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Nothing Compares (A Bad Boy Romance Book 1)

Page 1

by Leigh Allen

  Table of Contents

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 14

  A Note from the Author


  About the Author

  About the Publisher


  Nothing Compares is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Copyright © 2020 by Leigh Allen

  All rights reserved.

  Editing by KP Editing

  Cover Design by KP Designs


  Published by Kingston Publishing Company


  The uploading, scanning, and distribution of this book in any form or by any means—including but not limited to electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the permission of the copyright holder is illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized editions of this work, and do not participate in or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials. Your support of the author’s rights is appreciated.


  They say you never forget your first love.

  I guess that is true.

  But for me, it’s not just that I can’t forget him-- it’s that I can’t unlock him from my soul.

  In our short time together, he ingrained himself in my heart, body, and mind. No matter how bad it got, I could never let him go.

  Maybe it was because he didn’t want me to.

  Or, maybe it was because try as I did, there was something about him that kept me lost.

  His love was forbidden and dangerous, but somehow, I couldn’t say no.

  To forget my first love… Not even death could break him away from me.

  Chapter 1


  My eyes shoot open as the first peak of sunlight filters into my room. I glance over at my alarm; it should be ringing any second now. I reach over and hit the button, making sure the screeching alarm doesn’t wail.

  I sigh as I lift the sheets off my body. This is the first morning of my senior year of high school and the last time I will wake up in this bed, still a student.

  Rolling out of bed, I take a peek out of my bedroom window and look across the street to my best friend, Allison’s, house. Ever since we were little kids, we were inseparable. We would open our bedroom windows and yell to each other. Once we got phones, we would sit and talk to one another, making goofy faces as we peered out of our windows.

  Allison’s bedroom light is still off, and I stifle a laugh as I think of her still in bed. She will probably wake up five minutes before we have to leave for school. Allison has long, blonde hair that has a beautiful natural wave to it. Her baby blues eyes, and tall, lean frame make her look like an angel most times. She doesn’t even have to try to look beautiful. Where I am the complete opposite, as I must work hard to look half-way decent most days. My black hair can be unruly at times, so I usually wear it in a high ponytail. My brown eyes have no sparkle and my short frame makes me get lost in the sea of students at school.

  Picking up my phone, I dial her number and wait for her to answer.

  “Why do you hate me?” she groans, as she answers.

  “Good morning to you, too,” I say cheerfully.

  “Ugh. I still have thirty more minutes before I have to wake up,” she whines.

  “Come on, we can go get coffee before school,” I say, taking a glance of myself in my mirror.

  “You better be paying if you are going to wake me up,” she demands.

  Laughing, I agree. “Sure thing. Now get up!” I exclaim.

  The line goes dead and I can only imagine her rolling back over and cursing at me.

  Maybe I was too excited to begin my day, but I couldn't help it. I had plans and getting up early was part of my plan.

  My life has always centered around what college I would attend. Living in a small town, my only goal was getting away. Finding myself somewhere outside of the confines of this go-nowhere-town. Being the perfectionist that I am, I reached over to my bedside table and grabbed my laptop. I plugged in my login and waited for my email to spring to life.

  Yes, I was totally that girl right now.

  I was checking my schedule for probably the millionth time.

  I mean, not really. But close enough.

  For some kids, senior year means parties and being one step closer to freedom. I knew the invites to parties would be constant and everyone would want to show up for their last year together.

  But, not me.

  For me though, senior year meant that I needed to truly buckle down and make sure that I got the best grades I could, so that I could ensure my paid scholarship to the University of Kentucky would truly happen.

  I had made my decision to attend the University of Kentucky when I was five-years-old. My dad had taken me to a basketball game, and I had fallen in love with the old architecture of the campus, the school spirit, and of course, the academics. Yes, even at a young age I cared about school and my grades.

  So, I decided then and there at a loud college basketball game, that I would do everything I could to make sure I got good grades and stayed out of trouble. Which I had done. Once I reached West Vine high school, I invested my time in every club and sport I possibly could and when the time came, I already had my application form printed out and ready to submit.

  My dad left us shortly after that moment. He took off with his secretary and I hadn’t heard from him since. However, my dreams never changed. In fact, his departure only motivated me more to work hard and make sure that I ended up getting what I wanted out of life.

  My friends and family thought I was being a little obsessive, but I didn’t care. I knew what I wanted, and I would stop at nothing to get it.

  But, that wasn’t what was going to make my story the fairytale I had dreamed of. No, I knew hard work, landing my dream job as a nurse, and then marrying my high school sweetheart would give me that happily ever after I wanted.

  I had it all planned out and nothing was going to stop me.

  After glancing at my schedule and making sure that I was in all AP classes, I closed the machine and fell back onto my pillow.

