His Woman

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His Woman Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  Heat built inside her. Drake leaned down, and his lips took hers with such ease. Moaning, she melted against him, circling his neck with her arms.

  He moved her back until the nearest wall stopped them. Drake reached down to grip her ass and lift her. Wrapping her legs around his waist, she held onto him tightly. His cock pressed against her core demanding attention. Through the layers of their jeans she felt how hard he actually was.

  “Rachel, you feel so good to me, baby.”

  Drake kissed down to her neck, sucking her skin into his mouth.

  She moaned his name, wanting him to stop but then never wanting him to. Rachel wasn’t ready tonight. She knew it in her own mind. They hadn’t been dating long, and she wasn’t going to give in when she wasn’t ready.

  “You’re not ready, are you?” he asked.

  Shaking her head, she looked down into his eyes expecting him to get angry. He pressed his head to her breasts. She heard and felt the heat of his breath through her clothing.

  “No, I’m not.”

  “It’s okay. Just give me a moment.”

  Pressed against the wall with his body keeping her there, Rachel didn’t know what she was going to do to help him with his problem. His cock continued to throb through the layers of clothing.

  “I’m, erm, I’m not ready to have sex, but I could help you with your, erm, your needs,” she said.

  He looked up at her. “What?”

  “You’re hard. I wasn’t able to help you earlier with your release, but you did with mine. Please, Drake, let me help you.”

  “No, just give me a few minutes, and I’ll be okay.”

  “Why deny yourself when I’m more than happy to help you?”

  “You don’t know what you’re doing or even asking.”

  His grip tightened on her ass.

  “Then teach me. We’re dating. I don’t want to worry about you running to the first available woman to give you a look. Please, Drake, show me what to do, and I’ll make it good for you,” she said.

  For several minutes he didn’t do or say anything. In quick moves he lowered her down to her feet and took her hand. “I’m going to the bedroom, but nothing else will happen, I promise.”

  She trusted him to keep his word. Drake hadn’t given her any cause to not believe him.

  In his bedroom, he sat down on the edge of his large bed. Again, everything had a space, and not a thing was out of place.

  Rachel watched as he swallowed. “You’re going to kiss me and touch me. I don’t want your mouth on me.” His cheeks were bright red.

  Laughing, she cupped his face, kissing his lips. “Drake, I’m a virgin and I’m not ready for sex, but it doesn’t mean I don’t know about blowjobs or giving hand jobs. I’m not some silly teenage girl. I’m a woman.”

  He growled, tugging her toward him. She straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. Rachel had never done any of the things she spoke of, but she knew what they all were.

  Feeling confident with his response, she sank her fingers into his hair, kissing his lips. When she was with Drake, everything came to her naturally.

  “Beautiful,” he said.

  With Drake, she felt beautiful. Opening the buttons of his shirt, she broke from his lips to kiss down to his neck. She sucked on his neck and followed the line of his chest that she’d exposed.

  “Rachel, you’re going to be the death of me.”

  “No, no death, just enjoy.” Kissing down his chest, she pushed the shirt off his body, hoping he didn’t see her shaking hands.

  What are you doing, Rachel?

  I don’t know. Just go with it, he seems to like it.

  This had to be the most erotic thing she’d ever done.

  When his jeans hindered her touch, she unbuckled his belt then the button. Drake helped her with his jeans, and his cock sprang free. Staring at the length, Rachel wondered if she’d made a mistake with this.

  Chapter Eight

  Drake regretted what he was doing. Why did he let her talk him into this? Her touch didn’t help ease the pain but only increased it. She was kneeling on the floor in front of him about to touch his cock. Her eyes looked petrified as she took in his length.

  “What’s the matter, baby doll?” he asked.

  “This is, erm, you’re a lot bigger than I anticipated.”

  “We’ll deal with that when you’re ready. I’ll fit, and it’s natural for us to fit together.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t think you’re going to fit inside me.”

