Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 11

by Red Phoenix

  I hold my breath as the slippery head of his manhood presses against my ass. When I struggle, the Sheik stills me.


  He hushes me, letting me know this is what he hungers for. Goosebumps rise on my skin as I still myself and feel Raja’s hard shaft slowly entering me.

  The Sheik begins kissing me again, his kisses becoming more passionate as his tongue ravages my mouth. He is clearly excited by my acceptance and grunts in pleasure as Raja starts pumping my virginal ass with his cock.

  I whimper between kisses, both frightened and excited by what is happening. As we sync into a sensual rhythm, the three of us become one. I respond to the Sheik’s deep kisses as I accept the fullness of Raja’s cock.

  Even though both men are strangers, I have never felt such a connection. I had no idea such a thing was possible between three people. When Raja fists my hair and pulls my head back, the Sheik takes advantage of my exposed breasts and plays with my nipples.

  I feel the tension building again.

  They have taught me the pleasure my body is capable of. So, instead of fighting it, I give in to the mounting tension, letting it crash over me as I cry out in pure pleasure. Raja joins me with his own groans of passion, and I am filled with his warm seed. There is no threat to the bloodline—a wicked way to ensure it.

  Afterward, the three of us lie there in silence. I am completely spent, but take comfort being between these two men. I wonder if this is how it will always be or if this is a one-time encounter.

  I turn my head to look at the Sheik. He’s staring at me, his hand moving leisurely up and down his shaft.

  It seems this is just the beginning…

  Brie looked through the pages she had just written, realizing it was longer than her other fantasies. She giggled as she set her journal on the tray and laid the pen down. She couldn’t wait to see how Sir would play this one out.

  Lea for the Win

  With the baby arriving three weeks early, the baby shower her friends had planned was cancelled. Instead, all the gifts were shipped to their apartment so they could use the baby items when they returned from the hospital.

  Brie enjoyed unwrapping the adorable gifts from their friends like Master Anderson’s miniature fairy garden and pink cowboy boots; the matryoshka nesting dolls Rytsar had custom-made of intricately hand-painted woodland animals to match the baby’s room; a monthly subscription of baby books from Marquis and Celestia; Tono’s beautiful Japanese doll made of porcelain, dressed in an intricate silk kimono of pink; Lea’s black onesie with stylish ruffles and “My little black dress” in rhinestones; Faelan’s case of Mommy’s Time Out wine; Mary’s swaddling blanket with the words “Shit just got real”; and Master Coen’s cute stuffed kangaroo sent all the way from Australia.

  Brie was extremely touched by all the presents, but she was sad that she never got the chance to hang with her friends. However, she needn’t have worried.

  Brie picked up her phone when it started ringing, and saw that Mary was calling.

  “Hey Brie, I need to talk. Stat.”

  “What’s up, Mary?”

  “This isn’t something I can talk about over the phone. Mind if I come over?”

  “Everything okay?”

  Mary snorted. “Is that your roundabout way of saying no?”

  Brie laughed. “Not at all, but let me ask Sir if he minds having a visitor. He’s been busy today.”

  Pressing the mute button, she asked, “Sir, something’s up with Mary. Do you mind if she comes over for a bit?”

  He stopped what he was doing and turned from his desk to answer her. “I could use a little break. I’ll leave so you can have some privacy.”

  “Oh, no. No need for that.”

  He stood up and stretched. “Actually, it would do me some good.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Sir asked her, “How often does Miss Wilson ask to talk?”


  “Then I think she should come.”

  Brie nodded, unmuting her phone and putting it back up to her ear. “It’s a go. Come on over.”

  “Good. I just need to pick up one item before I head to your place. Hopefully, it won’t take long.”

  “What do you need? Maybe we have it.”

  “Nah, don’t worry. I’ll see you when I get there.”

  As Sir was getting ready to leave, he told her, “I think you should wear your pearls.”

  She laughed. “Why? It’s just Mary.”

  He gave her a seductive smile as he was heading out the door, “There is a high probability that you may be molested when I return home.”

