running through my body. It drove me wild with lust. I couldn’t believe a man could make me feel that way just from one look, but there it was. Of course out of the game there was a man who could make me feel that way from one look, but that wasn’t the man I was with now.

  “What are you doing human?” I asked, my voice quavering.

  He leaned in even closer. So close that I could feel the heat radiating off of his body. I could feel his rock hard muscles. I wanted to wrap my arms around him. I wanted to wrap my legs around him. God! What was it about this man, what was it about the way he could turn a phrase that made me weak in the knees? That made me want to violate every principle I had about role-playing and my marriage vows to have a little fun with him?

  And yet I was willing him on. Secretly I was screaming in my head, begging him to make the move. I felt like a virgin on her wedding night about to be taken for the first time, and in a way I was about to be taken for the first time in a strictly virtual reality sense. John might have had that opportunity if he’d ever shown any interest in role-playing, I’d considered trying it with him, but he’d never shown that interest and so he’d missed his opportunity.

  Now another man was taking that opportunity right out from under my husband.

  I sighed as he leaned forward, as his lips made contact with mine. Holy shit! My arms wrapped around him, wrapped around that impossibly built torso. It was everything I’d imagined and more. It was so incredibly hot. I was done denying myself. I was done denying the world of pleasure that was opened to me by this forbidden experience with this incredibly talented writer, with this incredibly sexy human warrior.

  “This is so wrong,” I sighed. I was so distracted that I fell out of character. “I’ve never done this before.”

  He pulled back and looked at me, a grin on his face. “Never?”

  “Well, it was never really my thing. I always thought it was sort of…”

  “Silly? Stupid? Ridiculous when you could go out and get it in the real world?”

  I bit my lip, blushed, and nodded. “All of the above.”

  He leaned in closer, though it was obvious we were both having an out of character conversation at this point. I was just breaking all sorts of my personal role-playing rules tonight.

  “Do you want to know a secret?”

  “What?” I breathed.

  “I’ve never done this either,” he
said. “Never even considered it. You’re just so goddamn…”

  And he leaned forward and kissed me. It was a hungry kiss. Insistent. I felt his body pressing against mine and it was all I could do to hang on as a roller coaster of emotions washed over me. I was a bundle of sensations. The warm water surrounding us, his body towering over mine, feeling him pressing against me like that, the naughtiness of doing something I’d never done before, that I swore I’d never do under any circumstances, and yet it still felt so right with him. I let it all wash over me.

  I felt a hunger, a lust, an urgency that was surprising. I had a hard time believing I could feel this hot thanks to something that was happening in a video game! I couldn’t believe I was doing it, but I tugged at his shirt, pulled it up revealing his rippling muscles underneath.

  And as I sat in my chair hunched over the computer with one hand on the keyboard and the other on my pussy I listened intently for any sound from the bedroom even as my imagination traveled out of the game and into the real world. I imagined meeting this guy in much the same way that I’d met my husband. I imagined his rippling muscles looming over me in the real world. Pressing against me. God it was so fucking hot!

  He growled and pressed into me, his growl vibrating down my throat even as his tongue explored my mouth. As I arched my back and pressed myself against him, loving the feel of my sensitive nipples brushing against his bare chest.

  We pulled away from the kiss and I didn’t know what to do. I was unsure of myself, so inexperienced never having done anything like this, but knowing that it was so right. Knowing that this was something I definitely wanted. Needed.

  I reached down and fumbled at his belt. He grinned that cocky confident grin and then he was pawing at my clothes. Yanking at dress and ripping it down, pulling at the armor underneath, one of those ridiculous bikini armor pieces that I always wore a more appropriate role-playing dress over. And yet I’d made sure to have that particularly scandalous set of armor on my character tonight because I knew something like this was going to happen.

  We must’ve gotten each other out of our clothes in record time. He was a man possessed. He was a man who was taking what he wanted, and I was a woman who wanted him to take what he wanted despite the fact that the wedding ring burning on my finger said very much that I wasn’t another man’s for the taking. I felt his manhood press up against my pussy and then he was pressing forward. Moving inside me. It was happening.

  I threw my head back, allowed my wet hair to fall against the rocks with a slap, and gasped quietly as he pressed inside me. It was so fucking incredible! His hands reached out and grasped my own as he continued pressing inside. My breath came in short gasps, his own breath came in ragged gasps as a he looked down at me with pure hunger.

  He leaned forward and pressed one last time, let out one final grunt that turned to a roar as he buried himself inside me. His hulking body over my petite frame was so incredibly sexy. He was completely dominating me. I looked up from his rugged stubble down to his broad chest with its wispy hair, down to his perfect abs, down to between his legs and that the spot where his cock was buried to the hilt where our bodies came together in a forbidden embrace.

  An embrace that was forbidden by my own rules of role-playing. An embrace that was forbidden by the terms of service in Tales of Elassa even though it’s not like they could stop that sort of thing from happening since there were so many people playing the game. An embrace that was forbidden in the world of Elassa because he was a human and I was an elf. An embrace that was forbidden because I was a married woman being very naughty with someone who was almost a complete stranger. And yet the naughty combination of all of those taboos being shattered at the same time was so incredibly hot that it had me over the edge.

