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Under a Dom's Care

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  They were all converged together on the front lawn.

  He watched the parents embrace then hug their daughter before turning to him.

  “It’s recent,” Daisy said.

  “I bet.” Kyle looked at him.

  For the next couple of hours he’d be under the microscope with this family.

  “I cooked us a feast of beef and roast potatoes,” Sabrina said. “Is that okay for you, Jake?”

  “I’m a meat and potatoes man. In fact, give me food and I’ll eat it.”

  Bella stood in front of him and he placed his hands on her shoulders.

  “Mom, Dad, I’d like for you to meet, Jake. He’s my…boyfriend.”

  Offering his hand, he shook both of theirs in turn. “It’s lovely to meet you both.”

  “Will you make an honest woman out of her?” Kyle asked.


  “No, Bella. This is a father’s right. I get to know what he intends to do with you.”

  “We’re dating and when the time is right, I’ll make her an honest woman,” Jake said.

  Kyle stared at him for several moments. “Good, no one takes advantage of my women.” He tugged Sabrina to him, kissing her.

  “Ew, Dad,” Daisy and Bella complained in unison.

  Chuckling, Jake turned his woman around to stare into her blue eyes. When he got her home she was going over his knee. He didn’t care what she thought. There would be a punishment for her.

  “This is totally gross,” Daisy said. “Come on. I’ll get you both a drink before you vomit at the sight before us.” Daisy shuddered, walking toward the front door.

  “What do you think of my sister?” Bella asked.

  Yes, she was going over his knee and her ass was going to be glowing red by the time he was finished.

  “She’s nice.” He placed an arm over her shoulders, following her sister.

  “Really? Is that all you’ve got to say about her?”

  “What more do you want me to say?” He waited for her to put her foot in it.

  “Nothing, forget I said anything.”

  She offered up a smile but he saw through it. This lunch was going to be pretty interesting.

  His cell phone sounded, giving him the chance to get his bearings back. He saw Chris’s name light up the screen.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I was wondering if you were still alive. I’m only just fucking surviving. Maya is blanking me and the family is planning everything for Jesse. I’m tired of hearing about the wedding dress.”

  Laughing, Jake stared at Bella while she talked with her sister. “I’m being pushed toward her sister.”


  “Yeah. I’ve got a thing for a woman who’s trying to make me go for her older sibling, go figure.”

  “Sorry, man. At least you’re still alive. What is the family like?” Chris asked.

  “Like yours. They all care and love each other.”

  Every time he met a new couple, he became aware of how selfish his own parents actually were.

  * * * *

  “What are you up to?” Daisy asked.

  Bella looked over at Jake who was on the phone. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m not stupid or dumb. You’re up to something and I don’t like it.” Daisy rested a hand on her hip, glaring at her.

  Holding her hands up in surrender, she denied everything even though a spark of guilt hit her. She loved her sister. Daisy was a sweet woman who gave everyone a part of herself. Bella had seen one too many times the way people crushed her but still, Daisy found something to smile about.

  “Okay, I’ll leave it alone but you better not be trying to do anything with him. He’s got a thing for you. Don’t spoil it.” Daisy pointed toward Jake.

  “Got a thing for me? How do you know?”

  Bella stared at her sister pour as she poured them glasses of iced tea. She wished there was some magical answer for their troubles.

  “The way he looks at you. His gaze is brighter than ever before.” Daisy sighed. “It’s so amazing to watch.”

  “Men do that for you all the time.”

  “No, they don’t. They use me and spit me back out again. I’m nothing to them other than a good time. Besides, I’ve sworn myself off men for the foreseeable future.”

  She followed Daisy onto the back porch.

  Bella took a seat beside her sister, wondering what was going on in her mind.

  “What? Why?”

  “Men all want the same thing, sex. I’m tired of giving them everything and not getting anything back. I’ll never force a man to love me, but I want something like Mom and Dad.”

  She wrinkled her nose thinking about her affectionate parents.

  “Get over it, Bella. Don’t you want to marry a man who will love you for years to come?”

  “I’ve never thought about it. I don’t need a man to make me happy.” You’re not exactly living though either. The most excitement you’ve had in the last twenty-three years is the past two nights with Jake.

  Cutting the thoughts off, she stared at the covered barbeque, knowing her father would be getting it out soon.

  “No one needs a man to make you happy. A book can keep you company for a few hours but it can’t keep you warm at night,” Daisy said.

  “I’m not like you.” Bella glanced at her sister.

  “I know. You cut everything off. I was worried about you.”


  “You work in a library and don’t go anywhere. You’re my little sister, Bella. I worry and I care about you.” Daisy pulled her close.

  Feeling guilty at not staying in touch, she hugged her sister tightly. She saw Jake approaching them, pocketing his cell as he moved.

  “Sorry about that. Chris wanted to make sure we arrived safely. Maya’s causing him some trouble,” Jake said, taking a seat opposite them.

  She stayed cuddled up to her sister. The way he looked at her then glanced at her sister, Bella hoped with all of her heart he didn’t prefer Daisy.

  Wait, you want him to fall for your sister.

