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Next Move, You're Dead - Book 1 of the Next Move, You're Dead Trilogy

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by Linda L Barton

  Frank looked at Rosella with a big smile on his face. “How about making some pork chops and stuffing for dinner tonight? I plan to stay in this evening. I have some important work I need to finish.” He loved her pork chops with stuffing, and it was always a treat whenever she made them.

  “Of course, I’ll have those ready for you when you return,” Rosella said cheerfully then she reached for his cup and put it in the sink. She loved working for Frank, and she appreciated the way he always treated her with respect.

  Rosella had worked for Frank for the past seven years, having started three years before his marriage to Sheila. Rosella never liked his new wife, as she was cold-hearted and only wanted Frank for his money. The entire time they were married, everything was about her wants and needs. Then suddenly without warning, she left.

  Rosella felt sorry for Frank and wondered if he would survive his broken heart. She never understood why Sheila left the way she did, as he had always treated her with nothing but love and compassion.

  Through the years, Rosella had grown to think of Frank as a son. She always liked to make his favorite meals and see the smile appear on his face while he ate them.

  Rosella had always appreciated how Frank made sure she had everything she needed. When she needed her gall bladder surgery last year, he had paid her hospital bills and hired a nurse to stay with her during her recovery. He even paid her regular salary, making sure she would not get behind on her bills.

  Rosella knew she was fortunate to have him as her employer since her husband had died, and her children lived on the West Coast. She was thankful Frank had hired her to be his housekeeper because he saved her from being alone.


  I saddened Rosella how things had developed in Frank’s relationship with George. Whenever she saw them together, George would torture him with memories of the divorce, knowing how it would hurt Frank.

  She knew this was why Frank would go into the office later in the mornings, and then bring his work home at night. Sheila had managed to destroy a lifelong friendship between two men who never realized the truth about her before it was too late.


  “Have a good day, Rosella,” Frank smiled, as he opened the front door to leave.

  “Thank you and you do the same.”

  Frank walked out to the garage, dreading another day at the office with George. “Maybe he will be in a good mood today.”

  Chapter 7

  The Betrayal

  The information glaring back at him on the computer screen caused George to burn with rage. He double-checked the data in the accounts, but he kept coming back to the same conclusion. “Frank is embezzling thousands of dollars from the company, and then transferring the money to an offshore account.”

  George tried to understand why Frank would do this to him. Sure, they had a few problems now and then, but to do something so traitorous was unbelievable. Frank nearly pulled off his plan, but what made it even worse was he had clearly pointed a guilty finger straight back to George.

  It was quite ingenious. Frank had used George’s authorization code to complete the transfers by making it appear as though he had tucked the money away in a bank account somewhere in the Grand Caymans. Frank, you’ve been found out, and now you will pay.

  Learning of this treachery was the last straw for George. If Frank thought George, was going to take the fall for this, he was sorely mistaken. It was bad enough when Frank had stolen Sheila from him, but to do this was unforgivable.

  George refused to sit idly by and let this continue unchallenged. He would make sure ended today, and Frank paid dearly for his betrayal.


  From the beginning of their friendship, Frank had always been the popular one. Frank had always been better looking, and he had finished ahead of George in everything. However, in spite of everything, Frank had always treated George as an equal. They were the best of friends, until the day Sheila came into their lives.

  Sheila Atterson was the only woman George had ever loved. He met her at a Trade Show six years ago when she was there representing another internet company.

  Things were slow, so George was glancing through some brochures when he noticed a beautiful woman stroll by their booth. In the past, he would have been too shy to approach such a woman, but something inside of him told him he must meet her.

  “Interesting, she is also in the business,” George thought aloud, as he watched her enter a booth of another Internet company. “Frank, I am going to take a break.”

  “No problem, things are slow now.” Frank was sitting at the console working on a new website idea. He knew George was bored hanging around with nothing to do, so maybe a short walk would help clear his mind.

  As a young man, George never had any confidence in himself. He was somewhat clumsy, a bit overweight, and prone to acne. The girls never seemed to notice him when they went out on the weekends, cruising around as young men do. In fact, it was not until college George had his first date.

  Frank, on the other hand, was a serious student. Dating and partying were never important to him. He enjoyed a fun evening out as much as the next person, but he considered romance to be a distraction.

  George, on the other hand, wanted all the action he missed in high school. He hoped that college would be the time to break out of the old mold, and become a new and exciting person. George had no desire to be the geek he was in high school. Unfortunately, it never happened for George.

  After college, Frank and George pooled their money and started a small Internet company. They had fun in the beginning. They worked long days and nights for practically nothing. However, with hard work and a few lucky breaks, the company was now worth twenty-five million dollars and growing not bad for three short years in business.

  With this success, George began to feel a newfound sense of confidence. He shopped in all the finest stores, drove a Ferrari, and lived in the most elegant condominium complex in the city. With the success of their business, he was now ready to tackle the world of women with a newfound confidence.


