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Onyx Mafia: Insatiable - Episode 5: (Lia and Meghan) (Onyx Mafia: Insatiable Book 1)

Page 3

by Nova Black

  But, standing outside the door and hearing Zi cry while Lia whipped the ever-loving shit out of her, I think…

  I think I hit my uncomfortability quota.

  “Are they in there getting ready?” Brenda stopped in front of me, tilting her head.

  “Of, um – of sorts.”

  She paused, listening. Her expression became indecipherable. “Oh.” She turned to leave, then paused. “If you want a ride to the party you can come with me.”

  I nodded frantically, abandoning my purse still inside the room. No way in hell was I going back in there to get it.

  My steps followed hers. We made our way past the twist and turns of hallways and dark offices, our silent thoughts begging not to be spoken aloud.


  “No, Meghan. I can’t help you with that.”

  I nodded behind her, not blaming her one bit.

  We reached the nearly empty parking garage, riding the elevator to the 3rd floor. Brenda barely saw me, deep in her own thoughts.

  “Over there,” she said, the car’s lights flashing twice. It was a newish but inexpensive model car and I raised my eyebrow, having peeked into Brenda’s file earlier. She earned substantially more money than Lia.

  Brenda drove silently for a while, impassively, letting the traffic move her.

  “Do you want to know why Zi and I have issues with each other?”

  I turned towards her, shrugging. “I thought because Zi’s jealous of your friendship with Lia.”

  “Hmm,” she said, sliding into the right lane. “That’s a symptom, not the cause.”

  She flicked her eyes at the clock in the dash, 7:05.

  “You want ice cream? I want ice cream.” A hard U-turn and we were going in a different direction, noticeably away from Zi and Lia’s home.

  She pulled into a dairy place and stepped out the car. “Want anything?”

  Actually, ice cream sounded pretty damn good right about now. “Yeah, I’ll come with you.”

  We stood in line between families with eager and loud toddlers, our eyes scanning the restaurant’s board of about twenty million flavors.

  I picked a small vanilla cone, as did she, and we piled back into her car.

  She licked it and sighed. “I don’t even want this.”

  I didn’t answer, carefully licking the creamy drips from my cone.

  “You’ve ever been a tether, Meghan?”

  I shook my head, confused.

  “You ever had a person look to you as a standard, a guideline of goodness? A personal fucking ruler to gauge if you’ve gone too far.”

  “No. Not really.”

  She sighed. “Shit gets old fast.”

  “So, Lia sees you as her guideline?”

  She glanced at me. “What? No. Zi does.”

  “Zi and I were friends before I roomed with Lia. And let me tell you, girl grew into them curves. She had always been pretty, but a late bloom happened and…” She shook her head.

  “She didn’t understand why everyone was treating her different – men of all ages, her friends, her family. She became something to acquire. There’s being seen as an object, then there’s being an actively, exclusively, obsessively pursued object. It messed with her.”

  “But you didn’t see her that way.”

  “Me, a couple of her other friends. We tried to shelter her as best as possible, when that didn’t work we told her to own it, take who she wanted and don’t give a fuck about the rest.”

  The car was quiet, sounds of happy ice cream eaters filtering through the windows.

  “Being that pretty all the sudden, without the right mindset.” Her voice was weary and sad. She stared out the window at nothing. “It did something to her. Like being thirsty and given a river to swallow. She went overboard, started craving sex from everyone, anyone was fair game. And no one. No one turned her away.”

  I glanced at Brenda. “Except you.”

  “All I saw was my good friend hurting. My best friend. I couldn’t. It didn’t even tempt me.”

  “So, Lia and Zi…”

  “Yeah. My dumb ass thought, hey, you’re rooming with an engaging bisexual nymphomaniac, and your best friend is a brilliant bisexual sex addict, introduce them!”

  “Jesus, Meghan,” she shook her head, “the things they did. Not even with each other – they cut through campus like a scythe through wheat, students, faculty, and staff. It didn’t matter. What mattered was the game. The hunt.”

  I thought of the game I played with Zi in the hotel room and shifted, putting a pin in that thought.

  “They laugh about it now, but it began to frighten them, how easy it was to manipulate the incorruptible, in all positions of power. A pride of lions in a duck pond. The ducks sprinkling little bits of salt on their head for good measure.”

