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Bound by Love

Page 22

by Red Phoenix

  “I’m sorry, old friend.”

  “If I can hold moye solntse, all will be forgiven. However, I must first give this to your grandparents.”

  “Please don’t mention having to wait,” Sir asked him. “My grandmother wouldn’t forgive herself, if she knew.”

  “I am a gentleman, comrade. I would never say a word to embarrass your babushka,” Rytsar promised him.

  Brie and Sir joined Rytsar as he walked over to Sir’s grandparents.

  “Nonno and Nonna, this is Anton Durov, my friend and brother by choice.”

  Nonna smiled, her words simple as she spoke to him in English. “Welcome, Anton.”

  Rytsar gave them both a curt bow. “It is an honor.”

  Nonno held out his hand. “Hope’s godfather.”

  He nodded with obvious pride.

  “Family now,” Nonno stated, embracing the burly Russian.

  Rytsar’s look of surprise quickly turned to one of tenderness. “Grazie, Mr. Davis.”

  The old man shook his head. “Nonno, to you.”

  Rytsar’s boyish half-grin melted Brie’s heart.

  Sir’s grandmother wrapped her tiny arms around his waist, saying nothing. Rytsar glanced at Sir, clearly touched by their kind gestures, and it looked like he might cry. “I have a gift for you both,” he suddenly announced, handing his wrapped present to the tiny woman.

  “For us?” she asked.

  Nonno shook his head. “Not necessary.”

  “Da, it is,” Rytsar insisted.

  Nonna pulled at the paper, and her smiled widened when she saw what was revealed. She touched it lightly with her fingers, a look of wonder on her face.

  Brie leaned forward to see a wall clock. However, instead of the numbers, it had pictures of Hope for every hour, each one with a different expression on her face. The gift was so remarkably sweet.

  Rytsar explained. “I know the distance is hard. This way, you will see your granddaughter every hour of every day.”

  Sir translated his words for them.

  Nonna nodded, handing the clock over to her husband so she could give Rytsar another hug.

  Sir’s grandfather was also clearly affected by the gift since it took him a few moments before he was able to speak. Grabbing Rytsar, he slapped his back hard several times as he embraced him. “Grazie, Anton.”

  Brie’s heart swelled with the knowledge that Rytsar had secured his rightful place in this family. All the pain from the past, the wrongs done to him by his own kin, could be forgotten in the loving embrace of Sir’s family.

  The day of the christening arrived, and everyone gathered at the old church by the sea. Instead of the outfit Brie had purchased online, Hope was dressed in a traditional christening gown covered in white Italian lace, lovingly crafted by Aunt Fortuna. The baby looked like a fairy princess to Brie.

  In the very same church that Sir’s father and Sir himself were christened, Rytsar presented Hope Antonia Davis to the priest. The ceremony took place in front of Nonno and Nonna, all of Sir’s family, and Brie’s own parents.

  Brie stood next to Sir and watched proudly as the priest anointed Hope’s head with holy water.

  Before the assembly and God, Rytsar made a personal vow to his goddaughter. “As Hope’s godfather, I will help her parents, Thane and Brie Davis, to bring this child up knowing God, and I vow to support her in times of crisis and sickness until my dying breath.”

  When he placed Hope back in Brie’s arms, he said, “We are now officially family in the eyes of God, radost moya.”

  He looked to Sir and nodded.

  Sir’s tone was solemn. “Thank you, brother.”

  The Isle 2.0

  As she was packing to head back home, Rytsar walked into the room and nodded to Sir. The sexual tension in the room suddenly increased.

  Brie took one look at Sir and felt weak in the knees, knowing she was finally going to find out what all their planning had been about.

  “Téa, we are not headed back to the States.”

  “Where are we going, Master?”

  “Someplace Hope will not be joining us. However, your parents have kindly agreed to take her with them. We will be returning to get her in a couple of days.”

  “Why the separation, Sir?”

  Rytsar smirked. “I am finally going to visit the Isle with you, radost moya.”