  “I’m going to fit. You’ve got to learn, trust me.”

  She didn’t argue. Drake couldn’t think as her fingers locked around his shaft at the base then worked up to the tip. She stared at his cock as she concentrated on working his shaft. The tip was leaking out pre-cum.

  From the moment he picked her up, Drake had been hit by arousal.

  “Fuck, what are you doing to me?”

  “I don’t know. Am I doing it right?”

  “You’re more than doing it right,” he said. When it came to Rachel she would do anything and it made him hard. “Go into my bathroom and grab a towel.”

  He watched her get up and walk into his bathroom. Running a hand down his face, Drake saw no other choice than to go through with this. She came back, holding the towel. The way she knelt between his thighs had him panting.

  Keep it together, Drake. It’s nothing.

  It wasn’t nothing. Having Rachel in his room was more than he thought was possible, especially when she’d blanked him first.

  She gripped his shaft and worked from the base all the way to the tip. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on breathing and trying to think of something else to make this last. Nothing sprang to mind. Her touch invaded every moment, taking him close to the edge.

  The past few months of only having his hand to keep him company had left him unsatisfied.

  “Fuck. I’m going to come.”

  He grabbed the towel from her hands and covered his cock. She worked his shaft, pumping the length. Growling, Drake felt his release. He grasped her hand as he controlled the thrusts. His semen hit the towel, and he made sure to keep it close so none would go over her clothes.

  When it was over he sat on the bed, panting. She still held his shaft without moving.

  “You’re big even when you’re not hard,” she said, whispering the words.

  “Thank you.”

  “What for?”

  “For what you’ve just done. I don’t know if I would have been able to survive the night.”

  Drake felt lips on the inside of his thigh. Looking down, he saw she’d dropped a kiss to his inner thigh.

  “I’m happy to have given you some pleasure.”

  Cupping her cheek, he caressed her lips. “I’ll get cleaned up, and we’ll go and do some dancing.”

  If they stayed here then he wasn’t going anywhere other than having her beneath him. Drake had ways of making her give in to him.

  “I’ll be downstairs,” she said.

  When she was gone, he walked into the bathroom in a strange way seeing as his jeans were around his ankles. He cleaned up his cock and buttoned up his jeans.

  Staring at his reflection he was shocked by how out of sorts he looked. “You just let a virgin blow your entire world.” How was he going to keep his wits about him when he finally took her virginity?

  “You’ll get through this. She deserves for you to wait.”

  After his serious reflection talk he headed downstairs to find her waiting by the front door.

  “Hey,” she said, smiling.

  “How are you doing?”

  “I’m doing fine. What about you?”

  “You’re being a temptress, aren’t you?” he asked, pulling her in close.

  “No.” The brightness in her eyes touched at his heart. “But I liked what we just did. I want to do it again.”

  He chuckled. “I look forward to you doing it again. Come on, let’s go danci
ng.” Leading her outside, he helped her into the truck, and they headed out to the bar where she worked. The place was busy for a Saturday. Parking up the truck, Drake made sure there was plenty of room to get out when it was time to take Rachel home. He held her hand as they made their way into the bar. There wasn’t a live band this time, but music played loudly and there were several couples on the dance floor.

  Lloyd spotted them and waved for them to see him. Keeping Rachel at his side, Drake rested an arm across her shoulders. Some of the women he was with were headed toward them. The moment they saw him holding onto Rachel, they stopped.

  “So, you finally got her to agree to a date?” Lloyd asked.

  Drake made sure she had a seat before he took one for himself.

  “Yeah, we’re dating now, and we came here to have some fun.”

  “Can I have a water please, Lloyd,” Rachel asked.

  “Sure, sweetheart. Does your dad know you’re here?”

  Drake shot his friend a glare. Rachel chuckled.

  “Yeah, he knows I’m here and is happy with Drake, so don’t go telling on him,” Rachel said, warning Lloyd.

