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Bound by Love

Page 19

by Red Phoenix

  Liam had planned the kidnapping out perfectly. Sir would not be expecting her home until twelve, and Lea would be out for several hours. By the time her friend returned to the apartment, Brie and her baby would already be on a plane to the Middle East—never to be seen again.

  Brie thought of Tatianna and understood what the future held for her…and for Hope. Tears of anger, frustration, and fear rolled down her cheeks as the air in the suitcase became hot and stale.

  Liam lifted the suitcase upright and rolled it toward the door. Hope continued to cry, which worked to Liam’s advantage when he was stopped in the elevator.

  “She sure doesn’t sound happy,” a woman commented beside them.

  Brie screamed into the cloth, but it only sounded like muffled whimpering, and it could not compete with Hope’s screams.

  Brie bounced along in the rolling suitcase as Liam walked to the car and, with much grunting and effort, he lifted it into the car. Brie heard him buckle Hope into the car seat beside her.

  Liam told Hope, “Thanks for saving my bacon with that crying jag.”

  He slammed the door, getting into the driver’s seat and revving the engine. Brie silently screamed to Sir, to Lea, to Rytsar, to Tono, praying that one of them would hear her cries of desperation.

  It was frightening how easily these men had been able to snatch her away from everyone she loved. How long had Liam been planning this? His quick romance with Lea made complete sense now.

  Liam had attached himself to Lea in order to assess the situation with Brie and the baby before extraction. No one knew his twin existed, giving the two of them time to execute the plan while cementing Liam’s alibi.

  Her chance meeting with Liam’s twin at the grocery store could have been her salvation, but she hadn’t picked up on his confusion about the significance of the Winston cigarettes, and he’d been quick on his feet, giving her a reason to keep their encounter a secret.

  Sir would never know what had happened to them.

  She was Hope’s only chance.

  Brie began concentrating on the ropes, but she began to panic when she couldn’t release herself from the bindings. Her rising panic only caused her to breathe faster, taking up the little oxygen left in the suitcase.

  When she began to feel faint, Brie forced herself to slow down her breathing. She imagined Tono was with her, and began taking shallower breaths.

  The only thing that mattered now was Hope. What happened to her was secondary, as long as Hope was spared this horror.

  Brie felt the car slow down and heard Liam cuss. “What the fuck?”

  After several tense moments, she heard the window being rolled down and Liam asked, “What seems to be the problem?”

  “You need to step out of the car, now!”

  “You have to be kidding me. You’re not even a fucking cop.”

  “No, I am not.”

  “Fuck this shit!” The car lurched forward before a shot rang out and it came to a halt. Liam screamed in pain and she heard the door open.

  Someone must have pulled him forcefully out of the car, based on the cries and curses that followed.

  “They’re right here.”

  Brie heard both back doors open at once.

  “Shh…moye solntse.”

  Tears of relief filled Brie’s eyes at the sound of Rytsar’s voice.

  Someone lifted the suitcase, and it was set down gently outside the car. Brie whimpered as the suitcase was unzipped and a flood of fresh air rushed in.

  She looked up into Sir’s eyes and time stopped.


  The horror on Sir’s face was replaced with concern as he made quick work of the duct tape around her mouth. Brie gasped for breath, her body numb with relief.

  “Are you all right?” Sir asked, his voice strangled with emotion.

  Brie nodded, unable to speak.

  Sir began cutting through the knots while Rytsar moved into view, holding Hope, who had stopped crying. Even though he held the babe gently in his arms, the look in Rytsar’s eyes was one of a rabid dog ready to rip someone’s throat out.

  “How…did you know?” Brie finally gasped as Sir helped her to her feet and held her against him.

  “Miss Wilson alerted Rytsar to her suspicions weeks ago.”

  “Mary?” Brie asked, turning her head toward Rytsar.

  “She did not trust Lea’s new man and voiced her concerns to me. Said she didn’t trust him because he was too gregarious, and she didn’t like how he had attached himself so quickly. Thane and I could find nothing on the man, but we decided to play it safe and put a tracer on his vehicle.”

