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Drawn to Her (Southern Heat #1)

Page 12

by Jenna Harte

  Instead, Lexie pulled the plastic file box from the corner to update her notes. An envelope with her name on it sat on the lid. Opening it, she found a check for $10,000 made out to her from Bobby Lee. “What the…”

  She charged back to Oliver’s room. “Do you know anything about this?” She interrupted Oliver’s and Drake’s card game.

  “What is it?” Oliver didn’t glance up from his cards.

  “What about you?” She turned to Drake.

  “It’s a check from Bobby Lee.” Drake looked thoughtfully at his cards.

  “I see that. Why? When did he bring it?”

  Shrugging, Drake picked up a card from the draw pile, frowned, and immediately discarded it. “He said he owed you money. He brought it yesterday.”

  Lexie’s eyes narrowed. “Drake Carmichael, you tell me what Bobby Lee said.”

  “We’re playing a—”

  “Rummy.” Oliver laid his cards on the table.

  Drake stared at the cards and then at his grandfather. “How do you do that? Every time.”

  Oliver grinned and gathered the cards.

  “Can we get back to Bobby Lee, please?” Lexie nearly growled with frustration.

  Drake sighed. “You really want to know what happened?”

  All of a sudden, she didn’t, but it was too late to retreat.

  “He and his fluff-headed wife wanted to stop paying his portion of the debt incurred from your wedding.”

  The air whooshed from her lungs. The last thing she wanted was these two men to know every detail of her business.

  “Let her sit down, boy. She looks a little dazed.”

  “No.” She waved away Oliver’s comment. “I’ll just—”

  “I thought you wanted to hear this,” Drake said.

  “I changed my mind.”


  Her eyes narrowed.

  “You’re being an ass, Drake,” Oliver said.

  Drake stood and offered her his chair. “I told him he had to pay his half, plus the honeymoon, or I’d take him to court. Make him pay more for your pain and suffering. Although, from where I stand, you’d be in much more pain and suffering if you’d married him. Really, Lexie, you’re too good for him.”

  Lexie sank into the chair. “They wanted you to pay, right? Because they saw you with me on Friday. They thought you were with me.”

  “What does she mean? Who else would you have been with?” Oliver looked from Lexie to Drake.

  “They thought we were a couple,” Drake clarified. “And yes, they thought I could afford to take over Bobby Lee’s debt.”

  “But you told him the truth, right?”

  “I told him I wasn’t going to pay and that I expected he would. I might have suggested I was a lawyer.”

  Oliver laughed. “Is that when you told him you wouldn’t pay for any wedding of Lexie’s that wasn’t to you?”

  Lexie’s gaze shot up to Drake, who glared at Oliver. “Who told you that?”

  Oliver grinned. “Gossip in the south spreads faster than a hot knife through butter.”

  “Claire.” Drake shook his head. “Hell, you even talk like her now.”

  Oliver shrugged.

  Drake rolled his shoulders. “They were under the impression Lexie and I were an item. I didn’t correct that assumption because I figured they’d be more likely listen if they did. I got you your half plus another twenty-five hundred. Maybe you could thank me instead of yelling at me.”

  He was right. She needed to find her manners. “Thank you.”

  He sent her a curt nod. “You’re welcome.”

  Mustering her dignity, Lexie stood and strode out of the room. She didn’t quite make it to her bedroom, when Drake’s voice stopped her.

  “Where are you going?”

  She turned. Drake stood in Oliver’s doorway.

  She mustered a smile, hoping he couldn’t see her embarrassment and humiliation. “I’m just going to settle in.”

  “Why are you so bent out of shape about this?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  He walked to her and lifted her chin with the crook of his finger. It was the most tender gesture he’d ever made toward her. It made her want to climb in the safety of his arms and stay forever. “It’s not nothing. What should I have done?”

  “It’s what I shouldn’t have done. I shouldn’t have let you pretend to be with me.” She wanted to look down, but his finger held her head. His gaze puzzled and concerned.


  “Because you’re going to leave soon. More proof Lexie can’t keep a job or a man.” It was dumb, but it didn’t stop tears from welling in her eyes. “But hey, at least I got my money, plus some extra. I do appreciate that, Drake. Really. It’ll be a big help.”

  His compassionate expression morphed into annoyance. His finger dropped away and he leaned closer, causing her to step back, bumping into her bedroom door.

  “You agreed it’d just be one night, Lexie. I never made any promises.” His voice was low so Oliver wouldn’t hear, but the harsh irritation in his tone was loud and clear.

  Lexie jerked back, rapping her head on the door. “Hey, wait a minute. Your ego is showing again, Drake. I never said I wanted you to stay or make a commitment.”

  He set his hands on his hips and frowned down at her. “You just got all weepy because I was leaving.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not weepy because you’re leaving. I’m weepy because everyone will have yet another confirmation I’m a loser.”

  He stared at her like she’d grown a third eye. “Loser?”

  “Never mind.” She tried to turn, but he had her backed up to her bedroom door.

  “Why do you care what those morons think anyway?”