  Sighing, I closed my eyes for just a moment, before willing myself to sit up and begin my day.

  I had this. I was about to begin my senior year with a boyfriend who loved me, a best friend who would kill for me, and a schedule that was a sure win for me.

  Everything was going to be perfect.

  I walk out of class and adjust my backpack on my shoulder as I reach for my phone. I loved the first days of school. Everything was so new and fresh. I couldn’t help but be in a fantastic mood. I can hear the text alert and hope it’s Marcus, my boyfriend. He has been MIA all weekend and I couldn’t find him at school today, either. For some, this might have been a red flag, but for me, it didn’t faze me. Until now.

  I wasn’t the party girl. I understood that Marcus and I had our different worlds and we respected that we didn’t have to spend every waking moment together. But not to hear from
him at all, was a little nerve wracking. He knew how much the first day meant to me. I wished he would be happy with me.

  When I glance down at the screen, my heart stops and falls straight to the depths of my stomach.

  Marcus: Hey babe. I don’t think I can do this anymore. I care about you a lot, possibly even love you too, but I need more.

  Tears form in my eyes and I stop dead in my tracks in the hallway. People continue walking, knocking into me and cursing me for so rudely stopping in their way. I rapidly type out a message, hoping this is all some cruel joke.

  Me: What are you talking about? We were fine.

  Marcus: I know, but I have needs that you just can’t fulfill right now. I’ve always respected that you are a virgin. It’s not fair to you if I can’t control myself. I just think it’s best we move on.

  I stare down at the words, not believing this. How could he end us because of my virginity? This isn’t fair. It can’t be! I decide texting won't work anymore, so I pull up my contacts and find his number. As soon as I go to call, the phone goes straight to voicemail. He won’t even pick up the phone and talk to me. I feel the tears falling down my cheeks and I suddenly can’t breathe. Without thinking, I begin to run down the halls and toward the entrance doors. I have to get out of here. The walls around me feel like they are closing in and suddenly, I can’t breathe. I can’t stand here any longer knowing my boyfriend just dumped me in a text message. I mean, how shitty is that?

  “Mallory, where are you going?” I hear a voice calling out to me, but my eyes are so filled with tears, I can’t see anything.

  I begin to run and as I make my way outside, I hear my best friend, Allison, still calling my name.

  I can’t breathe as I run out into the warm afternoon air.

  Allison catches up to me and grabs my arm, stopping me from my escape.

  I am sobbing uncontrollably now, and I can’t find a way to make out any words. Allison envelops me in a tight hug, holding on to me as I cry on her shoulder.

  “Mallory, tell me what is going on?” she whispers in my ear.

  “He. Dumped. Me,” I croak out between sobs.

  “Marcus?” Allison questions, because even to her, it sounds unreal.

  All I can do is nod my head, yes.

  “I thought you all were doing great,” she states, her face filled with sorrow as she looks at me.

  “I did too. I don’t know how he can do this to me,” I wail.

  “I’m going to kill him,” she mutters, still holding on to me like a lifeline.

  I hand her my phone and let her read my texts, disclosing the vile reality that the love of my life doesn't want me anymore.

  Taking my hand, Allison leads me to the parking lot. Without even thinking, I just follow her as she helps me into the passenger seat of her blue Honda Civic. I don't know what I am doing right now. I have never left school before without permission. I have never skipped a class and here I am leaving on my own free will.

  But, I can’t stay at school. My life was just flipped upside down. I don’t care where Allison takes me, but as long as it is far away from here, I will be fine.

  She drives us to a small diner nestled on Main Street in our tiny town. We spend the next hour sitting in a booth, drowning ourselves in chocolate milkshakes and greasy, fried food.

  Our other friend, Hollis, texts us as the news of my breakup has already made the news in our small school. She keeps us updated on the rumors and reactions while I allow myself to drown in my own heartache.

  It doesn’t cure my broken heart, but for the moment, I can forget about the pain that is filling my broken heart.

  Chapter 2

  Over the next few weeks, everything changes. First, everyone at school and around our small, sleepy town heard about our breakup. It seems that Hollis wasn’t exaggerating. I had to deal with the sad glances, pitying stares, and the words of encouragement that I am young and will find a new guy one day. Then, it all turned to shit when rumors began to spread like wildfire that Marcus was hooking up with every available girl in town and had been doing so while we were still together. I was sick to my stomach just thinking about how he had played me for a fool. Welcome to the next chapter. It sucks. For me, seeing him suck face with the school sluts, gave me a sense of closure I had desperately needed. It didn’t numb the pain of our breakup, but it angered me enough to where I wasn't’ sad anymore. Now, I just wanted to move on and forget. I just had to get through my senior year and then I could leave this town and all of the ghosts of my past behind.