  Sheila was talking with one of her co-workers when George casually strolled up to the booth and stood, waiting for her to notice him.

  “Oh, hello, I am sorry, may I help you?” Sheila smiled, offering her hand. “My name is Sheila Atterson, and you are?”

  He gently took her hand in his, praying she did not notice him shaking inside.

  “Hello, my name is George Mizlan. No, I do not need anything right now, but I am very pleased to meet you. I wanted to introduce myself to the most beautiful woman here,” he held his breath, hoping he did not sound like a foolish boy with a ridiculous come-on line.

  Sheila could see by his suit that he had money. She had always been more interested in a man’s portfolio, and with such a corny come-on line, she knew he was desperate.

  “How kind of you,” Sheila cooed, shyly pulling her hand from his.

  He squared his shoulders then continued, “I was wondering if after the hall closed up for the day if you would join me for a drink in the hotel lounge? You are staying at the hotel, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Carol and I are sharing a room. Are you staying here also?”

  “Yes, I am,” he swallowed, trying to contain the excitement building inside of him. “Would you mind joining me at seven o’clock? I’m sure you’ll want to go and freshen up after a long day in here. Then after getting to know each other better over a few drinks, we can share a late dinner,” George smiled.

  Sheila tried to contain her amusement at how flushed his face was becoming. She leaned across the counter, looking him in the eyes, “I would love to join you this evening.”

  Surprised that she had agreed to meet with him, George smiled. “Wonderful; until we see each other again.”

  For the first time in his life, George had a date with a woman most men only dreamt of having in their lives. As he turned to walk back t
o his booth, there was a new confidence in his step.

  Sheila watched him as he returned to his booth. Interesting, he’s with that company.

  Sheila decided to do some research on this George Mizlan and his company. She wanted to know her time would be well spent, or if she ought to be a no show. Sheila was tired of men wanting her only for her beauty while offering nothing in return, but empty promises.

  After having her heart broken several times, Sheila decided only to date men with money, and lots of it. Therefore, once George was out of site, she got online and began researching him, and the position he held at the company.

  “Why I do believe I’ve hit gold,” she whispered, closing her eyes in anticipation of the evening ahead.


  Soft music played in the background as George waited in the hotel lounge for Sheila. The two drinks he had already seemed to help some, but he still felt the knots in his stomach.

  George sat facing the entry, desperately hoping Sheila had not changed her mind when suddenly she appeared. Her dress clung to her body, hugging every curve. It amazed him how the vision of her standing there made his breath catch in his throat.

  She stopped for a moment and looked around the lounge until she saw him. When their eyes met, a smile appeared on her inviting lips.

  George noticed that she had worn her hair down tonight. He liked the gentle way it teasingly brushed across her shoulders, as opposed to the tight pulled up style she had worn earlier in the day. He was also surprised at his feelings as he watched her move toward him.

  She moved with such grace that he knew she must have been floating on air. His heart raced, needing to know everything about her. He wanted to know her desires, her hopes, and dreams.

  Finding himself lost in the vision of her beauty; he stood and waited for her.

  “Good evening George, I’m glad you’re here. I was afraid you would change your mind.”

  Sheila stopped at the chair next to his and waited. She knew to follow his lead, as men with money and power always wanted to be in control, and she had learned to play their games long ago.

  “Change my mind? I would I do that? In fact, I must confess that I’ve been counting the moments until I saw you again. I hope I'm not too bold, but I have a good feeling about us,” he smiled then pulled out her chair, allowing her to sit.

  “You do? I hope you’re right,” she smiled with a tingle of excitement moving through her. It is going to be easier than I thought.

  Once seated, he gestured to the cocktail waitress. “What’s your desire tonight?” He asked in a low voice, trying to hide the fear churning inside him.

  “I thought we were starting with drinks. I really do believe we need to know each other better before you fulfill my desires, don’t you?” Her eyes looked deeply into his, as though no one else was in the room.

  This response, of course, caught George by surprise. “I...uh…uh...I was asking what you wanted to drink?” He cringed, feeling the warmth spread across his face and growing hotter with each passing moment.

  “Silly me, I misunderstood your question. A glass of chardonnay would be excellent,” Sheila smiled, knowing the effect she had on him.

  As the evening progressed, they ordered several drinks and shared their pasts, and dreams of the future. Of course, neither told the complete truth about themselves. They only shared the fantasy life they had created for themselves.

  It all seemed to be going well, so George found himself beginning to relax. Sheila had told him of her childhood, and growing up with her mother and brother in a small apartment in Chicago. She told him how her brother had died in a terrible automobile accident and how her mother had died of cancer a few years later. She spoke of how she had never known her father, and how he had run out on her mother when she was six years old.

  Sheila cried when she told him the only memories of her father were of him hitting her mother until she was unconscious and bloodied. She spoke of living on her own and feeling fortunate to have her job with the computer firm because it gave her the opportunity to travel and meet interesting people.