  Brie grinned, throwing him a kiss as he shut the door. Not only did she get out her long strand of pearls, but she also dressed in something a little more stylish and sexy, wanting to impress Sir when he came back home.

  Once she was dressed, Brie checked on Hope and saw that she was just beginning to wake. Picking her up, she sat down in the nursing chair, wanting to feed her before Mary arrived.

  As Brie rocked slowly and Hope suckled, she hummed a lullaby. Nursing was her favorite time of the day. Having that intimate connection with her daughter, a stolen moment between just the two of them, was something she deeply cherished.

  By the time Mary knocked on the door, Hope was already asleep again in the bassinet Brie had placed next to the couch. She wanted Hope close, so she could give Mary her full attention without needing to check on the baby.

  She went to answer the door, wondering what had Mary concerned enough to stop by. She hoped it wasn’t anything serious.


  Brie just about jumped out of her skin, then began laughing as Lea, Candy, and Autumn shook cheerleading pompoms, shouting, “Hope, Hope, Hope…”

  “It’s your After Baby Baby Shower!” Lea cried.

  “Oh, my goodness, you guys almost gave me a heart attack,” Brie cried, giggling as she ushered them inside. Mary followed behind them with a heavy bag. “What, no pompoms?” Brie teased.

  “Not my thing, Stinky Cheese.”

  Mary went to the kitchen to unload her bag while the other girls headed straight to the bassinet. “Oh, my gosh, she’s so dang cute,” Lea cooed.

  Brie looked at Autumn in surprise. “I can’t believe you came from Denver for this.”

  “Shh…we haven’t said anything yet, but Tono came with me to scope out the housing situation. He’s considering moving back here.”

  “With you?”

  She blushed. “That’s the plan.”

  “Whoo-ee!” Lea cried. “That’s the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  Hope made a noise from the bassinet and Lea instantly covered her mouth. “Sorry, Brie,” she whispered.

  “I’ve found that newborns sleep a lot,” Brie said, laughing. “And it’s hard to wake this little one after she’s been fed.”

  Lea stared at Brie’s boobs. “Wow, girl, yours are looking almost as impressive as mine these days.”

  Brie looked down at her breasts and grinned. “Yeah, I must admit, it’s a nice perk of breastfeeding.”

  Candy looked at her own smaller ones and joked, “Maybe I should look into it.”

  “No way, girl,” Mary called from the kitchen. “You know how Captain feels about your nips.”

  “Yeah, you’re right.” She giggled, blushing a deep shade of pink.

  Brie started toward the kitchen to see if she could help, but Mary stopped her. “Don’t come any closer.”

  “But, I—”

  “Look, Stinky Cheese, I didn’t go to all this trouble for nothing. You just head on back there and stay there.”

  Lea came up beside Brie. “Mary, what can I do to help?”

  “You could start by making the drinks.”

  “What about us?” Candy and Autumn asked.

  “You guys can set out the food.”

  Brie shook her head. “I can’t believe you guys did this.”

  “We didn’t,” Lea
answered. “This was all Mary’s doing.”

  Brie turned to Mary in surprise. “You did this for me?”

  “Hey, I figured somebody needed to throw you a party since you got gypped, popping out the kid too early.”

  “You’re right. I was feeling sad I missed out.”

  Mary gave her a wink before telling Lea, “Get drinks made already. I’m dying of thirst here.”

  “Yeah, yeah…Blondie.”

  “Enough with the sass, big boobs. Get the lead out.”

  Brie grinned, loving the familiar banter between the two.

  Mary tore open a bag of miniature colored clothespins, explaining to Brie, “Lea insisted I had to have games for this party. Well, I googled baby shower games and they were all too damn stupid. So this is all you get.” She handed each person three clothespins. “Pin these on yourself where everyone can see them. Once I say go, if you catch someone saying the word ‘baby,’ you get all their clothespins. The woman who wins them all gets to keep them and utilize them however her kinky heart desires.” She opened and closed the purple one in her hand. “And, let me tell you, these puppies aren’t just good for the ol’ nipple…”

  Brie giggled. “Only a bunch of subbies would look at a simple clothespin and, instead of thinking laundry, immediately think pervertibles.”

