Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 10

by Red Phoenix

  “Tonight, I want you to write a new fantasy for me.”

  Her heart fluttered when she heard his command. Her journal was like a blueprint for Sir, giving him inspiration whenever he wanted to surprise her with a special scene. And, lucky for her, the man was exceedingly creative with his interpretation of her words.

  “It’s been a while since I’ve written one of these,” she mused as she took the journal from him.

  “I enjoy the challenge of them, téa.”

  Hearing him calling her by her sub name made Brie feel all warm inside.

  He gave Brie a chaste kiss on the forehead. “I look forward to reading it while you lie sleeping in my bed.”

  Brie settled in for the evening after feeding Hope. The nurse had taken the baby to monitor her overnight since they both were being released in the morning.

  It meant Brie was alone for the first time in the hospital. It would have been depressing, if it hadn’t been for Sir’s assignment.

  She got out her beloved journal and picked up the special pen the Submissive Training Center had given her. Sifting through the pages to find the first blank one, Brie opened the book wide, laying it in her lap. She smiled as she stared down at the lines that begged to be filled.

  Brie unconsciously nibbled on her pen as she contemplated what fantasy she wanted to see played out. Her recent daydream of not having a safeword had been alluring, so she decided to go with that and a variation of her Warrior Fantasy…

  I hear them coming and know we are in trouble. The marauders are without mercy, taking whatever they want—supplies, weapons, food…and women.

  I run, knowing my life depends on it, but I am smaller than the others, and my short strides keep me from catching up.

  I hear the hard breathing of an approaching horse and the shrill cry of its rider just before my feet become entangled in bindings and I fall hard to the ground. The impact is so great, it knocks the air out of me. I struggle to breathe as the dark shadow of a marauder hovers over me. He grabs my feet, undoing the bindings he has so skillfully wrapped around my ankles with his throw. Before I have time to break away, he forces my wrists together and binds them quickly, dragging me to his horse.

  I know if I cannot escape now, I will never see my village again. I scream and thrash as he tries to throw me onto the horse. When I won’t cooperate, he chooses to tie me on the back of the beast like a sack of goods. He jumps onto his horse and heads north, toward the Sheik’s territory.

  I try to scream for my father, but the bouncing hindquarters of the beast continuously knocks the wind from me. I leave my home with only muffled cries, watching the village burn down behind me.

  My future is lost…

  The journey is long, and those of us who have been captured are given little to drink. One of the younger girls dies along the way, but I do not know the cause. We are nothing now. Slaves to the Sheik—without status or names. Forced to work until our dying breath.

  I weep in the dark of the night, knowing my life is over before it has really begun.

  When we finally arrive, I am confronted by a sea of tents. The sheer number is as amazing as it is horrifying. The Sheik is a very wealthy man.

  We are taken off the horses, tied together, and led away. I glance around desperately, hoping to see a kind face in the crowd of strangers. These people are nothing like mine. They are nomads, dressed in expensive robes and turbans, flaunting the wealth they’ve gained off the backs of those they have plundered.

  I know the Sheik is a powerful man, feared by all who are unfortunate enough to cross his path. His reputation is the stuff of nightmares. He is ruthless and cruel—terrorizing the land with his merciless bandits.

  I think of Dabir and tears come to my eyes as we are presented to a group of men. Dabir will never be my husband, our young love one more casualty of the Sheik’s marauders. In the blink of an eye, I go from having a future with a husband, to the bleakness of being a slave with none.

  The men before us appear to be important, based on their ornamental attire. The marauders separate me from the group and bring me before them. The two men talk amongst themselves as they look me over critically. One touches my hair and then nods.

  Rather than being returned to the others, I scream in terror as I am dragged away.

  A large stranger covers my mouth with his hand, lifting me up over his shoulder to carry me to a nearby tent.

  I understand now what is happening to me and thrash in terror. I’ve heard horror stories about young girls being used by the bandits—it is the worst fate imaginable.

