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Fearless Leader (Juxtapose City)

Page 16

by Tricia Owens

  Sundhill looked at him with lazy nonchalance. "Is that so? I guess I'll have to restore the status quo, then. I think I prefer it the other way around. With you on the bottom."

  Black felt his cheeks burn. He didn't mean it that way, he told himself firmly. But it was hard to tell with Sundhill looking up at him almost... heatedly. Black cleared his throat. He extended a hand down to the other man.

  "Since that's not likely to happen want to call it quits?" he asked lightly.

  Sundhill shrugged and accepted his hand. Black cursed himself a second later as he fell for the oldest trick in the book. A powerful yank pulled him off his feet and sent him sprawling across the older man. In a deft move born of much practice, Sundhill reversed their positions, pinning Black face down to the mat.

  "Damn it!" Black hissed into the vinyl. "I can't believe I let you do that!"

  Sundhill laughed lightly against the side of his face. His warm breath stirred teasingly through the whorls of Black's ear. It was at that moment that Black realized just how intimately they were pressed together. He could feel the other man along the entire length of his body. Sundhill's strong thighs straddled his own. It was a dangerous position, for it placed Sundhill's weight on his hips which pushed tight against the curve of Black's ass. And he could feel Sundhill's--

  Black held very, very still.

  "Are you holding your breath?" Sundhill asked.

  "I'm practicing my breath control," Black answered quietly.

  After a pause Sundhill began to laugh. To Black's tremendous relief, the older man rolled off of him. Taking a moment to calm his rising libido, Black slowly rolled into a sitting position. Sundhill had his back to him and Black watched the man's sweatpants twitch as Sundhill adjusted himself. Black quickly looked away as he climbed to his feet.

  He grabbed his towel and scrubbed his face with it. When he lowered it he found Sundhill casually looking him over. Black couldn't help doing the same.

  Sundhill shirtless and sweaty was like a wet dream come true. The man had enviable muscle definition, the broad planes of his chest and abdomen covered with golden tanned skin and only a sparse scattering of light blond hair. He had the perfect V, his wide shoulders tapering to a trim waist that led the eye to his hips and the bulge that Black tried very hard not to look at for very long. Men like Sundhill shouldn't wear sweatpants, Black thought, disturbed by the visible outline of the other man's sex beneath the clingy fabric.

  "Where'd you get the hickies?" Sundhill asked, shattering Black's thoughts.

  Sundhill was grinning at him, teasing, but Black couldn't find a grin to throw back in return.

  "They're from an undercover op," he muttered, quickly wrapping his towel around his neck to hide the incriminating marks. "Don't ask."

  Black could only thank god that his skin didn't hold bruises for long. The few marks that remained were faint and indistinct. Still, Black wished that Sundhill had never had to see them. His pain-in-the-ass relationship with Starr was supposed to be a secret.

  Black had arrived at JC1 while Sundhill claimed to be in the middle of his workout. When the other lieutenant had cajoled Black into wrestling with him -- insisting that they go shirtless -- Black hadn't known how to refuse without raising suspicion. Talk about bad luck.

  To his relief however, Sundhill took him at his word and didn't say anything more about it. "Beer?" the blond asked, holding open the training room door. "Or a shower, first?"

  Get your mind out of the gutter. "I think I could use a shower. I'm pretty ripe."

  Sundhill nodded, following him out. "You can use the one in my room."

  The layout of JC1's housing was identical to JC2's. Black followed Sundhill up to what would have been Jake's room in the Dugout. The clothes that Black had worn here were lying where he had left them folded neatly atop Sundhill's dresser.

  "I'm going to go hop in Flaherty's shower while you're using mine," Sundhill told him as he moved to the door. "I'll meet you downstairs, okay?"

  Black nodded, waiting until the door shut before dropping the towel and entering the bathroom. Personal items in the bathroom called to Black's curiosity but he made himself ignore everything and start the shower. If Black wanted to get to know Sundhill better he'd find a way to do it that didn't involve deciphering the meaning of the man's toiletry choices.

