Under a Dom's Care

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Under a Dom's Care Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  With his focus on the nub it would be a matter of moments before she splintered apart.

  “Please, fuck, please,” she begged.

  Did she even know what she was begging for?

  Give her what she needs.

  The moment he brought her to orgasm he’d win their little bet. When he won, Jake didn’t have to leave her alone.

  He moved his hands from her hips to her thighs, keeping her legs open wide.

  Jake flicked her clit, sliding his tongue over her nub. He kept up his ministrations until her cries of release filled the air.

  Even as she screamed, he didn’t stop. Her cream coated his fingers and he licked every drop.

  “Please, stop. I can’t take much more.”

  Sitting back on his knees, he stared into her dilated eyes. Her body was flushed all over. He wiped the juices from his chin, staring at her. “I win.”

  “What?” she asked, going to her elbows.

  “You just experienced your first orgasm.” He leaned down, getting close. Dropping a kiss to her lips, he caressed their plumpness with his tongue. “You owe me your time.”

  “I thought we were joking.”

  “No, baby. We were not joking. You’re going to give me a chance and we’re going to date,” he said.

  “Like boyfriend and girlfriend?”

  “Yes. You’re going to give me the chance I asked for. You, me, and some serious dating.”

  She nibbled her lip and he groaned. “Every time you do that I think about those lips being wrapped around my dick.”

  “You knew this is how tonight would end.” She glared back at him.

  “The night’s not over and you took the bet.” He caressed her thighs.

  “This is not fair.”

  “Did you really think you’d win?” he asked, smiling.

  Her head bowed down. “Yes.”

  “Baby, last night I fucked up and you didn’t have fun. When I tell you how much fun you’re going to have, you’re going to have to believe me.” Invading her space, he forced her to look at him. “Are we going to date or are you going to renege on our deal?”

  “No, I won’t,” she snapped. “Then we’re dating.”

  “You’ll learn that I’m always right.”

  “Can I use the bathroom?” she asked, huffing.


  He pointed in the direction and sat down on the edge of the bed to watch her walk away. Her ass jiggled and the curve of her back called to him to kiss it. Fuck, he’d known Bella less than twenty-four hours and already he was falling for the librarian.

  * * * *

  Bella stared at her reflection in the luxurious bathroom. Jake’s tongue was wicked and should be locked away or something similar. Not only had he given her a mind blowing orgasm, she was now dating him.

  She’d never been one to date. Each time they spent together he’d expect something out of her and not anything to do with sex. Socializing scared her. He was a wealthy man with parents who wanted him to marry for money. There was no way they were suited for each other.


  Great, she’d invited him to meet the family and that included Daisy. She smiled at her reflection. Once he met her older sister, Jake’s attentions would go to her and she’d be in the clear.

  Do you really want that?

  Taking a deep breath, she splashed some water on her face then headed back to the bedroom. She found him sitting at the head of the bed with his cock in hand. He worked from the base going to the tip, which glistened with pre-cum.

  “I wondered what was taking you so long.”

  “Well, you can take me home. You’ve had me screaming in orgasm.”

  He shook his head. “No. I’ve got all night and I intend to have you screaming my name. I stick to my promises.”

  “Are you still coming home with me tomorrow?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.”

  “My mom is making beef, not chicken,” she said, trying to tempt him away.

  “I love all kinds of meat.” He stared down her body and she covered her breasts from view. She suddenly became aware of her extra layers of fat. Dieting lost its appeal after high school when she didn’t have to cope with immature peers. In college she’d been lost in her studies to care. Working in the library didn’t expose her to many bullies. The kids were a dream and the people she worked with charming.

  “Don’t cover your body. I love watching your tits bounce with each step.”

  She shot him a glare.

  “Come here.”

  Seeing no reason to argue with him, she made her way toward the bed, trying not to get her body to bounce or jiggle. Were women concerned about their appearance with men? Maya always looked confident with her figure.

  Get over it. He’s seen your body, licked your pussy. There’s no need to be nervous.

  He opened his legs and she knelt between them, resting her hands in her lap.

  “You’re perfect.”

  “I’ve no idea what I’m doing.”

  “I know. It’s refreshing to see a woman not trying, it’s entirely erotic.”

  She couldn’t resist looking at his cock. He was thick, pulsing with the vein looking fierce to her. “Does it hurt?”

  “No, it aches a little.”

  Reaching out, she touched the slit leaking some of his cum. He hissed and she jerked away.

  “Your hands are a little cold.”

  Giggling, she rubbed her hands together getting them warm. When they were warm, she touched him again.

  “This is not about me,” he said.

  “I don’t care. I want to touch you and give you some pleasure. It’s about the both of us. You’ve already won the bet and there’s nothing more to win.”

  He tucked some of her hair behind her ear. “There’s always something to win.” His fingers stroked down her neck, resting on her pulse.

  She cupped his cock, feeling the strength yet the smoothness of his skin.

  “Hold me tighter,” he ordered.

