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Bound by Love

Page 2

by Red Phoenix

  “Nyet,” he scoffed. “Not when it is done for amusement.”

  “I’m pretty sure Sir would not approve.”

  “I will gladly face his wrath for both of us. You can tell him I commanded it.”

  Brie shook her head, laughing. “No, I’m not going to start lying to him now. If I’m doing this, I’m doing it of my own free will, and I will even accept the rice punishment, if I must.”

  “Excellent,” Rytsar said, slapping her on the back like a comrade. He stepped over the bag of cat food and strode into Master Anderson’s house as if he owned the place.

  “Radost moya, you start with the couches. Put one under every cushion. I will head to his bedroom. It’s time to get creative…”

  Brie felt extremely naughty as she stepped over the cat food and walked into his house, quietly shutting the door behind her. There was something wicked about being in someone’s house uninvited, but the allure of the whoopees made her throw caution to the wind.

  After blowing up the first one and slipping it under a cushion of his large leather sectional, her nervousness lessened. She could just imagine the look on his face when he went to sit down and that humorous sound escaped from underneath him.

  With glee, she blew up the next one, and the next. While she was positive he would find all of the whoopee cushions she’d hidden in the couch after sitting on the first one, he would never suspect there were more waiting for him other places in the house.

  After hiding as many whoopee cushions as she could in his great room, Brie went to see what Rytsar was up to and found him placing a less inflated one in Master Anderson’s boot.

  “Oh, that’s a great idea! I never thought about leaving them partially inflated. That gives us so many more options!”

  “Don’t hold back,” he encouraged her.

  She glanced around Master Anderson’s bedroom, trying to figure out the best place to put the one she had in her hand. Her eyes rested on his bed. Although his head was not heavy enough to force the air out, just having it under his pillow would let him know she was thinking of him.

  Giggling like a loon, she slipped it under his pillow and decided to put one under the other pillow, too. She then left Rytsar to finish as she headed for the next room.

  “Oh, my goodness!” she cried when she opened the door.

  Rytsar was beside her in an instant, asking what was wrong.

  She cooed. “I’ve found Cayenne and the kittens!” Brie knelt on the floor as the orange tabby walked up to her with the passel of kittens following behind.

  Brie was in cat heaven, the whoopee cushions completely forgotten.

  She stroked the tabby, telling Cayenne with remorse, “I wish Shadow was here to see this little family you’ve created. They’re adorable.”

  Cayenne brushed up against her briefly before lying down on the floor. Immediately, three of the kittens ran up and started suckling.

  Rytsar snorted, pointing at the hungry little fluff balls. “I bet you’re glad you are only having one. That’s a lot of mouths to feed.”

  The black male with the crystal blue eyes was the only one brave enough to walk over to Rytsar and sniff his boot. The kitten let out a sad meow as if he recognized his father’s scent and was protesting Shadow’s absence.

  Rytsar stared down at him and grumbled, “While you do remind me of your father, kot, there is no point in trying to get on my good side. I only have room in my heart for one feline, and he had to save my life to get it. Cuteness has zero pull with me.”

  Brie picked up the kitten for Rytsar to get a better look. “But just look how adorably adorable he is, Rytsar. How can you resist that cute wittle face?”

  Rytsar stared at Brie, unmoved. “There are enough crazy kot people in the world. I do not need to be converted.”

  Brie kissed the kitten on his little nose and set him back down. She suspected it wouldn’t take much convincing to get Rytsar to change his mind. Despite his gruff exterior, that sadist had a soft heart.

  One just had to look at how he treated Little Sparrow, and the extravagant gift of caviar he’d given Shadow as a thank-you, to know he was secretly a pet person—no matter how much he tried to deny it.

  She glanced over at the window and cried, “Oh look, Rytsar! Master Anderson has built an outdoor pen for Shadow’s family so they can go in and out whenever they want.” Brie pushed on the plastic flap in the window, sticking her head through to look at the large, screened-in pen he’d constructed. It was full of cat ramps, cat cubbies, and scratching posts.

