Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series)

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Forsaken (book 3) (The Charmer series) Page 9

by Sanderson, Danielle

  "Den, come with me?" Dallah asks him gently; knowing that he has broke whatever spell was on him and found out what has happened to them all.

  "We will be an hour tops," she persuades.

  "One hour," he tells her, and then looks back to me, "I will tell Candy everything, and give you my life," he tells me in a serious tone.

  "Please stop it Den, how could I give up so easily."

  "Easily! Look at him, he's alive! Not to mention with another woman, your arch enemy, back from the grave!" He asks me in a stunned tone.

  "Everything ok Zara?" Ruk asks from my side, but I don't look at him, I keep my eyes connected with Dens, and nodding my head once to him, he looks to Dallah, silently telling her to take him away so that they can speak privately. Dallah will explain to him of what we know, and what we have found out so far.

  "Where were you today?" I turn to Ruk and ask quietly.

  "I had to go away and think. I was harsh Zara, to you and to Mary. No matter what feelings I have for you, Mary is the one for me," he explains with sympathy.

  Hearing the truth in his words, my knees give way and I tumble to the ground in a heap of nothingness, a shell.

  As the Charmer, my emotions are much higher than the average person. My heart longs to find its mate, and without having Ruk close to me loving me, feeling as though our love and bond is broken, my heart is reaching out to his.

  "Zara!" He asks in a panic, and gets to his knees to look me in the eye.

  "You did it, you promised you wouldn't," I cry to him in a shaky breath.

  "Did what? Promised you what?" He asks sounding thrown off.

  "Angus?" I call out; needing to get away from this nightmare I call my life.

  As soon as his name leaves my lips, he has me on my feet and is looking at Ruk with raw anger, which isn't fair to Ruk, but I'm sure he is sick of seeing me so broken by these men I think love me.

  "You fool!" He spits with venom.

  "What is it?" Parrise asks; now standing at Ruk's side.

  "Nothing, I need to take Zara home, tell Dallah if you see her," he tells Parrise in a rush before taking me in his arms and making a quick getaway.

  When we arrive at my house, we are instantly aware that someone is here, someone that has an air of power, evil.

  "Richard?" I ask the hooded figure.

  "There you are," he states whilst turning to us and removing his hood.

  "What are you doing here?" Angus asks in an irate tone.

  "Isn't that obvious, to see dear Zara," he says sarcastically.

  "What is it?" I ask numbly.

  "There is something you should know about Mary," he says with a grin.

  "Right, spit it out then!" I tell him annoyed with his lingering.

  "You cannot kill her," he says, again with a grin.

  "Richard, for fuck sake, just tell me or leave!"

  "Ok, ok, I just love to see you angry, it's a turn on. Right, Mary, you cannot kill her, not without my help. You see as we were bought back together, we have immunity to your powers. You could weaken us, granted, but you could cause no damage. This is where I come in; I will help you for something in return."

  "What! How do you know that? Know that I would want to kill her?" I ask with my head spinning a thousand miles.

  "That's the best bit, your mother came to me, explained it all to me. As for Ruk, I know he is a weak man, too emotional if you ask me."

  "Well I didn’t! What do you want?"

  "Zara, you can't trust him!" Angus shouts in outrage.

  "Ruk doesn't remember me, he doesn’t love me! He will mate with Mary, after tonight, his words, I could see it in his heart," I tell him in a sob, saying it aloud hurts more than thinking it quietly, privately.

  "Look at her! You would hurt her further!" Angus asks Richard in disgust.

  "You know nothing of me. Zara, come with me to speak in private?" Richard asks holding out his hand to me.

  Turning to look at Angus, I speak with a shaky breath, as I beg myself to dull the tears, and the thundering heart, and try to think of the positive, Ruk is alive.

  "I have nothing to lose, I have lost everything." I tell him in a depressed tone before placing my hand in Richards.

  Transported from where we stand, I hear Angus scream my name in anger before I'm standing alone with Richard in the Dark Coven.

  Standing in Richard private office in the dark coven, he looks at me deeply, before he speaks,

  "You gave up already?" He asks, but not in a hurtful way, more confused.

  "No, not given up, just losing strength," I tell him truthfully, shocking the shit out of myself for being so honest with him.

  "But don't think for one second I will take shit from you Richard. You heard me right when I told Angus I have nothing to lose," I add.

  "Oh I believe you," he snorts a laugh, "but we need to get down to business. I know what you are, who you are, your family," he raises his brow, "so I know that you can, and will help me in return for what I will do for you," he says with a twinkle in his eye.

