Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set)
Page 2
With her heart beating like a freight train, Tess waited for him after school. The building had pretty much cleared out by the time Kevin rounded the corner. Tess broke out in an all-out grin. She couldn’t help it; she had no control over her feelings when he was near. “You finally made it!”
“Yep, had to talk to the math teacher after class. Apparently, the schools in Kansas suck because he claims I’m six months behind you guys.”
“Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.” She looked down at the ground and shifted her feet, wondering if she had the nerve to suggest being his tutor.
Yep, guess I do.
“I could maybe help you. I’m not a whiz or anything, but I hold my own.”
“I might have to take you up on that. We’ll see how things go.”
They stood next to her locker. For some reason, she felt suffocatingly shy. Tess needed to say something; she was the one who had invited him to join her after all. “Um, so what do you think of our current president?”
Kevin looked at her oddly. “Is that the best you can do? Do you really want to talk about the president?”
Just then, Jordon came down the hall in his basketball uniform. When he saw Tessa, the basketball player whistled. “Hey, hot stuff, wanna meet in the bathroom again?”
Tess looked at him in horror. He’s not spreading rumors that I sucked him in the bathroom, is he?
However, it would explain Samantha’s strange comment. Tess felt like she was going to puke. She stared at Kevin in desperation and then ran out of the school as fast as she could. Tessa barely made it to a row of bushes outside the school grounds before she threw up.
Day 5
Tessa opened her eyes, covered in sweat. She had been dreaming of Kevin. Instead of Jordon in the bathroom, she was on her knees taking Kevin into her mouth. In her dream, his shaft was red and scarred like his face but she didn’t care. He grabbed her head, forcing her to take him deeper into her mouth. She made little grunting sounds like Penny and Kevin groaned just like Jordon.
Her panties were wet. What is wrong with me? Tessa didn’t know the guy and couldn’t even hold a decent conversation with him, but here she was dreaming of him sexually? It was shameful.
Besides, what chance did she have with Kevin? The whole school was probably talking about how she’d given Jordon a blowjob in the bathroom. Would anyone believe that she hadn’t? Samantha would. She knew how prudish Tessa was, that was probably why she hadn’t made a big deal of it. However, the rest of the school would not be as kind. What made better news than the prissy schoolgirl getting nasty with the basketball star in the bathroom—of all places?
“Mom!” she called from her bed.
Her mother appeared at the door. “What’s wrong, sweetie?”
“I don’t feel good.”
Julie immediately walked into her bedroom and felt Tessa’s head. “My poor baby. Why don’t you stay home today?”
Having straight A’s helped when a girl wanted to stay home sick. “Okay, Mom… if you insist.”
“I do, Pumpkin.” Her mother planted a kiss on her forehead. “Do you want me to come home for lunch and check on you?”
“Nah. I don’t feel good but it’s not like I’m dying or anything.”
“Okay. Well, I’ll call you from work. Don’t hesitate to ring me if you change your mind. I can come home at noon, but I have a late meeting tonight. I doubt I will be home before nine.”
“It’s okay, Mom. I am almost eighteen. I think I can handle being sick on my own.”
Julie smiled and looked at her wistfully. “I can’t believe my baby girl is becoming an adult in four days.”
“Oh well, it had to happen sometime.”
Her mom’s eyes twinkled in excitement. “I can’t wait for your party, Pumpkin. I promise it is going to be a huge deal. Nothing but the best for my little girl.”
“Not so little now, Mom.” Tess didn’t want a huge party. Her mom always overdid things to compensate for never being home.
“Whatever. You’ll always be Pumpkin to me.”
“I better not see any pumpkins at my party.”
Julie laughed mischievously as she walked down the hall.
Tess sank into bed and wrapped the comforter around her. A whole day alone—she was always alone. Her mother’s job as a criminal lawyer was her life. It had killed her marriage and left Tess to raise herself, but Tessa wasn’t exactly resentful—it was all she knew.