  Black sighed and bent his head beneath the spray of hot water, groaning as the force of the jets eased sore muscles. He chuckled. He couldn't believe he was currently standing naked in Lieutenant Sundhill's shower. Black had planned to spend today doing research on the computer.

  As usual it had been his own fault and his own bad luck that did him in. Shaken by the memories that had flooded him the other night and irritated with his deteriorating relationship with his teammates, Black had called Sundhill with the intention of canceling their date.

  Black blinked water soaked lashes. Was this a date? He hadn't thought so before but now he wasn't so sure...

  At any rate, Black had had the misfortune of catching Sundhill while the older lieutenant was having lunch with Captain Dickerson. Any excuse Black might have made for backing out of Thursday was shot to hell when the captain was there to verify that Black was free for the week.

  "Forget Thursday, then," Sundhill had said cheerfully. Just as Black had begun to relax the blond man had said, "Come over this afternoon. It's better anyway; the rest of the guys are out of the house attending the Gun Expo."

  And so Black had had no choice but to come here and find Sundhill, golden hair mussed and half-naked, challenging Black to take him to the mats. If there had been a way to resist, Black didn't know of it.

  Black quickly soaped his hair and ducked his head to rinse out the suds. He looked around the stall and didn't see any soap except for a container of body gel. Black sniffed it experimentally. Yes, it smelled like Sundhill, giving Black an instant erection.

  His eyes fell to a washcloth draped over the edge of a handrail embedded in the wall of the shower. Black groaned as his fingers curled around the small towel. Why, oh, why, couldn't Sundhill be like most men and use a bar of soap?

  He squeezed some gel into the towel and wet it before bringing it gingerly to his chest. The smell of Sundhill, something he'd been sharply aware of while they wrestled, overcame his senses. He bit his lip as he dragged the slightly rough towel over his chest. He rubbed it lightly over one nipple and gasped at the pleasure that came from the simple motion.

  Masturbating in Sundhill's shower with the man's washcloth... Could there be anything worse?

  "You've sunk to a new level," Black murmured as he moved the cloth to his other nipple and began rubbing it in slow circles over the erect bud.

  This was so wrong but it felt too damned good to stop. As the suds slid down his body, slipping smoothly over his skin, Black allowed his mind to drift. What if Sundhill had insisted that they share the shower? He swept the cloth down his abdomen in ever widening circles. What if Sundhill was behind him now, all six feet two inches of gorgeous perfection guiding that small washcloth down Black's body?

  He wrapped the warm cloth around his straining sex and braced his free arm against the tile wall to hold him up.

  He moaned softly as he squeezed the cloth around his swollen flesh, forcing soap bubbles and pre-cum to the end of his shaft.

  He imagined it was Sundhill holding him like this, the older man's breath hot against the back of his neck. Coaxing him...

  "I could be your mentor in all things, Black."

  "Yes," Black whispered, stroking himself a little faster. He let his head drop, water dripping from his lashes to splash against the bottom of the tub.

  "I could bring you into my world, Black. Where everything's clean, everyone is honest--"

  Black trembled as his sac drew up tight to his body. His hips pushed himself into his cloth-covered fist.

  "-- where no one knows what it's like to live on the streets. No one knows how dirty it can be..."

  Black imag
ined Sundhill's teeth sinking into the nape of his neck. He could almost feel the man's strong arm holding Black around the waist as his knees threatened to buckle.

  "If you let me teach you, Black, I can take you away. I can help you to be like me."

  Black turned his head and bit into the side of his arm to stifle his cry. He bucked helplessly as he imagined Sundhill's hand pulling demandingly on his cock.

  "Come for me, Black. Let me guide you..."

  His mind flashed to that moment when they'd been wrestling and he'd felt Sundhill's cock nestled between the curves of his ass. Black imagined Sundhill yanking down his shorts and pushing his legs apart, sliding that long, thick cock into Black's heat.

  Black reached lower and slid a single finger into his body. He shuddered and fisted himself harder as he imagined Sundhill driving him into the mats with strong, commanding thrusts.

  "Let me teach you, Black. Let me fuck you."

  "God!" Black groaned as his body convulsed. He shot into the towel, his legs shaking as his orgasm robbed the strength from his legs.