  Bella squeezed him and the cock seemed to vibrate in her fist. Moving up to the tip, she glided his liquid across the tip then around the sides. His hands cupped her breasts while she played with his length.

  Every now and then he would release a growl and she’d look up to see his focus on her body. This is not what she expected when touching him.

  “You’ve got no idea what you’re doing to me, do you?” he asked.

  “I know I’m doing something.” She looked into his eyes.

  “I’m close to coming.”

  She’d watched enough movies to know the final moment. The problem with porn movies for her, the final moment of a guy’s release seemed so impersonal. The more actual semen the viewer saw, the better. By the time that happened, Bella lost all interest seeing as the women looked relieved. Sex shouldn’t be like that. At least, she thought it shouldn’t be like that.

  The way Maya talked, it should be something to relish and love.

  Would Jake leave her feeling that way?

  “I want you to put one knee on either side of my legs up here.” He touched the top of his thigh.


  “Do you always ask questions?” he asked.


  “Then I’m banning them. When you’re in my place, you don’t ask questions, are we clear?”

  “Are you always this bossy?” she shot back.

  “Yes. I’m a Dom and don’t you forget it.”

  Sticking her tongue out, she did as he asked.

  “Ouch.” She glared at him as his palm landed on her ass. “Why did you do that?”

  “You’re an insolent little sub.”

  “I’m not submissive.”

  Jake smiled. The look he gave her was like he knew something she didn’t. “We’ll see about that in time.”

  “I’m not.”

  She stopped as his fingers slid between her thighs, touching her pussy.

  “This is why I wanted you he
re. I can touch you easily and without anything to stop me.”

  Bella paused with her fingers wrapped around his shaft and stayed knelt beside him on the bed rather than straddling him like he asked. He wasn’t her Dom yet, she didn’t have to do everything he asked.

  “Has my woman gone silent? I’ve shocked you, haven’t I?”


  “Touch me, baby. I still want to feel your fingers on my cock.”

  How could she focus when he touched her like this? Closing her eyes, she groaned, gasping as he pinched her clit. The sting from his hand had been surprisingly nice.

  “Okay.” Her body was shaky from his touch.

  “You’re so responsive. Your pussy is drenched with cum. I’m rock hard thinking about how tight you’ll feel once I get inside you.”

  She whimpered. The picture of his rock hard cock sliding inside her turned her on in ways she didn’t think possible.

  “Do you like that, baby?”


  “I was a fucker for not making it easier for you last night. I’m going to make it so much better. You’ll be begging for my cock by the time I’m through with you,” he said.

  His fingers slid around the back of her neck, drawing her close. She whimpered, working his shaft as he kissed her neck. He bit down and she cried out. Warmth flooded her as if the connection of his lips on her neck went straight to her pussy.

  “You’re fucking amazing, baby,” he said, breathing against her neck.

  She worked his cock, amazed at how long and thick he was. This man was built like the ones she saw in the sexy movies and read about in books.

  “Give me those lips,” he said.

  Turning to him, she gave him her mouth, opening up as his tongue glided over them. He confused her with his need and she opened her eyes to look at him.

  “Do you feel what you’re doing to me?” he asked.


  Her fingers were wrapped around the length of him. There was no getting away from what her touch was doing to him.

  One of his fingers slid down to penetrate her pussy. A second pressed inside and his thumb pushed on her clit.

  “I’m so close to coming. I want to feel you come all over my fingers.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think I can.”

  “You will, baby. Give me everything.”

  In and out, he pumped inside her.

  Working his cock, she watched the copious amounts of cream work out of the tip. Their breathing was the only sound to be heard in the large room.

  “Come on, Bella. Fuck my fist.”

  Thrusting on his fingers, she dropped her head to his shoulder, whimpering.

  Her orgasm was so close.

  Jake flicked his thumb and she shattered apart while he fucked her with his fingers.

  She moved her hand faster over his cock and seconds later he tensed, grunted and something sticky landed on her hand. Turning her head, she watched the white strands of his cum splash onto his stomach and her hand. Seeing him orgasm was fascinating for Bella and she kept up the movements of her hand.

  “Easy,” he said, stopping her as he started to jerk beneath her.

  “What’s the matter?” she asked, wanting to give him more pleasure.

  “I’m sensitive. I can’t come anymore right now.”

  She stuck her lip out, pouting.

  Jake chuckled. “You’re going to drive me crazy, aren’t you?”

  Bella shrugged. “I don’t know, am I? What does it take to drive you crazy?”

  “We’ll have to see.” He collapsed onto the bed. His fingers were still inside her. “I think it’s time we took a bath.”

  He withdrew his fingers and she climbed off the bed.

  “I’ll change the sheets when we’re done in the bath,” Jake said, putting a hand to her back to lead her back into the bathroom.

  She stood, admiring his ass as he bent over the tub filling it up. He tested the water and helped her inside. Bella watched him climb into the water, leaning back on the opposite side.

  The tub was more than big enough to fit them both.

  “How are you doing there?” he asked.

