Bound by Love

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Bound by Love Page 14

by Red Phoenix

  “You don’t have to do a thing, babygirl. It’s unfortunate that there is no legal recourse for what he’s done because he was a child at the time he assaulted you. However, I plan to check his background to determine the motivation behind this public comment. I suspect he was looking for free publicity, hoping to ride on the coattails of your success. But…” Sir growled harshly, “…if he becomes a threat, I will show him no mercy.”

  “Lea thought he might be looking for absolution, but even if that is his intention, I’m unsure if I’m capable of forgiving him.”

  “And you don’t have to. It must be a need of yours, not his, before I would encourage it.”

  It was remarkable how Sir had a way of making her feel empowered. She told him with regret, “All these years I’ve carried that secret inside like a festering wound. What a fool I was.”

  “You’re not a fool. You were waiting for the right person and situation. That kind of information in the wrong hands had the potential to hurt you.”

  “What about you, Sir? Was Rytsar the person you turned to?”

  Sir nodded. “In part, but I still held on to the guilt. I was not truly free until after I survived the crash. It became clear to me how unfair I’d been to the child I was at thirteen. To expect the wisdom and maturity of an adult is unreasonable and pointless. I was a child then, and what happened had nothing to do with me.”

  “It did not.”

  “So I ask that you be kind to the little Brianna you carry inside you.”

  Hope let out a cry from the other room.

  “I’ll take care of her,” he said, immediately getting out of bed. “You lie still and try falling back to sleep for me.”

  As he was leaving the room, he turned around and added tenderly, “That’s a command.”

  Oh, Rhett…

  “Brie, could you come here?”

  She gave Hope a kiss before putting her down for a nap, then walked into their bedroom to see what Sir needed.

  On the bed she saw a big box decorated with a large bow, with a much smaller box sitting on top. “What’s this?” she giggled excitedly.

  “Open the smaller box first,” Sir answered.

  Brie walked over, a smile playing on her lips. Picking up the small box, she lifted the lid and saw Sir’s old cell phone nestled inside. He’d been carrying it the day the plane went down.

  For Brie, it held only bad memories, and that played across her face now.

  “This gives you the reference,” he stated. “Now, open the larger box.”

  Still having no clue what this was about, Brie lifted the lid and let out a gasp of surprise as she opened the folded tissue paper to find the extravagant dress inside. It was an exact replica of the green and white garden dress Scarlett wore at the Wilkes’ picnic in Gone with the Wind.

  She glanced over at Sir, and a smile spread across her face. “Rhett?”

  He nodded. “When I listened to the messages, I came across one that mentioned a desire to play out a particular scene together.”

  Brie shook her head, a myriad of emotions flooding in. “I was watching Gone with the Wind when…” Her voice broke. “…I almost lost you.” She looked at him sadly. “I can’t bear to watch that movie anymore.”

  “Well, tonight we are going to change that.”

  “What do you have planned?”

  He gave her a mysterious smile. “All you need to concern yourself with is getting ready. I will take care of the rest and meet you downstairs, outside the lobby, at exactly seven.”

  Brie blushed, excited by the prospect of a night out together. However, other than her parents, no one else had babysat Hope up to this point. “Sir?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Yes?”

  “If we are leaving, it means we have to get a babysitter, and I…”


  “I’m not sure I’m ready to leave our little girl with someone just yet.”

  “Babysitting arrangements have already been made. It’s time for you and me to reconnect as a couple.”

  Brie understood that he was honoring her request to keep their relationship strong, even as new parents. However, now that she was a mother, she felt hesitant to leave Hope with someone else.

  “It’s time, téa,” Sir insisted, reading the uncertainty in her expression.

  She blushed, touched that he had set up this romantic role play to ease her back into the world they both loved, and she did long to scene with him, as well—especially as Rhett and Scarlett. Still, she found it more difficult to leave Hope than she had ever imagined and looked at him pensively.

  “You are curious about who will be watching our child?”