  “You got that right,” Candy said, giving Autumn a friendly elbow in the ribs. “I hear you’re one of us now.”

  Autumn blushed. “Actually, I’m just training under Tono. I’m not official like you guys.”

  “Nonsense,” Lea said.

  Brie agreed. “Doesn’t matter if you train with one Dom or a school of them.”

  “Especially if you’re training with Tono,” Lea said. “You got yourself a dreamboat there, Autumn.”

  “And ‘Go’, the game has officially started,” Mary announced to the group as she pinned her purple pins on. Looking at Brie, she added, “So, rather than waste time with these lame-ass games, I thought it would be more fun to sit and chat like we used to. It’s been a long time since we’ve been able to do that as a group.”

  “I love me some Girl-Time,” Brie agreed.

  “Nice pearls, Brie,” Lea said as she walked over to give Brie her glass of coconut milk. “I was expecting you to be in sweats with your hair up when we got here.”

  Brie laughed, but Lea’s comment started her thinking. She pulled out her phone and texted Sir:

  Baby Shower. But I bet you already knew that.

  Enjoy, little mama.

  She suddenly realized that had been the reason he’d insisted on pearls.

  Am I still going to be molested, Sir?

  Of course.

  She smiled to herself.

  Looking forward to it!

  Setting her phone down, Brie took the middle seat on the couch and put an arm around Lea. “You remember when I would record you and Mary after our lessons at the Center, and then we’d stay up all hours of the night talking about it?”

  “Absolutely. I still think about those days.”

  “We were idiots back then,” Mary commented, sitting down with her drink.

  “Actually, only one of us was an idiot. And, to be clear, it wasn’t Lea or me,” Brie teased.


  “But it is funny to think how naïve I was back then,” she told them.

  “I have to say, girlfriend, you were always true to your heart,” Lea said. “I loved that about you.”

  “Well, I loved your goofball ways, and it all began for us with that MasterCard joke.”

  Lea giggled. “That one is a classic!”

  “I sure wish I could have been a part of it,” Autumn mused.

  Brie wrapped her other arm around her. “Well, you are now.” She looked at Mary. “Thanks for including Autumn and Candy.”

  Mary snorted. “Sure thing, Stinks. I figured I’d keep it small and intimate.”

  “I feel honored to be invited,” Autumn confessed, “and I kind of hate that we have to head back to Denver tomorrow.”

  “Hey, if you don’t mind me asking, how is your training with Tono going?” Lea asked.

  Autumn blushed. “I love everything about that man, and the more we work together, the closer I feel to him.”

  “The jute does create an incredibly personal encounter,” Brie agreed. “Especially in Tono’s hands.”

  Autumn look at Brie and Lea shyly. “You both know I’ve never thought of myself as beautiful but, with Tono, I’m beginning to believe it. And we’ve been practicing…” She trailed off, suddenly looking anxious.

  “What?” Brie encouraged. “Unless, of course, it’s supposed to be a secret and you can’t tell us.”

  Autumn shook her head, laughing nervously. “No, it’s not a secret. It’s just that I’m embarrassed to say.”

  “Okay, now you have to spill, girl,” Lea insisted.

  “Absolutely,” Candy said.

  “Well…” Autumn’s blush grew deeper as the seconds ticked by. “You see, Tono has a whole show he’s been creating, and it revolves around…”

  “Yes?” Lea prompted.

  “Me,” she answered softly, looking extremely uncomfortable.

  “Autumn, that’s amazing!” Brie cried, feeling tingles on her skin. She knew whatever Tono was planning, it was going to be big.

  “I thought Tono was crazy when he first suggested it. But, after some time and a lot of practice, I see his vision, and it’s really exciting.”

  “Dang, girl!” Lea said. “You are the lucky damn sub. I adore Tono’s rope.”

