Red Phoenix's Passion is for Lovers Collection (Boxed Set)
Page 4
Tessa ran into his arms and started crying again. “I’m sorry.”
“No, Tesse. I’m the one who is sorry. You didn’t deserve that.” He guided her into the house and shut the door without breaking the embrace.
“I didn’t mean…”
“Shh… it’s okay. I’m not mad at you.”
“Still, I shouldn’t have…”
“No more apologies from you.” He put his finger to her lips. She looked up and then held her breath as his mouth came down on hers. Her whole body became an electrical current when their lips touched. His deep-throated groan sent chills through her. The key finally found its lock; it was meant to be.
When he pulled away, she looked into his blue eyes. “I love you, Kevin.”
He gave his characteristic lopsided grin and caressed her cheek. “You can’t possibly.”
“I do,” Tessa insisted.
Kevin kissed her again, this time teasing her with his tongue. Tess moaned, never having felt such an intense sexual attraction before. She tentatively licked the outline of his lips and felt him tense. She moved from the left to the right corner of his mouth. She ran her tongue over the scar tissue. It was smooth with an almost metallic taste to it. Tessa darted her tongue into his open mouth. He groaned again, much louder this time. Her insides contracted as a tingling sensation took over. “Oh, Kevin,” she breathed into his mouth.
“Tesse,” he said gruffly.
Kevin repeated her name and moved his lips to her ear, whispering, “I love you.”
Everything stopped—the world, time, her breathing. Kevin loves me. She was not alone in these intense feelings. “Oh, Kevin, I love you so much! I have since the first day we…”
The ringing of the phone interrupted her declaration. She didn’t want to answer it, but Kevin insisted, not wanting her mother to worry about her.
Tess picked up the receiver, expecting a rant. “Hello?”
A rant she did get. Her mother questioned where she had been and then scolded her for not answering sooner. None of it mattered. He loves me. “Okay, Mom. I will. No, I learned my lesson. Never again.”
She hung up the phone and smiled at Kevin. “My mom’s mad.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.”
“It’s okay, but you should know that she’s headed home.”
“I’d better go then. I don’t want to get you in any more trouble.”
Tessa looked at her beloved. “Kevin, I really love you.”
He smiled and pulled her to him. “I love you, too, Tesse.” Kevin planted another kiss on her lips before leaving. Tessa sighed when he shut the door. Every fiber of her being wanted to follow him.
Tess ended up having a pleasant evening with her mother. Julie’s day in court had gone better than expected and that always put her in a good mood. The two didn’t talk about Kevin or school. Her mother went on and on about her big birthday party, the one she had decided to reinstate. Tessa kept smiling throughout the evening. Her mother misinterpreted it as excitement about her eighteenth birthday party and Tess didn’t bother correct her.
She lay in bed that night thinking about tomorrow. The big party was planned for the weekend, but nothing special was scheduled for her actual birthday. It didn’t matter to Tess, there was only one thing she wanted and it had nothing to do with parties or presents. Tessa hoped Kevin would be willing to grant her only wish.
Day 9
She called him early in the morning. “Morning, Kevin!”
“Well, this is a surprise. I thought you would be headed back to school today.”
“Nope, today is my birthday and I am taking it off.”
“I had no idea. So how old are you?”
“The big one-eight. I am officially an adult today. I can vote, I hope you know.”
He chuckled. “Well, voting ranks high on my list of exciting activities.”
“I know!”
“So what are you planning to do for your big day?”
“I have to stay home so I can answer the phone whenever my mom calls. She insisted. It was the only way I could get her to agree to let me skip school today.”
“So she’s still mad, huh?”
“No, we worked things out last night. Mainly she just talked about my big party on Saturday. I’d rather skip it, but Mom makes such a big deal out of things like that. Hey, you want to come?”
“Are you sure you want me there?”