  She nodded.

  Sir said with a glint in his eye. “You will have to trust me.”

  “A little hint?” Brie begged, giving him doe eyes she hoped he could not resist. When he did not respond, she nodded, accepting her responsibility to trust him without question. “It always seems to come down to a matter of trust,” she mused.

  “That does define the D/s relationship.”

  “Yes,” she agreed, bowing her head as she knelt before him. A feeling of peace washed over her as she took on the formal role again. Brie looked up and gazed into his eyes, fully his submissive.

  He placed his hand on her head and said in his velvety smooth voice, “Stand and serve your Master, téa.”

  Her heart filled with the familiar joy she felt as his submissive. She stood up gracefully before him, head still bowed, waiting for his command.

  Sir put his finger under her chin and lifted it. “We are going to scene tonight.” She felt her loins contract with pleasure. “But first, you must take care of your hair and makeup. When you’re ready, I will help you into your gown.”

  “Do you want a subtle look, or full-on Scarlett O’ Hara?”

  He winked at her. “Rhett is looking to meet up with Scarlett.”

  Brie loved his answer. “Then it may take a little longer, but I promise to be ready by seven.”

  “I insist you start with a warm bath. I need you relaxed and pliable for tonight.”

  She took his hand and kissed the palm before placing it against her cheek. “Thank you, Master.”

  He chuckled. “For what? We haven’t even begun.”

  She gazed over at her dress. “For reminding me of who we are together.”

  He leaned down to kiss her. “I would never let us forget.”

  Brie watched as he left the room, her heart rushing with love and excitement.

  To do the dress justice, she spent nearly two hours getting herself ready. Wanting to look perfect, she whipped out her phone and studied still shots of Scarlett so she could re-create her look.

  Brie curled her hair just right and painted her lips with the pert red arches that had made Scarlett’s mouth so kissable.

  Standing back afterward, Brie stared at her reflection in the mirror with her cascade of brown curls, wearing those adorable frilly white bloomers, the petticoat adorned with eyelet lace, and the white corset included in the box.

  “I’m ready now, Rhett,” she called out playfully, excited for him to see her.

  Brie was startled when Rytsar walked into the room. “Where’s Sir?”

  “What, radost moya? Am I not enough for you?” he joked.

  Brie giggled, giving him a hug. “I’ve missed you!”

  “I have been a good potato so that I could heal.” He lifted his arms wide. “And now I am a man once more.”

  “I’m so happy.” She hugged him again, excited to see him looking so well.

  “Your man is not here and has left me in charge of helping you with getting dressed. However…” he said with a seductive growl, looking her over, “…I think you look delectable just as you are. Let me help you out of that corset…”

  “No, no,” she laughed. “But I would appreciate it if you would tighten it a little.”

  He moved behind her and she felt his warm breath on the back of her neck as he
grabbed the ties and yanked them tighter. “Like this…?” he questioned lustfully, his sudden action taking Brie’s breath away.

  Rytsar quickly adjusted the laces. He then stood back and turned her around to admire his handiwork. She found herself blushing under his scrutiny, his eyes riveted on her cleavage.

  He said in admiration, “Radost moya, motherhood agrees with you.”

  Brie glanced at her reflection in the mirror and grinned. He was right. Her breasts were impressive these days, and the corset totally rocked them out.

  “I see you like the look as well,” he observed. “Shall we skip the dress, then?”

  “Absolutely not,” Brie giggled. “The scene requires the dress.”

  “Very well, then,” he muttered good-naturedly, “but it is tragic to cover up such beauty.”

  Brie kissed him lightly on the cheek, leaving a light imprint of her red lips. “Just you wait, Rytsar. When you see me in all my glory, you will understand.”

  She had him help her into the hoop skirt and waited breathlessly as he slid the dress over her head and let it fall into place. Rytsar tied the sash around her waist, then commanded, “Turn for me.”

  Brie felt like a true Southern belle as she turned slowly, basking in the joy of it.

