Under a Dom's Care

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Under a Dom's Care Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “You won’t try anything painful or Dom stuff?”

  “No. Tonight it will all be about you and me.”

  “Okay, I accept.”

  Tugging her close, he slammed his lips down on hers, plunging his tongue into her mouth. She gasped, opening up and giving him a chance to ravish her mouth. Pulling away, he saw her eyes were closed and a nice flush decorated her skin.

  He got to his feet, closing the curtains to keep the outside world away. “Take your clothes off.”


  “Tonight we’ve got each other. You’re going to give me a chance but you’ve got to follow my lead. I promise I won’t hurt you.”

  She nibbled her bottom lip, looking toward him then the door.

  “You’re not going to back out on your promise, are you?” he asked, folding his arms over his chest.

  “Will you not do that?” She gestured toward his arms.


  “You look in charge, in control. It makes me nervous.”

  Jake laughed. By the end of the night he’d be doing a hell of a lot more to make her nervous. “Come on, Bella. You’re not a coward.”

  He watched her stand up, smoothing her palms down her thighs. “No. I’m not a coward.”

  “Then take your clothes off.”

  She stared into his eyes, working her clothes off. It took every ounce of strength not to look at her body as she revealed it for his gaze.

  The tan skirt went to the floor followed by the large shirt. She stood in a pair of red silk panties and a matching bra. He’d not expected her to wear such sexy lingerie.

  “Can I stay like this?” she asked.

  “For now.”

  He took a step closer, then another step until her floral scent invaded his senses. Reaching out, he gripped her neck and tugged her close. She yelped and her hands touched his chest to stop herself from falling over. Resting his hands on her back, he glided down to cup her ass.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to kiss you and then we’re going into the kitchen to have a little fun and get you all full before we do something else.” He dropped a quick kiss to her lips.

  “But I thought you were going to erm, you were going to have me screaming?” Her cheeks were a beautiful shade of pink.

  “I will. I’ve got all night to get you warm and ready. Trust me.”

  She nodded her head, even though she didn’t look convinced.

  Leading her through to his kitchen, he put her on a seat then opened his fridge to pull out all the fruit he had available. He owned some fresh cream along with chocolate and toffee sauce. Bella stayed silent while he prepared everything.

  Dipping a strawberry into the chocolate, he offered the ripe fruit for her to take a bite.

  “Um, it tastes so good,” she said, licking her lips.

  His cock hardened. Her lips would look so good wrapped around his shaft.

  Taking a strawberry for himself, he took a delicious bite. The sauce dropped onto the counter, which he left.

  “Tell me about yourself?” he asked, curious to know more.

  “There’s nothing to know. I’m not unique or offer any special quality.”

  The way she sucked the chocolate from the berry, Jake knew she possessed at least one quality. “I doubt that.”

  “I like books. I work in the library and I cook. Those three things pretty much sum me up. There’s nothing great going on.” She started tracing the outline on the counter. He watched her head bowed low. The red of her underwear caught his eye.

  If she was such a boring person what explanation could she give about her style of underwear? “There’s a lot more to you than meets the eye.”

  “No there’s not.”

  “How do you explain last night? I bet your friends were not entirely to blame for you deciding to get rid of your V-card?” He offered up a slice of mango, which she took. Her lips brushed his fingers and his cock demanded more attention.

  “They’re always talking about it. I got tired of listening with no story of my own.”

  She shrugged but he knew there was more.

  “I won’t be bragging about my experience anyway,” she said, reminding him how bad it was for her.

  “Don’t worry, baby. By the end of tonight you’re going to have more than enough stories to tell.” He gave her a slice of orange.

  “We’ll see.”

  Jake smiled. She didn’t have a clue what kind of night he was about to give her.

  * * * *

  Sitting in the chair in her underwear, Bella watched Jake fill two glasses with sweet iced tea. He wore all of his clothing while she showed off the red silky underwear she splurged on. She liked wearing nice underwear. Most of the clothes money she allowed herself she spent on nice, expensive underwear.

  He placed the tea in front of her.

  “How long have you known Maya?” he asked.

  “Since we were young. We went to the same school and we’ve been best friends ever since. Maya and I met Dawn and Charlotte in college.”

  “You’re all close?”

  “As close as friends can get.” She shrugged, taking a sip of the drink. “This is nice.”

  “Do you want to know anything about me?” He took a seat beside her.

  “Not if you don’t want to tell me.” Bella had never been one to ask for information. She preferred people to tell her about themselves without any encouragement from her.

  “What about your family?”

  “I’ve got an older sister and I’m going to visit my family tomorrow for Sunday lunch. If you want, you can come?” She looked at him to see what he thought of her offer. Her sister was the polar opposite of her. Daisy was blonde with a slender figure with large tits but everything else was tight and firm.

  Most of the guys who asked Bella out would take one look at her older sister and forget all about her.

  Maybe he will leave me alone once he sees her.

  She loved her sister, even though they had nothing in common.

  “I’ll come. I love Sunday lunch. I’ll have to change my plans with Chris.”


