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Holly Heats It Up (Holly Craig Erotica)

Page 6

by Jodie Halliday

  It was cold in the bathroom and almost immediately they began unlocking their arms and legs, standing slowly in the feeble candlelight. Jessica turned on the water after warning Holly and they giggled again at the freezing cold water which once again became hot after some time. They kissed under the spray, giggled and then stepped out of the shower to dry off. Holly picked up her neatly folded clothes and picked out her panties, sniffing them to determine whether she would wear them or not. She decided that she would leave them off for now and put them back on for bed. They dressed and still giggling, returned to Jessica’s room where Holly dropped her panties on the bedside table and went into the master bedroom to find Neil.

  “Hey, all yours now,” she said, relishing the warmth of the room. “Wow, fire’s going really well!”

  “Yeah, looks good,” he said, giving her a fatherly look.


  “Seemed to be a lot of shouting coming from the bathroom.”

  “Ah, I slipped on the soap.”

  “Twenty-five times?”

  Holly stared at him, knowing she was caught. She blushed a little although he couldn’t see it in the light from the fire and sat up on the bed with him. “Neil, she just needed a little education, a life lesson.”

  “So you gave her one?”

  She stared at him, considering what to say. “Can I speak openly and privately to you?”

  He smiled. “Of course, I wasn’t objecting, just making sure you knew that I had heard you both in the bathroom.”

  Holly closed the door almost shut and crawled back onto the bed. “Neil, she’s home-schooled like I told you, nineteen and knows nothing of life except what her parents feed her. Never been kissed.”


  Holly looked at him and sighed. “Well, not until today.”

  “Holly, I approve. In this case anyway. She’s over eighteen and a captive here from what you say. If she was my daughter, beautiful as she is, I’d be desperate for her to leave home.”

  Holly nodded, lying down on her stomach so that she faced the fire. “Neil, she is beautiful, believe me. She was like a gun on a hair-spring, just waiting to go off for the first time in her life.”

  “She seems scared of people though doesn’t she, isn’t that why she screamed when she saw you?”

  “Private conversation, correct?”

  “Of course Holly.”

  “She was naked, watching porn with her headphones on and facing away from the door. The first thing she knew was when I threw a sheet over her in case you saw her.”

  “Naked girls?”

  “No, she said a boy.”

  “Hmm. OK, maybe I’d better have a shower while there’s still some warm water. I assume you didn’t use it all?”

  “No, we used very little.”

  “You were in there an hour.”

  “We were very thorough,” laughed Holly. “Spent our time scrubbing to make sure everything was spotless!”

  He smiled and shook his head. “OK, back in a minute. I’ll shut the door to keep the heat in, OK?”

  He left the room and walked past the bathroom to knock on Jessica’s door. “Jessica, do you know where the towels are?”

  “Neil! Come in, I have some here!” sang Jessica, sounding delighted to have more company.

  “Jessica, just need a towel for the shower, if you have one?”

  “Hey, down here,” said Jessica, pointing next to the bedside table.

  He took a couple of cautious steps into her room and stooped to pick up the towel. “Looks like you left something up here.”

  “What? Oh, those are Holly’s panties.”

  “Holly’s?” he stuttered. “So what’s she wearing right now?”

  “Nothing I suppose, said she’s going to put them on at bedtime.” She smiled at him innocently and he shook his head again just as he had with Holly. “Neil, you and Holly are the only real people I’ve talked to for years, you know.”

  “Jess, I sort of worked that out. I’m sorry but I can’t do much to help.”

  “Holly talked to me, told me about stuff. I’ll never forget you both!” she said, wrapping her arms around herself. Neil sat cautiously on the side of the bed and patted her leg through the duvet.

  “Jess, you’re nineteen, right?”

  “Yes, and a bit.”

  “OK, so adult to adult, alright? But this is private, I won’t tell your parents and I doubt if you will either. Deal?”

  “Deal,” she replied, still cautious and far from happy.