  Warm jolts of electricity coursed through her body thinking about being on their private island alone with Sir and Rytsar for days…

  Luckily, her parents were so thrilled to have Hope all to themselves for a couple of days, that it made it easier for Brie when the time came to say goodbye.

  As they were preparing to leave, her mother told Brie excitedly, “Thane has taken care of everything, sweetheart. Supplies have even been sent to the house,” she leaned in and whispered, “including your reserves of milk.”

  Brie gave Sir a sideways glance. “So that’s why I’ve been storing extra in the freezer. And all this time, I thought it was a precaution in case I got the flu.”

  Sir chuckled. “It never hurts to be prepared.”

  “Don’t worry about a thing, little girl,” her father reassured her as he grabbed Hope’s bags from Sir. “We’ll take good care of our granddaughter.”

  “So you’re not worried about the long plane ride back with her?” Brie asked him.

  Her dad looked down at his granddaughter and grinned. “Nope, because I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy.”

  Brie wrapped an arm around him. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You’ve opened up a new world to us making us grandparents. Know that this father is extremely grateful.”

  Brie gave Hope one more cuddle and kiss before handing her over to her mother. But Rytsar intervened before she could make the transfer.

  “Could I hold her once more?”

  Brie smiled. “Of course, Rytsar.” She handed Hope to him and watched as he cradled the baby against his chest.

  Rytsar said nothing as he held her with his eyes closed for several minutes.

  Her parents looked at Brie strangely, wondering what was up.

  Brie explained, “He takes his dyadya responsibilities very seriously.”

  They both nodded, but her father gave Rytsar an amused look as he set Hope’s bags in the back of the trunk.

  Finally, Rytsar released his hold and lifted Hope in the air, smiling up at her as she giggled. “Your dyadya loves you, moye solntse, forever and a day.”

  He gave her a kiss on the cheek and gently handed her over to Brie’s mother.

  “I sure wish I had an uncle like you,” her mother joked as she went to buckle Hope into the car seat.

  Brie put her arm around Rytsar. “Missing her already?”


  Sir came up behind them and they watched as her parents left with Hope. Brie waved goodbye with a light heart. Between Sir’s family and her own, Hope was surrounded by an abundance of love.

  Brie’s scene started before they even left the airfield for the Isle.

  Once they were on board Rytsar’s jet, Sir commanded her to strip. Brie smiled to herself as she undressed in front of him. He buckled her into the seat and kissed her on the lips before placing a blindfold over her eyes.

  Her body was already tingling with excitement as the plane took off. Once in the air, Sir told her to unbuckle and walk toward his voice. She made her way over to him, her arms outstretched.

  Strong arms encased her. Rytsar asked in a gruff voice, “What do we have here?”

  He lifted her off her feet amid happy squeals and carried her to the front of the cabin. He set her down and bound her wrists behind her back in cuffs. He then secured her to the wall with a hook mounted there, moving down to bind her ankles next.

  He stepped back when he was done, and asked Sir, “What do you think?”

  “Nice, but I think we could use some more ornamentation.” Sir moved over to her, his touch causing g
oosebumps on her skin as he played with her nipples. “Something delicate and decorative.” She felt the pressure of a tweezer clamp on her nipple, but he kept the tension light as he tightened it, not wanting to evoke her milk rushing in. He then secured the other clamp, and she felt the delicate chain, weighted down by a jewel, swinging between her breasts.

  Sir had a flare for making her feel beautiful during play.

  Brie heard them go back to their seats and felt their heated gaze on her.

  “Yes, she looks good there,” Sir commented.

  “Agreed,” Rytsar stated huskily.

  Brie heard the stewardess walk up and ask the men what they wanted to drink.

  It reminded her of the time she’d acted as a platter at an important party during her training, and that feeling grew as she listened to Sir and Rytsar talking about business.

  It actually turned her on, this feeling of objectification—knowing they were aware of her, but choosing not to interact.