  As George sat and listened to her speak of her life, he knew that he had found someone special; someone he could love for the rest of his life.

  After several drinks, they both agreed they needed something to eat as the alcohol was beginning to have an effect on them. Therefore, they decided to continue their evening with some dinner.

  The meal was superb, and the setting romantic and private. Earlier, George had arranged with the restaurant staff to set up a table for them in one of the smaller conference rooms, complete with candles and flowers.

  When they walked into the room, George was thrilled to see the pleased look on Sheila’s face. It was the first time he had ever done anything like that, and he wanted it to be perfect.

  “Oh George, it’s beautiful. It was so thoughtful of you to arrange all of this.” It amazed Sheila the lengths he would go to impress her. He’s going to be easier to manipulate than expected; she thought to herself.

  “It’s worth everything to see the look on your face. You deserve to be treated like this all the time, and if you allow me, I want to be the one to do it.”

  He reached across the table and took her hand in his, “You deserve this, and so much more.”

  By the end of the evening, George was convinced Sheila would be with him forever. She, on the other hand, was convinced he would work out flawlessly for her plans.

  They walked in silence down the long hallway toward her room, with George nervously anticipating his next move.

  Once they arrived at her room, he drew in a deep breath, anticipating his next move. “I want to thank you for a perfect evening, Sheila.” He moved closer, taking her gently into his arms, but when he tried to kiss her, she pulled away.

  “I’m sorry, I like you very much, but I don’t want to ruin this perfect evening by taking things too quickly. I hope you understand,” Sheila stepped back, breaking his grasp.

  George was disappointed. He had hoped she would join him in the penthouse for the night.

  “Of course, I understand. I would never want to ruin the memory of this perfect evening. Goodnight, my beauty,” George took her hand, and gently kissed it.

  “Goodnight, George. Thank you for being a perfect gentleman, and I want you to know I had a wonderful time also. I cannot wait to see you tomorrow,” she unlocked her door and disappeared inside.

  George stared at the closed door praying she would change her mind and join him for the night.

  “Sweet dreams, Sheila,” he whispered. Once he realized she was not coming back, he walked to the elevator and went up to his room.


  Frank was still up and reading a book when George came back to their suite.

  “Wow, it must have been quite the night. She must be something special to have kept you out this late,” Frank teased.

  “Yes, she is. I’m tired; I’ll see you in the morning.” George was in no mood for small talk, so he walked to his room and closed the door. The last thing, he wanted to do, was answer a line of questions about his evening.

  George undressed, and climbed into his bed with Sheila still on his mind. For the first time in his life, he had a beautiful woman interested in him, not using him to get to Frank as so many had in school.

  His mind wandered with the vision of Sheila flowing into his mind. For the first time, George went to sleep full of hope for the future.


  Sheila closed the door, relieved the evening was over. She walked to her bed, slipped into her nightgown, and then walked to the bathroom to clean off her makeup, and brush her teeth before bed.

  “What a perfect first date. George, I must say that you will be easy to manipulate,” she laughed to herself.

  Once she had finished in the bathroom, Sheila climbed into her bed and pulled the sheet over her body. She was thankful that Carol was asleep when she
had returned because the last thing, she wanted, was to answer the typical annoying questions. She liked Carol but was not in the mood for small talk.

  As she went over the events of the evening in her mind, a smile crossed her lips. Tomorrow we begin the next step in my plan, George. You know something, I almost feel sorry for you. Sheila closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  Earlier that day when she researched George and his company, she learned that not only was the company worth a small fortune, but George had a partner, Frank Campos.

  According to Wikipedia, Frank was the senior partner. He made all the important decisions, landed the latest contracts thus making the company’s profits sharply increase, but the best part he was gorgeous.

  Wealthy, powerful, and handsome, Frank Campos was now her actual target. Sheila knew she would have to keep up the ruse with George to get close to Frank, but she knew George would be easy to trick into playing along.

  Poor George had no clue that he was being used to get to Frank again. Sheila had put on quite a convincing performance for him. He had pretended to be a sophisticated playboy, but Sheila saw through his clumsy attempt. In fact, it surprised her that she had not laughed in his face a few times. How sad that you felt the need to brag about your money, and many successes when I know the truth.

  Sheila had met many men over the last few years, and she had found the ones who bragged the most, had usually had accomplished the least.

  Sheila was no newcomer to playing this game, and she nearly laughed aloud when he told her how he loved her innocence. What a foolish little man you are, George. Innocence; that’s a laugh, she thought to herself. He will be so easy to use until I get to Frank.

  When the trade show ended, George and Frank headed home. George had seen Sheila twice more, and he had asked her to visit him in Philadelphia if she ever came there on business.

  “George, I have never been to Philadelphia. I would love to come for a visit and see the sights. I have some vacation time next month, so I’ll come for a visit then.”


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