  I moved my hand down and started running it up and down my pussy as he started pulling out and slamming inside me in-game. I was so hot. I felt the hair standing up on the back of my neck, I felt my nipples pressing out towards the computer monitor. I felt my pussy getting so wet as I ran a finger up and down, as I felt small sparks going through my body outside the game world as explosions were running through my body in the game world.

  I really hoped John didn’t decide to go to the kitchen for a snack or go on a raid after all.

  Conlan’s thrusting grew more erratic. This was going fast, but that was just fine with me because I was so damn close. With a final grunt and a roar he buried himself inside me and then he was exploding. That was enough to send my character over the edge, squeezing her eyes shut and screaming as impossible waves of pleasure crashed over her body even as water crashed over her body from the force of us fucking.

  Of course the explosion my character was feeling were nothing compared to the explosions that were going off in my computer chair. I was breathing heavily, crying out quietly and biting my lips to try and mask the sound so John wouldn’t hear what I was doing. I pressed my fingers against my pussy, not even inside my shorts, and then it was happening. I was shuddering, my entire body felt like it was on fire as explosions of tingly pleasure shot off all through me. I felt an impossible warmth spreading through my stomach, I felt and impossible pleasure between my legs. I had to grip my chair with my free hand and squeeze my eyes and mouth shut as I rode out that wave of orgasmic pleasure.

  Holy shit! This was so fucking intense, and I wasn’t even technically with a guy! This was just characters on a screen!

  And yet it was so fucking hot. It was going straight to the pleasure centers of my brain. It was short-circuiting every other part of my body, it was short-circuiting every bit of conscious thought I had. All I could think about was this incredible man who’d gone from a stranger in an inn to a lover in almost every sense of the word in such a short amount of time.

  And the end result is I was sitting in my computer chair with my hand buried between my legs, not even touching myself directly, feeling an intense orgasm exploding through me. I was seeing stars. I was seeing double. My monitor seemed to split in front of my vision for a moment and then everything was blurred as I concentrated on that amazing pleasure.

  Then it was over. I was coming down and still breathing heavily. I looked to the screen where I saw a couple of messages waiting for me. I blushed as I realized he probably knew exactly what I was doing.

  “You there?”


  “Seems like someone’s having a good time over there! ;)”

  I smiled and typed out a response. A one handed response. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Oh I think all the spelling errors you’re suddenly making tells me everything I need to know baby,” he said.

  I blushed. Damn it. Of all the times to throw proofreading out!

  “Well you’re right you jerk. This was fun, but I need to go freshen up and talk to hubby before he starts suspecting something is up,” I said.

  “Sounds good. I need some time to ‘freshen up’ as well. I’ll catch you the next time we do this.”

  And then he was gone. I smiled as I realized exactly why he probably needed time to freshen up after that intense session. I also felt a flush rising to my chest as I thought of him sitting at his computer somewhere in the world jerking off to what he was doing with me. Somehow that made the whole experience more real to have that confirmed even though I had a sneaking suspicion the whole time.

  He’d also mentioned the next time we did this. There was going to be a next time, oh yes, but for now I really did need to get back to the bedroom and try to find a sneaky way to change my soaked panties without arousing John’s suspicions.

  13: Secrets Revealed

  I shook as they finished up and I set the laptop aside. My cock was rock hard and pulsing. I’d been afraid to touch myself for fear that I’d blow my load prematurely, and the deeper they got into the throes of digital passion the less I wanted to risk missing a moment of that delicious and inexplicable enjoyment by blowing a load.

  I was still ridiculously keyed up. I wa
s still on fire. I watched on screen as Kayla’s character faded away. That meant she was logging out of the game. I could hear her stirring in the computer room. Coming this way.

  Briefly I considered hiding the laptop. Maybe throw it under the bed where she probably wouldn’t find it. But I decided against that. No, after what I’d witnessed the time for subterfuge, the time of for playing dumb, was over. It was time to let Kayla know what I knew.

  And yet I was terrified at the thought of revealing what I knew. Not because I was worried about the argument that might ensue when she discovered I’d been spying on her, when I let loose with the pent up anger from her stepping out on me. No, all of my nerves came from the fantasy. The obsession.

  As soon as I told her what I’d been doing that would naturally lead to why I was doing it. There would be one hell of an argument, and I’d let slip that I was actually turned on by what she was doing. And I didn’t know where things would go from there.

  A conversation about cheating I could handle. That was part of the script. That was something that everybody thought about, that everybody knew how to deal with in the back of their head even if they didn’t quite know how they’d react until they were in the moment.

  This, though. This was something completely different. This was something I was completely unprepared for. This wasn’t part of the script. What man thinks about how he’d react to suddenly fantasizing about his wife with another man?

  No man in his right mind. I can tell you that much.

  So I was still sitting and staring at my laptop screen, staring at the spot where my wife had disappeared and this new guy was still sitting there no doubt basking in the afterglow of what had just happened. And when I say he was basking in the afterglow of what had just happened, what he just did with my wife, what I really mean is he was probably off in the bathroom wiping himself off with some tissues and making sure nothing got on his keyboard. The prick. I hated him even as I was turned on by what he’d just done with my wife. What he’d just done to my wife.


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