His Woman

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His Woman Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Are you afraid of my father?”

  “Everyone is afraid of Bishop. He doesn’t take shit from anyone.” He tried to make a joke.

  “I’m being serious.”

  “So am I. You’re his daughter, and he’s not kidding about getting a gun to any man who hurts you. This asshole in the city, if your father could find him then he’d be hurting right about now.” He squeezed her hand.

  She lay limp in his grip for some time. He inwardly cheered when she locked her fingers with his. Driving toward her house, he knew the moment he made her his woman, the bar work would stop. There would be no need for her to work.

  Barefoot and pregnant.

  No, he didn’t want her pregnant. Having kids running around the house so soon after they were together was not his idea of fun. They would take their time, which meant condoms, lots of condoms. He liked the idea of kids, but he’d seen other couples with kids. They didn’t have much time together as they were devoted to the younger ones. Drake, as much as he liked the idea, he wasn’t ready to share her.

  “Dad has always been protective.”

  “He lost your mother. Don’t forget their relationship is the talk of the town.”

  “Only because of my mother’s color.”

  He swerved then stopped the truck. “What?”

  She looked toward him. “My mom was black, and Dad is white.”

  “No, that wasn’t what I was referring to.”

  Rachel frowned, looking at him then out of the window.

  “My own parents remember yours. They were sweethearts, Rachel. The moment your mom entered a room men gravitated toward her. Bishop saw her, claimed her, and was one possessive bastard so no one got a look in.”

  “I know the history of my own parents’ romance.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve gotten it all wrong, baby. It had nothing to do with the color of their skin. It might to some, but to most, it was Bishop’s determination to have her. He’s possessive of you but not like he was of your mother.”

  Drake grew up hearing many of the tales, but he had also seen it with his own two eyes. Rachel was too young to remember. Any man who tried to get close to her mother would be met with a wall of intimidating cowboy.

  “To some it was still because my mother was black.”

  “Is that what you’ve seen away from home?” he asked. He hated hearing this kind of talk from her lips. It was unnecessary.


  “Good, then stop talking about it.”

  She chuckled. “I never knew you were bossy.”

  “There is a lot you don’t know about me.”

  He pulled up outside of her house, turning the ignition off. Sitting back, he drew her close to him, loving the feel of her against his body.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I want a goodnight kiss.” She fell onto his chest. Wrapping his arms around her back, he cupped her cheek. “Your leftovers didn’t last me long enough. I’ve been surviving on noodles all week.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Running a finger across her lips, Drake knew he was going to marry this woman. There was no way he was going to let her get away. Rachel Bishop was his woman, and he’d face her father’s gun if he had to in order to claim her.

  “You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, baby.”

  “Daddy’s probably watching us,” she said.

  “I’m not going to do anything to cause him to shoot my ass.” Touching her skin was not enough. His cock was rock hard, and all he wanted to do was take her home.


  When he got her home he wasn’t going to leave until he’d made love, and fucked her. Drake would leave her satisfied and begging for his cock at every opportunity.

  “He always has a reason for shooting.” She giggled. “I’m lucky to have a father willing to hurt men.”

  “I’ll never give him a reason to hurt me.”

  Pressing his thumb inside her mouth, Drake groaned at the feel of her warmth sucking him inside. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip of his cock. There would be no release tonight in her body. The only pleasure he’d be getting was that of his hand, which wasn’t much fun.

  “I’m going to come and call on you.” The smile fell from her lips. “Don’t get all excited on me.” He teased.

  “Why? I’m not what you need.”

  “You don’t know what I need, baby doll. I’ll be calling on you.”

  “Does this mean we’re going steady?”

  She was frowning, and it was so adorable.

  “Yes, we’re going steady. There are no women for me and no other men for you. You’re mine, and I’m yours.” Tilting her head back, he claimed her lips.

  Rachel gasped, opening her lips, and he plundered her mouth with his tongue. She moaned. One of her hands cupped his cheek.

  “Fuck, baby, you make me burn.”

  A knock on the window interrupted the moment. Pulling away, he looked out his window to see Bishop waiting.

  “I don’t run a fucking hotel. Let her out.”

  “Oh, God, Dad, stop it,” Rachel said.

  “Honey, get out. You want to make out, you do it elsewhere at a reasonable time.” Bishop stood, arms folded, waiting.

  Drake didn’t know what he’d do if it was his daughter outside waiting.

  “Go on to bed, baby. I’ll see you tomorrow.” It was Saturday, and he’d make sure to stop by to see her.

  “This is not fair, and it’s completely insane. I’m a grown woman.”

  She gave him a smile then climbed out of the truck. Opening his door, he jumped down. Bishop watched her leave into the house before nodding at him.

  Well, hell. Drake had thought he was about to see the other man’s wrath.


  Rachel woke up and stayed in her bed listening to her father move around downstairs. It was Tracey’s weekend off again. The other woman liked having her weekends back. Rachel liked being back at home on the ranch. There was a time she’d really thought the city life was for her. Leaving Crest Hill was the biggest mistake she ever made. Rachel wasn’t suited for city life, being an unknown in a crowd of people. She liked walking down the street or being in town and having people asking her how she was.