  " is it we can help each other exactly," I question him feeling a little apprehensive.

  "I will join you in killing Mary, we will accomplish this together. In return I want you to act as my queen, on a gathering I must attend in Paris in one day’s time."

  "Why?" I ask taken back.

  "I need someone strong at my side, and they do not come as strong, and desperate as you. More to the point, I need you there when I kill my grandfather." He tells me simply.

  "What!? Your grandfather! Why the hell would you want to kill him? And why must you need me there?"

  "Yes grandfather," he rolls his eyes, "I have to kill him before he kills me, and let me tell you he has come to close, too many times. For needing you, I need you there to hold off my cousins. You see my grandfather is a very strong Warlock, so my power will be completely focussed on him leaving me venerable to my cousin’s attack. My cousins are nothing amazing, you can handle them, trust me."

  "That's just it, I don't trust you, how could you expect me to?"

  "You have nothing to lose remember," he taunts.

  I see death has not taken his arrogance away, shame.

  "Fine, I'll do it. But I need to trust you will pull through for me first. I will not leave Ruk's life in your hands," I tell him strongly.

  "How can I accomplish that dear Zara?" he asks sarcastically.

  "Well for one, you need to stop talking to me in that belittling tone, then you can put your hand on my heart and promise me you will help me in return."

  "Why on your heart?" he asks with a frown.

  "Because yours is too weak," I tell him with my head held high.


  He places his hand over my heart, and I then hold my hand over his and watch his pupils grow wide.

  "I promise to you that I will be there for you when you need me," he says then raises his brow, silently asking me if it was enough.

  "If you choose to deceive me, shall your coven fall to the ground, and all those who worship it."

  "You cursed me!" He asks in shock, snatching his hand back.

  "Only if you deceive me, but like you promised, you will be there," I tell him smugly.

  He says I cursed him because he heard the truth in my voice, and the anger in my blazing purple eyes when I gave a little of myself to my threat. I needed to make him understand that I'm not playing games, if he wants me to help him, then he will help me.

  "These men have really had a place in your heart don’t they." He says as a statement rather than a question.

  "I have to go. I will come back tomorrow, and then you can explain the plan to me in detail," I tell him and wait impatiently for his reply.

  "Fine, don't be late, and be alone. I need you full concentration Zara, this is important, maybe not to you, but it is to me," he tells me almost regretfully.

  "Of course, you can rely on me."

  "Yes, I think your right," he says looking si

  "I'm always right," I lie before leaving his coven and joining my family.

  After explaining myself to Angus, Den, Dallah and now Sallack who joins us, I once again have to listen to them why they freak out about my deal with Richard and how he will betray me. However, I made this deal with Richard so I will stick by it.

  As my friends they are worried about the choices I have made along the way, but again, I had to tell them that they are my choices, and that they are made for the great of good. No deal I have made with Lucifer or Richard were selfish, they were made from my undying love for Ruk. No matter where Ruk and I come to in our lives after this mess, he will be alive, that is the sole reason I can still walk and talk.

  "Babe, a deal with the Devil, really?" Den asks for the tenth time.

  "Yes, and I would do it again, for every single one of you," I tell him passionately.

  "I know! That is what scares me." He half shrieks.

  "Den! You left me! What the fuck!" Candy screams as she rushes through the front door, causing us all to turn to her with frowns.

  "Shit, I'm sorry, are you ok?" He asks nervously.

  "No I am not! Every time that bitch needs you, you are there like a fucking lap dog! You need to make a choice, me or her!?!"

  "Candy, you have this all wrong. Den wants to be with you, he is just being a good friend," I tell her, feeling the need to stick up for Den.

  "Shut it bitch! Den decide now!?"

  "Stop working yourself up so much, you have to be careful with your temper now you have our baby in there." He points to her stomach.

  At a loss for words, I shake my head discreetly when I see Candy suddenly remember she carries their child.

  "We should go, leave you guys alone," I say to them and in sync, Sallack, Dallah, Angus and I stand to our feet, ready to remove ourselves from this awkward drama.

  "No I need to speak with you," Den half shouts out to me.

  Damn it, he can't do this again, not here, not now.

  "Freeze her!" I tell Dallah telepathically in a rush, needing her to do so before Den utters another word.

  Watching the confusion in Dens face when he realises that Candy has been frozen mid shouting, I step up to him and hold his hands lovingly.

  "I know that you love me, would leave her for me, but that isn't what I want. Even if Ruk and I had never found love, I wouldn't, couldn't, take a child’s father away from them. We know more than anyone how hard it is to grow up without a dad."

