Cotton: Satan's Fury MC

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Cotton: Satan's Fury MC Page 10

by Wilder, L.

  “Hey, there, Maverick. You mind if I steal him away for a little while?” Melody asked. She was one of the rehabilitation specialists who worked with spinal cord injuries. She was only five foot seven, but the girl was a total hard-ass. I was fairly certain she was trying to kill me during the first few days of therapy, but it was worth it when I managed to take a few steps without that fucking walker.

  “Sure thing, Boss,” Maverick laughed.

  Melody turned to me and asked, “You ready for another go?”

  “Always,” I told her.

  “We’re going to the weight room today,” she smiled.

  “So, it’s time for a little torture, huh?” I laughed. The weight room was always the hardest. She got a kick out of pushing me to my limit, but I didn’t mind. I wanted to be pushed. The sooner I got my strength back, the sooner I could get back where I wanted to be.

  “Thought we’d do some leg lifts and then hit the treadmill. Maybe hit the pool after that.”

  “Sounds good to me,” I told her as I started toward her. Maverick gave me a quick chin lift as he watched me shuffle out of the door. Melody had stopped bringing the wheelchair after the second day, forcing me to walk everywhere we went, even if it took twice as long. I had to give her credit though. She was patient and made the time go by fast by talking nonstop the entire way. When we finally made it to the weight room, Melody headed straight to the vertical straight leg lift machine. I groaned when I noticed where she was going, knowing it was the hardest place to start. Most of the floor abdominal exercises only train one particular muscle, but leg raises on the pull-up bar work all your muscles at once. It was brutal.

  “Alright, mister. Let’s see what you got. I want two reps of fifteen to start,” she smiled as she cocked her head to the side. I held back the profanities racing through my mind as I got into position and started my reps. When I’d started my second round, she said, “I’m going to turn on some music. Anything you want to hear?”

  “I’m good with anything,” I grumbled, thinking there wasn’t a song in the world that could distract me from the burning pain in my gut, but I was wrong. After just a few beats of the loud, thumping music, a memory hit me with such a force it felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.

  It was Doc’s birthday, and the brothers had gone all out to show him a good time. Everyone brought food and presents, and he was genuinely touched by the gesture. Once the presents were opened and the food was eaten, the party really got started. Everyone was having a good time, especially Cass. It was one of the few times she’d actually managed to coerce Henley into coming to the clubhouse, and she was obviously pleased to have her there. Seeing how excited she was to have her sister around, I put Tristan behind the bar, giving Cass a chance to cut loose a little, and that’s just what she did. She grabbed Henley and rushed out to the join the others on the dance floor, smiling and laughing as her hips swayed to the different rhythms that came blaring out of the jukebox. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Every move she made had me completely captivated, and when she caught me staring, her lips curved into a knowing smile.

  As soon as a familiar song began to rumble through the room, several of the girls became excited and rushed toward the dance floor. Cass gave them a welcoming smile as she continued to dance with Henley. I couldn’t help myself—she had me spellbound. She’d blown into my life like a storm, weakening my guard and making me want more—much, much more. I sat there, drinking my beer at the bar, watching her as Maverick and Guardrail bitched back and forth over god knows what. Maybe I should’ve been listening, but there was only one thing that had my attention, and she was standing out on the dance floor. The two nosy asses both stopped talking when they noticed Cassidy walking in my direction.

  She stopped a few inches from my knees and smiled as she tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. I was tempted to pull her closer, but fought the urge. She finally placed her hand on my knee and leaned forward as she asked, “How ‘bout a dance?”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. Not one to dance,” I answered. Not liking the look of disappointment that crossed her face, I said, “Maybe some other time.”

  “Come on, Cotton. Dance with the girl,” Guardrail teased, which only made the situation more awkward. I don’t know what my problem was. I should’ve danced with her, but I was a fucking stubborn ass and refused to do it.

  “Not happening,” I snapped. I leaned back, resting my elbows on the bar, and smiled at her. “Trust me, Cass. You don’t want to dance with me. I’ve got two left feet.”

  “Suit yourself, hot stuff. But just so you know, I’m not giving up. Sooner or later, I’ll get you out on the dance floor,” she smiled. “And dancing isn’t the only thing I have planned for you.”

  “Is that right?”

  “That’s right. I’ve got my ways, Cotton, so consider yourself warned,” she laughed. Fuck. I loved her laugh. There was nothing like it.

  I leaned forward and reached for her waist, pulling her between my knees. Her breath caught when I brought my mouth close to her ear and whispered, “Looking forward to it.”

  Without skipping a beat, she said, “You and me both.” With a wide smile, she walked back over to Henley and started dancing, completely carefree and happy.

  “Hey… you okay?” Melody asked, pulling me from my memory.

  I cleared my throat and said, “Yeah, I’m good. What’s next?”

  “How about a round on the treadmill?” she asked as she started toward the back of the gym.