  “Yeah, I visit with him every Sunday and we go to his parents to eat. His mother makes the best roast chicken in the world.”

  Bella didn’t expect him to agree to go. “You want to go?”

  “Is the invite off the table?”


  “Then I want to go. I’d love to meet your family.”

  Nodding, she glanced around his apartment, sipping at his iced tea.

  “You’re really not going to ask me any questions?” he asked.

  Turning her attention back to him, she shook her head. “You’ll tell me in your own time.”

  He continued to stare at her. “I’m an only child. My parents loved working more than anything else.”

  “You don’t need to tell me this stuff,” she said.

  “They hated my friendship with Chris. My dad thought he was a bad influence, and the whole family too poor to associate with. If it was left to my family I’d only be friends with the kind of people who would further my career. I refuse to do what they asked. I went to college and I’ve got a degree in family and criminal law but I don’t use it. I hate law and conflict. I make my own money by working at Extreme.”

  She never expected him to open up to her. Maya once complained about Chris and his lack of letting her in. Bella didn’t even know if Maya had met Chris’s family. “Is this why you can afford this place?” she asked.

  “My grandfather left me an inheritance. If my life was left to my parents, I’d have been kicked to the curb long ago to get me to conform. They hate how I live and will never accept me being a Dom.”

  “Does that bother you?”

  “No. It used to. Everyone wants their parents to be proud. Now I understand they’re both stuck up and the only thing that could change their opinion is money.”

  “My family doesn’t have

any money or wealth. We’re a family, Jake.”

  “I don’t care about the money, Bella. I never have. Chris will always be my friend. I’ll never be controlled by being told what to do or who to befriend.” He finished off his tea, placing the glass in the sink.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t be. I’m not angry over my life. My parents are shit, but I’m not going to cry over it. I’m happy.” He hesitated.

  She frowned. “What are you not happy with?”

  He took her hand, guiding her out of the kitchen toward his bedroom. Her curiosity piqued at his hesitation.

  Jake sat on the edge of a large bed and she looked around the impersonal bedroom. Nothing gave a clue to the man before her. The art work was just a few pieces, leaving the man a complete mystery.

  “What are you looking at?” he asked.

  “Your bedroom. There’s nothing here to tell me who you are.”

  She kept her gaze on him to see his reaction.

  “You’re really not like other women are you?” He sighed and cupped her hips, drawing her close.

  You’re naked and he’s not. “Why am I different?”

  “Many women would be more interested in my parents and the kind of wealth I could be making.”

  “Have other women tried to change you?” She rested her hands on his shoulders. The shirt covered up his body to her gaze. Beneath her fingers, his muscles were rock hard, tightly coiled. He’d be rock hard and probably look like one of the men on the covers of the books she liked to read.

  “I dated a woman several years back. She liked my dominant side but the moment she found out about my parents and what I could be doing, she nagged. I found out she was a gold-digger looking for a way up in the world.”

  She winced. “Wow, this is why I don’t like socializing. It hurts.”

  Silence fell between them. She became aware of the way his fingers massaged the skin of her hips.

  “I fucked up at the club, Extreme. I broke some rules and now I’m on a suspension. I’m not allowed to train other subs.”

  “Do you agree with the punishment you’ve been given?” she asked.

  “Yes. It angers me to think about what I did.”

  She cupped his cheek, forcing him to look back at her. “Then take your punishment and prove to the others you’ve learned your lesson.”

  The air seemed to thicken between them.

  “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever known.”

  Bella smiled. “I’m going to take your words as a compliment.”

  He stood up abruptly giving her no choice but to take a step back. In one swift move, he pulled the shirt he wore over his head, throwing it away from him. Her mouth watered at the revelation of his chest.

  No man should look so inviting.

  All she wanted to do was reach out and touch him. She fisted her hand, leaving them at her side as she looked at him.

  Next, he unbuckled his belt, letting his jeans fall to the floor. He wore a pair of black boxer briefs, hiding his cock from view. She saw the outline of his erection pressing against the fabric.

  Heat spilled out of her pussy, coating the panties.

  His hand cupped her hip, splaying out. She stared at where he touched her. With his large hand on her hip, she actually looked small.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “You make me feel small.”

  “I love this color on you. This underwear is a complete contradiction to the clothes you wear.”

  She smiled. “I took you by surprise, didn’t I?”

  “Yes, and now I’m going to do the same to you.”

  Before she asked him what he meant, he claimed her lips. His tongue glided over her, then plundered her mouth.

  Moaning, she circled her arms around his neck, holding onto him.

  You’re helping him.

  Bella squeezed her eyes closed, ignoring the warning running through her mind. What was wrong with giving him the chance to prove how amazing he can be in bed?

  He kissed her neck, sucking on the pulse there before going down her body.

  She opened her eyes, watching him suck the bud of her nipple through the silk of the bra. Pleasure erupted within her. Bella crossed her legs at the answering pulse between her thighs.

  “Oh my,” she said, gasping as he bit down on her nipple.

