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Page 13

by Anne Conley

  “You can. And you will.” This was going to be his mantra tonight. He would repeat these words to Lacie until she understood they were true. “Don’t forget, you can’t move.”

  This time, when she came, she gripped his thighs so hard he thought she might rip some of the hair out, but the pain distracted him from the torturous bliss of her orgasm around his dick as he once more sucked her skin into his mouth. Simon knew he was marking her, trying to make the hickeys where they wouldn’t be visible to her students but mindlessly leaving his mark nonetheless. With every orgasm, he had to do something to not blow.

  Lacie was writhing in his lap, a tortured mess, but he liked it. The picture in the mirror showed a woman in the throes of passion and the man taking her there. A sense of satisfaction welled up inside him, and when she’d come down from her wave of pleasure, he readjusted them so they were neatly stacked atop one another again.

  “You’re doing really well, Lacie. We’re going to do this again,” he whispered in her ear.

  Lacie was going out of her mind. She had no idea where Simon had come up with this. It wasn’t quite sex because nobody was moving, at Simon’s insistence, but it was certainly something. After her second orgasm, Simon stroked and cuddled her while she tried to regain her faculties.

  But it was useless. As soon as she got her mind back on track with what they were doing, his husky voice was in her ear again.

  “Don’t forget. No moving. I want my dick inside you the entire time.” His words from the night of the crash came back to her. You’ve no idea the filthy things I want to do to you. Coupled with his current dirty talk, she felt herself grow impossibly warmer. She was already sweating and hadn’t even hardly moved, although that last orgasm had her very nearly jumping off his lap. “Watch,” he demanded as his fingers began working her again. Trembling, she nodded, uncertainty filling her, even as the surety that this was a man she could love took over.

  Simon pulled out until the head of his shaft stroked a spot inside her, applying pressure that made her see stars. That, and his magical fingers on her nub, made Lacie helpless. His other hand tweaked her nipple, twisting it almost to the point of pain, and his lips found that sensitive spot behind her ear again.

  This time, it was a slow climb, but the whole process was unbelievable to Lacie, like an out-of-body experience. As she watched their bodies in the mirror, she felt like another person. She’d never known intimacy could be like this. She could see where they were joined, and as she felt her body climb, the heat inside made it almost impossible to stay still.

  “I need to move, Simon,” she gasped out on a ragged moan.

  His quiet shooshing in her ear sent another shock of warmth to her, and he slowly began pumping in and out of her. She watched the length of him disappear into her folds, and a rush of sensations overwhelmed her. He was slick with sweat as well, and as she arched into him, wanting to press him deeper, she slid against his skin.

  Simon grunted his restraint, biting into her neck as she came a third time. This time, when the climax hit, she couldn’t stop her moan from gaining intensity and ending on a scream. Lacie shook violently, her back arched, her thighs a mass of trembling flesh as Simon effortlessly lifted her and carried her to the bed.

  “I think you can have more, but I can’t go through that again.” He stared hungrily down at her, and Lacie simply shook her head, words failing her for once. As Simon laid her on the bed, he covered her body with his and kissed her. “So fucking beautiful, Lacie.” His kisses were tender, so unlike what had just happened. She couldn’t even describe what they’d just done.

  But it was amazing.

  Simon continued kissing her as he clasped her wrists and held them together above her head. His grip was massive, and she didn’t fight it. If he needed this control, she could give it to him. His tongue swooped into her mouth and claimed her as he pushed inside. From this angle, it felt different, but even more intimate since they were face to face. She arched her back again, needing to feel the press of his chest against her sensitive breasts.

  Lacie was already out of breath, but when Simon pulled back and looked at her, still thrusting slowly in and out of her, she lost whatever air she had in her lungs. His eyes were so full of tenderness and awe. He moved over her gently, tenderly, and she found herself wrapping her legs around his, wanting more skin-on-skin contact. She felt the heat inside her build again, an agonizing pleasure, another climax.

  But this one was different. Whereas the others had been sharp and piercing orgasms, this one was a warm melding of souls. As Simon continued to gaze at her, his eyes telegraphing emotions she couldn’t comprehend, his movements became more forceful. He dropped kisses on her neck and shoulders, his legs tightening around hers, using her body for leverage, even as he held her hands above her head.

  Before long, he was pounding into her, and she was meeting his thrusts. He lifted one of her legs to his shoulder, gripping her thigh to his chest, hitting a different spot inside her. The rhythm was savage and exhilarating. When Lacie cried out, Simon froze deep inside her, tendons popping out on his neck, roaring out his own release in a guttural, beastly sound.

  Lacie’s mind spun. That wasn’t fucking. She would have blushed at the thought but knew her face was already red with exertion. Maybe it had started out that way, but what Simon had just done was most assuredly an act of love, passion, something besides just the physical aspect of sex.

  She didn’t know what to do with that information. Especially when Simon rolled over onto his side, tugged her into his arms, and rested his chin on her head, tucking her safely into the crook of his neck with a contented sigh.

  Lacie wanted to ask him what had just happened. She wanted to talk about this. But she also knew Simon. He would go around like nothing had happened for the next two days.