“Of course I do! What a silly thing to say.” She was grateful he had no idea of her mother’s reservations concerning him. Kevin would never come if he knew her mother didn’t approve. Tessa was going to cross that bridge the day of the party. There was no way her mom would deny her a birthday wish and Tess planned to take full advantage of that fact.
“So I guess I’ll ask again, what are you planning to do today?”
Tessa smiled into the phone. “I was hoping you would come here to visit the birthday girl.”
“Are you sure you want a crabby scarface for company?”
“Only if that crabby scarface is you.”
He replied teasingly, “I suppose…”
“Don’t be mean, Kevin. You are not allowed to tease me on my big day.”
“Turning into a princess, are we?”
“Naturally, and as I’m a princess, you must grant me anything I wish.”
“I’m not your fairy godmother.”
“Well, you are the best I could do on such short notice.”
He laughed. “Sucks for you. When would you like me over?”
“How about ten? I need a little time to pamper myself.”
“Ten it is then.”
Tessa hung up the phone slowly. I’m really going to do this.
Kevin was coming over in two hours and she needed to get ready. Tess started a bubble bath and shaved her legs while it filled up. When she was done, she sank into the blanket of bubbles and sighed. Nothing was more relaxing than a warm bath. She closed her eyes and tried not to think of Kevin, but she saw his hand and imagined it touching her breast. It was so real that her nipple hardened in response. What would it feel like to make love the first time? The thought of having Kevin inside her made Tess weak all over. She remembered that he’d mentioned his little brother had been a chick magnet. That meant Kevin was popular with girls. At least he would know what he was doing. Tess was confident he would be a good lover.
Before she dressed, Tessa stood naked in front of her full-length mirror. She looked at her small breasts. They were cute, but not sexy like most girls’. However, she did like her rosy areolas and the way her nipples stood out so perky when she got excited. Tessa touched her flat stomach and ran her hand down between her legs. What would Kevin think of her blonde snatch? Her pubic hair was a darker shade of blonde than the hair on her head. Tessa turned around and checked out her butt. It was her favorite asset.
What she lacked in cleavage, she made up for in a shapely butt. It was round and sweet. Her girlfriends were jealous of it. That, or they said they were to make me feel better for not having big boobs… Tess frowned. What if her ass wasn’t that great after all? Insecurities suddenly gripped her.
What if he turns me down? How would she live with the humiliation? Tessa looked into the mirror and commanded herself to stop worrying.
She slipped on a red thong, figuring that it was the sexiest of all panties. Then she zipped up her favorite short skirt. It was a sassy brown number that bounced alluringly when she walked. Tessa searched through her closet until she found her white half-shirt. It had a nice cut, but what she really liked was the fact it would give easy access to her breasts. She put it on and blushed a little. This was the first time she hadn’t worn a bra with it and she could clearly see the outline of her nipples. It felt scandalous, but she liked the look. There was only one more piece to add to the ensemble—her boots. Tessa dug through her closet until she found her knee-high boots. After she slipped them on, Tessa twirled in front of the mirror. She d
elighted in the flip of her skirt and the hardness of her nipples. Yep, she definitely looked the part of a sexy eighteen-year-old. Hopefully, Kevin wouldn’t be able to resist.
Tessa dug out several candles and placed them in her room. She wanted the place to look and smell romantic. She had just finished lighting the last one when the doorbell rang. Tessa froze. She didn’t move again until the flame burnt her finger. She quickly blew out the match and shook her finger in the air.
Kevin was here…
Tessa ran to the door and then took a couple of calming breaths before she opened it. He stood in front of her with a bouquet of multicolored carnations in cheap cellophane. “Eighteen flowers for the eighteen-year-old.”
She smiled and took them from him. Her first bouquet ever! She smelled them and was disappointed that they didn’t have much of a scent. Well, at least they look pretty.
“Thanks, Kevin. I’ve never gotten flowers before.”
He stared at her and then stated, “You look different.”
Tessa blushed. His comment wasn’t exactly a compliment. “Yes, it’s my princess Tesse look. Do you like?” She turned around for him, causing her skirt to bounce for a little added effect.