  Ordering a light beer, Drake stood beside his woman, glancing around the bar. Daisy spotted him, and he cursed.

  “She’s been waiting for you to turn up. I’m going to leave you to deal with her,” Lloyd said.

  “What’s the matter?” Rachel asked.

  “Baby, I was wondering when you were going to get here.”

  Rachel tensed beside him.

  It’s okay, baby doll, you’re the only one I’m going to be with.

  Drake turned to face Daisy, cursing as she threw her arms around him. She started kissing his neck.

  Pushing her off, he glared at her. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I’ve missed you. I know you’re being difficult, but we’re both the type not to settle down.”

  “No, you’ve gotten that wrong. I’m here on a date.” He forced the words out through gritted teeth.

  “With who?” Daisy asked.

  “Rachel, I’m here with Rachel.”

  “She’s nothing more than a child. Come on, Drake, you can do so much better.”

  Before he could say anything else, Rachel rose to her feet. “I’m going to the ladies’ room.”

  He didn’t get chance to stop her as she pushed her way toward the back of the bar. Cursing, he focused his anger on Daisy.

  “You better back the fuck off, Daisy. We fucked, and it was okay. There’s nothing else going on between us. You better realize we’re not going to be anything more. Rachel is my woman.”

  “No, you’re seriously not going with her. I mean, she’s a Bishop.” Daisy tried to wrap her arms around his neck.

  Gripping her arms, Drake forced her away. “When I’m done with Rachel, she’ll be a fucking Solomon. I ever hear you say any kind of shit about my woman, and I’ll make your life fucking hard.”

  Brushing past her, Drake headed toward the ladies’ room. He wasn’t going to let Rachel hide from him.


  Rachel sat down on the toilet and rested her head in her hands. How long could she stay in the bathroom before it got embarrassing?

  God, Daisy was such an awful woman. She didn’t like the other woman or the relationship Drake had shared with her. The jealousy was starting to rear its ugly head.

  “Can you believe Drake is with Rachel Bishop? I mean, she’s nothing special. She’s chubby. He can do so much better than her.”

  She tensed as she listened to the girls laugh and giggle in the bathroom. This was not what she wanted to listen to. Why were women so catty to each other?

  “I know. I mean, he’s a machine in the bedroom, but he doesn’t call you back.”

  There were at least three women as she made out three different voices.

  “I’ve fucked him as well. It’s a shame he’s not the settling down kind of guy. I wonder if he just wants the reputation of screwing Bishop’s daughter and living to tell the tale?”

  Eyes closed, she listened to their taunts wondering how other women put up with it. Between Bianca screwing her boyfriend and the bunch of women talking about her, Rachel was never having females as friends. They were a waste of time and wouldn’t have her back.

  “What’s that got to do with it? Bishop will shoot anyone who hurts his daughter unless he’s paying for Drake to take her out?”

  “Get the fuck out,” Drake said, shouting inside the bathroom. Rachel tensed as the women shut up and started out of the bathroom. Holding her breath, she wondered if he’d leave her alone. Did he suddenly realize what an awful catch she was?

  Shut up, Rachel. Stop it.

  She didn’t know why she always thought she wasn’t a great catch. Robert had really done a number on her during her time in the city.

  “Rachel, baby doll, come out.” Drake’s voice was low, a mere whisper.

  Keeping her lips closed, she stared at the floor in the hope of him leaving her alone and going away.

  “I’m not going anywhere. I’m happy to spend our date camped outside your stall door, but I think other women are going to get pissed when I order them to leave.”

  “Why don’t you go?” she asked. “There’s nothing keeping you here.”

  “If it wasn’t for this door you’d be going over my knee so fast you wouldn’t even know you were being spanked until it was over. I’m here for you. It’s always going to be about you. Half an hour ago my dick was in your hands, baby. Have you forgotten that?”

  Closing her eyes, she remembered the feel of his soft yet rock hard flesh pulsing to life in her hands.

  “No, I’ve not forgotten anything.”