  I climbed on and waited for her to set the distance and rate. The machine quickly sprang to life, forcing me into action. The entire time I was walking on that damn thing, I was thinking about all the wasted moments. I couldn’t stop berating myself for not dancing with Cass. I could’ve held her, felt her body next to mine, but I let that chance pass me by. Fuck. My mind was consumed with thoughts of her. I couldn’t stop wondering where she was and what she was doing. I hated the thought, but I wondered if she’d been better off since she’d left the club. I knew she was okay, but I needed to be certain she was happy. Clutch had been keeping me posted, but it just wasn’t the same. I needed to see for myself. I needed to know for myself if that light was back, even if it was just a glimmer. Realizing there was only one way for me to find out, I kicked up the speed on the treadmill and pushed myself even more. After an hour of walking, Melody led me to the pool. As soon as we were done there, she helped me back to my room. When I walked in, Maverick was talking on the phone.

  “No,” he growled. There was a brief pause and then with his voice raised in anger, he shouted, “I don’t give a fuck what she said!” There was another pause and then Maverick roared, “If she leaves that fucking clubhouse, it’s your head, brother. Find her and get her ass on the fucking phone.” He hung up the phone and slammed it down on the table next to him. Fury radiated off of him as he glared down at it.

  “You wanna tell me what the hell that was all about?” I asked.

  “Henley,” he grumbled.

  “And?” I pushed, having no idea what the hell was going on.

  “She’s got it in her head that she wants to move back in with Cass until I get back home. She says she misses me and can’t sleep.”

  Maverick had always been protective of Henley, but since the day she called to tell him she was pregnant, he’d taken it to a whole new level. He was on edge, worrying over every little thing, like all soon-to-be dads do. I knew he hated he wasn’t there with her. He’d never admit it, but it was hard on him. We all knew he’d been through hell when he found out from the hospital that he wasn’t John Warren’s father, but Henley had given him a second chance. He was determined not to fuck it up, and I didn’t blame him for being a little overprotective.

  “I know you want her at the clubhouse. Hell, I want Cass there, but your girl’s pregnant and needs her sleep, brother. Now that Derek’s gone, there’s no threat against the club.”

  “Maybe, but I can’t keep an eye on
her at Cass’s place, and if something happens to her or the baby…” he growled.

  I sat down on the edge of my bed, easing myself back against the pillows as I said, “If she goes to Cass’s, we’ll up the watch. Put two brothers on them around the clock. I’ll get with Guardrail and have him send Clutch and Smokey over there to keep an eye on both of them. It won’t be for much longer. We’ll be home soon enough.”

  “We’re not leaving here until you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready now. Hell, I’ve been ready,” I answered. “I’m giving them a few more days, but then I’m getting the hell out of here, brother. I’m tired of my life being on fucking hold.”

  “Just don’t do anything you’re going to regret later. Let them help you the best they can before you hightail it out of here,” he laughed.

  “I’ll give it a few more days, but keep an eye on Melody. I’m pretty sure she’s trying to kill me.”

  “She seems sweet,” Maverick mocked.

  “Nothing about that woman is sweet. Hell, she’s the spawn of Satan,” I groaned. “You have no idea.”

  “Sara called. Wanted to see how things were going and if you needed anything. She’s planning to come by later tonight.”

  “I don’t need anything,” I answered. I was tempted to have him call her and tell her not to come, but I knew it wouldn’t matter. If she was intent on doing something, she did it, damn the consequences.

  It was after seven when Sara showed up with a basket full of food and drinks. After she sat it down on the table, she turned to me and asked, “Have you talked to her?”

  “Who?” I asked, even though I knew exactly whom she was talking about.

  “You know who. Has she answered yet?”


  Her eyebrows furrowed as she asked, “So, what are you going to do about it?”

  “Hell, if I know,” I huffed. “I just need to get out of here so I can fucking see her.”

  “I know you’re frustrated, but you’ll be back to your old self soon enough. You just have to be patient,” she said as she reached for her purse. “But don’t worry too much about Cassidy. She loves you, Cotton. If you play your cards right, you’ll get her back.”

  She gave my hand a light squeeze before she turned and left, giving me no chance to respond. I stared at the empty doorway for a moment, thinking of what I actually needed to do ‘to play my cards right.’ I grabbed my phone and made a call to Guardrail. It was time for me to make a statement with Cass, one she wouldn’t be able to ignore, and I was going to need some help from my brothers to pull it off.

  After work, Sydney and I went to grab a bite for dinner, and by the time we were done, I was beyond exhausted. I felt like I hadn’t slept in days, and my body ached everywhere—my head was pounding, and my neck had a terrible crick in it. Hell, even my butt hurt. I just wanted to take a hot bath and crawl into bed. Unfortunately, before I could go home, I had to make a run by the grocery store. It was the last thing I wanted to do after a long day, but I managed to get in and out of the store without much of a hassle. By the time I finally made it home, I was so tired I almost missed the large vase of roses sitting by my apartment door. The minute I saw them, I knew they were from him, which made my heart immediately start pounding against my chest. I quickly dropped my bags to the floor and reached for the card, eagerly opening it. My eyes scanned over it, again and again, until his words began to sink in.