He continued gazing at her without speaking. Tess blushed a deeper shade of red. It was not the reaction she’d expected. Kevin cleared his throat finally and asked, “Can I come in?”
Tess took that as a positive sign and pulled him inside. “I’ve been looking forward to this all morning.”
Kevin’s eyes were glued to her chest. That was something she hadn’t experienced before. She glanced down and saw that her nipples were quite visible under the thin material.
“You’re beautiful,” he said hoarsely.
His praise made her feel beautiful, but it also felt funny. To hide her awkwardness, Tess leaned up and kissed him. “Thank you.” His hands went up to grab her face, but his left hand accidentally brushed against her nipple. It sent a shockwave through her. “Oh!”
Kevin backed away, apologizing.
“No, I liked it.” She moved to him and shamelessly placed his hand back on her breast.
Kevin cupped it and then began kneading her nipple between his fingers. Tessa’s breath came out in short gasps. She closed her eyes when his right hand found her other breast. It was harder for him to manipulate and Kevin soon gave up, but Tessa wouldn’t let him. She took his scarred hand and moved it under her shirt. He groaned when he felt her naked breast. “What are you doing to me?” he muttered.
Both hands soon found their way under her shirt. The feelings were so new that she analyzed everything. It was strange to have Kevin touching a part of her body that no one else had ever touched, but it was also exciting. Tess was surprised that her body seemed to know what was going on and was responding to him so readily.
Tessa opened her eyes when Kevin lifted her shirt and bent down. She moaned softly when his lips landed on her nipple, her knees buckling as his tongue started flicking against it. Luckily, he caught her. “Are you okay?” he asked in concern.
“You… it felt… good. I think I need to sit down for a second.” Tessa headed to the couch in a daze. A light switch had turned on inside and everything felt different.
“Tesse, what are we doing here? I mean, as much as I want to touch you, it is only going to lead to trouble if we aren’t careful.”
Tessa patted the area next to her. “Please sit.” He did, but cautiously as if he was afraid of her. “I only have one thing I want for my birthday, Kevin.”
“I’m afraid to ask what that is.”
She frowned, hoping her pouty lip looked adorable. “Why? Don’t you want me?”
Kevin stood back up. “You’re barely legal, Tesse.”
“But I am legal.” She looked into his blue eyes. “Yesterday you said you loved me. Today I want you to show me.” Tess was surprised he looked so nervous. She had expected Kevin would want to take a virgin. Maybe he didn’t realize she was one. “I want you to be my first.”
“Tesse, you don’t want someone like me to be your first.”
She looked at him in confusion. “You are the only one I want.”
He sat down next to her and put his hand on her cheek. “You deserve someone whole and fit. Not me.”
“Yes, you.” She placed her hand on his. “I love you, Kevin. I want to make love with you.”
“Are you absolutely sure?”
He lifted her chin. “If you change your mind at any point, tell me. I’ll stop.”
She smiled, kissing him on the nose. “I love how sweet you are. But I want this; I want it more than anything else in the world. You’re like air to me, Kevin.”
He followed Tessa to her room. Kevin whistled at her on the way up the stairs. She grinned, knowing that her little skirt was giving him quite a show. Tessa giggled nervously when they finally reached her room. She did not turn on the lights in order to hide the posters of cats, horses, and dogs lining her walls. “Ta-da!”
“Cute,” he said, looking around in the candlelight.
“My mom still thinks I’m ten,” she said apologetically. Tessa took his hand and led him to her bed. Her heart was racing a mile a minute. As much as she wanted this, she felt scared when she joined Kevin on the bed.
He could read it on her face. “We can wait.”
“No! Just kiss me and everything will be fine.” She scooted closer to him and sighed happily when he leaned down to kiss her. Kevin was tender at first but then he started kissing her with real passion, exploring her mouth with his tongue. Tess moaned when Kevin’s hand snuck under her shirt and he caressed her breast again.