  Rytsar let out a low whistle. “I’ll admit, radost moya, while there are far too many layers, you wear it well.”

  Just then, they heard a little cry come from Hope’s room.

  As Brie started to leave, Rytsar placed his hand on her bare shoulder. “Stay. I will take care of this.”

  Rytsar went to attend to the baby, leaving Brie standing in the room alone. Curious, she gave in to the urge to peek. She watched with a sense of pride as Rytsar gently picked Hope up. Cradling the tiny infant against his chest, he spoke to his niece in Russian and then began singing a haunting lullaby in a low, comforting tone.

  Hope instantly stopped crying.

  Brie was as mesmerized by Rytsar’s song as her daughter. He looked up and caught Brie staring. Rather than scold her for her disobedience, he winked while continuing to sing to Hope. It was a tender moment between dyadya and child.

  Brie finally made the connection. Rytsar was the babysitter for the evening, and she felt totally at peace. “Thank you, Sir,” she said quietly as she watched the two together.

  Brie left them to make a list of instructions for Rytsar but had to laugh when she found Sir had already written a similar list and left it on the counter. Reading over it, Brie was impressed Sir had not missed a single item.

  Rytsar came out of the baby’s room, still carrying Hope in his arms. “Do not worry, radost moya, I will hold down the fort here.”

  She smiled at him gratefully. “She couldn’t be in better hands.”

  “Moye solntse and I understand each other,” he stated, looking down at the babe.

  “I see the connection she has with her dyadya.”

  “So there is no reason to concern yourself with us.” He held up the tiny babe. “We want you to have a good time with my comrade.”

  Brie walked over to kiss Hope on the head and left a matching imprint of her lips on her forehead. “I thank you, both. If you need anything, don’t forget we’re just a phone call—”

  “Do not fret,” he insisted. “Spending time with her is exactly what my heart desires.”

  Brie smiled at him tenderly, touched by his devotion. “I love you, Rytsar.”

  “And I you. Now, go. Do not make your Master wait.”

  Brie gave Rytsar a formal curtsy with a full view of her impressive cleavage. He whistled in appreciation as she headed out the door.

  Sir was waiting outside beside a limo when she exited the building. Brie suddenly felt butterflies. He had slicked back his hair in the style of Rhett’s, and he was dressed in the same classic black suit and vest from the movie. He also wore a devilish smirk on his lips.

  “You are looking positively radiant this evening, Miss O’Hara.”

  Brie felt the warmth of a blush on her cheeks. “Mr. Butler, you do know how to turn a girl’s head.”

  Sir held his hand out to her. “Let me give you a real reason to blush, my dear.”

  Brie sauntered over to him, causing her skirt to make delightful swishing sounds as she walked. She smiled to herself when she caught him staring intently at her cleavage.

  “Do you like my new dress?” she asked sweetly, twisting back and forth where she stood.

  “It’s not the dress that catches my attention,” he replied, opening the limo door for her.

  Getting into the vehicle proved an amusing challenge with her voluminous dress. Sir chuckled as he helped maneuver the ungainly skirt into the car. Getting the seatbelt around her caused another round of giggles.

  Sir kept their destination to himself, leaving Brie to wonder the entire ride. When they pulled up to the theater, she let out an excited gasp.

  “Tonight’s play happens to be Gone with the Wind. I thought you would enjoy it,” Sir told her as he helped Brie out of the limo. She smoothed out the material of her dress, pulling down the ruffles on her shoulders to expose more skin for Sir while making a nice frame for her cleavage.

  She laughed at herself, suddenly reminded of a scene in the movie where Scarlett had done the exact same thing. Harnessing the Scarlett vibe, Brie embraced her role as she took the arm Sir offered and they walked into the theater.

  People couldn’t help staring and pointing, some even asking for selfies with the two as they made their way up to the balcony seats. Sir was patient, handling the attention with grace.

  When he was finally able to guide her to their private box seats, she squealed in pleasure. “This isn’t the exact same balcony, is it?”