  His fingers tightened on her hips and she couldn’t focus on denying him. Each movement created so much more pleasure.

  Jake moved to the next nipple, sucking the bud inside. Whimpering, she gripped his shoulders, sinking her nails into his flesh.

  “I need this bra off,” he said, pulling away.

  Her hands were shaking and he soon took over removing her bra. She stood before him with her tits on display.

  “Look how lovely and ripe they are.” He cupped one breast with his thumb gliding over the nipple. “You respond so easily to my touch.” He pushed her breasts together, tonguing the nipples in turn. “I could spend all night sucking on these beauties.”

  Bella wouldn’t argue if he decided to do that. His mouth on her body drove her wild with need.

  “I’ve got a deadline to have you screaming out in pleasure and I aim to please.”

  He picked her up easily, placing her on the bed. She screamed at the ground leaving under her feet. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Jake laughed, kneeling between her thighs in the center of the bed. She stared up at him, glaring.

  * * * *

  The scent of her pussy wafted up to Jake’s nostrils. Bella smelled so tempting even through the fabric of her panties. Her curves filled his hands and he ran his fingers up and down her skin. She was soft to the touch.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful.”

  Earlier, he’d revealed a lot about himself without meaning to. Bella got to him in ways other women didn’t. Not only did he want her to want him, he needed to gain her attention. She wouldn’t give him an inch while he’d gladly give her everything.

  Calm down, Jake. You’ve only known her a short time.

  He’d known her less than twenty-four hours, but he knew she was the one woman for him.

  “You don’t need to say I’m beautiful.” She cried out as he placed his palm against her pussy.

  The heat penetrated the panties going straight to his palm. His cock got harder, if that was even possible.

  “I say what I want.” Slipping a finger beneath her panties, he touched her slit.

  She was soaking wet. Her cream eased his way.

  Circling her clit, he watched her eyes widen and her body grow tense. “You’re ready for me, Bella. I could tear these panties away and sink inside your tight little cunt.”

  “You won’t.”

  “No, I won’t unless you beg me for it.” He smiled, stroking a finger down to press against her entrance. “And then I won’t.”

  She’d been a virgin and he’d been so full on his own pleasure that he didn’t care. Jake intended to rectify his mistake now. The need when it came to Bella didn’t go away. In fact, his need for her only intensified with each passing second.

  Staring into her eyes, he pressed a finger into her core. She gasped.

  Her cunt tightened around his digit and he withdrew before she got used to the feel of him inside her.

  Jake always excelled on patience and tonight he was going to be tested to the very limit.

  “I can’t think,” she said.

  “Then don’t. Open your legs and let go.”

  She opened her legs wider, giving him more room to move.

  Dropping his gaze to her tits, he watched them bounce with each indrawn breath. Her body was so fucking addictive just to look at.

  “The panties need to go. I want to see you without anything between us.”

  Jake tore at the fabric, the sound of the panties tearing filled the air along with her gasp. Another tug and they were gone, leaving her pussy bear to his view.

  He gazed down at the be
auty before him. The lips of her sex were smooth to the touch, not a single hair in sight while some of her pubic hair covered the top. Her cream coated her lips showing him how aroused she actually was.

  “Let me see you as well,” she said.

  Climbing off the bed without looking away from her treasure, Jake removed the boxers he wore. His cock stood out and he was relieved to finally have his shaft released from the confines of his clothes.

  He gripped the shaft from the base then worked to the tip to relieve some of the ache in his balls.

  “Are all men like you?” she asked.

  Looking up, he frowned. “What?”

  “You haven’t got a foreskin. Is that normal?”

  Jake chuckled, climbing back on the bed. “Some men keep it while others have it removed. I got mine removed as I didn’t want it anymore.” He settled between her thighs so his chin was just above her pussy. “Now, lie back and feel everything I’m about to do to you.”

  Sliding open her lips he stared at the bud of her sex. Her clit was swollen, peeking out of its hood. His mouth watered at the sight.

  No other man has tasted her. No one but you knows what her cunt feels like.

  Pride and something primal filled him at the knowledge he was the only man to know her intimately. A woman’s virginity never bothered him before Bella. She’d taken over his mind, making him want things he’d never wanted before.

  She’s taking over.

  Claim her so no other man can ever know her.

  He closed the distance between them, sliding his tongue over her clit. She cried out. Her body shook as he tongued her pussy.

  When she couldn’t lie still, he held onto her hips to stop her from moving. Jake held her still as he tongued her pussy. He flicked the clit then slid down to penetrate her pussy. Glancing up her body, he watched her head thrashing from side to side.

  “It’s not supposed to feel like this,” she said, crying out on the last word.

  Smiling, Jake intended to have her screaming and worshipping him like a god by the end of the night.

  After the abysmal treatment he gave her the night before, he would make it up to her.

  “Fuck!” The curse rolled off her tongue, sounding foreign even to him.

  Thrusting into her core, her essence exploded on his tongue. He continued to hold her steady as he fucked her pussy. She screamed and he concentrated on her clit.


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