  With a sigh of her own, less contented than his, Lacie managed to just let it be for now. She could force him to talk to her later.

  But to her surprise, Simon’s voice rang out, breaking the silence of the still room.

  “I didn’t want this to happen.”

  She kissed his neck where it moved when he spoke. “I know.” She was trying to be reassuring but was afraid of where he was going.

  “But it did.”

  “Yes. It did.” More questions filtered through her brain. Questions she wasn’t sure she wanted the answers to, so she left them unspoken.

  He tightened his grip on her, pulling her even closer. She couldn’t see his face, and that worried her. Feelings of hurt and inadequacy hit her. Did he not like what they’d just done? Had it not pleased him? She’d thought it had, but what if she’d done something wrong?

  “I don’t think I’ll be able to let you go for a while.” At his words, Lacie leaned her head back and leveled her eyes at him. He was serious. His face held no trace of jokes, not that Simon joked—ever. But the sadness in his eyes was palpable.

  She wondered if she would ever get the whole story of who had hurt him so badly. She knew it was Tanya, since that’s who his sister had been comparing her to. She’d only heard the last part of that exchange. Not wanting to ruin this moment with words of past hurts, Lacie decided she didn’t need to know about her this second. Instead, she tugged at the hair at the base of his neck.

  “I don’t think I’m ready for you to.”

  His hand whispered down her rib cage before cupping her bottom and pulling it toward him.

  “I wouldn’t let you if you did. Now, go to sleep. I have more plans for you.”

  As if she could sleep after that declaration. She giggled to herself. But remarkably, as soon as she settled back in the crook of his neck, his steady heartbeat and even breaths lulled her, and before she realized it, she was asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Despite the fact Simon had woken her up twice more in the night for mor
e than her fair share of pleasure, Lacie woke to her alarm going off and Simon gazing at her no less affectionately than he had the night before.

  “We’re going for our run, and then you’re calling in sick to school. I need to do some stuff at the office, and you’re going with me.” He planted a firm kiss on her lips, letting it linger a bit, before swinging his legs out of bed.

  Lacie rolled over to watch his butt as he stalked over to the armoire and opened it to grab running shorts. She was picking her battles today. The last argument about her calling in had left her with feelings she didn’t want to repeat. If Simon wanted her to call in, she would call in.

  “Bossy this morning, are we?”

  He turned, quirking an eyebrow at her. “This morning? Really? Have we met? I’m Simon Pierce.” He held out his hand to shake, gloriously naked.

  “Oh my God. Did you just make a joke?” Lacie grinned at him, and he grinned back. It was positively breathtaking.

  “Yeah, well, I woke up in a pleasant mood this morning.” He slipped on the shorts, letting them hang low on his hips. Lacie filed the fact he went commando away for later. “I won’t make a habit of it.”

  After calling the sub finder for work, she sent her dad a text explaining why she was calling in so he wouldn’t worry. Then she dragged some clothes on for a run.

  It was a fabulous morning, and the run went quickly. She was getting more used to the hills in his neighborhood and appreciating them. As usual, Simon didn’t seem the least bit winded when they were finished, but she was a sweaty mess, so she claimed the first shower.

  Not that he left her alone in there for long. After washing her thoroughly, then introducing her to the chair built into the natural stone shower, as well as his very talented tongue, she reciprocated. They managed to get dressed, much like horny teenagers who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves, and Simon grabbed his mail on the way to his office.

  In his office, Simon was in his element. Lacie felt her belly flutter as he sat behind his massive desk, indicating her to sit in the chair.

  “Get comfortable. Do what you need to do. Feel free to look around, if you want. I need to check some things.” He started looking through his mail, so Lacie grabbed her bag near her feet to look at her own mail she’d brought home because it looked weird.

  There was one that wasn’t labeled correctly, with a to and from, as if someone had just grabbed an envelope from the stack and stuffed it with something. Curious, she opened it first.

  “Simon …” Flutters gone, her belly turned to lead as she looked up at him. His face paled as he looked at something similar.

  They were photos. Of the two of them. In places where they’d supposedly been alone.

  Before they could speak about it, an attractive redhead knocked on the doorjamb before coming in with another stack of photos.

  “These just came by special courier. I thought you’d want to see them.” She dropped them on the desk and stood there, waiting for instructions.

  Simon’s voice was tight, his features etched with regret. “Call a meeting. Is Evan back yet?”

  The redhead nodded. “He just came in this morning. He’ll be here in about thirty minutes.”

  Simon nodded. “I want to speak with him the minute he’s here.”

  “Yes, sir.” As if reading his mood, she left without another word, shutting the door behind her.

  His eyes fell on Lacie.

  She spoke first. “I know what you’re going to say. This would have happened whether or not last night happened. You have to see this isn’t your fault.” She was desperate to head him off before he shut her out. Lacie needed him right now, not his cold shoulder.

  His jaw clenched. She could see it in the flex of his temples and wondered if he had any molars left at all.

  “I don’t regret it, if that’s what you’re saying.”

