His Woman

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His Woman Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Erm, do you need, erm, anything?”

  “Thank you for thinking of me, but I’m not going to get what I need in this kitchen.” He wrapped his arms around her, stroking her cheek. Her large breasts pressed against his chest. Fuck, he needed to get some alone time with her before he lost his mind. “This is what I came for. A good morning kiss.”

  “It’s a long way to come for a kiss,” she said, offering up her lips.

  “Yeah, but it’s totally worth it.”

  Drake took her lips once again. She gripped the collar of his shirt and deepened the kiss some more. The sound of Bishop clearing his throat forced him to pull away.

  “I like your kisses,” she said.

  “Then get used to them. Tonight, we’re going out on a date,” he said.

  “We are?”

  “Yeah, I’ll pick you up around seven.”

  Dropping a final kiss to her lips, Drake left the kitchen. Bishop was waiting for him outside.

  “I’m taking her out tonight,” he said.

  “Okay. I expect you to tell me when she’s getting home and if she’s going to get home,” Bishop said. The older man’s hands were fisted at his side. “I may accept what is about to happen, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have a problem. She’s my daughter, and I’d like to see you be the same with your own.”

  “I’m not going to say anything. I’ll treat her good.”

  Nodding at Bishop, Drake climbed into his truck and headed off home to get work done.


  Rachel wore a pair of jeans and a red buttoned shirt. She looked in the mirror and wondered if it was too casual. This was her first Crest Hill date. What was Drake going to do for their first date? She didn’t know what to expect. Robert took her to the movies or they went to watch a wrestling match. She hated fighting, and most of the dates were spent behind her hand.

  Drake was nothing like Robert. The confidence within him surprised her. He knew what he wanted, and he went after it. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she blew out a breath.

  “This is going to have to do.” She nodded her head and grabbed her purse.

  Downstairs her father was sat in the sitting room watching a game of football. “Do you want another beer?” she asked.

  “Yeah, be an angel and get one for me.”

  “I’m always an angel.”

  She heard him chuckling on the way to the kitchen. Setting her purse on the table, she picked it up and took the beer into her father.

  “Why do you have your purse?” he asked.

  “To pay for drinks and food. I don’t know where we’re going, and I’d hate to go anywhere that requires money and I not have any.”

  “Give me the purse.”

  She frowned but handed her father the purse.

  “Thanks.” He placed the bag behind his back.

  “Hey, what are you doing?”

  “If he’s not told you where you’re going then he’s paying. Don’t insult him by bringing out the money. You remind me of your mother when you do that.”

  Rachel sat beside him. “Did she take her purse?”

  “Blasted woman wouldn’t let me buy her anything. In the end, I stole her purse, and, erm, I put it where she wasn’t willing to touch without risking a feel up.”

  She laughed as heat filled her cheeks.

  “I’m being serious,” he said.

  “If I know Mom she would have gotten her purse back some way.”

  He chuckled. “You’re right. I really did underestimate her.”

  Someone knocked on the door interrupting the moment. Her father got up from his seat telling her to stay. Tapping her fingers on her leg she wondered who was at the door. She was so nervous about this and didn’t know what Drake expected from her.

  “Rachel, it’s for you.”

  Looking around the room, she wondered if she should stay behind.

  No, go and have fun.

  There was no sign of her purse, and she walked out of the room. Her father held her purse close to his chest. Drake stood outside, waiting.

  “He’s agreed. You don’t need your purse, honey. I’ll see you when you get back, and if you don’t get back tonight Drake has agreed to give me a call.”

  “I’ll be back home, I’m sure.”

  Drake raised a brow, and she stared at the floor. The last thing she needed was for her father to know what they’d done that morning.

  Kissing his cheek, she took Drake’s hand and headed out.

  “Where are we going?” she asked after she was settled in the truck.

  “We’re going to The Bailes, but first we’re going to have the best cheeseburger in town,” he said, pulling away from her father’s ranch. Drake drove in the direction of the town.

  “The best burger?”

  “The best burger, wings, meat, potatoes, and all the stuff you can get from a takeout place. Besides your cooking, this is the next best thing.”

  “Okay, I’m happy with that.”

  “Seriously, I’m not going to get crap about diets and all that crap?”

  “I’m starving. I didn’t eat this afternoon because of our date. Dad was not impressed.”

  Drake laughed. “Yeah, he just told me the next time I take you out on a date I make sure to tell you what you’ll need.”

  “It would help. Dad stole my purse so I can’t pay for anything.” She rubbed her hands down her thighs.

  “Baby doll, you’ll never need your money with me. I’ll pay for everything we need.”

  “I really don’t mind paying,” she said.

  He took her hand and kissed her knuckles. “You don’t need to worry about a thing. I’m not hurting for cash, and this is my treat. I handle the money and the dates.”

  She was charmed by his response. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

  “This is our last conversation about this.”

  Shrugging, she looked out of the window.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  “It was good. Erm, I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did this morning.”