  “I said never mind. Can we just let it go?” Not waiting for his answer, she pushed him back enough that she could turn, open her door, and slip into her room.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After some self-reflection, Lexie understood why Drake misinterpreted her comment about his leaving. It was yet one more thing she could be embarrassed about. It was bad enough she had dreams about him even when awake. She didn’t need him thinking she wanted him to stay or would pine for him when he left. She’d gone into their one-night stand with eyes wide open.

  Still, it was difficult to look at him, even when he was scowling or annoyed with her, and not want more from him. That was one thing self-reflection didn’t help explain. How could she want a man who cared about business first and always looked at her like he didn’t know what to do about her?

  Her answer was to avoid him as much as possible. She told him when Oliver was ready to meet with him, called him to supper, which she usually left early, and she stopped sitting out on the porch in the evening. He either didn’t notice or didn’t care because he never said a word about any of it.

  Then again, maybe he was avoiding her too. He never came in the kitchen for breakfast, unless Claire was there. He left the room when she arrived to attend to Oliver. And on the few nights she sat on the porch, he never came out.

  At one point, Oliver asked her if Drake had said something to anger or hurt her. She was surprised he’d sensed the difference and wondered if he’d asked Drake about it too. For her part, she denied any problems and went back to work.

  Three days later, Lexie set the last plate in the dishwasher. “I think that’s it, Claire. Should I run it?”

  “Yes, please. You’ve been a godsend tonight, Lexie. Hollis is bringing the kids over. I can’t wait to see them.”

  “How old are your grandchildren now?” Lexie put dishwasher soap in the dispenser, closed the door, and poked the start button.

  “Two and four. Such fun ages … for a grandma, that is.” Her eyes twinkled with joy.

  “Well, you go have fun.”

  Claire grabbed her purse to leave. “Oh, great day! I almost forgot, I’ve got clean towels for Drake.”

  “I’ll take them up.” It was an automatic response
, and she regretted it. Now she had a picture of him in only a towel. A towel that dropped away.

  “Are you sure? I got the feeling you and he had a fallin’ out.”

  Lexie shook her head. “There’s no problem with Drake and me. I’ll take the towels up.”

  Claire’s studious gaze nearly made Lexie squirm. “If you’re sure. I left them on the table by the stairs. I meant to carry them up earlier, but forgot.”

  “Go. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Alright then. See you tomorrow.”

  Lexie wiped down the counters and considered waiting until the dishwasher had run its cycle, but she was just putting off the inevitable. Annoyed she’d act like that, she left the kitchen, grabbed the towels, and headed upstairs to Drake’s room. She took a deep breath to steel herself from irritation or lust—not sure which would overwhelm her at the sight of him—and knocked on his door.

  Drake yanked open the door and glared. By now, she was used to the expression, so she ignored it. “Claire washed your towels. I’m just bringing them up.”

  Drake wiped a hand over his face and stepped back from the door. “Thanks.”

  “Want me to hang them?”

  He shrugged and walked out onto the balcony. Lexie suspected his bad mood wasn’t just about her. She went to the bathroom, putting the towels over the rods. When she came out, he was sitting on the rail of the balcony.

  “Things not go well with Oliver today?” It wasn’t her business, but for some reason, she couldn’t stop herself from asking.

  “Things with Oliver are fine. It’s the business that’s the problem.”

  “Oh.” She wasn’t sure what to say to that.

  “I’ll be going up to New York on Friday.” He didn’t say it, but she understood he meant he was leaving for good. “Derrick arranged a board meeting for Monday that I need to attend.”

  “Is that when the showdown will occur?”

  His scowl told her he didn’t like her choice of words. “I know you think this is all frivolous and petty, but people’s livelihoods are on the line. And Monday isn’t enough time for me to come up with a plan to show how the struggling stores can be more profitable.”

  “I’m sorry.” She wished she could give him a hug. Knowing she couldn’t, she sought to use words to comfort him. “I know this is important. I hope all those people know how hard you’re working to save their jobs.”

  He turned away as if he couldn’t bear hearing the compliment.

  “I know you’ve been working hard. I’m sorry if I got in the way—”

  His head turned to glance at her. “You’re a distraction.”

  That stung, but she told herself he was under immense pressure. She stepped back from the doorway of the balcony. “I understand. No more distractions.”

  “I need a distraction.”

  She stopped her retreat and stared at him. “Are you asking me to … distract you?”

  “Do you want to distract me?”

  She nearly laughed. Strong, forceful Drake couldn’t ask for what he wanted. Lexie didn’t have that problem. All sorts of red flags waved in her head, warning her that indulging her attraction to him was a mistake. After all, he was using her as a distraction. That was it. Just sex to relieve tension and stress. Even so, there was no doubt she wanted him to touch her again.


  He moved fast, and in an instant, his lips were scorching hers. Every neuron in her body fired, making her feel like she might melt from the inside out.

  “What about Oliver?” Lexie asked, breathless.

  Drake stopped kissing her but didn’t release her. “Isn’t he sleeping?”

  “He was when I left, but … wouldn’t it be weird …in his house?”

  Drake got a wicked gleam in his eye. “We’ll just have to be quiet.”