  “But how could you know what happened tonight?”

  “I added a hidden tracer app on all your friends’ phones,” Rytsar told her. “I wasn’t willing to take any chances.”

  Brie stared at him in shock.

  “It was deemed necessary by both of us, Brie,” Sir explained. “Your safety was our only concern.”

  “But…” Brie was still struggling to wrap her head around it. “How did you know what was happening in Lea’s apartment tonight??”

  “We’d been keeping tabs on you both tonight with your phones and saw that Liam was at the apartment. We grew suspicious, so Rytsar called one of his men to check on you.”

  The man kneeing Liam in the back to keep him immobilized, nodded his head at Brie. “Ma’am.”

  “He confirmed when Lea left, but we knew your phone was still in the apartment and assumed you were too. Then he reported seeing Liam leave the apartment without you. When he saw Liam leave a second time with a suitcase and the baby a short time later, we were only minutes behind.”

  Brie shivered.

  “I realized there was a twin involved and immediately called the police to inform them.”

  “What about Lea?” Brie whimpered, realizing she was still with the other twin.

  “The police have already located her and arrested the man. She’s fine, Brie,” Sir assured her.

  Brie began shaking, the reality of what had just happened filtering through her brain and causing a delayed sense of panic.

  Sir held her tight. “You are safe, Brie.”

  She held out a shaking hand to touch Hope. “She’s safe.”

  “No one will ever hurt her,” Rytsar stated emphatically.

  Brie looked at him, her bottom lip trembling. “Thank you.”

  Rytsar’s jaw was clenched as he stared at her with tears in his eyes. “I was not too late.”

  “No, you saved both of us.”

  He nodded his head, sighing deeply.

  Brie knew Rytsar was thinking of Tatianna. He had that haunted look in his eyes as he relived her kidnapping, the near rescue, and her eventual death.

  Reaching out, Brie touched him. “We are safe because of you.”

  Rytsar swallowed hard, nodding again, but said nothing.

  Brie leaned her head back against Sir’s chest. “I was terrified I would disappear and never see you again.”

  His voice was gruff with the anguish he felt. “I could not have borne it.”

  “I know,” she whispered, tears running down her cheeks.

  Sir pressed her so tightly against himself that she could barely breathe. Even so, she welcomed the feeling as she listened to the sound of his heartbeat and the far-off sirens echoing in the distance.

  Liam started cursing viciously on the ground.

  Sir let go of Brie and walked over to him. “Stand him up,” he commanded.

  Rytsar’s man lifted his knee from Liam’s back and pulled him up to face Sir.

  Sir cocked his fist back and let it fly, connecting with his jaw. In the blink of an eye, Liam was back on the ground, writhing in pain.

  Sir shook his hand out and looked over at Rytsar. “That felt good.”

  Rytsar walked over to Sir and carefully handed the baby over to him. “Let me try.”

  Liam cried out when the men forced him back onto his feet. “Don’t. For God’s sa
ke, have mercy…!” he begged.

  Rytsar smirked, nodding his head. “Da, I will show the mercy you showed radost moya.”

  “I was just doing a job. It wasn’t personal…oh God, no!” Liam screamed as Rytsar narrowed his eyes and cocked his fist back.

  “Don’t kill him,” Brie cried out, remembering what had happened in Russia.

  Rytsar hesitated for a moment before letting his fist fly through the air.

  Liam shrieked even before Rytsar made impact. Again, he fell to the ground but, this time, he didn’t move or make a sound.

  Brie looked at Rytsar in horror. “Please say you didn’t…” She turned her head toward the sound of the approaching sirens. “They’ll put you away, Rytsar. We’ll never see you again.”

  Rytsar walked over to Brie and lifted her chin so her worried gaze met his. “I am a responsible dyadya now.”

  Liam started moaning on the ground and Brie let out a sigh of relief.

  “There was no reason to worry,” Rytsar assured her.

