Genetic Justice
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CrimTrac, Australia
Cross-contamination. See Contamination
Crowell, Cathleen
Danziger, Richard
Data banks, justice axioms and limitations on. See also Universal data bank; specific countries
Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals
Davis v. Mississippi
Deoxyribonucleic acid. See DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)
Department of Justice (DOJ), United States, interpretation of DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005
DePriest, Nancy
Desai, Aakash
Destruction of samples: ACLU and, in Europe, justice axioms and
Devlin, Keith
Differential extraction
Discover Magazine
Dixon, Timothy
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid): genes and, persistence and degradation of, size of, structure and functions of. See also Forensic DNA analysis
DNA Analysis Backlog Elimination Act of 2000
DNA Crime-Solving Efficacy (CES) Index
DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005
DNA Identification Act of 1994
DNAPrint Genomics
DNA Witness
Dotson, Gary
Double helix structure, of DNA
Dragnets, civil liberties concerns with, efficacy in crime solving, evolution of, justice axioms, racial aspects, refusal to provide sample, special-needs exceptions, uniform standards and good practices, universal data bank proposals
Durham, Timothy
Duster, Troy
Efficacy issues current measurement standards, dragnets, factors for evaluating, justice axioms, size of databases
Eisenberg, Arthur J.
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Elkins, Lindsy
England: databases in, privacy and use restrictions, race and databases in, retention of samples in. See also United Kingdom
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Enzymes, in PCR process
Esmaili, Sepideh
Essentially Yours: The Protection of Human Genetic Information in Australia
Ethnicity issues. See Race and ethnicity issues
Etzioni, Amitai
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
European Court of Human Rights
European Digital Rights (EDRI)
Evidence, fabricating of. See also Tampering with evidence
Exonerations, Dotson and first exoneration, Hunt and lack of DNA match, justice axioms, match failure and burden of proof of innocence, postconviction testing, racial bias, science’s role in judicial process, scientific versus legal proof, universal data bank
Expectation of privacy: convicted offenders and, justice axioms and, medical treatment and, prisoners and. See also Abandoned DNA; Privacy issues
Expungement provision, of DNA Fingerprint Act of 2005
Eye color, predicting with phenotyping
Facial geometry, predicting with phenotyping
Fairchild, Lydia Kay
Fairhurst, Mary E.
Fallibility, justice axioms, myth of cold hit, myth of consistency, myth of individuality, myth of infallible matches, myth of infallible mismatches, myth of objectivity, myth of physical presence, myth of rape evidence
False confessions
Familial searches, advanced techniques, allelle counting, allelle counting’s limitations, civil liberties concerns, exoneration, federal policies, justice axioms, privacy issues, racial and ethnic issues, state policies, techniques and practices, U.K. policies, universal data bank proposals
Federal Bureau of Information (FBI): “Crime Index” of, forensic DNA lab of. See also CODIS (Combined DNA Index System)
Fingerprints: distinguished from DNA collection, for identification versus determination of guilt or innocence, Japan and legal DNA collection, privacy issue arguments
Florida: DNA database expansion dragnets, familial searches
Forensic DNA analysis, DNA basics, fallibility and, laboratory analysis process, PCRs, polymorphisms, quality control procedures, random-match probability, restriction fragment length polymorphism, typing of DNA
Forensic Index, of CODIS
Forensic Use of Bioinformation: Ethical Issues, The
Fourth Amendment, to U.S. Constitution, abandoned DNA, airport searches, case law trends, dragnets, privacy rights under, universal data bank proposals. See also U.S. Constitution
Frost, David
Frudakis, Tony
Frumkin, David
Fullwiley, Duana
Gafoor, Jeffrey
Garbage, abandoned DNA analogy and
Garofano, Luciano
Garrett, Brandon
Gaucher’s disease, as hypothetical example of use of medical genetics
Genetic Information and Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)
Genetic predispositions, revealed with phenotyping
Genetic testing, growth of
GeneWatch UK
Germany, databases in, destruction of samples, dragnets in, legal basis guidelines for databases, phenotyping policies, size of DNA database, Treaty of Prüm
Gershowitz, Adam M.