Day 6
Tess had to face Kevin. One day home convinced her that whatever happened, it was better than sitting at home bored. It didn’t help that she missed a quiz in Social Sciences. Missing even one day meant hours of makeup homework.
She trembled while waiting for Kevin to come through the classroom door. Brian tried to egg Tessa into talking to him. “Tess, I don’t believe Jordon.” Tess was glad Brian had some class, but then he added, “I know you didn’t do it in the bathroom.”
Dick! She whipped around and snapped, “Shut up! Nobody wants to hear what you have to say.”
His friends started snickering and his buddy Rob said condescendingly, “Somebody’s a little sensitive today…”
Brian leaned towards her. “I’d take you in the bathroom anytime.”
Tessa growled under her breath and turned back around in her seat. She about died when she saw Kevin sitting down. He had to have heard their exchange. What was he thinking? Kevin didn’t even know who she was. Why wouldn’t he believe the rumors? Tess was too humiliated to approach him after class and just ran.
She barely survived the day. Whenever Tessa switched classes, she was forced to endure the hateful glances of snotty girls and the lustful looks of immature boys. She sighed with gratitude when the final bell rang. Tess gathered the materials she needed to make up for her lost day and stuffed them in her backpack. It was ridiculously heavy. She groaned when she picked it up, slamming the locker closed.
“Need help?”
She looked behind her and saw Kevin leaning against a locker looking exceedingly handsome. He’d styled his hair a different way so that his right eye was slightly covered. It made him look charmingly aloof. “I can manage,” she answered.
He didn’t ask a second time, he just eased the backpack off her shoulder and took it. “Where are you headed?”
“I was headed home. What about you?”
“Same. If you would like, you could stop by my place for a bit.”
“Yeah, that would be nice actually.” He was asking her out on a pseudo-date! She wondered what had brought about the change. It certainly wasn’t her exceptional conversational skills.
They walked out of the school and he motioned towards the neighborhood to the south. “I live down this way. It’s a bit of a walk.”
“I don’t mind. I’m not the one carrying a ton of books,” she said, smiling foolishly. It looked like her fantasies were about to become reality. They walked together in silence, but it was draining on her. She wanted to find out more about Kevin. Tessa threw caution to the wind and asked, “So, do you have any brothers or sisters?”
Kevin stopped for a second and then shook his head. “No.” She could tell by the look on his face that she had hit another raw nerve. Why was she constantly sticking her foot in her mouth around him?
They finished the walk in silence. She could hear every footstep as they made their way to his place. Tessa’s innocent question had ruined their newfound ease and she didn’t know how to get it back. Kevin led her to a small house with a large corner lot. There wasn’t anything fancy about the little house, but it had a feeling of home to her. Kevin directed her to go in first. The yeasty smell of fresh-baked bread filled the place.
“Wow, your mom cooks?” she asked.
“Yeah, but no big deal. We have a bread machine. She likes there to be something for me to snack on after school. She’s funny like that.”
“My mom would never think of doing anything like that. I’m pretty much on my own.”
You’re lucky.”
She chuckled. “No, you’re lucky. I would kill for fresh-baked bread.”
He put her backpack on the floor and patted her on the back. “No need for murder. I’ll get you a piece.”
Tessa had to catch her breath. Just the simple touch of his hand on her back sent a wave of shivers through her. There was no way he could know the effect he had on her. Being here in his house, just talking to him, was almost too much. Adding touch to the mix threw her into pure delirium.
She watched him take the bread out and slice a piece on the cutting board. “Butter?”
Tessa nodded, afraid to speak. Afraid of saying something stupid and ruining this. He handed her the buttered bread with a lopsided grin. Tessa about died inside. “Thanks,” she managed to squeak out. He watched as she took a bite. She smiled while she chewed. It was embarrassing.
“So, what’s all this talk about you and a bathroom?”