  I realize now that being made a slave would be a gift compared to this. Although I have been silenced, tears run down my cheeks as I struggle for my life.

  Death would be preferable to this…

  A woman opens the flap, and I am carried inside. I instantly relax when I see there are only three women standing before me. No men.

  Once I stop struggling, the man sets me down and immediately leaves the tent.

  I stare at the women in silence, wondering what they have in store for me. Two walk over and begin ripping at my clothes. But the other one holds up her hand, a smile on her lips as she shows me a piece of fruit.

  My stomach growls, not having eaten for days.

  The other two move away after stripping me bare. Despite my fear, I cannot resist the alluring smell of the fruit and walk toward the woman, taking it from her and stuffing it into my mouth.

  Sweet heaven fills my mouth and the tears I cry are of joy.

  She speaks to me in a soothing voice as she directs me to sit. I do so, hoping for more food if I am compliant.

  My body is thoroughly washed, the sweat and dirt of travel cleansed from it before I am shaven, including my mound. They then wash and comb out my hair. The women seem to marvel at it, stroking my mane of hair—a gift of my lineage.

  They dress me in a simple gown, the material see-through and light. An opulent veil, adorned with exquisite jewels, covers my face.

  I feel like a princess as the women stand back to admire their work.

  Such fancy dress can only mean one thing: I am to become part of the Sheik’s harem, one of many women held prisoner and used for his pleasure. To be committed to a man who will treat me as if I am a faceless commodity, a slave to his perverted desires, is little better than what I first feared.

  I start crying.

  The women hush me, trying to console me with words I do not understand as they dry my tears. A plate of food is brought out and the women proceed to feed me fresh fruits, dates, and cheese. I momentarily forget my fear as I indulge in the abundance of delectable foods.

  Always, for as long as I can remember, I have been hungry. This is the first time I am allowed to eat until I am full. I smile at the woman who wipes away the juices that have dribbled down my chin.

  I reconsider my fate and can understand why these women seem happy for me. However, I will be the property of the Sheik, a man known for his heartless cruelty.

  I wait fearfully after the three women leave the tent, laying my head against a soft pillow on the floor. I mourn for the loss of my family and the life I have known. I will never experience the love of a loyal man or the joy of having children with him.

  I am only property now.

  Late in the afternoon, they come for me. One of the eunuchs sticks his head into the tent and gestures that I follow him.

  I suck in my breath, frozen for a moment, but force myself to stand up and leave with him.

  My heart is racing as he leads me to a large tent in the center of the camp. I hesitate for a moment before I enter. The inside is lined with fine textiles, and the floor covered in soft Persian rugs. I stop for a moment, overwhelmed by the colors. Never in my life have I imagined such luxury.

  The Sheik stands on the other side of the tent, watching me. His gaze burns my skin as his eyes slowly travel over my body, the material of my clothing leaving little to the imagination. He does not smile when our eyes m
eet, and my heart skips.

  I am afraid.

  He voices a command I do not understand. The eunuch pushes me forward, and I force myself to walk toward him, each step difficult to take.

  The Sheik cups my chin and stares into my eyes. His are dark brown, deep, and full of treacherous mystery. He says nothing as his thumb grazes my bottom lip.

  He then barks a command to his men. They nod to him in respect before walking out of the tent. All except for one.

  I have no idea what is about to happen here. My mother would have told me the ways of men on the day of my wedding, but now that day will never come. I swallow down the sense of cold terror threatening to overwhelm me—wishing I could spirit myself away while my body endures his manly needs.

  The Sheik is an older man with salt-and-pepper hair. He does have a handsome face, but the fact he does not smile makes him intimidating. He stares at me for a long time, making no move toward me.

  A blush warms my cheeks, wondering if something is expected of me.

  The Sheik nods to the other man and, suddenly, he pulls my hands behind my back and holds them in a tight grip. My heart starts racing.

  Placing his finger under my chin, the Sheik tilts it upward as he leans in to kiss my lips. I am too frightened to respond but, as his kisses continue, I fearfully open my mouth to him.