  Lexie laughed. Good luck with that. “How about the shower? Turn on the shower.”


  “The shower will drown us out.”

  Drake dragged her into the bathroom and fumbled with the medicine cabinet to get condoms. “Get naked.”

  “I didn’t say we had to take a shower.” She unbuttoned her blouse, the idea of sex in the shower exciting her.

  “We have to get naked anyway, and we might as well not waste the water.” He turned the knobs and checked the temperature.

  She let her blouse fall to the floor, not worrying about stepping on it or wrinkles. All she could think about was touching him. “I think I’d like to see you wet, Drake.”

  “Then hurry.”

  As fast as her small hands would move, she undressed. Apparently, it wasn’t fast enough for Drake, who nearly dragged her in the shower still in her underwear. It did her ego good to see him desperate for her.

  He stood with his back to the spray, protecting her from the deluge of water.

  “Can we use soap?” she asked.

  She interpreted his groan to mean “yes.” She grabbed the bar to soap up her hands and ran them over his chest.

  “You have great pecs.” She slid her hand over his nipple, then leaned in and lightly nipped it between her teeth.

  He hissed and grabbed her. “How can you stand it?”

  “Stand what?”

  “To wait.” He pushed her against the wall. “Christ, I feel like I’m going to die.”

  The cool tiles were a stark contrast to the hot man assailing her. Her legs instinctively wrapped around him, and her body prepared to take him in.

  “Tell me you’re ready,” he growled, his fingers sliding between her legs as if to check her readiness.


  He withdrew his fingers and used both hands to hold her hips as he thrust deep, fast, and hard inside her, filling her until she thought she might come apart. His fingers gripped her hips, tight, but she didn’t feel pain. Only the sweet torture as friction built and built. The warm water sluiced over her skin, adding sensation over sensation. Droplets of water clung to his chest. She leaned forward, running her lips over his pecs, flicking her tongue over the hard peak of his nipple.

  “Lexie.” Her name escaped his mouth on a harsh breath as he pumped wildly inside her, harder, faster. “Now.”

  She clung to him, as if he was the only thing keeping her together as the tension coiled, tighter and tighter, until she burst and shattered in his arms.

  He let out a long feral growl, his body tensed, and he thrust one final time.

  Her legs were like wet noodles as they slipped from his hips. Apparently, so were his. Still holding her, he turned off the water, pressed his back against the shower wall, and slid down to the floor.

  “Good Christ.”

  Lexie’s head flopped onto his shoulder. “So, how was that for distraction?”

  His chest moved and a low chuckle grew until he was laughing freely. She realized it was the first time she’d heard him laugh or even seen him smile. A real smile that reached his eyes, showing joy without restraint. Drake was a good-looking man, but in that moment, he was breathtaking, and her heart hitched and tumbled right over into love.

  She swallowed as she realized what loving him meant. Heartbreak was an inevitability. But, as his laugh died down, she had no choice but to love him for as long as he’d let her.

  “I wish I had my phone. I’d snap your picture and post it online so people could see how gorgeous you are when you smile. That and your pecs could sell out a Carmichael store in no time.”

  Drake hadn’t wanted to have sex with Lexie. Well, that wasn’t true. He’d wanted to have sex with her practically from the minute he met her. But, after their encounter about Bobby Lee’s check, she avoided him, which he determined was a blessing. It gave him the space he needed to work with Oliver and figure out how he was going to save hundreds of jobs.

  When Derrick told him about the board meeting the following Monday, he worried he wouldn’t be ready in time; yet, at the same time, he was relieved he’d be getting away from Lexie. Despite her animosity, his body
still hungered for her. It was maddening, and making it difficult to focus on his work.

  And then, when she brought the towels, the need to hold her, to have her hold him, nearly brought him to his knees. So he broke his own rule. He had sex with her in the shower. In his grandfather’s house, for God’s sake. And it had been incredible. Then she made him laugh. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed like that. Like he didn’t have a care in the world. She did that to him. For him.

  After she left his room that night, he’d gone back to work and, within a few hours, based on her comment about posting a photo online, he’d developed a social media marketing campaign to promote the threatened stores. It didn’t include his smile or his pecs, and it wouldn’t be fully implemented nor would he have all the data he needed by Monday, but he’d have something. The Internet and, in particular, social media, could move fast. He hoped there’d be enough results that the board would give him more time. The idea wouldn’t have come if it hadn’t been for Lexie. She’d planted the seed. She helped him relax. Helped him focus on what was important. And, she made him laugh.

  They’d agreed to just one night initially, but now, with just a few nights left, Drake decided he wanted as much of her as she was willing to give. So, when Oliver fell asleep and Claire left for the night, he went hunting for her. He was surprised to find her on the porch. Did that meant she wasn’t trying to avoid him anymore? That maybe she was thinking the same thing about their last few nights together?

  He leaned against the door frame, watching her in the porch swing, staring off into the night. “Oliver’s asleep.”

  “Good.” She smiled and like always, it hit him hard in the chest. “Do you have work to do?”

  “Always.” He sat next to her.

  “Are you going to steal my notebook again?”


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