Tessa almost choked on the bread she was swallowing. She gagged a little and put the rest down on the counter. Her mind began racing. Kevin had brought her to his home. Why? He thinks I’m going to go down on him! It was one thing to fantasize about a guy and something way different to actually do it. How could Kevin think she was that type of girl? She was disgusted and turned to leave.
The way he said her name was so sweet. No one called her Tesse. It was adorable. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him.
“I know it’s a lie. I was trying to be funny. Sorry about that.”
Well, at least she wasn’t the only one sticking their foot in their mouth. “Yeah, well, I’m not laughing.”
“Your school sucks.”
She snorted. “It’s your school now, buddy.”
“Fine, our school sucks.”
Tessa laughed, releasing all the built-up tension. “Yes. Yes, it does.”
Kevin handed her the piece of bread back. “I won’t say anything until you finish. I don’t want you choking again.” He winked at her and her stomach did a flip. Kevin was far too charming for her own good.
He buttered a piece for himself and they sat at the table, chewing silently. When she finished the last of it, she admitted, “I’m afraid to talk. I am terrified of saying something wrong and upsetting you.”
Kevin sighed. “I know. There are just a lot of things in my past I don’t want to bring up.” She was surprised when his eyes started to water. He blinked several times and regained his composure. “There’s too much that hurts.”
“Okay. Well, I won’t ask about your past.” Then she giggled and added, “Or about presidents.”
He looked at her with those dreamy blue eyes and smiled. “Fair enough. Look, I have to ask. Why are you here? What are you doing with a guy like me?”
“Like what? New to the school?”
He snorted. “You know what I mean.”
“I don’t know.” She paused. It was still too soon to reveal her total obsession with him. “It’s just that when I saw you I knew I had to meet you.”
“It’s not a normal reaction.”
She brazenly touched his hand when she joked, “I’m not normal.”
He looked down at her small hand on top of his and said nothing. Tessa suddenly felt stupid and took it away, putting both of her hands in her lap.
There was a commotion at the front door and Tessa saw a pudgy woman with a huge smile come through the doorway. “Hey, Kevin! I see you brought company.”
Both Tess and Kevin stood up. “Yeah, it’s the girl I told you about. Tesse, this is my mom Rachael. Mom, this is Tesse.”
Tessa decided not to correct him. She rather liked the name Tesse. “It’s a pleasure, Mrs. Reese.”
The woman hugged her tightly. “No, no. It’s Rachael, dear.” Tessa smiled, accepting her warm embrace.
She liked this woman, even though Rachael was the exact opposite of the norm. Rachael had short-cropped brown hair, a large muumuu-type blouse, and sandals for shoes. But there were no strained smiles or pretended interest. Rachael genuinely liked Tessa and she knew it.
“The bread was delicious, Mrs… Rachael.”
“Oh, I am glad you liked it. Feel free to have more. In fact, I think I’ll grab a piece or two.”
While she cut herself a slice, Kevin motioned for Tessa to sit again. “Mom was wondering about your family.”
Tessa smiled slightly, wondering if Kevin was curious too. “I live with my mom. My parents got divorced when I was five. She’s a lawyer and works all the time.”
Rachael asked, “So, any brothers or sisters?”
“Nope, just me.”
“That must be hard,” Kevin said with strained emotion behind his words.
Tessa looked at him strangely. “No, not really. I like it. I’m my own boss. It’s nice to rule the world.”
“That’s a good attitude. Embrace what you’ve been given and run with it,” Rachael said with a sad smile.
Tessa sensed that they were stepping into treacherous waters again. Both Kevin and Rachael looked lost as they stared at one another. What terrible past were these two trying to recover from?
“Anyway,” Rachael said, attempting to sound cheerful. “I have been curious to meet you ever since Kevin mentioned you his first day of school.”
Tessa glanced up at Kevin in surprise. He noticed me? His cheeks colored. There was no doubt his mother’s comment was something he’d rather keep secret, but Tess was glad to know it. It seemed both of them had a thing for each other.