Gilder, Jason
Giles, James Curtis
Giles, James Earl
Giuliani, Rudolph
Glamour magazine
Global Genome Project
Godschalk, Bruce
Grand, Jeffrey
Greely, Henry
Green, Robert
Greineder, Dirk and Mabel
Grimm, Daniel
Griswold v. Connecticut
Gross, Samuel
Haga, Susanne
Haimes, Erica
Hair color, predicting with phenotyping
Hakes, Jahn
Hamai, Koichi
Harman, Craig
Harmon, Rockne
Health information, medical genetics and law enforcement
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
Hibbert, Michelle
High-stringency familial searches
Hiibel v. Nevada
Hindmarsh, Richard
Hoey, Sean
Homeland Security Act
Houston Police Department Crime Laboratory
Huang, Hui
Human Genetics Commission, United Kingdom
Human Genome Diversity Project
Human Tissue Act of 2004, United Kingdom
Hunt, Darryl
Identity: DNA as means of establishing, justice axioms, right to withhold
Illinois: dragnets in, exoneration in
Individuality, myth of infallibility and
Infallibility. See Fallibility
Informational privacy
Informed consent: dragnets justice axioms, prisoners
Innocence, justice axioms and presumption of
Innocence Project, exoneration, match failure and burden of proof of innocence, universal data bank proposals
Intimate/nonintimate forensic procedures, distinguished in Australia
Italy, abandoned DNA, civil liberties concerns, databases in, legal basis for databases, multiple databases in, privacy, Treaty of Prüm and
Jamieson, Allan
Japan, Ashikaga case, collection and use policies, databases in, expansion issues, legal basis and call for reform
Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA)
Jeffreys, Alec
Joh, Elizabeth
John Doe indictments
Johnson, Calvin
n, Paul
Justice, vision of, criminal law concepts, expanded DNA use and, privacy issues of forensic DNA, visionary axioms for
Justice for All Act
Justice Mapping Center
Justice Policy Institute
Juveniles, DNA collection from
Kammerer, Paul
Kappen, Joseph and Paul
Karolinska Institute
Katz, Charles
Katz v. United States
Kaye, David
Kennedy, Helena
Koestler, Arthur
Kohl, Herb
Kohler, Shannon
Kolata, Gina
Koops, Bert-Jaap
Krane, Dan
Kuhn, Thomas
Kyl, Jon
Kyllo, Danny
Kyllo v. United States
Lake, Tony
Lattanzi, Roberto
Lazer, David
Lee, Derrick Todd
Legal proof, scientific proof contrasted to
Legislative Guidelines for DNA Databases (FBI)
Leiterman, Gary
Length polymorphism
Levine, Harry
Levitt, Mairi
Lewis, Kristen
Likelihood ratios (LRs), familial searches and
Little, Michael
Lloyd, Barbara
Lloyd, James
Local DNA Index Systems (LDIS)
Locus: polymorphisms, random-match probability, use of term
London Observer
Louisiana: database expansion, dragnets in, phenotyping in
Lovitt, Robin
Low-copy-number (LCN) DNA analysis
Low-stringency familial searches
Lusson, Lazaro Soto
MAOA. See Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)
Marino, Achem Josef
Maroni, Roberto
Marper, Michael
Maryland: dragnets in, racial aspects of detention and arrest
Massachusetts: dragnets in, familial search policies, privacy and use restrictions
Massachusetts v. Greineder
Matches, myth of infallible
Match rate, as measure of efficacy
McCartney, Carole
McEwen, Jean
McNulty, Tony
Medical genetics, justice axioms, privacy issues, racial and ethnic disparities
Merton, Robert
Messner, Steven
Michigan: dragnets in, myth of infallible matches, universal data bank proposals
Minnesota: DNA database expansion, privacy and collection issues
Minstead Rapist
Mismatches, myth of infallibility and
Missouri: database expansion, familial search policies, phenotyping in
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
Mixer, Jane
Mnookin, Jennifer
Moderate stringency familial searches
Molecular Photofitting: Predicting Ancestry and Phenotype Using DNA (Frudakis)
Monoamine oxidase A (MAOA), deficiency
Monteleoni, Paul
Monti, Andrea
Moore, Curtis Jasper
Morrissey, Mitchell
Murphy, Erin
National Academy of Sciences
National DNA Database (NDNAD), in United Kingdom
National DNA Index System (NDIS), in United States
National ID cards
Netherlands: destruction of samples, phenotyping policies, size of DNA database, Treaty of Prüm
Neufeld, Peter
Newborn screening, DNA collection proposals and
New Hampshire
Newton, Alan
New York City: forensic DNA lab of, racial aspects of detention and arrest, universal data bank proposals
New York State: abandoned DNA, database size, DNA database expansion, exoneration in, familial search policies, low-copy DNA testing in
Noble, Robert
Noncoding region (intron), of DNA
North Carolina: exoneration in, familial search policies
Northern Ireland
Novelli, Giuseppe
Nucleotides, DNA typing and, list of
Nuffield Council on Bioethics
Nytsch, Christina
Objectivity, myth of infallibility and
Ochoa, Christopher
O’Keefe, Michael
