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Under a Dom's Care

Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  Together, they walked toward the corner furthest away from the dance floor. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Glancing around the room, Bella wondered what was causing her to feel nervous. She didn’t see anything to cause alarm and sat down, listening to Maya list all of Dale’s negative points.

  She sipped from the bottle all the time conscious of someone staring at her. Tucking some hair behind her ear, she paid more attention to Maya than anyone else. Minutes later, Dawn and Charlotte joined them. Bella smiled as they all started to complain about Dale and his antics.

  From the sound of it she had a narrow escape.

  * * * *

  Jake stared at the raven haired beauty and his cock thickened at the sight of her. She wore a modest skirt and tight fitting top, putting all of her beautiful curves on display. The moment he spotted her being led away from the bar, he’d been addicted. Chris was busy chatting up a blonde while also watching Maya. He recognized her from Extreme as she was one of the subs who visited regularly. The other woman, however, he’d never seen before. He couldn’t even recall her from any of the other clubs he frequented.

  “I can’t believe she’s here,” Chris grumbled while the blonde walked away.


  “Maya. She’s not spoken to me since I stopped going to fucking Extreme. It’s a nightmare.”

  Chris and Maya were Dom and sub during the night but by day, they rarely spoke to one another. At least that’s what Chris always told him. Watching the way his friend eye fucked the other woman, Jake started to have his doubts about his friend’s lack of interest in the other woman. Maya clearly meant a great deal to him. Jake didn’t know much about her, other than she was owned by Chris while in Extreme.

  “Why haven’t you been going back to the club? I know it has nothing to do with me.” Jake took a sip of his beer, unable to keep his gaze away from the woman. She was so full and practically begging to be fucked. Didn’t any other male see the need lurking in her eyes?

  She kept looking around, biting her plump lip. All he saw was the way her lips would look wrapped around his cock as she sucked him deep into her mouth. In all the years he’d been sexually active, he’d never had this strong a reaction to a woman. His first time never compared to this feeling of need.

  Staring at her, Jake wondered what it was about her that pulled him in.

  “I can’t go to Extreme at the risk of bumping into my sister. You may be happy for her to know your sexual preferences, I, however, do not.” Chris shuddered. “Just thinking about it gives me the creeps.”

  Chuckling, he kept his gaze on the prize for tonight. He wasn’t allowed any of the women at the club but he could have his pick of women outside. His dominant side was laid to rest until further notice.

  The mysterious beauty followed her friends out onto the dance floor. He watched her start to move, stepping from one foot to another. She never moved fast or slow but kept to the same pace over and over.

  Sipping more of his beer, he waited for the right opportunity to strike.

  Maya had two men sidling up to her. Their arms went around her body, touching every inch of available flesh.

  “Fuck this,” Chris said, getting to his feet. “She can’t fucking ignore me and then pull this shit.”

  He got to his feet and knew his moment would come soon enough.

  Chris pushed the men aside and wrapped his arms around Maya. She glared up at him, fighting the embrace.

  Jake chose that moment to distract the beauty he wanted. He encircled his arm around her waist, pulling her back against him.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” she asked, tensing in his arms.

  Smiling, he spun her around to face him.

  “Leave them to their fight. They know each other and it’s better to leave them to get acquainted.” Pulling her close, he inhaled her floral scent, which went straight to his cock.

  It took every ounce of will power to hold back a groan he really wanted to release.

  “They know each other?”

  “Yeah, I don’t know how long they’ll continue to know each other after the attitude Chris just displayed.” Steering her away from her friend, he took her toward the edge of the floor. There were not as many people and he got the chance to hold her. “The name is Jake,” he said, introducing himself.

  “Bella.” She gave him a quick smile then looked toward Maya.

  “She’s safe, I promise you.”

  “How do I know you’re safe?” she challenged.

  Laughing, he pulled her in close, making her aware of his aroused state. “The only thing you’ve got to be worried about is dealing with my rock hard cock.”