  All the time in the city walking home was a challenge. She got scared at the smallest shadow, and passing alleyways was a complete nightmare. The media didn’t help reporting all the bad things that happened to lone women in the night. No wonder Robert cheated on her. She’d been a nervous wreck. Even in her apartment she’d jumped at the smallest rattle.

  “Rachel, you getting up today?” Her father shouted up the stairs.

  Laughing, she jumped out of bed, bound her hair on top of her head, and made her way downstairs. She wore her pajamas. Kissing him on the cheek she turned on the coffee machine that she’d set up last night.

  “Are you smiling?” he asked.

  “Yes, I am. It’s summer, and I’m feeling good.” Humming, she set up two cups putting sugar in his cup but leaving hers plain. She hated sugar in her coffee.

  “I thought you’d be complaining about how much you’re missing city life,” he said.

  “Nah, I don’t miss that life. It’s strange as I was just thinking about it. Being in the big city is all well and good, but most of the time it left me terrified of my own shadow. I won’t be leaving any time soon.”

  Pouring the hot coffee into the cups, she placed one in front of him before going to the fridge.

  “Does this good mood have anything to do with a certain rancher?” her father asked.

  Pausing, she glanced over at him. “I guess.”

  “Drake Solomon?”

  “Erm, I think we’re going steady. I mean, that’s what he said last night. I don’t know. Crap, I’m so confused.” Rubbing at her temple, her mood evaporated.

  Her father laughed. “Honey, if Drake says you’re going steady, then you’re going steady. Make sure of his intentions before he puts a baby inside you.”

/>   “Eww, Dad, don’t. You’re not supposed to say stuff like that to me.”

  “I’m a man, honey. I know what men think.”

  “No, you’re my Dad.” Wrinkling her nose she set to work on their breakfast.

  He stayed silent while she worked, cracking eggs in the pan and using the smallest knob of butter possible. She took the time to grill the bacon and placed some bread in the toaster. When she was finished, she sat beside him eating and drinking her coffee.

  “Drake’s a good man, honey,” her father said.

  Turning to him, she saw he looked serious. “I know.”

  “No, I mean it. He was a player when he was younger, but he’s a good man, loyal. Family means the world to him, and when he gives his word, he lives by it.”

  Swallowing down the lump in her throat, she stared at him. “What are you trying to say?”

  “If you were to settle down with him, I’d be a happy man. Drake will take care of you and make sure you want for nothing.”

  “It’s early days, Dad. I don’t even know if we’ll be good for each other.”

  “The past few times I’ve seen him and you’ve been here, I know it’s going to be good. He can’t take his eyes off you. Drake is a good man, Rachel. Don’t get scared of letting yourself love him.”

  He placed his palm over hers.

  “I won’t.”

  “Right, the serious stuff is out. Let’s enjoy this breakfast and then we can get onto other stuff.”

  After breakfast she was washing the dishes as her father headed outside.

  “Oh, Drake, hey, is there anything wrong?” her father asked.

  “No, I’ve just come to see Rachel if that’s okay?”

  Her heart started to pound. Glancing down at herself she cringed. She’d not gotten changed and was wearing nightclothes that left nothing to the imagination. Listening, she hoped her father would stall him.

  “Sure, go right inside.”


  There it was. She had no other choice than to face him dressed for bed.

  Drake entered and paused in the doorway. His gaze went up and down her body, and she wondered what he was thinking. The door closed, and she saw he flicked the lock into place.


  “Coming here I had every intention of being nice and a gentleman,” Drake said, moving closer. She stayed with her back against the counter, facing him. The urge to fold her arms was strong, but she pushed it aside to face him. “Seeing you like this, baby doll, how am I supposed to keep my hands off you?”

  He sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her close. She held onto his shoulders as he pressed her against his body and trapping her near the counter. His other hand landed on her ass. She wasn’t wearing any panties.

  Drake massaged her ass cheek, and she heard him growl. “You’re not wearing any panties. Your pussy is bare for me to touch, to taste.”

  Before she could answer his lips were on hers, and then words failed her. His cock pressed against her stomach. The hard ridge shocked her. He was turned on, and it felt painful to her with the way he pressed to her stomach.

  “Fuck, the wait is going to kill me. Do you feel what you do to me?” he asked.


  In one quick movement he had her sitting on the counter. Drake opened her thighs, and he stood between them. “You make me forget all my good intentions.”


  “You’re tempting me to do so much more.”

  She went to ask him a question, but he took possession of her mouth once again. All thoughts fled her mind with his mouth on hers. There was no chance for her to think past the pleasure.

  His hand cupped her breast through the thin material of her vest top. Her nipple hardened the instant he touched her. Down he went, caressing her body until he landed with his palm to her pussy.

  “Fuck, you’re hot to the touch.”


  “Shh, it’s okay, baby doll, I’ve got you.” Drake pulled away, staring into her eyes. She watched him, feeling his hand leave her core. His fingers glided up the inside of her shorts. They were loose as she wore them for bed.