  He leaned against the wall, panting, his body tingling from the force of his climax. The scent of Sundhill rose up around him, invading his pores and becoming a part of him.

  He carefully rinsed the washcloth clean and washed the remaining suds from his body. Now that the pleasure had faded he was ashamed of himself. He'd just jerked off in his idol's shower. What the hell was wrong with him? Still, he couldn't help feeling a small thrill as he hung the washcloth from its rung in the wall and imagined Sundhill using it on his body later, rubbing the ghost of Black's essence over his body.

  He had to clip that thought off fast or else he'd have to spend the rest of the day in the bathroom dealing with his relentless erections. He exited the shower and carelessly wrapped a towel around his waist as he dried his hair with another. Tossing the used towel into the hamper, he opened the door and found Sundhill standing beside the bed, fully dressed.

  Mortification swept through Black. Had the other man heard him?

  "Y-you're fast," he blurted.

  Sundhill smiled enigmatically. "Not always. Most times I like to take my time and really enjoy it." His eyes raked Black's body. "I guess you're the same way."

  He's talking about the shower, Black berated himself as his body began to respond to the other man's words. But his mental chastisement flew out the window as Sundhill suddenly stepped forward, invading Black's personal space.

  Sundhill's eyes were a shade of cornflower blue as he raised a hand and lightly traced a bruise on Black's collarbone. "Sergeant Cole?" he murmured with an arch of one golden brow.

  Black turned his head slightly to avoid the back of Sundhill' hand as it touched a bruise higher up his neck. "No," he said, uncertain. "I told you it was from a mission."

  Sundhill's scent was ten times stronger than the soap he used, an elusive blend of musk and Sundhill's own aroma as his eyes searched Black's turned face.

  "I hope it turned out well to have demanded this," Sundhill said, rubbing his thumb almost absently across a bruise just below Black's jaw. Black fought to keep his eyes open but it was difficult with Sundhill's nearness surrounding him and smothering him like a thick cloud of pheromones. "The mission didn't involve the empath, did it?"

  Black nodded, backing up a step. Sundhill followed him, making Black's heart rebound painfully against his ribcage. He gave up the fight and closed his eyes as Sundhill wrapped his fingers around the back of his neck and leaned forward.

  "He's dangerous, Black," Sundhill whispered. It was the first time the other man had called him something other than lieutenant. It made his stomach flip-flop. "You don't want to get involved with someone like him. He's nothing but bad news. Once he finds a way to escape the police he'll be gone in a second."

  "I know," Black returned, wanting to put his hands on Sundhill but afraid to because it might stop the other man from reaching whatever this was leading to. "I'm not interested in Starr. I don't want anything to do with his kind."

  Warm breath caressed his cheek, making Black shiver. "Smart boy."

  Black shivered again as lust pooled in his groin. His cock was as firm as stone.

  "Do I make you nervous?" Sundhill murmured, his lips barely brushing the outer curve of Black's ear. "You're trembling."

  "'Course not," Black said with a weak laugh. He opened his eyes in an attempt to prove he was unfazed but seeing Sundhill's strong, handsome face so close to his own only served to torture him more. Sundhill's eyes drank in Black's face, those bright blue eyes lingering on Black's mouth. Black returned the favor, his own eyes resting on the other man's wide, thin lips.

  Sundhill tipped his face up with a thumb beneath his jaw. "Now tell me the truth."

  Black stared back expectantly, his cock tenting the towel around his waist.

  "Are you sleeping with the captain?"

  Black wasn't insulted. He'd heard the rumors. "No."

  Relief and pleasure crossed Sundhill's face. A dimple appeared in one cheek as he smiled. "Good," he murmured, massaging the back of Black's neck. "That's good."

  Sundhill turned his head, breaking eye contact as a door slammed somewhere downstairs. Voices drifted in through the opened door of the bedroom. "They're home," he said, grinning ruefully.

  Black had never been more relieved and disappointed at the same time. "Yeah," he muttered, clearing his throat as Sundhill released him and stepped back. "I'd better get going then. I doubt they'll be happy to see me here."