  She gasped, jerking away.

  He placed a hand on her back keeping her in place.

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  Releasing her hand, he cupped her cheek feeling the softness of her skin. “You do not have to say a thing, baby. Dance with me and we’ll see how this goes.”

  For several minutes Bella didn’t move. She kept her gaze on him. He saw she was weighing up the options on what to do. Should she stay or flee?

  He really hoped she found the courage to stay. Chris would deal with the friend while he got to taste this sweet little morsel all for himself. For the next hour he danced with Bella, feeling every inch of her body. When they took refreshments he noted her shaking hands along with Dale’s interest in her. Dale was also a Dom but he didn’t seek employment under Ryan. He participated in the club as a guest, nothing more.

  Reaching out, he pushed some hair back from her face. Jake found any excuse to touch her. They danced together for another hour without any interruptions from their friends. Maya and Chris were nowhere to be seen. Escorting Bella to the corner of the club he smiled down at her. There was something so warm and comforting about her that called to a part of him. It had been so long since he’d been this connected to a woman. The subs he took to train were only there for one thing, to learn as much from him before finding a Dom of their own.

  When he leaned in close and she didn’t back down, he dropped a kiss to her lips. At first, she tensed and her eyes grew wide.

  His cock tightened, imagining the feel of her tight pussy. “Don’t be afraid,” he said.

  “I’m not afraid.” She pressed her hands to his chest. “Kiss me again.”

  Jake had never been a man to deny a woman. Closing the short distance, he claimed her lips loving the taste of her on his tongue. “Open your lips, baby. Kiss me back.”

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he growled as she gasped, giving him entry into her mouth. He plundered her with his tongue and Jake fell into heaven.

  Her response seemed so timid against the onslaught of pleasure he experienced. The bite on his arms made him aware of the strength of her grip. Fisting his hand, he tilted her head back, taking more of her lips as she gave herself to him.

  “Good girl, give me those lips,” he muttered, biting her.

  Bella groaned, sinking against him. Through the thin layers of their clothing her nipples tightened. He was having some effect on her at least. She touched his tongue with her own and Jake almost lost it, taking her against the wall.

  “I need you, Bella.”

  She pulled away to look at him. Her eyes were dilated, arousal shining back at him.

  Jake touched her cheek, gliding his fingers down her neck, feeling her pulse beat against the tip of his fingers. Down he went to stroke her nipple. He covered her from the searching gaze of the room. No one would see him touching her so intimately.

  “Do you want me to do this, Bella?” He circled her nipple and watched it tighten further, eliciting a gasp from her plump, bruised, kissed lips.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  He pressed his palm between her sweet thighs. She cried out and he claimed her sounds by kissing her, sucking them in. The skirt she wore gave him enough room to press against her pussy. His cock wasn’t having any fun from the confines of his je

  “What do you want, baby?”

  Please tell me to fuck you.

  “I want you,” she said, nibbling her lip.

  Taking her hand, he led her away from the chaos of the commotion in the club. He moved around the back going out the emergency door. Outside, darkness swamped them. Jake didn’t need any light to find her in the dark. Pressing her against the brick wall, he took possession of her lips. She whimpered and her hands held him close to her softness.

  “You feel so fucking good, Bella.” He ran his hands up and down her body. Sliding one hand underneath her skirt he found her heat.

  She cried out but didn’t pull away. Slipping a finger inside her panties, Jake found her cream soaking through the material. There was no way he’d leave tonight without getting inside her pussy.

  * * * *

  Bella opened her lips as he teased her pussy. She’d never known anything like this. For the first time she didn’t want to say no. Not only had Jake danced with her but she felt a connection to him. From being close to him she’d grown aroused. Being a virgin didn’t mean she was immune to need or knowing what her body craved. Many nights she’d lain awake touching herself, learning what her body liked.

