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This Is Where I Sleep

Page 19

by Tiffany Patterson

  “I should have protected you better. I thought I was doing the right thing. I’d do anything to protect you. He will pay for your team, for Larry and for keeping me from you when you needed me most,” he said, as his hand slid down covering my womb. “I’ll spend the rest of our lives making it up to you,” he promised, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

  I smiled up at him and pressed a kiss to his soft lips. “I just might let you.”

  Chapter Twenty


  I stared down at a sleeping Coral. We were thirty thousand feet in the air on the plane towards Austin. I could think of nothing more than to finally have this shit over with, getting my father out of the way and finally having this woman to myself. I knew what we were about to reveal was going to set off a shit storm around the nation. The governor of a major political state had also been running an international crime ring for more than a decade. The same governor who has very publicly discussed the possibility of entering the run for President. Yeah, there was about to be some shit. But none of that concerned me. What I was most concerned about was keeping this woman lying in the bed beside me out of harm’s way. She and my daughter were the most important things to me in this world. If anything were to happen to either one of them I’d lose my fucking mind.

  “You going to keep staring at me this whole flight?” she asked, her eyes still closed.

  “I thought you were asleep.” I couldn’t help smiling as she slowly opened her eyes.

  “The only place I can actually sleep is your house,” she said looking around the private jet’s small bedroom.

  Laura was out in the main cabin, sleeping next to Brian. Ron and the rest of my security were out there as well. I couldn’t leave the two most important people in my life behind.

  “Our home,” I corrected her last statement.

  Her eyes widened, and she just stared at me.

  I decided it was time to tell her everything. “Don’t look so shocked. Why do you think you had that reaction the first time you saw the house?”

  She looked down trying to recall the first time I brought her home after her hotel room was broken into. She looked back up at me, a surprised, questioning look on her face.

  I nodded answering her yet-to-be-asked question. “You remember that night we stayed up talking about the house of our dreams?”

  She nodded.

  There were many nights we stayed up talking about what we would do when we got home after our tour. It helped pass the time out in the desert. One night we started talking about our dream homes. Coral mentioned that her dream home had lots of huge windows. Growing up in the projects there were few windows, and the ones that existed were covered by steel bars to prevent falls. She said she’d want it outside of a city so there’d be no constant blaring from sirens or other typical city noise. I always carried that with me and made sure the home I built for us had huge windows and lots of open space.

  “It’s our home. Always has been. I built it for us.”

  She sat up staring at me, silently.

  I reached out to caress her cheek with my hand. I was always amazed at how soft her skin was. Her career and demeanor gave her a hard edge. But the softness of her skin reminded me of the different layers beneath the surface. The layers she rarely allowed anyone else to see.

  “Why would you do that?” she asked almost timidly.

  “You have to know by now that I had every intention of coming back for you. I never left because I wanted to. I left to keep you safe. Seems I didn’t do such a great job of that,” I admitted, frowning. “But, you’ve always belonged to me. Even when you didn’t know it.”

  She lowered her head for a second and looked up at me smirking. “Is that why you went to visit Nate a few weeks ago?”

  My eyes narrowed. If that bastard went crying to her about my little visit the tiny amount of respect I had for him was going right out the window.

  “No, he didn’t tell me,” Coral continued. “He stopped calling right around the time you returned from your trip, and I overheard your driver saying you left a pair of sunglasses in the backseat after your trip to D.C. I put two and two together.”

  I chuckled. Of course, she would figure it out.

  “You know a relationship normally works when the couple mutually decides to be together,” she joked.

  I took her hand in between both my hands. “Sweetheart, when the hell has anything between us ever been normal?” I asked, right before covering her lips with mine.

  It was a true statement. For all intents and purposes, Coral and I should have never met. She was a girl from one of the toughest communities in New York City, and I’m a Texas good ‘ol boy, born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Some would say we were an unlikely pair, but those people wouldn’t know the truth, which is that this woman saved me. She taught me there was life and humanity beyond the selfish world I was raised in. I was a better man, father, and I would be a better husband all because of her. And I intended on showing her that right now.

  “Mmm,” she moaned as I place kisses down her jawline and lick the spot just below her ear.

  “Shhh, CeCe. We’re going to have to be quiet this go ‘round,” I said reminding her we’re not alone on this jet.

  When she whispered my name in that sexy lilt, my cock jumped in my pants, and I knew I needed to be inside her soon. I pushed her down against the mattress and unbuttoned and pulled her jeans down before quickly doing the same to my own clothing.

  “Damn, CeCe, you're soaking wet,” I crooned in her ear, touching her wetness with my fingers.

  “Only for you, Li.”

  Those words had an instant impact on my cock, making me painfully hard. I pulled Coral’s legs up to my waist and pushed all of myself into her in one fell swoop. I didn’t immediately begin pounding her like my rock hard dick was telling me to. Instead, I paused, staring down into the only face I ever wanted to see in this position again. “Can you still have kids?” I asked the question that had been lingering in my mind since she revealed that she lost our child.

  “Wh-what?” she panted, and it was the sexiest fucking sound ever.

