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Coming Home To You (Man From Yesterday 1)

Page 22

by Barbara Lohr

  “Oh, chica.” Chili held both hands to her cheeks. “You look so beautiful.”

  “Gorgeous.” Sarah’s eyes sparkled. Was she wearing that blue and green dress from Second Hand Rose? The one they wouldn’t let Kate buy?

  Ignacio raised an eyebrow. “Don’t ever wear that to work, okay? Guys will drive right off the road.”

  Will and Ignacio knew each other, which made things easier. After the guys left to fetch drinks, the girls began to dissect who was with whom and what they were wearing. Although the band had been playing something slow and dreamy, they broke into “Old Time Rock N Roll.” The fast beat drove people from the dance floor to the auction items, and the three women got up to follow the crowd. This year, proceeds from the fundraiser would buy new hoses and a replacement microwave for the firehouse. Some of the local artists had donated paintings.

  “I’d like to have a dune scape for my office.” Kate scribbled her name on a couple of the cards. Sarah and Chili became quiet, and Kate turned to face them. “What?”

  “Which office?” Sarah asked. “Do you mean the one in Boston?”

  “You can’t be serious.” Chili slapped the heel of one hand to her forehead.

  What could Kate say? She set down the card. Her office? No image came to mind. Not the home office at the condo Brian now fully owned. Not the dining room table at Lisa’s before she left for Michigan. Kate felt like a balloon that had been released into the air. The height felt dizzying.

  Could Kate go back to Boston? Did she want to? Her mom was definitely feeling better physically. Still used a cane but she’d made peace with it. Her mind? That was another question. Kate tried not to ask Natalie too many questions about what happened during the day. When she found a jar of strawberry jelly in the oven, Natalie insisted she’d hidden it there herself, playing a game with Kate’s mom. Hard to picture but easy to accept.

  Chili clutched Kate’s elbow. Sarah’s eyes were focused on the door and Kate wheeled around. Perfect. Chills rippled through her body, leaving her nauseous. Would the floor please swallow me up? In the door stood Cole, looking heartbreakingly handsome. He filled out the tailored suit, but the bolo tie was the kicker, along with those western boots. Her mouth went dry and her pulse speeded up. On his arm, Diana glowed in a halter-top gown that looked like water when she moved. “Holy smokes.”

  “Aye, caramba,” Chili whispered.

  Felt like Kate’s heart had been carved right out of her chest.

  “Here you are, Kate.” Will tapped her elbow. “Want to dance? I just put in a request.”

  The band began to play an old song called “Lady in Red.” Kate felt numb as Will led her to the floor.

  “What? You don’t like the song?” His eyes searched her face, and somewhere she found a smile. After all, this wasn’t his fault.

  “I love it. Very thoughtful, Will.” She wasn’t going to spoil his evening.

  Blocking out the sight of Cole and Diana making their way across the floor, Kate closed her eyes. Humming off key, Will brought her closer. She tried to relax, to let the music move her. Will was such a nice guy, so sincere and great with older people. A good man.

  She peeked over his shoulder. Chili and Ignacio had settled at their table with Sarah, and she sent a little wave their way. Ryan, Jamie’s brother, joined them with his date.

  Then Will swung her around, and Kate came face to face with Cole. They were staring straight at each other over the shoulders of their partners. Cole looked as surprised as she felt.

  “Anything wrong?” Will pulled away.

  Could he feel her heart galloping like a herd of runaway ponies? “No, of course not. Everything’s fine.”

  But Kate knew right then. Knew she wanted to be in another man’s arms. Because she loved that man. For the second time in her life, she loved Cole Campbell. No matter how many times she tried to swallow, she could not ease the ache in her throat that shifted to her heart. Her high school crush was a paper cut compared to the machete lodged in her heart tonight.

  Every time Cole smiled down at Diana, the blade sank deeper. It wouldn’t matter if Diana wore an outrageously sexy red dress or a paper bag. Men would always be attracted to her because she was the real deal.

  Kate felt counterfeit. The girl who tried too hard.

  Cole bent his head to hear something Diana said. They moved away.