  My body begins to tingle with excitement. His sexual confidence is like an aphrodisiac to someone as inexperienced as me. I’ve only known Dabir’s boyish fumbling, and this man oozes a confidence and erotic desire my body can’t help but respond to.

  He presses himself against me, grabbing the back of my neck as he kisses me again. His tongue invades my mouth, and my nether regions seem to explode with fiery need.

  When he lets go, I am left breathless and weak.

  The Sheik stares intently at my breasts.

  I hold my breath, unable to move as I watch him reach out and touch my nipple through the thin material. My insides contract and I begin to tremble as he caresses it.

  He looks at me, his eyes now filled with passionate fire. I am like a frightened rabbit, frozen in place as he pushes the material off my shoulder, exposing my naked breast to him.

  Letting out a low grunt, he grasps my hardening nipple and rolls it between his fingers. A feeling like a bolt of lightning shoots to my loins, and I gasp.

  He is encouraged by my response and pulls the material down off my other shoulder so it falls to my waist. His strong hands begin caressing and squeezing my breasts as his tongue plunders my mouth again.

  I am lost in his taste and the new sensations he evokes with his touch. I want more of him.

  With no warning, the other man releases me, and I cry out in surprise as the Sheik picks me up, carrying me to an area shielded by a canopy of silks. Once inside, I find the floor is covered in luxurious pillows. He lays me down and promptly begins ripping at my thin gown, leaving me naked and on display under his gaze.

  I close my eyes, embarrassed to be naked in front of this stranger.

  The Sheik takes a hold of my chin and barks a command. When I open my eyes, he forces me to watch as his lips descend on my nipple and he begins sucking on it. I have never known such a feeling, and my whole body tingles in pleasure.

  Is this man a sorcerer? I do not know, but I am totally captivated by him as goosebumps of pleasure rise on my skin.

  His kisses begin to trail lower, and I tense. My mound is completely bare. Although Dabir has snuck his hand under my clothes several times in the past, I have never been kissed there. I think I may burst into flames if he tries it.

  I whimper when the Sheik’s lips land on that sensitive area between my legs, and then his tongue grazes the entire length of it. Moaning softly, I twist and squirm, unused to such stimulation and unable to process the mounting sensations it creates.

  He chuckles to himself and stills me with his strong hands. I am forced to take the sensual attention of his tongue, and I whimper helplessly as his hands play with my body.

  Spreading my thighs wide, he stares at my sex and then snaps his fingers. The other man appears. He has a leather satchel with him. The man lays it down and unrolls it, exposing a number of items I have never seen before.

  I whimper when the Sheik picks up one of the items, a thin glass rod, and rubs it against my sex. Chills course through me as he slowly inserts the tool into my virginal opening. It is strange and unnatural, but as he begins to stroke my inner walls with it, I feel a new tingling take over. I close my eyes, gasping as the tension in my loins begins to build. My body tenses, and then an explosion of pleasure bursts from between my legs and my whole body pulses in ecstasy.

  Both men chuckle in approval.

  The Sheik removes the thin rod, now covered in my wetness, and places it to the side. I have not torn and am still a virgin, but something miraculous has happened, and I want more.

  I open my legs wider, hoping for his attention.

  This time, the other man, whom he calls Raja, picks up two delicate, small, beaded items. They look so pretty, like hanging jewels. He hands one to the Sheik, then moves beside me. I watch with trepidation as he places it on my nipple. He tightens it and soon the pressure becomes pain, and I whimper.

  The Sheik hands him the other one to repeat the process. I grab Raja’s wrist to stop him. He only smiles as he moves my hand away before continuing.

  Tears run down my cheeks as I lay there, both nipples adorned with their cruel decorations. The two men sit back and watch as my chest moves up and down rapidly.

  At first, it is terribly uncomfortable, but my nipples become numb and I stop crying. Raja begins to play with my breasts, and I find the attention uniquely pleasurable.