Olmos-Alcalde, Diego
Oregon: abandoned DNA, DNA database expansion, familial search policies
Ossorio, Pilar
Paoletti, David
Partial-match familial searches. See Moderate stringency familial searches
PCR. See Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)
Pennsylvania: evidence fabrication, exoneration, privacy and collection issues, sample switch
Peterson, Rebecca Sasser
Pew Charitable Trusts
Phenotyping, ancestral testing, behavioral genetics, medical genetics, policies on, prediction of physical characteristics with, socioethical concerns
Physical/bodily privacy
Physical presence, myth of infallibility and
Pieri, Elisa
Pigmentation, probabilistic profiling and
Pinchin, Richard
Pisanu, Giuseppe
Pisanu Law
Pizzetti, Francesco
Point (site) mutation. See Singlenucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), analyzers for sale, exoneration and
Popper, Karl
Population-specific alleles (PSAs). See also Phenotyping
Posner, Richard
Postconviction DNA testing
“Precious Doe,”
Predictive possibilities of DNA
Primers, in PCR process
Prison population, behavioral and medical research and
Privacy Act of 1974
Privacy issues, abandoned DNA and, abandoned DNA and special technology considerations, case law evolution, case law trends, convicted versus innocent persons, digital information concerns, DNA collection as search and seizure, DNA Identification Act provision, law-enforcement principle, medical/behavioral/law-enforcement principles contrasted, medical genetics and health information, special-needs exceptions to, specific issues, universal data bank proposals and
Probabilistic profiling, race and
Procedural justice
Property crimes, DNA efficacy issues
Protect America Act of 2007
Prüm, Treaty of
Puckett, John
Quality control, in DNA processing
Quarmby, Ben
Rabil, Mark
Race and ethnicity issues, abandoned DNA, CODIS’s racial composition, criminal justice system disparities regarding detention and arrest familial searching, phenotyping, prison population and behavioral and medical research, privacy, probabilistic profiling and pigmentation, United Kingdom’s NDNAD, universal data bank proposals
Random-match probability (RMP), cold hits, individuality and
Rape evidence, myth of infallibility and
Rare-allelle familial searches
Recidivism. See Crime prevention, universal data banks and
Reed, Ann
Reilly, Philip
Relative fluorescence units (RFUs)
Relatives of Missing Persons Index, of CODIS
Reparto Investigativo Speciale (RIS)
Responsible use principles. See Justice, vision of
Restriction enzymes
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), exoneration and, used in Germany
Retention of DNA, privacy issues and, in United Kingdom, in United States
Retributive (punitive) justice
Rhode Island
Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
Right to privacy
, origins of
Riken, Ronny
Rise v. Oregon
Risher, Michael
Rodotà, Stefano
Rosen, Jeffery
Rothstein, Mark
Ruelas, John
Rushlow, Jenny
Saliva. See Abandoned DNA; Buccal swabs
Sanford, Mark
S. and Marper v. The United Kingdom
Santosuosso, Amedeo
Saward, Jill
Scheck, Barry
Schellekens, Maurice
Schmerber, Armando
Schmerber v. California
Scientific proof: legal proof contrasted, role in judicial process
Scotland, Baroness Patricia Janet
Search and seizure: DNA collection as, dragnets and, justice axioms
Secondary transfers
Sedley, Stephen
Sekiguchi, Kazumasa
Sex, predicting with phenotyping
Short tandem repeats (STRs), laboratory analysis process, quality control, used in Germany
Simon, Lenore
Simpson, O. J.
Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)
Skin color, predicting with phenotyping
Smith, Jacqui
Smith, Louise
Smith, Michael
South Carolina: DNA collection, familial search policies
Spatial/locational privacy
Special-needs exception, to privacy
Stacy, Richard
State DNA Index Systems (SDIS)
State of Washington v. Athan
State of Washington v. Boland
States: CODIS establishment and, expansion of DNA collection, familial search policies, lack of requirements for retaining crime-scene evidence, phenotyping policies, voluntary DNA submissions to. See also specific states
State v. Olivas
Statutes of limitations, universal data banks and
Stewart, Potter
Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn)
Sugaya, Toshikazu
Summerlin, William T.
Sumstad, Kristen
Surreptitious sampling. See Abandoned DNA
Surveillance technologies, universal databases and
Suter, Sonia
Sutton, Josiah
Switzerland, destruction of samples and
Sykes, Deborah
Talbott, Meghan
Tampering with evidence
Tang, Hua
Terrorist Surveillance Program
Tertiary transfers
Texas: exoneration in, myth of infallibility and
Thomas, Richard
Thompson, William C.
Tokunaga, Hikaru
Tomic, Aleksandar
Townsend, Jamie