“Kevin is an interesting guy, Rachael.”
He gave Tessa a sarcastic look. “Using the word interesting to describe a person is usually meant as a hidden insult.”
Tessa threw it back at him. “No hidden insult here, buddy. It’s right in your face.”
Rachael burst out in a belly laugh. “Oh, I like your sense of humor, Tesse. Most people treat Kevin like he is made of glass.” When Kevin cleared his throat, his mother stuttered, “Um, well… Anyway, do you have any pets, dear?”
Tessa spent the afternoon learning superficial things about Kevin. Even though he was a senior, he was already nineteen. She had to assume the burns had something to do with it. Kevin used to like the color black, but recently changed it to green—no explanation given. His favorite food was steak and potatoes, and his favorite band was Green Day.
Tessa tried to share about herself without sounding conceited. However, it was hard not to when Rachael peppered her with questions and seemed interested in everything she said. Once, while Rachael was going on about what a good baseball player Kevin had been in middle school, Tessa snuck a peek at him. She looked longingly at his lips and wondered again what it would feel to kiss them. When Kevin caught her staring, she blushed and turned her attention back on his mother.
Tessa eventually forced herself to leave because of the ton of homework she still had to do. Kevin offered to drive her home, but she declined. “I could use the fresh air.”
She hefted her heavy backpack on her shoulder and headed out. Her home was in the opposite direction from his house, naturally.
Day 7
This time when Kevin came into the classroom, Tessa said loud enough for everyone to hear, “Hey, Kevin.”
He glanced at her warily and answered, “Hey.”
It wasn’t much of a response, but maybe he was still worried about Brian. Tessa realized too late that Kevin might end up with another black eye. She turned around and saw that Brian and Samantha were giving her ugly looks. Oh well, their stares weren’t going to kill her, although she could feel the heat of them on her back all through class.
Nothing happened in Mr. Steele’s class, but she didn’t try to talk to Kevin afterwards because she was afraid of causing trouble for him. At lunch, Tessa sat down next to a group of nerdy guys who seemed friendly enough. “Hi, guys.” They made room for her. Soon, however, Brian stood behind Tess. The entire table became silent.
“We need to talk.”
p; She glanced at Brian dismissively. “No, we don’t.”
Samantha sidled up next to him. “Yes, we do.”
Everyone sat there in awkward silence for several minutes. The pressure was unbearable. Tessa finally relented. “Fine. Where do you want to talk?”
“Outside,” Sam said.
Tessa followed the two out of the lunchroom and into the courtyard, fighting the sick feeling in her gut. Sam wasn’t her friend anymore and Brian never had been.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Samantha accused, as soon as the door closed behind them.
“What? What am I doing?”
Brian got in her face and snapped, “Don’t play stupid. We see what you’re doing with the Freak. It’s embarrassing.”
“I’m not doing anything,” she answered, backing away from him.
“Bullshit! I told you not to go near him,” Sam shrieked.
“What does this have to do with you? This is my life and I can be friends with whoever I want!” Tessa felt jittery when they approached her as a unit.
“Oh no, not when it involves us,” Samantha countered.
“How does it involve us?” Tessa spat. “We aren’t even friends anymore.”
“Oh really? That’s news to me.”
Brian demanded, “And what about me, Tess? How long are you going to play hard to get?”
“Are you really that dense?” Tessa questioned.
Brian grabbed her arm and hissed, “I am so sick of you toying with my feelings.” Before she could stop him, Tessa felt his hard lips on hers. She struggled against Brian, but he held her head still with his iron grip.
When he finally broke the kiss, he looked at her lustfully. “There’s more where that came from.”
Tessa struggled to get away, but Brian’s hold was too tight. “Sam, help me!” she pleaded.
“I am. I’m helping you to hook up with the right guy.”
Brian pulled her into him, trying to kiss Tess again. She cried out, “Stop! Get away from me. Stop it!”