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Close Encounters I_The Alien Abduction

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by Ella Wayne




  A Sci Fi Alien Romance

  Ella Wayne

  This book is a work of fiction. Any portrayal of any person living of dead is coincidental and unintentional. No parts of this book may be reproduced without the written permission by the author. Brief excerpts for the purpose of reviews and promotions are allowed to be used.

  Copyright © 2018 - Ella Wayne - All rights reserved


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  A fter having her repressed memories freed by a hypnotist, Leslie realized that she had been the subject of experiments conducted by an alien race. Their mission was to impregnate human women with alien/human hybrids. Now onto Phase Three of their plan, Leslie has to teach them the art of making love so they can seduce as many human women as possible.

  However, down on Earth Leslie still has a life to lead, a life that is filled with complications borne from the fact that she has to lie. She doesn't want anyone else to know the truth since she's afraid that they will try and get in the way of her destiny. She knows she belongs among the stars with the tall white angels and she's intrigued with the mystery of them.

  Yet Earth still holds its allure too, especially when a handsome man called Jack expresses his attraction for her. Caught between two worlds, Leslie finally has to make a plan for the rest of her life, but will it be her plan or the aliens'?

  Chapter 1

  L eslie looked out at the waxing Denver moon. The empty wine glass beside the bed was drained dry. Her head was hazy but in many ways, it was more clear than it had ever been. She ran her hands through her long brown hair and sighed as she looked up at the stars, at the truth. They twinkled and glittered against the inky black sky looking so beautiful and mysterious. Yet Leslie knew the secrets it contained more than anyone else on the planet.

  Smoothing the sheets of the bed, she left the curtains open to let the light from the night seep into her room. It bathed the bed in a silvery glow, and she slipped under the covers, awaiting what was to come. Her mind was still reeling with the revelations that had been shown to her in her sessions with James Cain, the hypnotist. The truth had explained everything. The phantom pregnancies she'd had over the years ever since she was a teenager, the feeling of loss, the strange recurring dreams...

  It still felt as though she was in a dream. She could hardly believe that it was real and she knew that if she told anyone else the truth they would dismiss her as a fool, or say that James planted the ideas in her head as some kind of sick joke, but Leslie knew they were real. And so far James was the only other person to know the truth. Even he was skeptical. She couldn't blame him for that. If she didn't have the certainty of what she felt in her soul she wouldn’t believe it either. It would be all too easy to disregard as a delusion or a fantasy, but that was just because it was so unbelievable. Gazing up at the stars she knew that they were up there again, waiting to come down and collect her for their plans. The tall white creatures, using her for their experiments, needing her to teach them how to insert themselves into human culture so they could impregnate human women with hybrids, spreading their seed across the globe.

  Unconsciously, her arms wrapped around her body. What they did to her was violating, taking her up to their ship on multiple occasions to experiment on her, to take the eggs from her body, to impregnate her and then take the embryos. It had made her think that something was deadly wrong with her, either physically or mentally, for over the last decade. She always had the symptoms of pregnancy but then they disappeared. It had left her and the various doctors over the years baffled, and none of them had any answers. All they could do was refer her to a therapist, who in turn had referred her to a hypnotist, and finally the truth had been revealed to her. Goosebumps prickled over her skin as she thought back to all the times she had been taken by the tall white angels, thinking they were just products of her imagination, thinking about the heat and she almost felt guilty about how much it had aroused her.

  It was violating, but it also made her feel special. In truth, they were the only men who had ever made her feel special. That is, if she could call them men. Somehow, they seemed more than that. It was a privilege to be chosen by them. Out of all the women on the planet they had come to her because she offered something unique. Although she wasn't quite sure what that was, it gave her a warm glow inside. She thought back to her first boyfriend, Kevin, the boy who had taken her virginity in his messy apartment on their first date. Sex had never quite lived up to her expectations. It always seemed so passionate and smooth in the movies, but in reality it was rough and hard and sweaty. In the end, she wasn’t satisfied. The dreams though. In the dreams, she knew what real heat was, and nobody could compare to that. It gave her a secret fantasy to be watched, to be the center of attention while she was being studied and recorded. It was almost as though she was living a secret life.

  And soon they would come again. Phase Three was beginning they had said, the phase in which she had to teach them the art of making love so they could properly embed themselves into human life, seduce human women and create a generation of alien/human hybrids that would grow and rise. But to what end? Leslie did not know what their ultimate plan was. She was sure she would find out soon, but they seemed like scientists so she was sure that it was just a benevolent experiment. After all, humans did the same things with animals, and to these tall white aliens they were just like animals too, except that she was the prized specimen.