  The problem with her wasn’t touching herself. No, her problem came with trusting a man to be with her intimately. Bella struggled to relax around most men but Jake had easily gotten under her skin.

  He stroked her clit, rubbing the moisture across his fingers.

  Lose your virginity, now, against this very wall.

  “Fuck, Bella, I need you.” He kissed her neck, sucking her flesh into his mouth.

  “Take me now,” she said, speaking before she thought.

  “Come back to my place. We can spend the weekend together.”

  Shaking her head, she kept him close. “No, now.” Licking her lips, she stared at his chest trying to find the courage to say the words. “Fuck me, Jake.” They spilled out of her lips, even though they sounded strange.

  Chancing a glance at him, she saw he was going to reject her. “Don’t you want to have a little fun?” she asked, trying with all of her might to tempt him.

  “Fuck, I’ve not taken a woman against a wall in fucking years.”

  Before she got chance to speak, her skirt was pushed up around her waist as he lifted her up. Letting out a squeal, she had no choice but to hold onto his shoulders. He looked strong but she didn’t think he’d be strong enough to lift her off the floor.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’ve got you.”

  Keeping her arms wrapped around his neck, she stared into his eyes. The sound of fabric tearing filled the air.

  “Kiss me,” he said, touching her pussy.

  Slamming her lips down on his, Bella tried to focus on everything he was doing to her. Every single one of her senses were on overload. The way he touched her, the taste of him on her tongue drove her crazy. He touched her breasts, pushing up her shirt until her chest lay exposed for him to view.

  “So fucking beautiful.” His lips broke from her mouth to claim one of her nipples. The beat of the music seemed to make the walls vibrate. Leaning her head against the brick, she tried to bring everything into focus. Nothing helped. Jake assaulted her body along with her mind.

  Get yourself together.

  Once again, she couldn’t do a single thing to bring any focus in her mind.

  “You’ve got to tell me to stop, Bella,” he said, groaning as he touched her pussy once again.

  Tell him to stop? She couldn’t even think past the pleasure he created within her body. By the end of this night she no longer wanted to be known as the twenty-three year old virgin. Her friends loved her but it would always be something to joke about.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Get my cock out,” he said.

  He held her with one hand underneath her butt as the other looked for something inside his back pocket. She frowned, watching him rummage around. Jake held a foil square packet before her.

  At least one of them had thought about protection. She couldn’t think past what her own body demanded. Every sensation melded into one. Her hands shook as she worked on his jeans to release his cock. The thick hard length of his shaft filled her hand. She was surprised by how soft and yet hard he felt.

  “Fuck, that’s it, baby. Touch me.”

  Like she’d seen in plenty of porn movies, she worked his shaft starting at the base then going up to the tip before returning back down. He growled. His face landed against her neck. Jake inhaled and shook in her arms.

  He continued to hold her steady.

  “I’ve got to get inside you.”

  In the next second she stood on her feet. Staring out at the night sky, Bella couldn’t believe she was about to lose her virginity against the brick wall. Glancing down, she saw he ripped open the foil packet releasing the rubber from the confines. He moved her hand out of the way. She imagined he was rolling the latex over his rock hard shaft. She couldn’t see the length of him or what he looked like as they were surrounded in darkness.

  Bella squealed as he held her up again. The tip of his cock ran through her slit, bumping her clit.

  “You’re so fucking wet. I can’t wait to feel how tight your cunt is.”

  Did all women find this kind of talk a turn on? Every word he spoke made her want him all the more.

  The moment had arrived and within seconds he’d be inside her. She didn’t have a word to speak or a warning to give.

  Down his cock went to rest at her entrance. Bella took a deep breath and then pain exploded within her as he slammed the full length of his dick inside her.

  Crying out, she gripped his shirt as the pain and pleasure rippled through her.

  “Fuck, you’re so fucking tight.” He growled the words against the skin of her neck.