  He wrapped his arm around Brie and held out the other to Sir. “Come, brother.”

  Sir joined them with Hope cradled against him. Rytsar hugged them both, the baby in the center. “We are an unbreakable force.”

  “Yes…” Brie whispered.

  The police and emergencies vehicles rolled in with sirens blaring, their lights flashing everywhere around them, but Brie’s focus was solely on her baby and the two men before her.

  Rescue had come.

  Hope was safe.


  Brie woke up tucked in bed, the lights out, but a lone candle burning on the bedside table. She struggled out from under the covers when she heard Hope cry and padded out of the bedroom, the cold marble chilling her bare feet.

  She walked toward the low tones of Sir hushing the baby while trying to distract her with a stuffed animal.

  Sir looked up and smiled. “Feeling better?”

  Brie nodded slowly until memories of the night’s events flooded in and her smile disappeared. She shook her head and began to cry.

  Sir motioned her to him.

  Brie walked over and knelt at his feet. He reached out to her while still comforting the baby by gently stroking her hair.


  It was the overwhelming feeling his touch evoked, and the fears that tormented her began to evaporate.

  “I almost lost everything,” he stated quietly.

  “But you saved me,” she answered, kissing his hand gratefully.

  “I have been so closely monitoring Lilly, thinking that keeping her at the convent would ensure your safety, that I let this happen right under my nose. I basically delivered you to your kidnappers tonight.” He shook his head, a look of devastation on his face.

  “I was blind because I just wanted Lea to be happy… When Mary told me she didn’t trust Liam, I assumed it was out of jealousy, Sir. Even when I bumped into him at the grocery store, I never questioned why Liam was acting so strange, but I wasn’t even talking to the same man! Why didn’t I pick up on that?”

  Sir cradled her cheek. “We could go round and round second-guessing ourselves, but it changes nothing. The only thing that matters is that you are safe.”

  Brie shuddered, envisioning the horror she and the baby would be facing right now if they hadn’t come to the rescue.

  Sir pulled her to him, vowing fiercely, “I will do anything to protect you and Hope. Anything!”

  “I apologize for coming unannounced, but I had to see you for myself.” Faelan stood in the doorway, staring at Brie. He glanced over at Sir, who nodded, before he embraced her.

  Brie closed her eyes, soaking in Faelan’s love and concern for her.

  When Faelan let go, he muttered, “Fucking Lilly. Even though I did everything to neutralize her impact, I failed you. I’m sorry.”

  “I’m fine. Hope is fine. You did not fail us.”

  Faelan shook his head, clearly drowning in guilt.

  Brie reached out and took his hand, squeezing it as she pulled him inside. “You protected me from Lilly. I am grateful to you.”

  He frowned. “I still can’t help feeling partially responsible for what happened yesterday.”

  Glancing at Sir, he said, “I’m sorry, Sir Davis.” His voice was full of regret.

  “Don’t think you are alone in feeling guilt. Durov, Anderson, Nosaka, Captain, Samantha, and even Marquis have communicated to me about how they feel accountable. In the end, I hold the greatest responsibility in this.”

  “Do you think Lilly orchestrated this remotely somehow?”

  Sir shook his head. “No. Reverend Mother has written me faithfully twice a month. Lilly lost privileges as punishment and has been in isolation ever since she arrived. She has had zero opportunity to contact anyone.”

  “If that is the case, then it must have been the slaver returning for his debt.”

  Sir nodded sadly. “Yes. Durov and I believe this kidnapping attempt is directly linked to the slaver Lilly made the deal with. Unfortunately, he did not give up his claim on Brie after his informant reported back to him. He’s simply been biding his time until our baby was born to collect them both.”

  Brie felt the blood drain from her face and had to sit down. “If that’s true, you believe he will try again?”

  “We hope the public arrest of his two men will deter any further attempts. The slaver will not want to risk exposure now, and there will be an inquiry as to who their employer was. As soon as we get a face and a name, I will ensure that man never touches you.”