  For years she had been plagued by the dreams, haunted by the memories that had been hidden from her. During the nights when she had been taken, she had been spoken to and was told of their plans but they had repressed the memories. She only had access to them now because James had unlocked them. She owed him a great debt but she wasn't sure she could ever see him again. Yet, perhaps she would have to if only to make sure that he never told the truth to anyone. In a moment, she felt panic. What if the government found out? What if they kept her away from the tall whites? What if they tried to use her as a weapon?

  No, she told herself, James would not tell anyone because nobody would believe him. As proof of this she had never believed in aliens herself. Whenever she'd heard of someone who claimed they had been abducted by aliens she had always thought they were just crazy or lying, but now she wondered if there wasn't more truth to them. Perhaps all those people had been telling the truth and Earth was just one big test tube for aliens and their experiments.

  Sleep began to tug at her eyes. Her limbs grew heavy and a smile curled upon her lips for she knew that soon she would be with them again, in the place where she belonged. Earth had never been a home for her. She'd lived in many different places throughout her adult life and had never felt settled in any of them. Maybe this was why, she thought, maybe it was because her home was among the stars. As she fell asleep the last thing she looked at was the stars, knowing that the tall whites were up there, waiting for her, that her place was with them.

  Chapter 2

  T he morning came and Leslie felt hollow. She was sure they would have come for her that night just as they had done so many nights before but for some reason they hadn't. Was something wrong? Did they
know that she now had access to her memories and knew the truth? What if the price worth knowing was that they would disown her and find another subject? Her life was empty apart from this, and she didn't want to lose it now.

  The stars and moon had been replaced by the golden sun and a bright blue sky. It was a beautiful day and she was sure that everyone else in Denver was happy to see the sun, but she just wanted the night back again, to be cloaked in darkness and taken up to the ship where the tall whites would have her way with her, where she could teach them all that she knew.

  Crawling out of bed, she went to the shower and sighed. She ran her hands over her body, thinking of how the long-fingered hands of the aliens would curl around her, touching her, exploring. Water dripped down in heavy streams, running along the curves of her body, and the steam enveloped her. When she turned the tap off silence replaced the deafening rush of the shower. She dried herself and wondered how she was every going to face her mundane life when she knew that there was so much more out there? And as much as she wanted to keep it to herself she felt the burning need to share it with someone. She had been touched by angels.

  Leaving her apartment, she looked towards Sharee's door. Part of her wanted to burst in and tell Sharee everything, but, how could she? Leslie turned away and made her way to work, knowing that she would have to see Sharee soon, and Sharee would ask her how things went at the hypnotist. Sharee knew all about the false pregnancies and had tried to help Leslie through it but she wouldn't understand. Nobody would. Maybe one day, when she was older and the aliens announced themselves to humanity, Leslie would be able to come out and reveal the part she played.

  She knew she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret her entire life.

  She went through the motions at work. It was difficult to motivate herself when she knew that she was serving a higher purpose.

  Kelsey was chattering away as usual, which worked well in short bursts with customers and what made her such a good salesperson, but it was annoying to Leslie over long periods. The door closed as another happy customer was served. Kelsey turned to Leslie, her eyelashes tinted with thick mascara, deep blush upon her cheeks.

  “You having a rough morning? I'll let you have the next one if you like, you need to get the commissions up. It's the 21th century, we don't have to rely on men to buy us pretty things anymore.”

  “Trust me, I'd never rely on a man to buy me anything,” Leslie said, snapping at Kelsey. She didn't mean to sound so harsh.

  “Well someone is snappy today. Have you been hiding something from me?”

  Leslie felt her cheeks flush. She turned around to make it look like she was busy. “No, no of course not I just mean that I've never needed a man for anything. And I'm not about to start now.”

  “Hmm, okay, still though, it's nice to be treated once in a while. Did I ever tell you about my first boyfriend?”

  “I don't believe so,” Leslie said, although she was sure that Kelsey had had more boyfriends than was actually possible. Her average relationship must have lasted about a week.

  “Well, he was this charming gentleman I met and he was like 45, and at the time I was just 18. All my friends were grossed out by it and to be honest, I was a little grossed out too. But he managed to charm me out for dinner and it was just so amazing to be able to go to all these nice places and be bought jewelry all just for the fact that he wanted to impress me. I know in this day and age that's frowned upon but it was something really beautiful.”

  Leslie didn't think that beautiful was be the right word, but she could hardly speak. At least Kelsey's boyfriend had been human. People may well have been grossed out by the age difference but if they ever found out that Leslie was having sex with aliens she would be ostracized from society in a minute. Before she could reply Margaret came in, scowling as usual. Leslie couldn't remember the last time Margaret was actually in a good mood. She'd managed to overhear the tail end of Kelsey and Leslie's conversation.