  Looking toward him, she smiled. “I’m doing okay.”

  “No questions so far?”

  “No.” She frowned.

  “Go on, ask them,” he said, closing his eyes.

  “What does being your girlfriend mean?” She’d never dated and didn’t have the first clue in what he was expecting from her.

  “What?” He opened his eyes, looking at her.

  “I’ve never dated a guy. What will you expect of me?”

  “We’ll go out, date, have fun.”

  “Will you still train subs at Extreme?” she asked.

  “No, I’m banned from training them in the near future so there’s no need to think about them.”

  She watched him rest his head back.

  There was no need to worry about them now but what about in the future when he was allowed to.

  A jolt of pain pierced her heart at the thought of him intimately touching or spanking another woman. Could she handle him doing that?


  She really hoped he had a thing for slender blonde women. If he liked her sister then she wouldn’t have to worry about the future with him.

  Chapter Four

  Jake listened to her directions to her parents’ home. Her family lived outside of the city in a large country home. Sitting at the gate he was surprised by the luxury before him. Bella was a modest woman, living on a librarian’s wage when she could clearly be doing something else with her life.

  Don’t judge.

  In one quick moment he’d been judging her on his parents’ assessment. Most Sundays he ate lunch with his friend, thankfully, Chris didn’t mind him cancelling lunch as his friend was having trouble with Maya. For now, Jake was going to stay out of Chris’s way. His attention was on the woman at his side.

  “This is your home?”

  “Yes, this is the family home. My parents also own a beach house off the coast. They like space.” She pressed the button to open the window and he watched her type in a code to let them in.

  “Do you live in a rough area?” he asked.

  “No. Mom and Dad like their privacy.” She placed her hands on her knees.

  He drove down the mile long driveway and parked up next to a red sports car.

  “Daisy’s home,” she said, opening her door and climbing out.

  “Who is Daisy?” he asked.

  “My sister. Sabrina is my mother and Kyle is my dad. They’re in love and they always make everyone aware of how much they love each other, no matter who you are,” she warned.

  “Will I see them making out?” he teased.

  “Probably. Growing up they were always all over each other. They’re very supportive of my dream.”

  Jake was used to watching parents smooch all over each other. He watched Chris’s parents do it often enough. The large front door opened revealing a blonde, well-stacked beauty. He took hold of Bella’s hand as the woman made her way down the steps. From the look of her, it had to be Daisy. She was too young to have mothered a twenty-three year old.

  “It’s about time you showed up,” Daisy said, embracing her sister.

  He watched Bella hug her back. The affection between the two was charming. They looked more like friends than sisters. Whereas Bella was raven haired and full figured, Daisy was blonde and slender with big tits.

  The only part of the two sisters that was the same were the eyes. They both possessed enchanting blue eyes.

  “I had to give Jake directions and you know how I suck at those,” Bella said, gripping his arm.

  Daisy rolled her eyes. “Tell me about it. I actually got lost visiting her in the city. I ended up in another world entirely. Are you my little sister’s boyfriend?”

  Another difference, Daisy spoke a lot while Bella kept to herself.

  “Yes, I’m her boyf

  “How long have you been dating?” Daisy asked.

  Bella stumbled over her words.

  “It’s pretty recent.” He ran his fingers across Bella’s neck. Her pulse beat rapidly against his fingers. Waking up next to her was something Jake would gladly do for the rest of his life.

  “I bet. Bella rarely dates. In fact, I don’t recall you dating anyone.” Daisy turned her questioning face toward her sister.

  “They all wanted you,” Bella said, smiling.

  Jake tensed. No, she wouldn’t?

  Glancing at his woman, Jake knew she intended for him to be attracted more to her sister. When she came out of the bathroom last night after he gave her an orgasm he was sure he’d seen a smug smile on her face. The way she looked at him then at her sister, he knew it was true.

  Manipulating wench.

  “What do you think of my beauty?” Daisy asked, changing the subject. She ran her hand over the car.

  “It’s amazing.” Bella pulled away to talk with her sister about the beauty of the red sports car. The hood was pulled down revealing the luxury leather interior. He watched her, wondering how he’d deal with her behavior later. The only person he’d be leaving with was Bella.

  “Bella, honey, who is this young man?” An older woman who looked like Daisy walked down the steps toward them. She looked in her mid-fifties and in the peak of health.

  “Mom, this is Jake.”

  Before she got the chance to say anything more, Sabrina pulled her daughter in close. This is how a family was supposed to live. He couldn’t even remember his parents hugging him like this. From the moment they were allowed, his parents dumped him with nannies. Over the years the nannies would change whenever he got too attached to them.

  “Baby girl, I’ve not seen you in such a long time. How is the library treating you?” Sabrina asked.

  “Everything is fine.”

  “Darling, where are our daughters?”

  Jake saw Bella took after her father. Kyle stood in the doorway, looking over his girls. The look on Kyle’s face made him envious. The happiness was clear to see shining out toward his family.

  “Daddy,” Bella said, waving as her mother still held her tightly.


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