  “You’re mine, as I’m yours. There is no other woman in this world who’ll make me burn like you do. The only woman I ever want to be with is you.” She heard him slide down the wall, sitting on the floor outside her door. Staring at the floor near her door she saw he was sitting, waiting.

  “You’re much more experienced than I am.” Tears filled her eyes thinking about all the women he’d been satisfying.

  “Baby doll, those women were in the past. I didn’t live like a monk, but now I’m with you. It’s time for you to come out and claim me, Rachel. I’m not going anywhere. None of the other women even gain my interest. The only woman I want is sitting in the toilet probably crying, and I can’t even wrap my arms around her to let her know I’m not going anywhere,” he said.

  Why did he have to say such sweet things?

  “You want me to come out?”

  “We’re on a date. I don’t mind spending it how you like, but talking to you through a toilet is not my idea of fun.”

  She laughed, getting to her feet. Blowing out a breath, she unlocked the door and opened it. Drake stood, waiting for her.

  “I didn’t cry. I wanted to cry, but I didn’t.”

  He took her hand, pulling her in close. “Those women, they’re in the past. You don’t have to worry about them. I’m not a cheater. I’ve never been a cheater. Daisy’s an easy bitch, and I’ve put her in her place. She won’t be bothering us again. Lloyd has told her he’d throw her out before she got a chance to cause problems.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Drake caressed her cheek. “I don’t like this lack of confidence. In fact, I hate it. This bastard, Robert, has a lot to answer for.”

  Staring at the floor, Rachel couldn’t dispute it. Before she left for the city and college, she’d been fine. She had gone on a few diets, which her father curbed, but she’d never felt unworthy of a guy’s attention.

  “Don’t worry about him. I’ll prove to you more than you’ll ever realize how amazing you are. Come on, I want to dance and put that body to work.”

  With his arms around her shoulders, he led her out of the bathroom. Some of the women stopped to watch them. At first, Rachel couldn’t stand to be the object of so much attention. Then slowly, as Drake pulled her against him and he led the way into dancing, she
started not to care.

  The moment his arms were around her and his smile filled her whole world, everything else fell away. She could forget about the pain of her mother passing, the regret of wasting time on a cheating asshole. Drake gave her a chance to find herself in his arms.

  He wrapped those arms around her body, swinging her around. The room faded into nothing, and all that remained was the two of them, intertwined as if that’s how they were always supposed to be.

  Drake pulled her against his front, his arms holding her close in tight to his body. His breath fanned across her neck, and goosebumps erupted all over her body from the small touch of his lips. She gasped, and together they danced.

  Rachel felt the hard length of his cock against her ass.

  “This is what you do to me, baby doll. Your presence alone makes me ache in ways even I didn’t know was possible.” He kissed her neck, spinning her around to face him.

  His hands went to her ass pulling her in close.

  She opened her legs as he eased one between her thighs.

  “That’s it, dance with me.”

  Circling her arms around his neck, Rachel danced with him all night long. Time passed away until Lloyd announced he was closing.

  Drake paid their bill, and he led her outside to his truck.

  When he parked up outside of her house, Rachel suddenly didn’t want to go inside. She didn’t want this moment with him to end and told him so.

  “This is not the end, baby doll. This is the beginning. I’m doing the right thing here. You’re not ready to come home with me. When you are, then we’ll go back to my place. Right now, I need you to be ready for me to simply hold you.” He stroked her neck, and she leaned in close, kissing his lips.

  “Tonight was the most fun I ever had,” she said, admitting the truth.

  “Me, too. We’re going to do it again. I promise.”

  The door to the house opened, and her father stood, waiting. “I better go. See you soon.”

  “Tomorrow. You’ll see me tomorrow.”

  Nodding, she slammed the truck closed and ran up the stairs to her father. Turning, she gave Drake a wave and headed inside. For the first time since discovering Robert cheated on her, she was looking forward to the tomorrows, and it was down to Drake.


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