  Give me a chance to make this right.

  Answer the phone.


  Unable to resist, I lifted the vase up to my nose and inhaled the delicate fragrance of the pink roses. And just like that, a little bit of hope snuck in, and I found myself smiling. I unlocked the door to my apartment, and as soon as it swung open, I was stunned by what I saw. Every inch of my apartment was covered with vases filled with roses, daisies, wildflowers, and lilies. Everywhere I looked, there was a different arrangement of flowers, each containing the same little white card nestled in the center. I rushed inside and grabbed several of the cards, impatiently opening each one to see what was written inside. Every card had the exact same message as the first. Damn. He was getting to me. As much as I tried to make myself believe I could forget about him and move on, deep down I’ve always known he had stolen my heart that first night we were together. I hadn’t had many experiences with men, but I knew what we’d shared was something different… something I’d never get enough of.

  The guys were in need of some wind therapy as they called it, and Cotton asked if I’d like to tag along. And of course, I jumped at the chance. I loved riding with him, feeling the vibration of the powerful engine beneath me as I snuggled up close to him. It was always fun, but there was something different about that day. There was a hungry look in Cotton’s eyes when he looked at me, which only got more intense as the day progressed. When the rest of the brothers started back toward the clubhouse, he waved them off, taking me down a long, winding road nestled deep in the woods. He pulled up to an old, secluded cabin and cut off the engine. When I saw the Satan’s Fury emblem on the front door, I knew we were at the club’s hunting lodge, a place where none of the other women had ever been before. He stepped off the bike and extended his hand out to me. He didn’t have to ask. He knew from the way I’d been holding him close, letting my hands wander a little more than usual, that I was feeling the same way. Without saying a word, I laid my hand in his and followed him up the steps.

  Once we were inside, he released my hand and headed over to the fireplace. He glanced over to me and smiled as he started sorting through all the firewood stacked beside the hearth. While he got the fire ready, I stole a few glimpses around the large cabin. The rooms were simply decorated with just a bed and a TV—a perfect getaway for the guys at the club. When Cotton finally finished with the fire, the room quickly filled with a warm, incandescent glow. He took a step toward me with a look that made my breath instantly catch in my throat. I’d dreamed of being with him a thousand times and couldn’t imagine wanting anything more. He brought his hands to my face, gently cupping his palms along my jaw as he lowered his lips to mine, kissing me with a passion I’d never even known was possible. Our hunger for each other took over, causing the kiss to become wild and heated. In a matter of seconds, our clothes were tossed to the side, and Cotton was lowering me to the floor. What started as rushed and filled with carnal desire slowly slipped into something soft and tender. I felt so safe in his arms, like nothing in the world could harm me as long as he was holding me close. We spent the entire night making love by that fireplace, and neither of us could get enough of each other.

  I brought my hand up to my neck, remembering the thrill I got whenever he kissed me there, and I didn’t even notice when Henley walked up behind me.

  “Holy moly. Your man definitely knows how to make a statement,” she laughed. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she was wearing sweats with a t-shirt that said, ‘How about… NO.’ Without skipping a beat, she tossed her duffle bag on the sofa and asked, “What does the card say?”

  I handed one to her and said, “He wants me to answer the phone when he calls. I’ve kind of been ignoring him.”

  “Why have you been ignoring him?”

  “I don’t know… maybe because he crushed my heart and soul when he kicked me out of his hospital room and told me I could never be his Ol’ Lady if I couldn’t follow basic freaking orders. Remember any of that?” I sassed.

  She rolled her eyes and asked, “So… you’re saying you don’t want to be with him anymore?”

  “No… I didn’t say that.”

  “Well, you’d be lying if you did. I know you’re crazy over the man. He acted like an asshole, but can you blame him? He was about to have major surgery, and he was scared he might never walk again. He was freaking out, and he took it out on you.”

  “I know all of that,” I mumbled. “He still didn’t have to go about it like he did.”

  “No, but in his mind, he was pr
obably thinking he was protecting you or something. You know how stupid men can be sometimes. You should just forget about what he said and call him,” she smiled.

  “Call him? No… I’ll just wait for him to call me.”

  She grabbed my purse and started sifting through it until she found my phone. Once she’d found it, she handed it to me and said, “Suck it up, Buttercup. Time to call your man and get this thing sorted.”

  I took the phone from her hand and nervously pressed the button for Cotton’s number. My stomach twisted into knots as I listened to it ring over and over again. After the fifth ring, a woman’s voice came through the line, “Hello.” My heart sank. When I didn’t respond, she spoke again, “Hello?... Cassidy? Are you there?” Even though I’d never heard her voice, I knew it was Sara, and just before I hung up the phone, I heard Cotton shout, “Sara, hand me the damn phone!”

  I quickly hung up, and after I turned off my ringer, I slipped my phone into my back pocket. I looked over to Henley and said, “He didn’t answer. I’m sure he’s busy.”


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