  “I think he’s serious about keeping them all,” she said, turning around to face Rytsar.

  “Foolish man. That’s why you don’t let the creatures into your heart. Before you know it, you’ve become a pathetic loser. He might as well stamp a big ‘L’ on his forehead.”

  “But you’re wrong, Rytsar. Lots of women find men who love animals attractive.”

  He gave her a lustful grin. “Well, I’m enough animal for my women.”

  Brie giggled, loving his manly confidence.

  “Now, back to work, radost moya. We still have twenty of these to hide.”

  “Yes, Rytsar,” she answered obediently, kissing each kitten on the head and giving Cayenne one more scratch under her chin before closing the door and heading toward the basement. She knew that was where Master Anderson had set up his adult playroom in his new house.

  Oh, what kind of mischief could she cause down there? Brie could just imagine him in the middle of an intense scene, and then the sound of a lone fart cutting through the air at the worst possible moment…

  She laughed out loud as she turned the doorknob leading to the basement.

  “Just what are you up to, young Brie?” a low, charming voice asked behind her.

  She turned around, blushing profusely even as she hid the whoopee cushions behind her back. “I…ah…”

  Master Anderson held up the bag of cat food. “I was coming back from my jog and found this on the doorstep. I take it this is from you?”

  She stared at the cat food and smiled. “Actually, it’s from Shad—”

  Rytsar came waltzing into the hallway, oblivious to Master Anderson standing there. “We can’t forget the kitchen. That man lives in his k—”

  As soon as Rytsar saw Master Anderson in the hallway, he nonchalantly put the incriminating evidence behind his back.

  “You are trespassing,” Master Anderson stated somberly, pointing at Rytsar.

  “I am,” Rytsar answered, not even bothering to deny it.

  “Why are you here, Durov?”

  “Truthfully? I came to get even.”

  “Even for what? If I remember correctly, you said I was forgiven.”

  “And I have forgiven you.”

  “Then why am I still picking up on resentment from you?”

  “While I believe it was not your fault that I failed to be contacted right after the plane crash, the fact remains that Nosaka was the one you called to care for radost moya after you broke your leg—not me. I still cannot fathom why. It makes no sense to me.”

  Master Anderson glanced at Brie and shrugged. “I felt Nosaka was the better choice.”

  “Why?” Rytsar demanded again.

  “This may not be the best time to discuss it,” Master Anderson stated, glancing over at Brie and motioning his head for emphasis.

  “I want to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth, and I’m not leaving until I do,” Rytsar stated, crossing his arms.

  Brie looked at both men nervously. She cared for and respected both of them and did not want the two to be at odds with each other.

  “It was a precarious time for everyone,” Master Anderson stated.


  Master Anderson glanced at Brie before admitting, “Even I struggled to keep things at a platonic level when she needed help.”

  She blushed, understanding why he had been reluctant to speak about it in front of her.

  Master Anderson conti
nued, admitting to her with a grin of embarrassment, “It was the reason for all the soup.”

  Brie smiled, chuckling to herself, finally grasping why he’d insisted on making copious amounts of soup at the apartment. “Well, you were always the gentleman to me, Master Anderson,” she told him, rubbing her stomach lovingly. “And you made sure my little girl got the nutrients she needed.”

  Brie told Rytsar with sadness in her voice, “When my world was falling apart, he helped me to keep my path straight, even when I was riddled with doubt. And he made me laugh—I really needed that.”

  She glanced back at Master Anderson. “I remember every little thing you did back then, Master Anderson, and I will always be grateful to you for it.”

  He gave her a charming half-smile. “Think nothing of it, young Brie. The fact you are safe and Thane is recovering is all the thanks I need.” He placed his hand over his heart, and for good measure, he flexed his pecs, making the material of his shirt dance.

  Brie giggled. “See? You always make me laugh, and I love that about you.”

  “I, too, appreciate your good humor, but…” Rytsar said, looking at Master Anderson, “your statement insinuates that I would have lost control and crossed that line. To assume that I would fail where you did not is extremely arrogant on your part.”