  “OK, at nineteen you can leave home legally, you know that, don’t you”

  “Yes, of course, but at this rate I’ll never see anything of the world. Even now I’m accompanied everywhere. We’re moving so I can live at home for four years while I’m at university. Then guess what, they’ll find me a job so I can live at home.” She shook her head glumly and her chin quivered. She looked up at Neil, her big sad eyes filling. She opened her arms and Neil slid up against the headboard and took her in his arms.

  “Jess, I had someone very special who was your age. She didn’t have the chance to achieve everything she wanted but she had her freedom while she was alive. Every day was a time of discovery, intrigue, of meeting people and making friends. If she had been captive she wouldn’t have shone in the world the way she did.” He hugged her tight, almost squeezing the breath out of her.

  “That’s what I mean, like being a captive. My parents are filtering what I see, showing me only the views and opinions they want me to see! They don’t let me know about real life because they don’t want me to leave.” She cuddled into him and rested her head on his chest.

  “Jess, I don’t know what to say, I’m just so sorry to hear of anyone like this.”

  “Why does it take a goddamn ice storm to bring me the greatest thrill of my life? The opportunity to speak to two people, like you say, adult to adult? To feel the warmth of the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen and cuddle with a man who takes the time to talk to me?” She sobbed quietly at her miserable luck and Neil gently kissed her head.

  “Shh, it’s OK.”

  “Nobody cuddles me, they’d freak out if I went up to my Dad like this. Probably say it was dirty or childish. What are they grooming me for? Can’t be marriage or a family. Most likely eternal service, looking after them for free in their old age.”

  Neil laid his hand on her head and gently smoothed her long blonde hair. She grabbed the duvet and crunched it in her fist.

  “You know what, I hope their flight is cancelled again tomorrow, maybe the ice storm will spread their way. Then the next day a wheel can fall off the plane when they’re loading the luggage.” She breathed out nosily, huffing and still sobbing a little. Neil stroked her hair and very slowly traced a line down over her face. She seemed to burrow in to him, absorbing the love and attention which she had been denied. After a minute or two she looked up at him and he smiled at down at her in his normal warm, welcoming way and as her eyes fluttered closed their lips met. Their kiss developed and they sank deeper into the bed, the candle flickering as Jessica had her first kiss with a real man and it was far more exciting than the youngster on her phone. She carefully touched his arms then up over his shoulders and as she placed her hand on his neck the sheet slipped down, revealing her tiny young breasts. Neil however contented himself with stroking the bare flesh of her back as she kissed him and began to feel increasingly giddy as the evening unfolded.

  They talked quietly about the house, her schooling, the secret Wi-Fi connection and a host of other things. It was all fascinating to Jessica and as the information flowed so she hugged Neil tighter and they kissed tenderly in between sentences. The subject of university fees came up, the cost of rented accommodation, weekly food and other topics that a nineteen year-old girl should know. The topic of friends, and her lack of them was a constant source of conversation but Jessica seemed determined to say nothing about the social events that she had attended when Father Shamus was at l
iberty and in fact his name seemed to trigger a need to grip Neil even harder as whatever memories she had were dragged to the surface.

  With Jessica’s gentle persuasion Neil’s hand finally discovered the beauty of her little breasts and with careful, slow progress he covered them with his warm palm and they both smiled and kissed again. She sighed in his arms, smiling down at his warm fingers and the hardened nipple that peeked between them.

  He was rock hard although the trousers which he wore had a lot of space around his cock. Even so, if she looked down or brushed against him there would be no doubt what had happened. “Jess, sweetie, I really need to take a shower, OK?” They were the first words he had spoken in five minutes. She opened her eyes and nodded slowly then realised the sheet had fallen even further down her body and grabbed at it, covering her lower stomach and breasts. “I’ll come and say goodnight, OK?” He kissed her very gently and Jessica pulled him close as though he was leaving for many years.

  Jessica nodded and watched the man leave the room. The bathroom door shut quietly and she flopped back against her pillows and stared at the dark grey rectangle of her window as the wind howled around the house.