  “You all right, Kate?”

  She jerked. Blinked furiously before she glanced up. Bless his heart, Will looked so concerned. “I just need some… water.” If she’d said air, they would be outside in a heartbeat. Alone. The last thing Kate wanted.

  Will led her back to the table. She was so relieved when he didn’t place his hand in the small of her back because that was her favorite sexy move.

  How would she get through this night?

  “You two look great together.” Sarah reached over and squeezed her hand.

  “Ladies’ room?” Grabbing a small beaded bag, Chili shot to her feet.

  Oh, yeah. “Excuse me, Will? Be right back.”

  Will smiled and turned to Ignacio. Such a great guy.

  Perfect. Will should be perfect for her.

  Except that he wasn’t.

  She’d made that mistake once before by choosing Mr. “Perfect for You.” No way would she ever do that again. Without the feelings that electrified her just looking at Cole, what was the point? Attraction couldn’t begin to cover how she felt about the man. His concern for her mother, tender care of Natalie, sexy smiles and the kisses she felt straight to her toes. The list of Cole’s good points left Kate weak with longing.

  Thank goodness the ladies room was empty. Chili waved a manicured finger in Kate’s face. “Don’t you go cozying up to Mr. Administrator.”

  “Will’s such a nice guy.” Kate put both palms on the cool sink and leaned forward. Was she going to be sick?

  Tsking, Sarah grabbed Chili’s fingers. “Will is a fine man. Admirable.”

  The disgust on Chili’s face told Kate just what she thought of that.

  Opening her bag with shaking fingers, Kate took out a small brush and ran it through her hair, forgetting the can of hairspray she’d used earlier. The brush snagged. “What a mess.”

  Taking her shoulders, Chili rotated Kate to face her. “Yes, it is a mess. You keep pushing Cole away. Why?”

  “He’s with Diana, for Pete’s sake.” Her voice wobbled.

  “She’s a red herring!” Sarah’s words exploded like a firecracker.

  “A what?” Kate’s brush clattered into the sink.

  Scooping up the brush, Chili jabbed it at her. “You know. Like that book we read in the group, right?”

  Sarah nodded. “The thing is,” she began softly, “we sort of fixed those two up tonight. Cole had to come to the dance because he’s a fireman. Chili suggested Diana. They’re still friends, and she wanted to come.”

  “Why?” Kate’s legs gave out, and she plunked down on the tufted dressing table bench. “Why would you do that?”

  Chili’s jolly chuckle rippled through her body. “If he didn’t come, he would not see you in that dress, right?”

  “And he had to see you.” Sarah was nodding again. So they’d both been in on this?

  One hour ago, Kate would have given anything for Cole to see her in this gown. Now? She felt so confused.

  The door flew open, and Diana whirled in on a wave of perfume. Her silver sandals skidded to a halt. “What’s this? You planning the next book club meeting?”

  “You two need to talk.” Chili circled the air between Kate and Diana. “Diana, you explain please, yes?”

  With that, Kate’s two friends swept out of the room. The door whapped shut, leaving a thundering silence.

  “Did they clue you in?” Smoothing her long blonde hair, Diana met Kate’s eyes in the mirror.

  “Kind of.” Kate’s head spun.

  “Just so you know, I have no designs on Cole. But when he asked me to come as a friend, who was I to
say no? Besides…” Whipping out some gloss, Diana coated her smile in luscious pink. “Now Will? He’s kind of cute.”

  “But he’s with me!” What the heck?

  Bringing out a hand mirror, Diana surveyed herself from every angle. “Come on, Kate. Do I look like I just fell off a turnip truck? I practically get heat stroke every time you and Cole look at each other. If you’re going to openly lust, at least hand out spoons so we can lap some up. I’m definitely in the line of fire and so is poor Will.”

  “Poor Will?” Was it that obvious?

  “Cole’s done nothing but talk about your flower stand tonight. I like your bouquets but there’s a limit. Know what I’m saying?” The smile she gave Kate was wisely wicked. “I just asked the band for a ladies’ choice. Will might not be with you for long.”

  “Be kind to him. He’s a great guy.”