  Soon, however, Rytsar returned to her, placing a gag in her mouth and securing it behind her head. When he sat back down, he told Sir casually, “I like to see her bound and gagged.”

  “I agree. It is an arousing sight.”

  Brie basked in their pseudo attention, knowing she was the center of it even though they were treating her as if she were a mere decorative piece.

  They upped the ante when Sir came to her and placed silencing headphones over her ears. Now, she was devoid of her main senses and completely dependent on their contact.

  They did not disappoint her need. Throughout the trip, each man came to her, playing with her chain, fingering her pussy, or biting her on the neck. It made her dripping wet and desirous for more of their attention.

  Near the end of the flight, Brie found herself handled roughly as Rytsar took off the headphones and threw them aside. He then quickly unbound her wrists and ankles, growling, “I have watched your breasts swell this entire time. Now I must partake.” Lifting her up, he carried her to the back of the jet and dropped her onto his bed.

  Sir and Rytsar tied her wrists to the bed, then lay on either side of her. Sir removed her blindfold while Rytsar relieved her of the gag.

  Brie was struck by how ravenous both men looked. It was obvious they had taken pleasure in torturing themselves by teasing her during the flight.

  Sir removed the delicate clamps and began rolling her nipples between his fingers. Not having nursed in so long, her body primed itself to feed.

  Brie held her breath as both men descended on her breasts at the same time and began sucking her nipples. She cried out as the ache of her milk rushing in was coupled by the sensuous feel of their lips.

  It was unlike anything she had experienced before.

  Sir’s hand sought her pussy, creating a glorious heat as he began rubbing against her clit. It seemed so wrong but felt so right as her pussy began pulsating with need.

  Brie closed her eyes and prayed there would be no punishment when her body rocked with an intense orgasm that wouldn’t stop as they continued to suckle her breasts.

  When the last pulse finally ended and her milk was spent, she opened her eyes. Rytsar pulled back, wiping a drop of her milk from his lips.

  “Delicious,” he growled lustfully.

  Brie blushed, embarrassed that she had enjoyed them sucking her full breasts so much.

  She turned to Sir, who looked at her hungrily. “I want you…”

  Brie spread her legs wider in invitation, longing for him to fill her up with his cock. Sir quickly undressed and climbed on top of her, his shaft easily finding its way into her wet pussy. Her body craved his animal-like lust as he began thrusting like a beast.

  There was no holding back a second orgasm when she felt the burst of heat, his seed coating her inner walls. Brie came with Sir as he pushed in deep with each thrust of his release, making her moan in pure pleasure.

  Afterward, as she lay there sweaty and spent, Sir asked, “Coming twice without permission?”

  She turned her head to look at him. “I’m sorry, but it felt so good…”

  Wiping the sweat from his brow, he told her, “I agree, but now I must think on an appropriate punishment.” He chuckled, adding, “I’ll let you ponder on that.”

  “Mercy,” she begged, although she had to admit she was already anticipating his punishment.

  Rytsar took over then.

  He undid her bindings before he thoroughly cleaned her, making her fresh before he undressed himself. The burly Russian still carried the scars from his torture, as well as his surgery, but they were fading. His muscular physique had returned, but he was thinner than before, as if his body was permanently altered by the experience.

  Rytsar stood before Brie, his cock hard and his eyes sparkling with mischievous mirth. What was he planning?

  She held her breath as he pressed the length of his body against hers, his cock between her legs. Whispering in her ear, he murmured, “You are beautiful, radost moya.”

  His intense blue eyes were mesmerizing as Rytsar slowly rubbed his hard cock on her pussy, coating it with her juices. She held her breath as he pushed the head of his shaft into her. Rytsar began kissing her deeply, claiming her lips as he claimed her body with his manhood.

  Sir lay back against the headboard, watching them—a satisfied look on his face.

  Brie had expected Rytsar to play hard and rough with her, but he was gentle. Taking her deep, demanding her body conform to him, but stroking her slowly as he nibbled and kissed her skin.