  “And then there’s you.”

  She sighed, throwing the cone in a plastic bag from the floor. “And then there’s me. Zi’s patron saint, the moral thorn in her side. The unseducable friend, impervious to their charms, choosing to stay with them for love alone. Asking nothing but friendship in return.”

  She shook her head, putting her hand on the key. “Shit, it’s hard. There are days when I think it would be easier on us all if I just left. Pack my shit and leave them alone.”

  The car started and she pulled by the waste bin to throw the bag out.

  “What would happen if you just, I don’t know, slept with one of them?” Or both, I thought with a thrill that clearly needed to be evaluated later.

  “How the fuck do I know, Meghan? When it happens–.”

  “When?” I stated.

  She glanced at me sourly. “If it happens, it will at least change the relationship between us. And I really care for Zi.”

  “But you’re in love with Lia.”

  She shrugged, turning back into traffic with a small smile. “Who isn’t.”

  Ten minutes later Brenda received a call from Lia. “Yeah, I’m almost there. She what?” Brenda sighed. “What’s the back-up plan?” After a couple of minutes talking Brenda agreed to swing by a specialized food boutique not far from us.

  “Oh, yeah. She’s with me.” Brenda glanced at me, trying to hold back a smile. “A little freaked, but getting over it quickly. That seems to be a talent of hers.”

  I sunk into the seat, not bothering to argue because honestly, I had pushed the whipping incident firmly out of my mind.

  “Yes, I’m sure she does have many talents. I don’t need to know anymore…”

  We parked, Brenda turning to me. “Come on Meghan, let’s get some hundred dollar mushrooms and pre-chewed grass to put on a pizza.”

  Outside of their condo in the guest garage we stopped to take a collective breath. A prickling on the back of my neck warning to fucking take my time. Be careful, for once.

  “I’m not sure this is a good idea,” I said, more to myself but Brenda agreed.

  “I have that thought all the time. Yet, here I am.” She sighed, turning off the car.

  I nodded, unlocking the door. “Here we are.”

  Lia had called in the cavalry, having guests scour specialized food store and boutiques to bring the most unique and tasty topping for the pizzas. She had the dough delivered from a nearby Italian restaurant and was arm deep in flour, kneading a batch on the kitchen island.

  She smiled at us. “Hello, dears. You can put the food in the fridge. I started a voting board in the living room. No stacking the deck, Brenda.” Brenda smirked and went to check out the toppings listed so far.

  “Meghan, be a dear and help me with the dough. It was short notice and they are a bit dry.”

  “Sure.” I washed up and dried my hands on a towel. Floured my hands and grabbed a ball of dough. A timer dinged and Lia turned to take two pizzas out of the double ovens.

  I glanced at one. “The fuck?”

  Lia grinned. “Octopus with squid ink.”

  I mimed gagging and she laughed.

about the other one, is that beef or something?”


  “You guys are just nuts. Seriously.”

  She slid the pizzas off the boards, replacing them with two slightly less disgusting looking ones. Set the timer.

  “Come here.”

  I came closer and she regarded me. “Are you okay?”

  My eyes slid to her flour covered hands which, not forty minutes ago was quite thoroughly whipping her partner.

  “Um. I’ve been better.”

  Azina’s cries of pain were real, not playful moans. She had begged Lia to stop.

  “You need a moment?”

  I breathed deeply. “No. I’m fine. Let’s just – let’s get back to those pizzas.”

  For a while the only sound was my fist pounding the dough, knuckles sinking in a soothing rhythm.

  “She’s really giving that dough a beating,” I heard someone murmur and looked up, inordinately happy to see Azina standing there, looking no worse for wear in a different but equally worn pair of overalls.

  It’s not that I expected her to be bruised and bandaged. I… just don’t know what I expected.

  Lia practically rolled her eyes at my expression of relief, placing the finishing touches on another pizza.

  “She thought I had you locked in a trunk somewhere.”

  “No, I didn’t!” Not too far off… “I’m just, I’m happy to see you.”

  With all your limbs attached.

  “Aww,” Zi grinned, sauntering over to me. “I’m happy to see you, too, Deepthroat.” She kissed me on the curve of my neck, trailing to the hollow of my throat.