  Allison, however, refused to allow me to just sit and wait for the year to pass. Instead, she forced me to go out with her and our friends. Which brings me to today.

  The day that began a new chapter in my life.

  I sit on the metal bleachers, the sun beating down on me as I watch the players run out on the field. The late August weather is still full of summer heat and I am regretting allowing her to bring me out today.

  “Remind me why I am here again?” I say.

  “Because you need to get out and besides, we need to show some school spirit,” Hollis says, rolling her eyes at me as she notices my glare.

  “I really don’t want to be here; can’t we just go?” I ask again. “I already have homework and should be home studying,” I moan.

  “No,” she says, then turns to the game which is just starting.

  I watch as our team comes up to bat and I have no idea why I’m here. Yes, I want to just bury myself in my bed and mourn the loss of my relationship, but my best friends have other plans for me.

  I’m so lost in my own thoughts, that I don’t realize everyone around me is jumping up and down. The crack of a bat is heard, and I see everyone cheering as the batter begins to run toward the base. He makes his way around the diamond and as he makes his way to home plate, to celebrate his homerun, our eyes lock for a brief second.

  In that instant, something so profound-- so powerful hits me, I swear my breath is taken away. His sandy golden hair shines under the afternoon sun. Those baby blue eyes that look like a cloudless sky, are locked on me cause a shiver to race down my spine. He lifts his lips in a small smile and I feel warmth wash all over me.

  “He is totally looking at you,” Allison says, nudging my arm.

  I’m so lost in thought; I don’t respond at first.

  Her laughter brings me back to reality and I remove my gaze from the hot player and look over at Allison.

  “Who?” I ask, feigning ignorance.

  “That guy, who is that?” Allison asks loudly.

  “Talon, he’s new this year. Transferred from another county,” a guy says from behind us. He had short, spikey brown hair, hazel eyes, and a golden tan. He was short, but his body was muscular.

  “Hi,” Allison says, flirting with the guy. “So, how do you know about this new mystery boy?”

  “I’m Mike. I grew up with Talon,” Mike offers.

  “Cool,” I mutter.

  Mortified, I slump down on the bleachers. Now everyone around us knows I was checking him out.

  My boyfriend, the guy who was my first love and who I thought I would marry, had just dumped me. The last thing I needed was to even think about another guy.

  I spend the remaining innings of the game trying to keep my eyes off the hot guy who caused my panties to go wet. Once the game is over, I can’t get out of there fast enough.

  Jumping off the bleachers, I make my way toward the parking lot while the rest of the school rushes out to the field. I can hear the cheers and chants behind me, but I continue moving further away.

  I make it halfway to the lot, when I feel a hand reach out and grab me.

  Spinning on my heel, I turn around ready to smack Allison away. Only, this is definitely not Allison.

  Standing behind me is Talon, the new guy. The hot baseball player.

  “Hey, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you,” he says, his deep voice sounding like a smooth, soulful rhythm.

it takes me a second to remember how to talk again.

  “Um, you didn’t scare me,” I say.

  Smiling, I see a spark of something light up his eyes and once again, I’m breathless and finding myself weak in the knees.

  “I saw you watching the game and I wanted to meet you,” he says. He sounds so cool and confident. I almost envy him for that.

  “You wanted to meet me?” I ask, stunned. I was a nobody. There were cheerleaders out there in revealing skirts with perky breasts. I was wearing jeans, black converse sneakers, and had my hair pulled back in a ponytail. Was he joking?

  “Yes, you,” he says, almost laughing at my expression.

  “Why?” I ask, the words rushing out like vomit.

  I spot Allison heading my way, but when she sees me talking to Talon, she stops, smiles, and heads back toward the baseball fields.


  “I just moved here and could use someone to show me around. Especially, someone as beautiful as you,” he says.

  I feel warmth fill my face and I can’t help but look down, feeling embarrassed by his words. I’m not sure if he is kidding or not, but my body is reacting anyway.

  “Are you making fun of me or something?” I ask. “I mean, you seem sweet, but look around. I’m not really beautiful or one of the popular girls,” I say. I wish I could find a rock and crawl under it right now. This is mortifying.

  Talon surprises me by laughing and taking a step closer to me. “I just want to tell you something. Ever since the first day I saw you, I can’t get you off my mind.”

  “Are you serious?” I ask, almost not believing him.

  Smiling, he laughs a little, allowing his head to fall back and his golden hair to sweep across his face. “That’s why I want to get to know you. I see those other girls, but you are who I am interested in,” he states.

  I’m at a loss for words. I had been with Marcus since freshman year, so I didn’t have a lot of experience with dating or guys hitting on me. In a small town like ours, everyone knew each other. Guys didn’t hit on me because they all knew I was dating Marcus. Now that I wasn’t, was this what I had to look forward to?


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