  “I’ve been hard for you all day. I tell you, riding a horse with a hard-on is the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

  She chuckled. Feeding the animals and then her father asking what she was thinking about had been embarrassing. She knew she’d been blushing when he asked. What was she to say when she’d been thinking about Drake’s cock?

  “I take it your day was not very good,” she said.

  “It was a great day. The only problem I had was thinking about you. I wondered what I was going to do with you today. I hate leaving dates to chance.” He pulled up outside of the steakhouse in town. The last time she’d been here was with her mother when she’d been well. It had been such a long time ago.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, cutting off the engine.

  “Yeah, I was just thinking about my mom. She used to love coming to this place, and she had one of her meals here before she got really sick.” Turning to Drake, she forced a smile. “Really, I’m okay.”

  “I don’t know what it’s like to lose a loved one. I’m really sorry you had to go through something like that, baby doll.” He cupped her cheek, going down to her neck. “Kiss me.”

  She slid across the seat and pressed her lips to his. Fingers sank into her hair, fisting the length and pulling her head back. Opening her mouth, she felt his tongue invading her within seconds.

  Panting, she gripped his shoulders as pleasure rushed through her. Rachel jerked back, covering her lips with her hand.

  “I’ve got to learn to be careful with you. Your lips are swollen,” he said, moving her hands out of the way to look. His thumb pulled on her bottom lip, and she licked the tip of his digit. He kissed. “You’re playing with fire.”

  “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

  And she didn’t. None of her feelings made any sense to her. Her reactions were all natural, and not once did she force a response.

  “Come on, let’s get in
public before I fuck you in my truck.”

  At that moment, she wouldn’t mind him fucking her in the truck. Drake was setting her body aflame with his touch.

  Chapter Seven

  Going toward the back of the steakhouse, Drake eased her into one side of the booth as he took the seat opposite her. He loved this place as they sold proper food, and the whole experience left him feeling comfortable. The seats were not made out of wood where he couldn’t relax. Staring down her body he noticed the way her shirt gaped a little across her breasts. She tugged on the bottom to pull it away from her body.

  Her tits were large, and any shirt she wore was not going to fit with her curves. Drake had tasted those lush breasts, and he couldn’t wait to get her naked above him.

  Virgin, remember? You need to take your time.

  She rested her hands on the table in front of her.

  Taking one of her hands inside his, he smiled. “Relax, Rachel. We’re here to have some fun.”

  “I know. I just don’t know what to talk to you about. I mean, I went to school with Henry, but talking about your brother is strange date conversation.”

  Laughing, he grabbed a glass and poured them both some water into them.

  “Well, we can talk about everything and anything. Are you going to stay in Crest Hill?” he asked.

  “Yes. I’m not leaving again, and it’s not just because of what happened with Robert, my boyfriend. The city life was a nightmare, and more times than not I was homesick. This place…” She stopped talking to look around the diner. “I don’t know. This is home. People know me, and I like the safety it gives me for them to know me.”


  “What about you? Do you have any plans to leave?”

  “No. The only time you’ll find me in the city is to visit Henry or for the most part collect him home. Ranching is in my blood.”

  She rested her head on her hand. “Tell me about ranching and what you love.”

  Now this was a new experience for him. Drake was used to women talking about the latest fashions, the way a woman’s nails should be. Even down to what women should like during sex.

  “The work is hard, and it changes with the seasons. I mean, a few months ago I was freezing my ass off, and I couldn’t wear enough clothes to keep myself warm. Now, I’d love to do my work naked, but a lot of the men would have an issue with that. It’s so hot and sticky.”

  Rachel started to laugh. “It would be funny seeing you running after cattle in the nude. I’m sure Dad would shoot you for that.”

  He talked about ranching and working with his dad as a boy learning the animals, his first experience in training a horse, and everything he loved. She sat, listening to him, sipping at her water.

  “You know what ranching is all about,” he said.

  “I know, but I like hearing what others like about it. I helped Dad out whenever I could. He always hired other men to help him.” She looked down at the table. “He never once complained about not having a son. Dad pushed me more toward girly things and princess kind of stuff. Instead of having a herd of farm animals as toys he got me girl dolls.” She chuckled.

  “Why didn’t your parents have any more kids?”

  “They couldn’t have any more. Mom had complications with my birth, and there was too much damage or something. I don’t really know.” She played with the rim of her glass. “Both of them always made me feel happy, like I was more than enough for either of them.”

  “You’re pretty special, baby doll.”

  “I just wish there was something I could do for my dad. He’s all alone on the ranch, and I know he’s got me, but he doesn’t have a woman.” She looked past his shoulder. “I mean, men have urges right, and he’s got so much love still to give.”

  Squeezing her hand, Drake chuckled. “Bishop is a good man. When he’s ready to move on, he will. You’ve got to give him time. His heart was with your mother, and that kind of love doesn’t disappear because we want it to.”

  “Have you ever been in love?” she asked.

  Not until now, baby doll.