  “Can you still have kids?” I asked again, beginning to thrust my hips.

  She nodded.

  “And it’s not a health risk?”

  “No….the doctors said I able to...carry and have...a healthy pregnancy and birth in...the future.” She panted and moaned with every down stroke of mine.

  “Good. Cuz we’re making a baby. Again.” With those words, I picked up my pace and thrusted my unyielding cock into her with every bit of strength of I had. When her moans got a little too loud, I fused our mouths together. I reached down with both my hands, propping her waist up, allowing me to go even deeper. Coral gripped my shoulders tightly and kissed me back with the same amount of passion.

  Goddamn I love this woman. That was the only coherent thought running through my head as we fucked each other’s brains out as quietly as possible. I felt her wetness grow, and her pussy muscles tightened around my cock, and I knew she is coming. She ripped her lips from mine, turned her head and biting my upper arm to keep from yelling out. The pain mixed with her tight, clutching pussy shattered me, and I lowered my head into the crook of her neck, shouting my release. My thrusting hips continued pumping ensuring every last drop of my seed made its way into her canal.

  “As soon as this is all over,” I said low in her ear, as we both struggled to catch our breath, “I’m officially making you mine.”

  She simply stared at me.

  I pressed my lips to the corner of her mouth and turned us so that we were both on our sides, still facing one another. Our bodies still joined. Minutes later our pilot alerted us we were making our final descent into Austin. Good. I was ready for this final checkmate against my father and to lay claim on my queen.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I was nervous. This was new for me because I didn’t get nervous in these situations.
Angry? Yes. Perturbed when things didn’t go my way? Possibly. But not nervous. I knew it was because the stakes were personal this time. I’d found out the real reason Li left, and it only made me love him that much more. I wanted to be his, but I didn’t know if I was ready. I looked over at Laura, who was drawing on the table set up in this huge hotel suite we were staying in. We’d been huddled up for hours with the FBI, turning over page after page of evidence against Liam’s father. It was difficult to comprehend that a U.S. governor would betray his own country like this for money, and most of all, power. But, I’d seen people do a lot to get and maintain power. I was hardly shocked by it anymore.

  The head of San Antonio’s FBI was livid. “I can’t believe this!” he yelled. Although it had taken some maneuvering, we were actually able to get him here. Clearly, he was dumbfounded by the information we’d presented to him. “He’s been doing this right under our noses. And from the looks of it, he’s not alone. This goes all the way up to members in the Senate and House of Representatives. I’ll need to call the Director immediately, and get our men in place.”

  “The Director had already been contacted,” Liam said. “The Director of the FBI was one of my first phone calls when we got the information back in Dallas. I’ve been in contact with him for a while now trying to get an angle on my father. He is actually flying out as we speak. We’re going to make some phone calls and take a trip to visit dear old dad. I expect you to have your men in place,” Li said before turning back to the papers on the table.

  Leave it to Liam to give orders to an FBI field office director like it was his job.

  Everyone began scrambling to come up with a plan to execute. We already knew the press was going to have a field day with this. Not to mention the type of international trouble this would cause. I stepped away to take a break from it all. My job would be to remain here with Laura and let the men go off and do their thing. For once, I was okay with not being the ringleader of this mission. I gazed out the window, watching the Austin skyline and remembering the first time I did this back in Dallas. It felt like so long ago, but it was only about a month and a half. I began to wonder what life after this would be like. I’d been ripping and running for so long trying to escape my demons, some real, some made up, that I never took the time to ponder a life outside of working to save others. Could I see myself married and as a mom? Do I even want that?

  “What are you thinking about?” The deep voice penetrated my thoughts and warmed my entire body like a favorite blanket, as Liam’s strong arms enveloped me from behind.

  “You. Us. All of this,” I answered honestly.

  “Stop wondering,” he commanded, spinning me around to face him. “You and I were always meant to be here. From day one it’s been me and you. Bullshit got in the way of that, but I won’t let anything else come between us.” His voice was so full of certainty I couldn’t help but trust it. This was the only man I’d ever felt safe enough to feel this way with.

  I looked up into his emerald green eyes and reached up pushing a dark blond lock of hair away from his handsome face. “I love you, Li.”

  “‘Bout damn time,” he said, grinning like I just served him the world on a platter. “I love you, CeCe. Always have. Always will.”

  I smirked. “I’m holding you to that. Bring your ass back here in one piece,” I told him.

  “Will do, Sergeant Coleman.” He mock saluted me and then gripped my ass firmly right before he delivered another soul-stealing kiss.

  “Take care of our Princess,” he said after pulling back.

  I turned my head, looking over at Laura, who was now playing with a doll on the couch. I smiled at her innocence. “With everything I have.”

  “I’m leaving Ron here to watch the both of you.” He held his hand up when I frowned. “It would make me feel better knowing someone is watching out for the both of you.”

  “I will watch out for the both of us,” I narrowed my eyes at him.