  “Look, I know what a passionate man you are.”

  Rytsar narrowed his eyes. “Thane is my brother. Why would you ever think I would betray him like that?”

  “Thane is like a brother to me as well, buddy, and I’ve known him longer than you. But I’m telling you…the struggle was real. Even Nosaka felt it.”

  Brie’s eyes widened. Tono had seemed so calm and in control when he was with her. It broke her heart to know he’d secretly suffered, too. At the time, she’d been so focused on Sir that she hadn’t given a thought to anyone else.

  Master Anderson pointed at Brie. “See? Look what you’ve done by forcing me to discuss it. Young Brie feels badly now, and that was never my intent.”

  Rytsar glanced at Brie, saying nothing for several moments. Finally, he broke the silence, telling Master Anderson, “The truth—I was the only one to be trusted.”

  Master Anderson shook his head in disagreement.

  “Da, you know it is true. And, yet, I was kept in the dark. You must have realized something was wrong when I didn’t show up for weeks after.”

  “As I told you before, I was barely hanging on, myself. If things had been normal, I would have eventually figured that out.”

  Rytsar snarled. “I think it boils down to jealousy.”

  “Jealousy of what?” Master Anderson cried indignantly.

  “My relationship with Thane. To be honest, I have wondered if keeping me in the dark was a form of payback.”

  Master Anderson looked at Brie, brushing his hair back angrily. “Can you believe this guy?”

  “Do you deny it?” Rytsar demanded.

  “I sure as hell do!” Master Anderson took a step closer to him, physically stating his dominance. “I never once felt jealous of you. Why would I? Thane and I were friends long before you.” He squared his jaw and looked Rytsar in the eye. “The fact you even think so is insulting.”

  “Hah,” Rytsar replied, a smirk on his lips. “I said the same thing to you after you dared to question the scars that radost moya and I share.”

  Master Anderson cocked his head to one side, his voice hinting at his growing annoyance. “Yeah…I’m still not sure about your decision to bond with her by blood without Thane’s permission. At the very least, it was a rash thing to do.”

  “But necessary,” Rytsar stated firmly.

  “Since Thane has not spoken against it, I cannot argue the point with you. However, I would have strongly cautioned you against it, had you asked.”

  “That’s the difference between you and me,” Rytsar declared. “You’ve become overly cautious as you’ve gotten older.”

  “And you are still controlled by your passions.”

  Rytsar crossed his arms.

  Brie finally spoke up, the truth being very clear to her. “That’s why Sir loves you both. You are authentic and true. Fighting about your differences is like water arguing with fire. You can’t change each other’s nature nor should you try. I personally think you’re both perfect the way you are, and I wouldn’t change a thing.”

  Rytsar snorted in response, continuing to stare Master Anderson down.

  Master Anderson, on the other hand, winked at Brie. “Fire describes Durov to a T.” Instead of arguing further, he offered Rytsar a challenge. “How about we settle this like men?”

  Rytsar raised an eyebrow. “What do you propose?”

  “Let’s arm wrestle. If I win, you lose that attitude and raise your hands up in the air, declaring I’m the champion. If you win, I will not only concede that you are the champion, but will kiss Brie’s scar as a sign you were right all along.”

  Rytsar smirked. “Are you sure?” He pumped his right arm, his muscles bulging impressively. “I’m no American pussy.”

  “Neither am I,” Master Anderson replied, rubbing his hands together. “Let the battle begin.”

  When he turned and started toward the kitchen, Rytsar handed Brie the rest of the whoopee cushions he’d been hiding behind his back and whispered, “Do not let him see them.”

  Brie looked around for a place to hide them as she was heading down the hallway and stepped into the first room she passed. Trying not to giggle, she stuffed them in his washing machine and quickly caught up with the two Doms.

  The men were in full competition mode. Before they had even made it to the kitchen table, Master Anderson had ripped off his shirt.

  They sat at the corner of the table, facing each other, wearing grim looks of determination.