  Sundhill walked to the door and paused, smiling back at Black. "Nonsense. I offered you that beer, didn't I? After our workout I'm sure you could use one."

  He left the room, leaving behind a very confused and aching Black.


  "So what do you think he's doing over there?" Calyx taunted.

  Jake circled the empath with his hands held loosely before him. "Hopefully kicking Sundhill's ass."

  "Oh, I'm sure there's an ass involved somewhere," Calyx quipped. He dodged a punch to the jaw and returned one of his own. "Surprised that’s not obvious to you."

  Jake danced back, the punch flying past his cheek. "Why do you think you know him better than the rest of us?" he snapped before rushing the empath.

  Calyx endured a punch to the ribs as he spun to the side. "For one, I'm an empath. For another, I actually pay attention to him. Frankly, you all amaze me. It seems like none of you boys have one clue as to what makes Darkness tick. Which is really shameful, especially coming from you, sweetheart. I expected a little more insight from Black's lapdog."

  Jake tossed his head, flipping sweat from his eyes. "Maybe I'm keeping what I know to myself."

  "Mmm, maybe. But somehow I doubt it."

  The two men continued to warily circle each other within the otherwise empty training room. Bee and Haney had wisely decided to watch the men face off from the safety of the video system connected to the T.V. in the living room.

  "We were together for several months," Jake said, jumping aside as Calyx tried a leg sweep on him. "Being lovers involves a level of intimacy that you can't get as teammates."

  "Ah, but is that true of Black?" Calyx smirked as Jake swung at him. "Touched a nerve, did I? You may have had our leader in bed, Cole, but I doubt he spilled his heart to you. He doesn't strike me as the type."

  Jake stopped and straightened. "So if that's what you think why are you pursuing him? You want a quick fuck, is that it?"

  Calyx relaxed out of his fighting stance as well. Now that he was no longer tensed his body registered the abuse it had taken in the last forty-five minutes. Jake was good at hand-to-hand; Calyx knew he'd be hurting tomorrow. Jake had also been an unexpectedly fair fighter, not resorting to any of the dirty tricks the empath had expected out of the man considering their relationship.

  "What I want from Black is not your concern," Calyx told him. "He's a grown man. He can take care of himself."

  Jake snorted. "You're right about that. If you try to
fuck with him he'll make you regret it."

  "Then what I do with him shouldn't bother you, should it?"

  Jake grinned. "You know what? You're absolutely right. Go right ahead and take him to bed, Starr. I think I'd enjoy watching you get tossed on your ass once it's over."

  Calyx smiled thinly. "You know next to nothing about Black. You know even less about me. But I appreciate having your blessing on our union, sweetheart."

  Jake scowled.


  Dressed in his own clothes again, Black descended the stairs and cautiously entered the living room. Sundhill's team was scattered across the sofas admiring a collection of guns and equipment laid out upon the coffee table. Flaherty was the first to look up at Black, his eyes widening as he shot to his feet.

  "What the hell are you doing here?"

  "I was invited," Black replied calmly.

  "Bullshit," said Henderson, a stocky man an inch shorter than Black who'd come directly from the military. The man had a baseball cap drawn over his light red hair, casting his eyes in shadow as he faced Black. "The lieutenant wouldn't bring you here. Not JC2."

  "Obviously, you're wrong," Black told him with forced patience. Ignoring the hostile glares sent his way, he nodded towards the weapon strewn table. "Your goods from the Gun Expo? Is that the new SIG/Sauer-90?"

  One of the other men -- Black couldn't' remember his name -- picked up said weapon and casually aimed it in Black's direction. Black wasn't concerned. The gun's clip was still on the table.

  "A beauty isn't it?" the man said, looking down the sights at Black. "So smooth you don't know you've pulled the trigger until you see the bad guy exploding in front of you."

  "It's just a transition model though," Black said, crossing his arms across his chest and trying to appear relaxed. "The SIG-100 comes out in seven months with a twenty-two percent reduction in muzzle flash and a higher capacity magazine: nineteen loaded with one in the chamber. That one carries only sixteen, if I remember right."


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