  She grunted. The hot brand of his shaft hurt her more than anything. There was no pleasure or any kind of release in sight. Bella held onto his shoulders as he fucked her. Jake pulled all of the way out before sliding back inside. Over and over he pumped within her depths but she’d long lost any kind of arousal of what was happening. Her cream still coated the condom.

  Closing her eyes, she pretended to be into the moment, grunting with each thrust.

  This is what she got for waiting. The wall hurt against her back. His grip on her ass made her ache in an unpleasant way.

  Everything about the moment was wrong.

  “Fuck, yeah, you feel so good.”

  Great, I’ve got to work tomorrow.

  His thrusts increased and she wondered what went through porn stars heads when they really weren’t into the action.

  Why do women seek this kind of pleasure out?

  She didn’t understand why anyone would go with a guy purely for sex.

  It will be over soon.

  When his breathing started to pant and everything became a blur she knew he was almost there. He tensed, grunted, and a weird look came across his face, which concerned her for a split second.

  Okay, is he finished?

  “Fuck, baby, that was awesome.”

  Awesome, what happens now?

  He looked up at her and she gave him a quick smile. His lips brushed hers. Tensing, Bella wondered how she’d be able to leave him and get out of the club before he wanted a second turn.

  She wasn’t interested in repeating this.

  “Let me deal with the condom,” he said, placing her on her legs.

  With speed she didn’t know she possessed Bella quickly slid everything into place while he did something with the rubber.

  “Erm, this was great, fantastic even. I’ve got to go,” she said, making a beeline for the door.

  “Hey, don’t go. Let’s have some more fun.”

  No chance, Mister.

  “I’ve got to go. It was nice meeting you.” With quick movements, she went back inside. Her cell phone was in her skirt pocket. She heard him calling her name but she made it outside the front and was
running toward the first available taxi.

  She gave the driver her address, glancing behind her to see Jake charging out of the front door. Sitting forward, she kept looking out of the windshield. She sent Maya a text telling her she was going home.

  The moment she opened her front door the phone vibrated.

  “What are you doing home?” Maya asked.

  “I didn’t need to stay there anymore. I, erm, did the deed.” She cringed at her own wording.

  Maya’s response was to scream. “How was it? Was it awesome?”

  “Erm, no, not really. I won’t be doing it again but it’s over now and I can move on with my life.”

  “It was awful? Are you sure?”

  Bella laughed. “Yeah, I’m sure. It sucked and that’s putting it nicely.” She locked the door then headed straight upstairs to her room. Looking at the mirror when she got to the bathroom, she winced. The makeup was no longer in the place where she put it.

  “Seriously? It was that bad?”

  “Yeah, sex is not for me. I’m going to have a shower and call it an early night.” She turned the shower on listening to her friend curse. “Where are you anyway?”

  “I’m in Chris’s bathroom. I did send you a text but it must have gotten lost in cyber space, stupid phone.” Maya kept prattling on.

  “I’ll let you get back to him then.”

  “I’ll tell Charlotte and Dawn to stop bugging you,” Maya said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’m sure they’ll want details. Thankfully, I’ve got work and then I’m going back home on Sunday. See you next week.”

  Seconds later Bella stood in her bathroom. Removing her clothes she saw a few specks of blood on her thighs. Wincing, she became aware of a soreness between her thighs. The night could have gone better.

  Oh well, losing your virginity wasn’t everything it was cracked up to be.

  Chapter Two

  Jake woke up the following morning with a groan. Last night he’d not been able to locate Bella and he couldn’t even recall where she lived or worked. Running a hand down his face, he cleared the sleep away. He got to his feet, stretching then headed to the bathroom. Once he finished his business, washed his hands and brushed his teeth, he made his way into the kitchen to put the kettle on. Last night with Bella had been pretty explosive. Her pussy was the tightest he’d ever felt. She had been so wet, warm, and welcoming. Part of him had wished the condom didn’t lie between them.


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