  Rachel forgot to breathe as he caressed up her inner thigh. Everything fell away, and the only two people who existed in the world were him and her.

  Chapter Six

  Sliding his fingers up her thigh, Drake stared into her eyes waiting for her to tell him to stop. She licked her lips and then swallowed. Her lips parted, and he saw she started to pant. Moving that last little inch up her leg, he cupped her sex with his bare palm. The heat of her soaked his palm. She was so turned on and needy. Did she even know what an orgasm felt like?

  “Are you still with me, baby doll?”

  “Yes, I’m still here.” The words took her a few seconds to speak, and she kept closing her eyes, arching up against his touch.

  “Do you want me to stop?”


  Chuckling, he pressed his lips to hers. Plunging his tongue into her mouth, he slid a finger through her creamy slit.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet.”

  “Is that good?”

  “More than good. You’re ready for my cock.”

  Cream flooded his fingers, and he slid them up to circle her clit. She jumped in his arms at the smallest touch.

  “You like me talking dirty?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Baby, you’re flooding my fingers. You like me talking dirty.” He pinched her clit, shushed her as she cried out, then stroked the nub. “Did you think about me last night?”


  “Good, I thought about you. I thought about getting you to my house. The moment you’re there I’m never letting you go. There’s so much I want to do to you,” he said.

  “Like what?”

  “Put it this way, Rachel, I’m going to have you screaming and begging for me not to stop. Everything I do to you will have you craving me just a little bit more.”

  “I don’t know what to say or do.” She gripped his shoulder, sinking her nails into the flesh.

  Gazing down at her chest, he saw the hard buds of her nipples poking against the fabric. Her milk chocolate skin was so soft to the touch. Drake wanted her to melt against him and to give every part of herself to his pleasure.

  Getting back home was going to be a nightmare. He was rock hard, and the zipper was uncomfortable against his flesh. Ignoring his own pain and need, he focused on her.

  With his free hand, he drew the strap of her top down her arm then slipped the top down to reveal her breast. Her nipples were brown and large. They were huge. Sliding his thumb against the tip, he was hypnotized by her body. Rachel was everything he’d ever wanted. She was sweet, innocent, fiery, and caring. Her body was lush, round in all the right places, and made him ache to be inside her.

  “Drake?” she said, moaning.


  “I don’t know what to do.”

  He’d soon teach her about her body and what to do to please herself as well as him.

  “I’ve got you, baby doll. Do you trust me?”

  She nodded.

  Drake felt like the luckiest guy in the world to have Rachel as his woman.

  “Good. I’m going to make you feel good, and whenever you need to feel good you’re going to come to me, understood?”


  Leaning forward, he took her nipple into his mouth. They both moaned together, the sound filling the kitchen. Stroking her clit, he coated his fingers with her cream before caressing her nub. She jerked in his arms, gasping and moaning. Looking up from sucking on her nipple, he saw her head was bowed back and her eyes were closed.

  “That’s it, baby. Feel what I do to you.”

  Biting down on her nipple, he withdrew, flicking her with his tongue. She cried out, and he noticed her hands gripped the edge of the counter. He looked down seeing his hand moving inside her shorts. It wouldn’t be long before he had her open for his touch.
Drake didn’t know how much time had passed, and he didn’t care.

  Rachel was his woman, and he’d marry her today if she’d accept him.


  Kissing her lips, he silenced her as he stroked her pussy. She was so close. Her body shook with each stroke of his fingers.

  “Oh God, please, what?” Her breath was a whisper, and her breathing increased making her chest rise and fall with each indrawn breath.

  “That’s it. Let go, Rachel. I’m here to catch you. I’ll always be here to catch you.”

  Rubbing her creamy clit, he watched her fall apart going over the edge into her first orgasm. She cried out, jerking in his arms, and still he stroked her clit. Her cream soaked his palm, but he focused on her pleasure.

  When she could no longer stand his touch, he slowed down to a stop. The only sounds in the kitchen were those of her heavy breathing. Putting her breast away, he slid her shirt back into place.

  Rachel opened her eyes and stared down at him.

  “From this day forward I’ll be the only man to ever see you come.”

  “Yes, Drake.”

  Easing his palm out from her shorts, he took his fingers into his mouth licking her off.

  “You taste good, baby doll. I can’t wait to get my tongue on your pussy.”

  “What?” she asked.

  “Oh, when I get you home I’m going to shock you.”

  She smiled. “I think I’m going to like that. Especially if it feels good like what you just did.”

  Kissing the tip of her nose, Drake smiled pulling back. “This is just the start of what I can do for you.”

  He helped her off the counter and then washed his hands in the sink.

  “Why did you come around? Was there anything you needed?” she asked.

  “I came to see you and to give you a morning kiss. I was just going to give you a kiss, but the moment I saw you, I couldn’t resist. You’re going to drive me crazy if this is how you dress all the time.” He stroked her nipple, and she looked toward the door.

  She didn’t pull away from his touch.

  “I’ll open the door.”

  Drake flicked the lock, opening the door and letting some breeze into the kitchen. He couldn’t leave the kitchen until his cock eased a little. Being with her was going to have him in a constant state of arousal.


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