  Diana’s smile softened. “Hey, I could go for a great guy, one who wasn’t crazy about another woman.”

  Hmm. What’s that about? No time to ask.

  Grabbing her purse, Kate pushed back out into the room. Her chest felt like a blender, anger, disbelief, and relief whirling inside. She’d been lovingly sabotaged by her friends. Women like this were hard to come by.

  When she returned to the table, everyone had left for the buffet, except Will. “Hungry?” he asked.

  “Sure.” But once back in her seat, plate laden with food, Kate could barely swallow. Slices of ham sat uneaten, along with the scalloped potatoes. Instead, she nibbled on her salad. Felt good to bite down on the crunchy cucumbers. Two tables away, Cole sat with Diana and some guys she recognized from his construction crew. When Diana caught Kate studying them, she smiled.

  How could Kate be mad at her for coming with Cole? After all, Diana had been so open and honest.

  Dessert was chocolate layer cake from Sarah’s bakery. “I told them to cut big pieces so now eat.” Sarah pushed a chunk toward Kate, who sank her fork in for more than a small bite. Didn’t chocolate cure everything?

  The band began playing “Beautiful World,” a ladies’ choice, and Diana approached the table. “Mind if I steal your date?”

  Will flushed. Almost looked like he’d refuse.

  Swallowing the cake made Kate’s throat ache. She’d need the Heimlich if she weren’t careful. Grabbing her water glass, she took a big gulp. “Of course not. Will, this is Diana Palmer, a friend from my book group.”

  Always a gentleman, Will got to his feet. “Well, of course. I’d like to hear more about the book group.”

  Sarah and Chili got very quiet, like they were waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “This is supposed to be a ladies’ choice. This is where you ask me to dance.” Cole’s voice tickled her ear.

  Turning, she inhaled his soap and her fork clattered to the table. Chili and Sarah broke into giggles. All the way to the dance floor, Kate felt the heat of Cole’s hand on her back, incinerating her common sense.

  Cole led her to a dimly lit corner near an open set of French doors.

  “Warm in here. I need some air.” He swirled her into his arms.

  He needed air? She was burning up. “I’m hot too.”

  “So I noticed. Where’d you get the dress?”

  “Like it? Fire engine red.”

  “Right, five-alarm fire. The slit’s not bad either.” She felt Cole’s chuckle deep in her chest. So did her breasts.

  Why fight this? The man was a luscious armful, and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders with a sigh. Barely moving, they molded their bodies together. Bad idea. Or good? Cole groaned.

  Over his shoulder, Kate could see Diana talking to Will, lips close to his ear. The man was laughing. Will hadn’t laughed all evening, and Kate smiled to see him having fun.

  “Having a good time?”

  “Uh, huh.”

  “You looked like you might snooze off during dinner.”

  “You were watching me?” Her indignation quivered with pleasure.

  “Like the way you eat your cake. With passion.” Cole wiped one corner of her mouth with a finger.

  Her stomach dove into free fall. “But you’re here with Diana.”

  Smug was the only way to describe that grin. “And you’re here with Will. Diana and I are old friends. Besides, Sarah and Chili set us up.”

  “So I heard.”

  His eyes deepened to navy. “Don’t you think we should get together?”

  “And do what?” Her lips had turned numb.

  Cole chuckled. “Oh, I can think of lots of things.”

  “Blueberry picking? Natalie and I have that on our list.”

  “Not quite what I had in mind. I’m tired of waiting.”

  The urgency in Cole’s voice struck a chord. “Me too,” she whispered. Was the room spinning?

  “Want to step outside?”

  The music had ended. People were returning to the tables, except for Diana and Will, who were still having an animated conversation. Will was nodding, head close to Diana’s luscious blonde hair.

  “I have to remind myself I came with a date.”

  Cole’s glance slid beyond her shoulder. “Our dates seem very involved.”

  “At least they’ve moved to the edge of the dance floor, but they are our dates.”

  With a frustrated growl, Cole took her elbow. “You are an honorable girl, and I am an honorable man. So no trip to the car tonight. I like to walk on the beach. Might just amble down your way tonight. Do you still wander along the beach at night?”