“I do love you, Tesse.”
She smiled up at him. “I love you, too.”
He pushed away the material of her shirt and moved to kiss her nipple. Tess held her breath. She whimpered softly when his tongue started flicking the hard bud.
“Feels good?” he murmured.
He moved to the other nipple and did the same. She squirmed in pleasure, but then became completely still when his hand touched her thigh. Even though his tongue continued its dance on her nipple, all her attention was riveted on his fingers as they trailed up her inner thigh, getting ever closer. Tessa looked up at the ceiling, reminding herself to breathe. She bit her lip when his fingers touched her wet panties.
The groan that escaped from him only caused her to get wetter. His finger slipped under the thong and touched her sensitive nub. She closed her eyes as his fingers began exploring the outer folds of her wet lips. “You’re so hot,” he growled.
Tessa gasped when the tip of his finger entered her. It felt so foreign, but she wanted it. Kevin’s finger slowly penetrated her opening and her body tensed around it.
“You’re tight, Tesse. I’m afraid of hurting you.”
“I want you, Kevin. It’ll be okay. But before we do anything, I want you to take off all your clothes.”
“No, you don’t want to see me. My face is bad enough.”
She caressed his right cheek. “I love this face. I will love all of you.”
Kevin looked at her doubtfully, but pulled off his shirt. The red burns continued from his neck and went down below his waistline. His chest was a mass of scar tissue. She lightly touched the taut red skin and traced the edge of the burns on his chest. “I love you just the way you are, Kevin. Don’t hide your body from me.”
“If you’re sure…” Kevin got off the bed and stood up. He unbuckled his pants and let them drop. Tessa could see that the burns stopped at his right knee. She also noticed the large bulge in his briefs. She watched in fascination as he pulled them off. Although his burns were on his right hip and outer thigh, his manhood had been spared. It stood before her, hard and ready for her.
“Lie down next to me,” she asked. Kevin came back to the bed. Tessa looked at him shyly. “I’ve never touched a guy before.”
“I’m all yours.”
ss wanted to take in the feel, smell and taste of him. She started with his eyes, kissing each eyelid softly. Then she kissed his left cheekbone and moved to his right. The skin on the right was hard and did not give when she kissed it. She smiled and moved to his neck. His neck smelled of him and Tessa breathed in his musky scent. She kissed down his chest, from side to side wanting all of his body to know how much she loved him. When Tess reached his stomach, she could tell how much her kisses had affected Kevin. His shaft looked strong and proud. She ran her tongue over the coarse hair of his stomach, tasting soap and sweat as she moved towards it. Tessa stared at his cock, curious what it would feel like to suck it.
Before she took his shaft into her mouth, she kissed the right side of his pelvic bone and ran her hair lightly over his shaft as she moved to the left. His cock twitched, as if it had a life of its own. Tess kissed his right hipbone and then looked up at him. Kevin’s eyes were closed, but his face had a look of heady anticipation.
She swallowed nervously as she touched the tip of his cock with her lips. It jumped at the contact and she pulled back. “Oh, Tesse…” he groaned. She kissed the head of his shaft again and then licked it. It was smooth and warm. Tess opened her mouth and took him into her mouth like she had seen Penny do with Jordon. Kevin’s cry of pleasure gave Tess confidence and she took his cock deeper. She started moving up and down on it like Penny. “Yes, oh yes…” he groaned.
It flopped out of her mouth and she giggled. He looked down at her with lust in his eyes. “Please, more.”
She took his manhood into her hand in order to gain more control. Tess licked the edges of the head before going down on him again. This time, Kevin put both his hands on either side of her head and guided her motion just as Jordon had done. Tessa instantly felt a new wave of wetness between her legs. His movement was faster and deeper than hers had been. “Suck on it,” he begged.
Tess started providing suction and his entire body stiffened. “Too good. Stop.”
Kevin quickly moved away from her mouth. He stared at her longingly. “Are you ready, Tesse? I want to make love to you now.”