  “I disagree Kelsey. I think you had the right idea. If either of you two get married, make sure you do it for money, not love. Money lasts forever but love, that fades more quickly than anything,” she said, opening one of the cabinets to place some new products out on display.

  “Your marriage can't be that bad, you've been together for a long time,” Kelsey said.

  “My marriage is like any other marriage. Long, tired, and tied together. It would cost too much for a divorce but I couldn't let him go anyway. I wouldn't want to inflict him on anyone else,” Margaret said. She laughed but it was a laugh entirely devoid of humor. Leslie kept quiet. She'd always thought that Margaret should do something if she wasn't happy, but she wasn't about to lecture her boss on the ways of love. Margaret only seemed to ever speak highly of her husband or show him any affection when another woman paid him attention, and although she didn't know the man herself, Leslie thought it was no wonder that he wasn't the most attentive husband when Margaret treated him with such disdain. Indeed, she wondered if love had ever been present in Margaret's heart or if it was just hollow.

  Later on in the day, Kelsey had gone on break so Leslie was left at the counter. She heard the door open and stopped herself from leaning on the counter. Margaret was very particular about the way they presented themselves and greeted customers. Leslie had to stand with her shoulders back, her head straight, and a forced friendly smile upon her face. She wore black trousers, a white blouse, and an uncomfortable black blazer, which Leslie always looked forward to taking off whenever she had a chance. The man who entered the room was tall and blonde. Leslie gasped, because he looked just like the human form the tall whites took.

  “Good afternoon, sir,” she said, trying to stop her voice from trembling, “are you looking for anything in particular today or are you just browsing?”

  The man stood stiffly and rigidly, as though he was not comfortable in his body. Almost like he was still getting used to it. His head moved first, and then his body. He smiled at her thinly.

  “I'm just looking for something for my wife,” he said, “I've been working late a lot recently and I wanted to make it up to her. I don't want anything too extravagant, just something subtle and sweet. I don't want to look like I'm trying too hard.” He gave off a small laugh as he said this, which unsettled Leslie. She moved out from behind the counter, wondering if she should say anything, but what could she say? She could hardly whisper to this man and ask him if he was a tall white, for if that wasn't the case he would run from the store and she'd have to try and explain that to Margaret. Yet he looked so similar, and the way his blue eyes shone when he looked at Leslie she thought there was definitely something to it, but still she could not be sure.

  “Well, I think a bracelet would be your best bet, or perhaps even an ankle, if she's into that sort of thing. They're a bit different from your usual rings, earrings, and necklaces so it will show that you've made an effort, and they can be quite subtle too.”

  “Anklet?” he repeated, as though the word was foreign on his tongue. Was he mystified because he was an alien or because he was just a man who didn't pay attention to fashion? Leslie explained that an anklet was a piece of jewelry that was worn around the ankle. The man arched an eyebrow and tilted his head. “Fascinating, and women like these?”

  “Some women do. It depends. Does your wife wear a lot of skirts and dresses? If so, a bracelet might be more traditional. I think if you're unsure you should go for one of them.”

  “No, no, I like the sound of an anklet. I think it will be a good surprise for my wife. She will never expect it.” Leslie showed him the selection but as she was going through the motions of the sale she looked at him more closely, trying to figure out if her suspicions were right. When he left she was none the wiser. Kelsey congratulated her on a sale when she returned from break and then babbled away. She took Leslie's strange expression for one of desire, and Kelsey said that the last thing Leslie wanted to do was end up fooling around with a married man. They were good to look at
but they were too much drama, and of course Kelsey had another story about one. She seemed to have a story for every relationship, but Leslie was too unsettled to worry about how much truth was in Kelsey's stories. She was almost convinced that that man had been one of the tall whites in disguise. How many of them were there?

  Chapter 3

  A fter work Leslie met up with Sharee at a bar. Sharee had sent her a message during work asking if she wanted to meet up, and Leslie felt guilty about rejecting her invitation. With all the moving Leslie had done over the years she found it difficult to make true friends, but Sharee was definitely one, so it would be incredibly difficult to lie to her. Leslie didn't have any time to stop of at home after work, but she took the blazer off and held it over her arm. As she made her way to the bar she couldn't help but think about the tall whites and their plan to infiltrate humanity. They'd told her that they already had agents in place all over the globe, although they had not told her how many there had been or where they were stationed. As far as she knew they all looked golden in their human forms, with deep blue eyes and hairless bodies. That was how they had appeared to her in her dreams. She wasn't entirely sure of their limits, if they even had any, so it was well within the realms of possibility that they had taken on other shapes and size.


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