  “How did you know that?”

  Cole threw her a mischievous grin. “Sometimes I see you pass our house. In fact, I watch for you.” He was playing with one of her curls.

  He watches for me?

  She could hardly breathe. “Think you might be walking down my way tonight?”

  “Could be. Going to be wearing that dress?”


  “Not for long.” Cole coasted both hands up her back on a heated mission and she gasped. He chuckled before pulling away. “Later.”

  Somehow, she made it back to the table. For the rest of the evening, she couldn’t even look at Chili and Sarah. The pent-up energy as she waited for the evening to end frazzled her nerves. Somehow Kate resisted her friends’ repeated efforts to drag her off to the ladies’ room.

  “Is Cole ready for the vote next week?” Chili asked.

  “Don’t know. We didn’t talk about it.” The question jerked Kate back to reality. Would she be sad or glad at the outcome? Her interviews with shopkeepers had shown her a different side of the issue. Maybe Gull Harbor should control their own destiny and oppose support from outside the community. If anyone tore down Michiana Thyme and repurposed that space, maybe Cole should be the man to do it.

  Thank goodness they didn’t stay long after that. Will seemed preoccupied on the way home. “Do you know Diana Palmer? She a friend of yours?”

  “We’re in the same book club. I told you.”

  “Oh, right. I guess she owns a dress store?”

  Even in the darkness, Kate noted the flush working its way up Will’s neck. He wouldn’t be able to stop in at a dress shop as easily as the flower stand. “Do you have a mother or a sister?”

  He glanced over. “Yes. Both.”

  “Diana’s shop has nice gifts.”

  Kate had no clue if Hippy Chick sold racy lingerie or Italian pasta. Let Will find out. Everyone should light up like a Christmas tree for someone. That wouldn’t be her and Will. He seemed to realize that too.

  When they reached the door, she gave him a quick hug. “Thanks for inviting me.”

  Will squeezed her for a second, as if she were a relative he was seeing off at the train station. “Great evening. Give my best to your mother.” He whistled all the way to the car.

  Kate couldn’t wait to get inside.

  She sure hoped her mother was asleep.

  Chapter 27

  Only the whisper of the waves met her when Kate tripped do
wn the steps and kicked her flip-flops into the dune grass. All had been quiet up in the house. Kate had considered wearing the red dress down to the beach, but she maybe she’d need it again someday. A girl could hope. Instead, she opted for cutoffs and a T-shirt. No bra tonight.

  Following the light rain that day, the sand felt cool underfoot. Feeling downright wanton, she waded into the water, lifting the hair from her shoulders. A breeze whisked across the lake’s surface, not strong enough to whip up any whitecaps. Definitely not forceful enough to cool her heat. The moon slipped out from behind a cloud and rippled across the surface toward her, as if it were lighting the way. She wanted to dance on the brightness. Had there ever been a night so beautiful?

  Hearing a rustling behind her, she turned. Dressed in only a pair of cutoffs, Cole tossed a blanket onto the sand before wading in and wrapping his arms around her.

  “No bolo tie?” she whispered, putting an ear to his thudding heart.

  “No red dress?” A chuckle rumbled from his chest to hers before he lifted her chin and fitted his lips so perfectly over hers.

  Such tenderness. Such sweetness.

  Erasing past hurts.

  His hands scooped Kate from behind, fitting her against him. The kisses became longer, hotter until she couldn’t catch her breath.

  Then he pulled away, chest expanding with a deep breath. “Want to walk a bit?” In the darkness, she couldn’t read him, but the surge of heat in her body answered the question, at least for her.

  “No. Not now. I just want you.”

  “Katie Kennedy,” he murmured, pulling her back into his arms. “You always did know what you wanted.”

  But I didn’t always get it.

  Tonight, she was taking it. No walking home with lips bruised, body throbbing, and mind left to wonder. Tonight was all or nothing. From the look in Cole’s eyes as he led her to the blanket, it wasn’t going to be nothing. She loved this man like crazy. Maybe she always had. Desire pulsed through her veins like heated syrup.


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