  “Not yet. I watched my parents growing up. They had this love, so powerful and amazing to watch. I know I want something like what they share.”

  “Me, too.”

  The waitress cleared her throat interrupting their moment. “What can I get you?”

  “We’ve not picked,” he said, glancing down at the time. They’d been sitting there over half an hour talking, and they’d not even checked over the menu. “We’ll call you over when we’re ready to order.”

  The woman cursed and moved away.

  Rachel raised a brow. “Was she an ex?”

  “No, she wasn’t.” He chuckled. “Would you be jealous?”

  “Maybe a little.”

  “Come on, let’s order, I’m starved.” He looked over the menu knowing what he was going to order. There was so much to choose from, and he was starving.

  Calling over the waitress he ordered enough to take home for leftovers. One of the jobs he hated doing was cooking. If he could get away with it he ate with his parents rather than cook himself. His oven still had the seal over the door. The only appliances he used were the kettle and the microwave, not that he had much good with the latter.

  Not thinking he’d put a potato in the microwave to heat up only to set it on fire when he wrapped it in foil. He didn’t even think about the electricity. To this day Drake still refused to admit the truth to his mother about what he did.

  While they waited for their food they talked about everything. Movies, books, and music came up. Drake loved the way she laughed. She listened as he spoke, and she wasn’t constantly talking about herself.

  He’d been on many dates with women, some more than once, and not once in all that time had he had so much fun.

  When their food arrived, Rachel leaned back. He’d ordered ribs, chicken, steak, barbeque variety, and sides of slaw and potatoes.

  “Wow, are you going to eat all of this?” she asked, looking over the plates coming to the table.

  “Not all of it tonight. I’ve got a confession to make … I don’t cook. This is going to be my dinner for the next couple of days.” He scooped some potatoes onto a fork and dove into the meal.

  “I can’t believe how much you’ve ordered.”

  “Eat what you want. Come on, Rachel, you’ve got to keep that meat on your bones.”

  She chuckled and started to eat.

  Drake watched her eat, shocked to see her diving into the food. She picked up a drumstick and moaned as the meat hit her mouth.

  “Okay, I see why you’re having this as leftovers.”

  “I know.” His cock hardened. She really was perfect for him.

  The women he’d brought to this place would curse at all the calories on offer. They would also complain about him getting fat one day. He was tired of women constantly talking about their weight.


  Two hours later, Rachel was full, and the leftovers were packed away in several bags. She carried them out to the truck, placing them on the seat between them.

  “Do you mind if I drop these off home first? I don’t want them to go off while we’re in the bar.”

  “Sure.” There was a lot of meat there to waste. Her mother would be making recipes to use it all up. Like her mother, Rachel hated waste. They headed back toward the ranch. She stared out of the window and watched her ranch pass them by. There was a light on in the front room as well as her father’s bedroom. The next ranch they passed was Drake’s parents’, and they drove a little further down to his own home. He parked the truck and climbed out.

  “Do you want to come and check it out?”

  Did she?

  Their date was going so well she wanted to see more of the man she was coming to know. The attraction was still there, and that wasn’t going to go anytime soon.

  “Yes, I’d love to, if you don’t mind.”

  “No, I don’t mind. Come on.” He walked a
round to her side. Drake helped her down with a grip on her hips.

  They walked to his front door. Drake’s palm touched her back leading her toward his home. Once inside, Drake flicked the light on and kicked the door closed.

  “Come on,” he said, taking the food out of her hand.

  She followed him down a long corridor to the back of the house. “This is amazing.”

  “My parents gave it to me as a present when I turned thirty.”

  “It’s amazing.” She looked around at the light walls and the wooden floors. Drake took care of his home. For some reason she thought he’d have things all over the place and clothes hanging off units or something. She even thought he’d have mementos of all the women he’d slept with. His space was neat and tidy. There was not a speck of dust in the place.

  “You’re very clean,” she said.

  “I’ve got a cleaner who comes out every week. She gives the place a clean, but I don’t like mess. I think it’s years of being told to keep my room tidy that I’m like this. I can’t stand mess. It’s a waste of time.”

  The light came on in the kitchen, and she stopped to look at the modern appliances. Everything was top of the range and not a cent had been spared in the decoration of the kitchen.

  “You don’t cook, and yet you’ve got a kitchen like this?”

  He placed the leftovers in the fridge and closed it to stare at her. “Take a look around.”

  She moved around the kitchen and laughed when she saw the seal on the oven. “You really don’t cook? How can I be dating a man who doesn’t even do anything in the kitchen?” Putting hands on her hips she turned to stare at him only to take a step back as he was standing right behind her.

  Drake reached out, grabbing her hip and tugging her in close.

  “I’ve never been interested in the kitchen. I love to eat, but you being in my kitchen, now that’s what will get me in here.”

  Stepping up close to him, she placed her palms on his chest. His skin looked pale against her darker skin.


  “I’m going to kiss you, and then we can go out to the bar. We don’t have to do anything. I’m not pushing you,” he said.


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