  “Good. Then let’s get this asshole.” She stood, hoping he would follow, but instead he leaned back in his chair, the leather squeaking in protest. He held out his arms.

  “Come here.”

  She complied, and he tugged her into his lap. “I’m going to protect you, you know that, right?”

  Lacie nodded, her face against his chest. She felt his heart pounding, strong and sure beneath her cheek. It was more reassuring than his words.

  “Good.” She felt like they’d hit a turning point in whatever relationship they had. Those few lines of words, spoken so heavily in the silence, were everything to her. She leaned up and kissed his cheek, his beard rough against her lips, as a rumble of something reassuring came from his chest.

  They stood, and he clasped her hand in his, squeezing it gently. It was a comforting gesture, almost romantic, although she would never tell him.

  He led her out of the office, down the hallway, and into the gym she’d seen the other day. Old equipment sat around haphazardly, with men in various poses of activity, some dressed for it, some wearing street clothes. When Simon came into the room, as one, all the eyes zeroed in on their joined hands, then up to Lacie’s face, which was hiding behind a blush.

  Simon started passing around the photos of the two of them together.

  “I need to find out who took these. They were delivered here, to my home, and to Lacie’s school. This is currently priority number one. All other cases are on hold until this bastard is caught.” Turning to the redheaded woman, Simon said, “Miriam, can you make copies of the files for everyone?” She nodded and turned on her heel to comply.

  The only men Lacie recognized in the room were Quinten and Dex. The other five men were strangers grinning at her and Simon like they’d just done something incredibly juvenile—like TP’d a house.

  She couldn’t stand it. “What are y’all grinning at?” She didn’t really see anything all that funny.

  A sandy-blonde-haired man leaning against the treadmill said lightly, “Sarge has a girlfriend. It’s just kind of funny since he’s threatened to feed us all our nut sacks on a skewer if we got involved with clients.” He shrugged. “That’s all.”

  A ripple of pleasure rolled through Lacie at the assumption she was his girlfriend. They’d never actually said those words, but she’d made the assumption at his declaration of keeping her near him forever. Simon raked his free hand through his hair, pulling Lacie closer with his other. “Not that it did a bit of good. Now, can we please find out how she’s being tracked? He seems to know her every move.”

  They silently looked at the pictures for a little bit, and then Miriam walked back in with a stack of file folders to pass out to everyone.

  “Is that a StrongArm? Do those work like the ads say they do?” Miriam was distracting Lacie with small talk, and Lacie welcomed the intrusion.

  She nodded. “Yes, it does. But I got a modification.” She held it out, fingering the small plastic charm on it. “This little jewel does a bunch of other stuff too. The StrongArm is the basic model, but the jewel mod makes it do all the stuff the ElitePro model does, and then some. And it’s a knock-off, so it’s like half the price.”

  Once again, all eyes were on hers. She looked up, sheepish. “What?”

  Simon was the only one to speak. “Baby? How long have you had the modification for it?”

  Lacie shrugged, searching her memory. So much had happened. “I don’t know. About two months? Why?”

  His face paled. “Did you, you know, download shit on your computer for it?” She nodded, starting to see where he was going. She swallowed the bile rising in her throat.

  “Christ.” Simon leaned heavily against the wall as if his knees were about to give out. “Miriam? Call Evan and tell him I need him here now.” He held out his hand for the bracelet. “I need that.”

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Simon knew there was absolutely no blood left in his face. His every i
nstinct told him to smash the bracelet and charm with a sledgehammer, but some part of him said to keep it intact. He could use it.

  “Where did you buy this?”

  “I got them both online. I got the StrongArm from their website, but the modification came from a bulletin board at the gym I used to go to. It was a website on one of those tear-off flyers.”

  “What gym?” Simon prodded.

  “Day/Night Fitness, over on Forty-first Street. I just went the one time because there were too many people in the yoga class. I used to prefer to just do it alone, but I haven’t done it in a while …” Her words drifted off as everyone in the room completely understood why she didn’t do yoga anymore. Being called Yoga Girl by a bunch of twisted sickos would be enough to turn anyone off the activity.

  Simon only had to look at Jordan before he moved. “On it.”

  Ryan was next to question her, while Simon’s thoughts raced around in his head. “What exactly does the modification do?”

  “Um, it measures heart rates, which is kind of cool. Every morning, I can look at a chart to see when my peak times for cardio are every day. Um … It plots out my runs—”

  “Like it has a GPS on it?” Simon interrupted. She nodded, mute. Simon was still fingering the thin rubber on the bracelet, trying to find the evil inherent in the tiny piece of latex.

  Ryan gently eased her back into questioning. “What else does it do?”

  “It came with a strip reader thingy. I can prick my finger and put a drop of blood on a paper and put it into this reader thing, and it’ll tell me my glucose levels, blood oxygen counts, and cholesterol, but I don’t use that option very much. It will also gauge how much fat I’ve burned in any given time period, measures activity versus rest time, caloric burn. There’s a program on the computer that has a meal analysis. If I put in what I eat every day, it comes up with meal plans and such. It tracks my activity, sleep, weight, steps, floors climbed, water intake, stuff like that.”


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