  “Maya? Has she finally brought her man to heel?” Daisy asked.

  “Where is Maya? I’ve not seen her around here for some time,” her father said, wandering out of the house, with her mother.

  “I thought you’d want to see my boyfriend first. Maya’s busy with her own, kind of boyfriend.” Bella pulled away from Daisy.

  Jake tapped his knee. Heat filled her cheeks but she got to her feet and sat on his lap. She was more aware now of not wearing any panties. Would her parents know that she was bare? The last thing she wanted was for them to know what she and Jake were doing.

  Daisy whistled and Bella hid her face against Jake’s shirt.

  “Don’t worry, son. You take care of my daughter and I’ll keep my knives in the safe,” her father said, tapping his shoulder. Bella couldn’t believe her father had just threatened her boyfriend.

  They were all sitting around the outdoor table on the porch. Her sister sat beside her parents while she stayed on Jake’s lap. She was sure she felt the length of his cock pressing against her ass.

  Groaning, she listened to the conversation go on around the table. They talked about the news, the weather, Daisy’s car along with her beauty salon that was doing good. Then the conversation turned to Extreme.

  “I’ve heard good things about the club,” Daisy said. “I’ve been there a few times.

  Tensing in her seat, she wondered if Jake already knew her sister.

  “I work there,” Jake said.

  Silence fell around the table as they all turned to look at him.

  “You work there?” her mother asked.

  “Yes, I monitor the dance floor.”

  Bella stared at her sister who was smirking behind her hand.

  “Good, I take it they pay well.”


  “What? I’m making sure one of my angel’s is being cared for.”
r />   “There are some things you don’t ask,” she said.

  “Kyle, come with me,” her mother said. “I’m not going to have you causing problems for our daughters.”

  Sending thanks to her mother, they were left alone with Daisy.

  “You’re one of the Doms who work there, right?” Daisy asked.


  “How do you feel about that?” Daisy stared at her while asking the question.

  “He’s not touching any other women right now,” Bella said, feeling uncomfortable with the turn of conversation.

  “Let me make myself clear, Daisy. I’m not dealing with submissives right now. Bella has my full, undivided attention and I will not let her out of my sight.”

  Pressing hands to her face, Bella was totally mortified.

  “Good, she’s special to us.”

  “I’m a grown woman.”

  “You’re the baby of the family. He’ll understand our concern. From what I’ve heard, he’s a good, talented Dom.”

  “I am.”

  She looked up to see the smug look on his face. Bella was saved from having to answer by their mother shouting that dinner was ready. She got up and followed her sister through the house to the dining room. A pale blue table cloth covered the table with two places set along the left hand side and one space for her sister on the right. Her mother and father would be sitting at either end. In the center of the table, placemats were set to take the hot food on platters. Her parents had gone all out for the luxury of a Sunday roast. Wine glasses were at the top right of each plate.

  For the next hour she had to watch her parents give lovey eyes to each other, give advice for a happy marriage, and do everything vomit worthy a child shouldn’t have to watch. Yes, their love was a beautiful thing but not when you were introducing them to new people.

  By five o’clock she wondered if Jake would even want to date her. He stayed away from her sister so losing his attention there was a bust. Her plans, when it came to him, always messed up.

  In the car, she sat back staring out of the window.

  “I like your family,” Jake said.

  “Seriously? They were all over themselves. It’s embarrassing.”

  “I thought it was sweet. They’ve been married a long time and the love is still strong. I think it’s something you need to admire, not mock.”

  “I’m not mocking.” She ran fingers through her hair, trying to do something with her hands. “What did you think of my sister?”

  “You’re getting a spanking when we get home.”

  Her pussy swamped with cream at the threat. What the hell was that all about? “What? Why?”

  “You heard me. You’re going over my knee and I’m going to spank your ass until you learn a lesson.”

  “What lesson do I need to learn?”

  He glanced at her. “Trying to push me toward your sister is not fucking funny. What part of us being a couple didn’t you understand?”

  Heat filled her cheeks at being caught. Crap.

  “Yeah, I know what you were trying to do.” He focused on the road in front.

  What could she say to make this right?

  You want this spanking.

  * * * *

  Jake noticed she didn’t argue. A quick glanced at her and he saw her hands rested in her lap.

  “Why?” he asked, to understand her reasoning.

  “I lost the bet and I thought the best way of getting rid of you would be for you to like my sister more.”

  He cursed, pressing his foot down on the gas. When he got home her ass was his. Jake didn’t care if the spanking he’d give was her first. She needed to learn not to push him away. “You seriously think your sister would appeal to me?”

  “She appeals to everyone. Daisy is a sweet woman, gorgeous, sexy, and she knows how to have a good time.”

  “Didn’t we have a great time last night?” He sure as fuck did. They’d not had sex but touching, talking, and being together had been fun for him. Nothing was expected from him other than his company.

  “Yes, I did. You’ve got to understand that Friday night was the first night I went out. I don’t like going out or drinking. I struggle to talk and be myself.” Her hands were flying about as she spoke. The emotion in her voice touched a part of him.