  Neil showered and although the house was cooling and the wind roared outside with the ice and sleet his erection remained pointing at the sky. He tucked it as best as he could into his underwear then camouflaged it with his trousers but it was still an obscenity. He smiled, seemingly proud of it and left the bathroom without taking too many precautions against discovery.

  “Had Jess hidden the towels then?” asked Holly with amusement as Neil entered the room. He closed the door and shook his head.

  “Not sure what you mean?”

  “It took you thirty-five minutes to pick the towel up off her floor,” said Holly, as he walked past to the fire. She gasped then laughed heartily at the huge bulge which seemed to challenge his zip.


  “Did you put the towel down your trousers?” she asked, rolling back onto the bed with laughter.

  “Where are your panties?”

  “Oh fuck!” she squealed, thrusting her hand between her knees and convinced he had seen between her legs.

  “You not exactly Miss Innocent are you?” he asked, grinning with delight at her discomfort.



  “Did you, you know, with her?”

  “Holly, we chatted like two adults.”

  “And kissed.”

  He shrugged. “A little.”

  “And got naked?”

  “No, definitely not.”

  “I’m so glad you kissed her. She needs you, you know that don’t you?”

  “She needs an escape plan Holly. She thinks she’s going to rot for the rest of her life if she doesn’t do something. I mean, how can a girl have a life if she spends her four years of university at her parent’s place? She’ll know nothing about what goes on in the real world, about boys, even what’s in the next town.”

  “Is she OK though?”

  “Yes, a few tears, some cuddles, but I said I’d say goodnight to her. Shall we both go?”


  Neil knocked on Jess’s door and she was delighted to see them both. “We’ve come to tuck you up!” said Holly, sitting on the bed near her panties.

  Jessica grinned, nodded at her panties and patted the bed for Neil who sat where he was directed. “My favorite person in the whole world,” said Jessica, hugging Neil. Holly felt a little put out at not being number one but then a sense of relief came over her as she thought of Ricky. She nodded encouragement as Neil rubbed Jessica’s arm in response to the cuddle. “What a wonderful day it’s been. This is the perfect storm, I think.”

  Holly rose, leaned down to Jessica and was surprised when she pulled her close for a kiss on the mouth. She held her for two or three seconds, far longer than decent, then touched her cheek as she fell back into Neil’s arms. Neil looked up at Holly and stared at her in what seemed to be admiration but it could have been delayed lust. “Night night Jess,” said Holly. She turned for the door and was about to wave when she saw Jessica reach up to Neil and pull him in for his own kiss. It lingered too and Holly watched their very tender embrace with delight and a little envy.

  She went into the bathroom and used the toilet, wiping herself twice and using cold water over her pussy to make sure she was totally clean. She slipped her panties on, flushed the toilet and opened the door just as Neil walked past. He gasped, rocked in his shoes and Holly had to grab his arm in case he tumbled down the stairs. Even after he caught his balance he stared at her seemingly mesmerized by an apparition.

  “Neil, what’s wrong? Are you ill?”

  He walked on into the master bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed. She shut the door behind her and stared at him, concerned. His gaze was fixed on the door, not on her and he was breathing heavily. She bit her lip and was about to go and sit beside the fire when he spoke.

  “It keeps happening,” he said, swallowing hard. He was swaying slowly where he sat, blown around by an invisible force. He brought his hand to his mouth and she knew he was crying. She wondered if he had a terminal illness, or something that manifested itself only occasionally, taking his breath and balance away for a short period. A heart murmur maybe, sudden shortness of breath. She sat down gently next to him.

  “Neil, I said I would listen,” she said, taking his hand. He flinched but steadied himself, then looked at her as though she wasn’t really in the room, as though he was trying to see through her. “Neil, you’re scaring me, what’s wrong?” This wasn’t the night to call an ambulance. He shuffled from her grip, took his shoes off and lay down on the pillows, breathing hard as though he had been shoveling the ice and snow outside.