  “But I don’t want you to get involved,” Brie cried. “Haven’t I suffered enough?”

  “I won’t let Sir Davis go alone,” Faelan assured her. “The man must be dealt with as soon as we know his identity. Rytsar and I discussed it at length before this even happened. We will not let another woman suffer because of this man.”

  “No, Faelan. I don’t want any of you to go,” Brie begged. “There has to be another way. Maybe the overseas authorities can help.”

  “That is wishful thinking, babygirl.”

  Brie whimpered at Sir’s answer.

  “This man has been able to keep his identity hidden this entire time. Even Durov’s normal channels have found nothing up to this point.”

  “Are you saying that I either live in fear for the rest of my life or I risk losing one of you? Neither seems like a viable option, Sir.”

  “No, babygirl. I trust that the publicity will help us in the hunt, and that we will resolve this situation once and for all.”

  Brie knelt on the floor, baring her heart to him. “I cannot lose you again. Promise me you won’t go, Sir.”

  He shook his head. “I can’t make that promise.”

  Brie slowly stood up and took Hope from his arms. Standing before him, she beseeched him again, “I need my husband, and Hope needs her father.”

  Sir closed his eyes, saying nothing.

  Faelan spoke up. “I know this is shocking coming from me, but I feel that the only solution in this case is annihilation, plain and simple. Until that day, you won’t be safe, Brie. What happened yesterday proves how vulnerable you are, even with all of us here to protect you.”

  “First Lilly, now this…” Brie cried.

  “Lilly is the reason for this,” Sir hissed.

  “And she is paying the price for that, Sir. You said yourself that she remains in isolation with time to think about what she’s done.”

  “You aren’t asking for me to spare the slaver as well?” Sir demanded.

  “No. He not only poses a threat to us, but to other women. I want him gone.”

  “At least we agree on that,” he stated.

  “Sir Davis, I can keep you abreast of any news I hear, and I hope you will do the same,” Faelan told him.

  “Certainly. I appreciate the help, Wallace.”

  Faelan turned to leave, the guilt still etched into his face. It broke Brie’s heart and she called out to him. “Faelan…�

  He turned to face her. “Yes, Brie.”

  “How are you and Kylie?”

  She saw his brief smile at the mention of her name.

  “Please,” she said, wanting to ease his burden. Getting up to sit on the couch, she patted the area beside her.

  He sat down, a charming smile gracing his lips when he spoke about Kylie. “Our relationship is progressing well.”

  “You haven’t scared her off yet?” Brie teased.

  “No, the girl seems to be able to handle me, obsessions and all.”

  Brie looked at him with tenderness. “That’s wonderful. I would tell you that Kylie is lucky to have found you, but it’s obviously true for you as well. You finally found the lock to your key.”

  He chuckled. “I did. There’s a real freedom when you meet someone who not only accepts you for who you are, but actually loves you for it.”

  Brie smiled, glancing at Sir. “I know exactly what you mean.”

  “As far as my professional life, I have some news you might find interesting.”

  “Please share,” Brie pleaded, welcoming the distraction.

  “You know that strange vision you had about me a few months ago?”

  “Of course,” she answered, looking back at Sir excitedly.

  “Well, from out of the blue, I got this call from a TV exec asking if I would be interested in doing a talk show—a talk show, of all things.”

  “I told you, didn’t I?”

  He laughed. “It’s all just discussions at this point, and who knows if it will lead anywhere. Still…you did predict it. It kind of creeped me out, actually. How could you have known that would happen?”

  Brie shrugged. “I get a feeling sometimes—it’s like a tingling sensation on my scalp that travels straight to my heart. Whenever it happens, I know something important is going to happen. I felt that when I had my vision about you.”

  “Well, wherever your powers come from, they were freakishly right about this one.”

  “Did they give you any idea when?” Sir asked.

  Faelan shook his head. “Nah. Like I said, we’re still at the planning stages. I’m not mentioning it to anyone else because I know LA. People make plans all the time here, but it is rare to have one actually pan out.”


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