  Why did I tell her about that trick of mine? How does it even come up in the course of a conversation? I just met you, but I’ll have you know my throat muscles are excellent!

  The timer dinged, and Zi leaned against the counter, picking it up. “You bought a new timer, Lia? I like it, but what was wrong with the other one?”

  Lia gave a low laugh, leading me to believe something quite naughty happened to the last timer.

  I started pounding the dough again. I needed something, like five minutes to reflect. I was spiraling, I could feel it, my actions so out of the norm I felt like I was having a weeklong out of body experience. Who was this person kneading dough in the kitchen of two predatory women bent on seducing her? One recently whipped and enjoying it.

  Meghan… Run, bitch.

  The dough was ready and I plopped it onto the tray. “I’m going to see what’s happening in the living room.”

  “You can run away, but you will come back, Meghan.” Lia’s amused voice was right behind me. She placed her hands around my waist, nudging her chin onto my shoulder.

  Zi watched, eyes glittering. And then she came forward, languid movements stretching time and flowing the sway of her hips. Lia’s chest rose and fell along my back as Azina leaned in, kissing me.

  Her lips. Oh God. Her lips, her mouth made my knees weak. Sweet and soft, and the sweetness itself absolutely unexpected.

  She pulled away and smiled softly, a tremble racked me and Lia’s arms tightened. “Shh… I know. It’s been a long day.”

  Azina touched my temple, trailing down my cheek. “Would you like to see them, the welts? They’re quite nice.”

  What was I doing here? I shook, suddenly terrified because for some damn reason I did want to see them. Fuck me, could they make me do anything they wanted, things I would never have dreamed of doing?

  Make me want to do it?

  Make me beg to do it?

  “Yes.” Lia whispered in my ear. “I could.”


  I noped the fuck out of there, ducking Azina and untangling from Lia’s arm. I was halfway through the front door when it hit me: Brenda drove me. My purse with all my money, and my phone, lay abandoned in Lia’s office.

  I was stuck.

  I turned, two sets of eyes watching me from the kitchen, one smiling enigmatically, the other smirking. Lia turned back to the pizza, mildly scolding Zi for snagging a topping.

  I slunk past them to the living room.

  Just avoid being alone with them, either of them. But especially avoid being alone with both of them. You can do this Meghan. Contact Agent Eagleton after midnight and see what progress was made. Then, go home. Alone.

  I nodded to myself.

  “You okay, Meghan?” Brenda seemed a little concerned. Mostly amused.

  “I’m being flanked, but I’m ok. This gazelle has teeth.”

  “Like, flat little nubs? Teeth meant for grinding grass and flowers and shit?”

  I gave her a dirty look. She laughed, her own teeth flashing. “Do you want me to take you back to the hotel?”

  “No.” I sighed. “I need to stay.”

  She raised her brow but didn’t comment.

  Lia came out with two more pizzas, sliced in perfectly even wedges. Zi’s contribution, I bet.

  “Okay, this one is caramelized banana and curry. The other is wild mushroom and ‘foie gras’.”

  I almost leapt for the banana one, but waited, allowing others to go first. It gave me a chance to study the attendees. I blinked when I recognized a member of my team.

  “I was wondering when you were going to notice I was here.” Aaron murmured, moving next to me as he bit into the mushroom pizza.

  I flushed, holding out my hand and saying loudly. “I’m Meghan, pleasure to meet you.”

  He stared at me, then smiled. “Yes, Meghan. We've met. You interviewed me a few days ago.”

  Oh. Right. It would help if I remembered my damn cover stories.

  I gave a little laugh, waving my hands. “So many faces.”

  He nodded and turned to speak to Brenda, who was asking him a question. My air of relief was cut short when I saw Lia staring at me from across the room, a small frown on her face.

  Lia doesn’t frown. She smiles, or smirks. Occasionally leers. I’ve never seen her frown.

  It made me intensely uncomfortable. I excused myself to nobody in particular, heading for the guest bathroom.

  Light footsteps behind me made me quicken my own steps. I turned abruptly, stopping Lia mid step. “Let me piss in peace, Lia.”

  Her eyes were granite. “Get in the fucking bathroom, Meghan.”

  Well, shit.


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