  “It is, my dear.”

  Brie grinned as she sat down, remembering the night when Sir had taken her to this theater, acting as her Khan. Naughty things had happened on this very floor, but the night had ended abruptly when she unwittingly said the word “love” out loud, causing him to conclude their evening.

  It was astounding how far they had come since then…

  While Brie watched the play, Sir made slight advances—lightly grazing his fingers along her bare shoulder, giving her a nibble on the ear or a kiss on the neck. Nothing overly sexual, but all incredibly erotic since she knew he had plans for her later.

  “Are you enchanted with the story again?” Sir whispered huskily when Rhett carried Scarlett up the stairs to have his way with her.

  She nodded, anxious to experience the same thing herself.

  “Shall we leave, then, my dear?”

  “Yes, please.”

  The halls of the theater were quiet as everyone watched the end of the play. Sir took advantage of it, suddenly stopping and pressing her up against a wall with his body. “I can’t seem to resist you, Miss O’Hara,” he growled hungrily before planting an impassioned kiss on her lips.

  Brie melted against him, thoroughly captivated by his heated desire.

  Leaving her breathless, he led her out to the limo, and then the driver took them to the Submissive Training Center. Sir produced a black coat from the trunk and held it out to her.

  “So we can be discreet,” he explained.

  Regular business classes were about to end for the evening, and many who attended the regular college at this campus were oblivious to the fact that there was a BDSM Training Center on the lower level.

  Although the coat poofed out excessively due to the dress, it did cover her cleavage. After her coat was buttoned up, he led her to the front desk, where Rachael stood waiting, greeting them with a warm smile.

  “It is such a pleasure to see you two again. You look absolutely wonderful, Sir Davis,” she said with awe, having seen him in a wheelchair the last time.

  “Thank you,” he answered.

  “And how is the baby?” Rachael asked Brie.

  “She’s doing well, and Uncle Rytsar is watching her right now.”

  “That’s too adorable,”
Rachael admitted.

  “He’s wonderfully sweet with her.”

  “I can imagine, and I can’t wait to see your little girl myself.”

  “We will be having a gathering as soon as the pediatrician gives us the okay,” Sir assured her. He gave Rachael a curt nod, then fell back into his role as Rhett.

  Placing his hand on the small of Brie’s back, he asked her, “Shall we take our leave, Miss O’Hara?”

  She batted her eyes at him as Sir walked her to the elevators leading to the Submissive Training Center. On the way down, he explained, “I’m taking you to a place you have never been.” She smiled, assuming he was talking about a new kind of play they hadn’t tried.

  Brie was surprised to see Master Nosh, the head trainer of the Dominant Training Center, when the doors slid open. The handsome Head Trainer had the distinct facial features and long black hair that spoke to his Native American heritage. Beside him stood another man whom she had never met before.

  “Good evening,” Sir said, addressing the Head Trainer before holding out his hand and escorting Brie out of the elevator. He then turned to the other man while Master Nosh introduced him.

  “Sir Davis, this is my top student, Hunter.”

  Sir shook his hand firmly. “It is a pleasure to meet you. Such high praise from Nosh is unusual. You must be truly exceptional to have earned it.”

  The man returned the handshake, nodding humbly in response. The two highly respected Doms standing beside him did not diminished his own aura of dominance. It was impressive for a student.

  “It is an honor, Sir Davis,” Hunter said with respect. “Your reputation precedes you.”

  “I look forward to hearing more about your endeavors in the future.”

  “Thank you, Sir Davis.”

  The two men entered the elevator, but as the doors were closing, Master Nosh looked directly at Brie and stated, “I would interview with you, should you request it.”

  Brie sucked in her breath as the doors closed. Master Nosh was well known for his quiet, but uncompromising, nature, as well as his utter devotion to excellence. He was not one to trifle with something he did not feel strongly about. So, the fact that he had made such an offer to Brie was a bit of a shock.


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