  She looked over as he shook his head. “Hol, when you first appeared today, through the snow storm, the way you looked up at me, waved and looked down again. It was absolutely identical to someone I knew.” His hands came to his face again and he choked again on his words and the memory. Holly couldn’t remember if she had ever seen a man cry. She crawled up against him, looked down with desperate sorrow and carefully lay down next to him, afraid to trigger another episode. She tried hard to think of ways she could help, words she could say that didn’t sound like they had come from a soap opera. She reached over to him then thought better of it and placed her hands back by her sides.

  “Then when you came in the front door, I almost tripped over. Same cruel joke, same sense it was her. You pulled your hair behind you when you stood at the kitchen window, just as she used to do! Hol, you’re the same height, same build, same hair but not the same person!”

  Holly heard his cries, felt the bed moving beneath her but there was no ecstasy here, simply human misery. She felt totally powerless, lost for words, her hands again thinking on their own as she gripped at her skirt and twisted the waistband uselessly. She tried desperately to understand how much she had contributed to his pain, whether it was simply her presence which had brought on this nightmare, this apparition of the soul he lost or whether he could see things which were not apparent to her. Tears welled in her eyes and she bit her lip, determined not to cry.

  “All I want…” he stuttered before heaving a great sob of anguish. “All I want is one more day, an hour even.” Her throat hurt, the swelling that comes before tears. She felt the first of many fall from her eye and turned to the door, hurrying it down her cheek. She thought of Jess, the joy he had shared with her not half an hour before and the way he had held her protectively in his arms as they said goodnight. His touch had not been that of a man and girl, or father and daughter, but the shared touch of two very lonely people.

  He continued to cry, drawing deep, gasping breaths and not caring that Holly was by his side. She was about to say something along the lines of ‘Let it all out’ but bit her tongue, convinced that it was something that he had needed, had hinted about earlier. He breathed in deeply and fell silent for a couple of se
conds. “She had a stomach ache the day before. Nothing much, took some of that pink stuff and it seemed to go away.”

  Holly filled in the unspoken blanks with the words which she knew she would hear. This wasn’t about a lover or wife who had run away, a broken marriage or imprisoned partner. Her tears flowed more freely now as his desperate breathing and crying continued. She shook her head, wishing it all away even though she knew she was powerless. Her hands came to life before her mind had approved the commands, one arm slipping under his neck and the other over his chest. She pulled him hard, turning him slowly so that his head rested on her shoulder. His guilt, cries of remorse and dreadful pain shuddered through her as he at first seemed to reject the embrace, then relaxed and cried onto her shirt. The room was hazy, the candlelight yellow and shapes distorted through the lens of her tears. She tried to hold her breath, to still her own shudders but the emotion of the moment carried her into the distance, far from her ability to control herself. She gave in, sobbing and kissing his head, willing him to continue and get the story out.

  “Next day, Sunday, we were digging in the back of the house. Just clearing up old bushes, pulling up stuff to put in the garage over winter. I could see that the pain had returned but she said nothing and it didn’t seem bad, you know, just an annoyance in her chest.” He breathed hard, still sobbing but with a little more control. “I broke my spade digging things up. We only had one so I said I’d go to the hardware store and get a new one.”

  Holly hugged him closer, dreading the next few words and the pain it was going to cause to them both.

  “She waved and said ‘You take care out there, ok?’ and I drove off.” He swallowed noisily and shook his head as if trying to deny this had ever happened. His crying continued though, punctuating the story with dreadful heaves of agony. “I was only gone maybe twenty minutes. Drove back home, got out of the car, grabbed the new spade and then came round the corner to the back.” Holly hugged him tight against her shoulder, feeling the roughness of his cheek, his thick hair and the heat from his body as the memories burned within. As a tear dropped from her cheek into his hair he summoned the courage for the final few words. “She was fifty feet away, lying in the soil. Fifty feet! I think I dropped the spade and just stared over at her. I just wanted her to move, anything, groan, cough but nothing.”


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