  “Young Brie will do the honors of starting the match,” Master Anderson informed them.

  Brie was afraid Rytsar might hurt his ribs by doing this and warned him, “I don’t think you should do this.”

  “Begin the match,” Rytsar insisted.

  Despite her misgivings, Brie placed her hands over their clasped ones, making sure neither started before she officially counted down. She could feel the tension in their fists, their muscles tensed and ready as they waited for the war of muscles to begin.

  “I’m going to count down from three and let go. Are you ready?”


  Master Anderson gave her a charming smile. “I was born ready, darlin’.”

  “Three…two…one!” She lifted her hands and the battle was on.

  Both men stared at each other intensely, looking for weakness in the other as they gritted their teeth and channeled all their strength into beating the other.

  Brie squealed with excitement, cheering for both as she circled the table. Master Anderson and Rytsar were both stubborn, neither wanting to lose. After a few minutes, the strain was beginning to show as perspiration showed on Rytsar’s forehead.

  Brie was afraid of the strain he was putting on his broken ribs and told him, “I think you should stop.”

  “Nyet,” he growled through gritted teeth.

  Rytsar continued to grunt and growl, unwilling to relinquish his hold even as his body strained under the pressure. Somehow, he took the lead.

  Inch by inch, he forced Master Anderson’s hand down to the table, pinning it.

  Rytsar gave him a self-satisfied smirk afterward. “You have something to say?”

  Master Anderson sat back in his chair, shaking his head. “Well, I guess a bet’s a bet.”


  Master Anderson smiled charmingly as he raised his hands in the air. “You, Anton Durov, are the champion—this time.” He then held out his hand to Brie. She walked over, and he took her wrist, placing a gentle kiss on the scar left from her bloodbond with Rytsar. It was so sweet, it made her heart flutter.

  Master Anderson then tipped an imaginary hat at the Russian. “Since you proved a worthy opponent”—he
nodded toward the back of the house—“I will not call the cops for trespassing, but I’d still like to know what the hell you were doing in my home.”

  “That was not part of the deal,” Rytsar informed him, getting up slowly. “Let’s go, radost moya. We need to let this cowboy lick his wounds.”

  Master Anderson held out his hand to Rytsar. “So, we are friends again—yes?”

  Rytsar took his hand. “We were always friends, even when I did not care for you.”

  Master Anderson chuckled. “Same here, partner.”

  He turned to Brie and asked, “Did you see what I built for the kittens?”

  “I did!” she answered. “It’s totally amazing!”

  “The little buggers certainly seem to enjoy it.”

  “So you are really planning to keep all six?”

  “To be honest, I couldn’t bear breaking up the family.”

  “I’m thrilled to hear you say that,” Brie told him, taking advantage of his timely lead-in. “Because that’s the real reason I came here today. Shadow feels the responsibility of his fatherhood and, naturally, he insists on paying child support since he can’t be here to care for them himself.”

  Master Anderson laughed. “So that’s what the bag of ‘kitten support’ was doing on my porch…”

  “Yes, it would be wonderful if Shadow could visit his family sometime, don’t you think?”

  “Oh, hell no! I’m not going to allow that cat anywhere near my Cayenne again. Once was more than enough, thank you.”

  “But you don’t understand. Shadow legitimately misses them, Master Anderson. I can feel Shadow’s pain.” Brie looked at him sadly while pouting her bottom lip, hoping to convince him.

  Master Anderson shook his head. “You don’t play fair, young lady.” He glanced over at Rytsar and asked, “How the heck am I supposed to resist that face?”

  Rytsar chuckled at him. “As the winner tonight, I say you grant her wish.”

  “I wouldn’t go abusing that power so soon, champ,” Master Anderson said with a bite of sarcasm.

  Rytsar started walking toward the door, his gate stiffer than before. “My job here is done,” he announced, heading out.

  Master Anderson stopped Brie before she left. “Make sure the Russian didn’t hurt himself. I tried not to tax his ribs too much.”


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