  “And Ron will as well.” He kissed the tip of my nose. I relented only because that was not the time to argue. Soon, Liam would be responsible for sending his father to jail for a very long time, but also causing a huge media storm and turning his mother’s life upside down and causing a media storm.

  “Alright. Fine,” I agreed.

  “You should start thinking about what wedding dress you want to wear on our big day,” he said.

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Or, you could wear jeans. Either way, we’ll need to set a date.”

  “Shouldn’t you be thinking about the fact you’re about to send your father to jail?” I asked.

  “I can do both. Anyway, we’ll be back soon enough, and this will be all over. Have the dress chosen by the time I get back.” He gave me one last kiss before going over to Laura. I grinned widely when she began giggling from his tickles. I watched them for a few minutes until I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. Ron was watching Li and Laura. A chill went down my spine, but I didn’t have time to analyze it before my phone vibrated in my pocket. It was Tasha. I called her as soon as Quincy left the house to let her know he was on his way. I sent a picture so she knew exactly who he was. He called as soon as he arrived to confirm. I still haven’t told Tasha exactly what’s going on and of course, she was antsy.

  “Hey Tash,” I answered.

  “Now, can you tell me what’s going on?” She sounded exasperated and a little nervous.

  “Okay. It’s like this…”

  I told her all of what I can for now. I wanted to ease her fears and let her know she could trust Quincy with her life, but I didn’t want to scare her. I also sent Jabari to Atlanta and told him to take my Aunt and Uncle, to make sure they were all together and safe. Now, it was a waiting game. I watched as the FBI agents, Li’s security, Brian, and Liam head out the door. He gave me one last look back and reassuring nod before closing the door behind him.

  I looked at my phone and saw that it was almost ten a.m. But given that we’d been up for hours it felt like so much later. Yet, I was much too anxious to feel tired. I knew whatever happened today would determine the course of the rest of my life. I sighed and headed towards the living room couch to play with Laura.



  I was feeling anxious. Not the nervous or scared type of anxious, but the “I’m ready to get this shit over with,” anxious. I’d been waiting for this moment for far too long. Yes, I was here to take down my own father. The man who taught me to play chess. Who was a bastard my entire childhood unless we were out in public. I’d waited years to put the right pieces in place to take this man down. I used the game he taught me to maneuver around him and take him down.

  As we entered the gates to the Governor’s mansion, I felt my fingers twitch. When the FBI field director requested I leave my gun in my vehicle, I glared at him for nearly a full minute before conceding. It was likely for the best. No telling what I might’ve done if my father started spouting off his bullshit, especially if he said anything about Coral. My father and I had spent very little time in the same room in the last five years for a good reason. He’d only met my daughter once. Of course, for the media it was spun as the Bennett family leading very busy lives, but the truth was I’m not all that sure I could have resisted putting my fingers around his throat and squeezing as the life flees his body. Just thinking about it sent a jolt of energy through my body. I cracked my knuckles.

  “You’re right. I don’t need my gun,” I smiled devilishly at the field director.

  His eyes lowered watching as I cracked my knuckles. “There’s no need for this to get physical either,” he said.

  I simply stared, agreeing to nothing. “Let’s go,” I motioned my security. I knew the director was probably perturbed by my taking the lead, but he’d just have to suck it up. I had waited too long for this.

  We headed up the pathway to the front entrance of the mansion. I looked up to see the plantation style, crisp white building with six huge col
umns along the front entrance. Hanging from two of the columns was an American flag and the Texas state flag. I shook my head thinking of how my good for nothing father betrayed both of those flags. The flags I’d risked my life fighting for overseas. He’d betrayed me in more ways than one.

  The security guard who opens the door looks surprised to see me heading this group of men. “Mr. Bennett.”

  “Sir, we’re with the FBI,” the director announced, holding up his credentials.

  I didn’t wait for any instructions. I knew exactly where my father was. I moved down the long hall towards the main office. My father’s secretary looked up surprised, prepared to speak. I held my hand up, cutting her off, then snatched the door to his office open; unfortunately, I was granted a view of my father’s bare ass as he thrust in and out of some brunette he had bent over his desk.

  “I guess we can add this to the already long list of adulterous behavior when mom files for divorce,” I stated casually, folding my arms across my chest.


  “Oh, my God!” My father and the woman both yelled at the same time. The girl shrieked and tried to cover her face, but I still recognized her. She was an intern in his office.

  “Typical,” I chuckled and shook my head.

  “What the hell is going on?!” my father bellowed when he noticed that I was with an army of men behind me. The way he hurriedly tried to stuff himself back into his pants was comical. The two were a tangle of arms and legs trying to affix their clothing as five pairs of eyes watched them.

  “Liam what the hell is this about?!” he demanded.

  “Young lady, you probably want to leave immediately and go home and update your resume,” I said looking squarely at the red-faced young woman, ignoring my father. This angered him even more.

  “You don’t get to fire my damn staff! I don’t know what you think you saw, but-”

  I held up my hand, cutting him off. “She’ll need a new job because, by the time you leave this office, you’ll be stripped of the position of Governor. You can leave now,” I said sternly to the girl, whose head was lowered.


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