  I blush, embarrassed that I am so aroused by it.

  The Sheik grunts his approval and spreads my outer lips wide, as both men stare boldly at my sex. He begins stroking my clit with his finger. I hold my breath, uncertain what he will do. His touch creates a fire between my legs and I quiver with excitement.

  He suddenly stands up and begins to undress before me. The ravenous look in his eye is dangerously captivating. There is a primal part of me that longs to satisfy his craving.

  I am shocked when the other man begins to undress, too. I look from one to the other, my body tensing.

  The second man speaks to me in a soothing tone. His charming smile is a stark contrast to the Sheik, whose lips remain firm and serious. I silently pray the other man’s alluring smile means he will not hurt me.

  My eyes widen when I see the Sheik standing above me, fully undressed. He has a toned physique with beautiful bronze skin and a chest covered in fine hair. His manhood is long and erect.

  It demands my attention.

  I glance at the other man and see his shaft is rigid as well.

  Chills run through my body as the Sheik lies down beside me and I feel the warmth of his naked body next to mine. He wastes no time, kissing me as his hard cock presses against my thigh, announcing its intention. I cannot help it, I close my eyes again to concentrate on his kissing and distract myself from what is to come.

  His kisses are electric, sending pleasurable jolts through my body, convincing me that I need to fulfill his desire. But I can’t help it. When he climbs on top of me and settles between my legs, I cry out in fear.

  That feeling is only increased when Raja takes my wrists, pinning me down.

  “Shh…shh….” my handsome Sheik whispers in my ear as he presses his shaft against my virginal opening. I hold my breath. Tilting my head back, I look into Raja’s eyes as he holds my wrists.

  My mouth is covered by his warm lips as the Sheik claims my virginity. He begins to thrust his cock inside me, my body willingly taking his manly invasion.

  Raja frees my wrists. I feel his warm lips begin to explore my body while he continues to watch the Sheik push deeper inside me.

  It is obvious by the man’s erection that he finds watching us stimulating.

  When the Sheik beg
ins rolling his hips, I come to know what it is to be possessed. I turn my head and moan into the pillow—the Sheik my only reality.

  My body accepts his deeper penetration when I feel teeth against my neck. It causes a seductive chill to course through me as Raja claims my throat with a bite.

  I am like a young animal, instantly relaxing, allowing the Sheik to take more of me. I cry out in pain and pleasure as he begins pumping his seed deep into my virginal depths.

  Afterward, he pulls out and collapses beside me, panting heavily. The two of us lie there, his spent shaft resting against my thigh. I glance at Raja stroking his cock and realize this encounter is not over.

  However, I know that the Sheik would never allow another man to impregnate me. The bloodline must remain pure. It is the reason eunuchs are the only males allowed to care for his harem.

  I tentatively reach down and touch my ravaged sex to see the blood on my fingers, announcing that my innocence has been claimed.

  With tenderness I did not expect, the Sheik begins to cleanse the area, wiping away all evidence of his claiming. Afterward, he leans down and gently kisses my sex, that sly smile returning to his lips.

  My heart melts a little bit when I realize there is more behind his daunting exterior.

  My heart begins racing when he removes the clamps on my nipples, causing a painful ache. With gentle attention, the Sheik rubs my breasts before kissing each tender nipple.

  I close my eyes and sigh, amazed at this man’s power over my body.

  The Sheik slowly turns me over onto my stomach, and places a pillow beneath my stomach, propping my pelvis up. He then lies beside me, stroking my soft hair. Nothing more happens, and I begin to relax as I enjoy the delightful tingling he creates that travels from my head all the way to my toes.

  I remain in this relaxed state, watching Raja take something from the leather satchel, but I cannot see what it is. I look into the Sheik’s eyes, needing his reassurance.

  I notice the ravenous glint in his gaze has returned and he barks a command to the man. Raja positions himself behind me and I feel the hardness of his cock resting in the valley of my buttocks.


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