  “That’s what makes this even more wonderful. The fact that I’m his sub-in-training makes every practice session meaningful to me. It never feels like work. It’s just…well, wonderful.”

  “I have to admit, I am a tad jealous,” Brie admitted. “Spending all that time in Tono’s jute would be a dream come true.”

  “I don’t get it,” Mary stated. “How is he making a show around just you?”

  “The theme is transformation. At first, I was totally against the idea of anyone seeing me without my prosthetic. I’ve always been self-conscious about it and the scars on my face. However, he has convinced me that taking the audience on my personal journey, by removing each barrier I wear one by one until it is just me in lace panties and jute, will be empowering for others. Oh, and the music he has chosen is amazing.”

  “Oh, Autumn, I can just imagine it!” Brie said excitedly. “You flying in rope, completely free by the end of the performance…that would be truly incredible to watch. Not only sexy, but profoundly inspiring.”

  Autumn gave her a pleased smile. “You and Tono must share a similar vision, then. I couldn’t embrace it when he first approached me with the idea, but now? When we practice that last scene together, I get a glimpse of the way he sees me…”

  Brie was so moved, tears came to her eyes and she was left speechless, nodding her head in amazement.

  Lea decided in the ensuing silence that a joke was in order. “Did you hear about the flasher who was thinking of retiring?”

  Mary held up her finger. “This is number one.”

  Lea nodded, and then told everyone, “He decided to stick it out for one more year.”

  Groans and giggles followed, but Mary’s response had piqued Brie’s interest, so she asked, “What’s with the counting?”

  “I told Lea the Lame that she is only allowed three jokes at the party.”

  Brie looked at Lea. “And you are okay with that?”

  She shrugged. “I think Mary secretly loves my jokes. That’s why she insisted I tell three.”

  “Well, that’s one way to look at it,” Mary mumbled sarcastically.

  There was a little hiccup sound from the bassinet, and Candy peeked inside to check. “Looks like the baby’s still sleeping.”

  Lea let out a peal of laughter as she grabbed the clothespins from Candy’s shirt. “Sorry, missy, but you just said the magic word.”

  Brie laughed
as she watched Lea pin the three next to hers. “Wow, I didn’t even notice.”

  “I didn’t either!” Autumn cried. “Something tells me I am going to suck at this game.”

  “But I bet you suck real good,” Lea teased.

  “Actually, of all the people I’ve met, Mary is the best at sucking,” Brie said.

  Mary wiped her lips as if she had just finished off and smiled. “You know it, Stinky Cheese.”

  Candy laughed. “You guys are great.”

  “So, Candy, how is it going with your new endeavor?” Brie asked.

  Candy’s eyes lit up. “I seriously can’t tell you how fulfilling it is to help other subs. When you handed me that business card, you literally changed my life. Now, I get to do the same for other subs who are hurting like I was. I’m so grateful that Baron asked Captain and me to join him.”

  “And how is Captain?” Mary asked her.

  “He has found his second calling, I think. It’s like he’s a kid again. There was a time when he was considering un-collaring me because of the difference in our ages. He didn’t feel it was right to hold me back. But now? Captain is so passionate about what we are doing he couldn’t imagine doing it with anyone else. And he’s gotten so frisky!”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Mary nodded her head to herself, muttering, “Yeah, that makes me happy.”

  “So, Lea,” Autumn said, “how are you handling things since moving back to LA?”

  “Actually…” Her eyes shone with excitement. “I just met a guy.”

  “Really?” Brie asked, excited to hear that Lea seemed to be moving on after the difficult breakup with Ms. Clark.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty new, so I don’t want to say anything and jinx it. But things are finally looking up for me.”

  “That’s great news, girlfriend.” Brie gave Lea a hug. “I’ll admit, though, I kinda wondered if you and Rytsar might hook up.”

  Lea grinned. “Oh, that sexy Russian will always have a special place in my heart.”

  Mary frowned, grumbling. “Wish I could say the same…I still haven’t had a scene with that man.”

  “Okay, you girls have me curious. What’s so special about Rytsar Durov?” Autumn asked.


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