  They needed to finish this conversation in the car. The moment they hit his apartment she would be over his knee. “I’m not looking for that.”

  “You work in a club,” she said.

  “Yes, exactly. I work at Extreme between five and six nights a week. This weekend is my one off in the month. The next three I’ll be there until three in the morning. I don’t want to spend my free time drinking.”

  “Why were you at Mixers?” she asked.

  “Chris called me. I wanted a good time and life has been shitty of late. I fucked up, like I told you. I had no one but my friend, and I’d not seen him for a long time. Mixers was the first time I went out in over four months.” He slammed his palm down on the wheel. “I’m not a big partier, Bella. I got that shit out of my system years ago.”

  She was silent for several minutes. “I like books.”

  “So? I like watching you. Do you see me trying to get rid of you because I like watching you?” This morning when he woke up, he spent an hour simply watching her sleep. “When I’m not working, I train with my equipment in my gym or I go for a run. If I’m bored, I’ll go to Extreme to see that everything is fine. I live a fucking boring life, Bella. You’re not the only one who isn’t doing shit.”

  He nodded at the guard as he pulled into the underground parking lot. Turning off the ignition, he turned to look at her. Tears shone in her eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “Don’t judge what I want and don’t even try to push another woman my way otherwise I’m going to get angry.” Unbuckling his seatbelt, he climbed out of the car going around to her side.

  She took the hand he offered. Together they made their way toward the elevator. He stayed quiet while she stared straight ahead. Placing his palm at the base of her back, he felt her tense. “Relax.”

  “I feel awful.”

  “Don’t throw your sister or any other woman at me. I saw you on Friday with your three friends and the only person I wanted was you.” The elevator took them to his floor. Getting off, he followed her down the long corridor where he let them inside.

  “I’ve not been home for two days.”

  “I’m working tomorrow so I’ll drop you off at work and I’ll meet you at your house,” he said, throwing the keys on the counter once he locked the door.

  Going to the sofa, he sat down, rolling up his sleeves, getting ready to give her ass some much needed punishment.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “I’m going to spank you. You deserve punishment.”

  “I’ve never been a submissive, Jake. I don’t know what I’m doing.” She rubbed her hands together. He saw her nipples pressed against the fabric of her shirt. She’d be wearing the same clothes she wore on Saturday. They’d be going in the wash once he got her naked.

  “Your ass is getting a spanking has nothing to with being a submissive. I don’t expect you to suddenly become something you’re not. Becoming a submissive takes time, patience, and practice.” He gazed down her body. Jake knew she was a submissive. He’d been training them for a long time, long enough to spot the submissive side in every woman. “Tonight all I’m going to do is spank you for trying to push me away. You’ll be over my knee and I’ll use my hand.”

  “What if I can’t be what you want?” she asked, stepping a little closer.

  “I’m a Dom, and I want you. Do you think I don’t worry about the same stuff?”

  “You can have any woman you want.”

  “And you can have any man. Don’t start worrying about what you can and can’t be until we’ve tried everything.” He took her hand, tugging her close. “Now, get over my knee and face your punishment. You�
��re going to learn, Bella, not to throw women at me one way or the other.”

  She bit her lip and slowly eased herself across his knees. He pushed up the skirt she wore, revealing the tops of her creamy thighs. She didn’t wear any panties as he’d ruined them. Caressing her ass, he groaned. “I love your ass.

  “Then why are you going to hurt me?”

  Raising his palm, he brought it down wide across both her cheeks.

  Bella gave a yelp, tensing in his arms.

  “Because, you deserve it. I’m the man of the house and you’ll learn to do as you’re told.”

  The print on her ass looked nice and light pink. He thought about Daisy along with what Bella tried to do.

  He brought his palm down over her butt again, changing position so he got a good spread of red over her lush cheeks. After the tenth spank, her flesh was a glorious red. What he also saw was her cream glistening on the lips of her sex. The scent of her arousal filled the air.

  She’d stopped tensing halfway through her punishment to press up, begging for more.

  “Is that it?” she asked, sounding disappointed.

  “Do you want more?”

  Silence met his answer. Caressing his fingers across the red area, he heard her moan.

  “Yes, I want more.”

  Smiling, Jake gave her two harder smacks on the ass. She opened her legs wide and she gripped his leg hard. “I think you protest too much about not wanting this lifestyle.”

  “I’ve never felt like this. What’s happening to me?”

  He slid a finger through her creamy slit. Pressing two fingers into her core, he watched her open up to take the digits. His cock hardened at the sight she presented.

  “You liked the pain and the punishment I gave you. Some men and women do.”

  “I don’t feel like you’re upset with me anymore,” she said, resting her head on his leg.

  Picking her up, he laid her beside him, keeping her legs open.

  “You’re going to give me this relationship, aren’t you?” he asked, pressing a finger in deep.



  “Because I want to. I hate the thought of you going elsewhere when I’m right here. You make me feel things no one else ever has.”

  “Good.” He had no intention of going anywhere else. Tomorrow when he saw Ryan, he’d be talking with him about stopping his training.


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