  This unexpected lovemaking left her curious. She smiled, running her fingers over his bald head. “You are sweet for a sadist.”

  He chuckled, biting down on her shoulder as he gave her a couple of spirited thrusts. Brie loved his response and purred with delight.

  Rytsar went back to his leisurely pace, stroking her G-spot, but not quite taking her to the edge. Instead, he made her climax build upon itself over and over again. His knowledge of her body, and his natural desire to make her suffer, meant that he soon had her body tormented with need.

  “Please…” she begged.

  “Nyet,” he murmured, biting her again.

  He knew what his teeth did to her, and she cried out in painfully delicious frustration.

  “This feeling? That is what you do to me, radost moya. You simply being near me makes my cock ache like this for you.”

  She shook her head, moaning with passion, both loving and hating having to ride this intense edge.

  “Still yourself,” he commanded her.

  Brie immediately stopped moving and looked up into his eyes.

  “Feel my need for you,” he murmured huskily.

  Brie readied herself, longing to feel the strength of his orgasm.

  “But do not come yourself,” he added with an evil twinkle in his eye.

  He covered her lips with his, plunging his cock into her, rubbing against her G-spot with calculated expertise.

  Brie stared into his blue eyes as he pumped his seed into her, her body trembling in excitement and in need for her own release. When he was done, he collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily.

  All her nerve endings were twitching, needing to climax.

  He propped himself up and stared at her, smiling. “Radost moya…”

  “Yes?” she gasped.

  “This Russian loves you.”

  She whimpered, her pussy still pulsing with need, having nearly come.

  He leaned over and whispered the word she’d been desperate to hear. “Da…”

  Her orgasm crescendoed, finally reaching the top of the precipice. His lips smashed against hers as every muscle in her body seemed to join in her climax. She was like a woman possessed, shaking uncontrollably as she came.

  Brie lay with her head on Sir’s lap, listening to the pleasant drone of puddle jumper as they headed to the island. She was still pleasantly weak from the hours of play on the jet.


  She turned to look up
at him and said with adoration, “My Master…”

  “Did you enjoy your erotic trip?”

  “Very much.”

  Sir played with her hair as he explained, “Durov and I decided to take full advantage of the flight with so little time at the Isle.”

  “Couldn’t we stay longer?”

  “I’m afraid not.”

  She heard the pitch of the engine change, and Rytsar announced lustfully, “We’re here.”

  After the plane landed in the water, the three undressed, leaving their clothes on board. Rytsar strapped a waterproof bag onto his back while Sir helped Brie into the water. Both men assisted her in getting to the shore, knowing she was still weak from their hours of play.

  Once they were safely on the white beach, Sir picked Brie up and slung her over his shoulder as he started walking down the path through the vegetation.

  Brie giggled. “I’m sure I can walk, I’ll just be a little slower than normal.”

  “No time to waste,” Rytsar answered her, grinning at Brie hungrily.

  The miniature house with the front made entirely of glass was a welcomed sight as they walked into the clearing. There were so many good memories contained in that place during the honeymoon, and Brie sighed contentedly as Sir carried her over the threshold, laying her down on the large bed.

  Rytsar looked around the tiny home, opening the cupboards and drawers, exploring every inch of the place.

  “I had the place stocked in advance of our stay,” Sir informed him.

  “This place is everything I envisioned, brother,” Rytsar stated in satisfaction.

  Rytsar pointed to the stunning tub of frosted blue glass, nestled in the unique metal frame resembling bare tree branches with a skyline of pine trees in the background. “What do you think of the tub?”

  “It is beautiful, Rytsar.”

  He stared proudly at the oversized tub. “A good heirloom for your family.”

  Brie giggled. “What, the Isle or the tub?”

  He smirked at her. “Both.”

  When he was done filling it with water, he held out his hand to her. “Come, my naked radost moya.” She stepped into the delightfully warm water and waited as both men joined her, one on either end. It was a tight squeeze, which made it that much more enjoyable for Brie as she lathered up Rytsar first.


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