  "I can still do that babe, we could see him all the time," he says with strength to his words.

  "Candy wouldn't allow it Den. You are a family man now, you need to be there for them both, and as much as I hate Candy, she will need you. It will be hard, but you will soon forget about me when you hold your baby in your arms."

  "I don’t think I will. Babe, you are my number one, always," he tells me passionately.

  "Please Den, I can't do this," I beg of him to stop.

  I want Den to be happy, and with all that is going on at the moment, I don't want him to get hurt, not when he has his own family now. Even though Candy doesn't deserve the dirt off his shoe, his baby deserves the dad Den will be, the caring, devoted dad that I know he will be.

  "What if you were wrong about Ruk, what if I am the one and you're letting me go," he asks with hope.

  "Then you wouldn't have fathered a child with another woman," I tell him simply, but full of sorrow.

  "I need to release her, it could harm the baby if I have her under the spell for a long time," Dallah announces with regret.

  Den nods his head to her with a weak smile, and straight away, Candy is realised from the spell and waiting for Dens reply.

  "Let's go up stairs candy," he tells her gently, receiving a smug grin in return.

  Watching them leave the kitchen, I slump in the chair and sigh quietly to myself.

  "All of this will come crashing down on you soon," Dallah tells me, her voice laced in grief.

  "I know it will," I tell her then rub my hands over my face, taking a deep breath and looking at them with a fake smile.

  "Right, I need to see Ruk before tomorrow. And before you tell me that I need you all with me, then don't. I will be fine, if something happens then I will contact Dallah, ok?"

  Getting sympathetic nods of the heads from them I get up from the table and take the 3 mile walk over to the Brothers’ home, I could transport there, but I need to be alone.

  Chapter 9

  Standing outside the Brothers’ home, I lift my hand to knock on the door, when suddenly it opens and Mary stands there, her eyes clouded with disgust.

  "Where is he?" I question in a bored tone.


  "Move out of the way," I tell her whilst pushing her to the side, causing her to bang into the door.

  "You will regret that!"

  "No, no I really won't. But you on the other hand, will wish yourself dead after this Mary," I growl out with rage.

  "Ha, yeah ok. He doesn't want you, you stupid girl. He really isn't here, he went to get me some ice cream, grateful for the sex he just received, said it was the best he'd had," she tells me with a bright smile, goading me on.

  "I don't believe you. Where is he," I shout at her getting riled.

  "Oh hon, it's so sad that these men of yours favour me, I think I’m starting to feel sorry for you," she says pulling a sad face, the condescending bitch.

  "Where is he?" I scream at her with pent up anger.

  This is when Dom and Mickey come running out of the kitchen and stand looking at me, distress playing in their handsome faces.

  "What have you done?" Dom asks Mary suspiciously.

  "Nothing Dom. Zara here wants to know where my mate is, and I was just telling her he is out," she tells him as if butter wouldn't melt.

  Frowning at her, he then looks me in the eye before holding his hand out to me and nodding his head once, indicating I should trust him.

  "Babe, she's right, he has gone out. Come sit with us until he gets back," Mickey tells me warmly.

  Shaking my head no, I take shaky breaths before turning my attention back to Dom.

  "I need to see him urgently.”

  "Leave him alone, he doesn't want you!" Mary spits.

  Dom’s head whips round to growling a warning at her.

  "Leave us Mary, Zara is family, she’s always welcome and can stay here as long as she wants too," he tells her with authority in his voice.

  Bowing her head down in embarrassment, Dom and I walk into Sallack's office and he shuts the door securely behind us.

  "He's the one?" He asks in a quiet tone.

  "" I stutter, finding it difficult to speak.

  "I don't know what's happening between you two, but I know something isn't right, I can see it in your eyes. Why are you so hurt by their finding each other," he asks gently.

  "I'm sorry Dom, I can't," I whisper back, holding back the tears that threaten to weaken me when I need strength so desperately.

  "Ok, I trust you Zara. Do what you need to do, and ask me for help when you need it. Promise me," he says in a strong tone. Standing tall he places his hand on my chin to bring my eyes to meet his.

  "Promise," I breathe out almost in a sob.

  Taking a seat on the large couch in Sallack's office, I wait impatiently for Ruk to return.

  Dom had left me alone with my thoughts as he could see I needed some time to think before seeing Ruk.

  Dom doesn't know the truth, but he knows something's missing. I'm grateful to him for not asking questions in which I cannot answer.

  "Zara?" Ruk's deep sexy voice fills the air.

  Jumping to my feet, my chest presses tightly when I see the look of sympathy in his eyes. He must think that I am desperate, begging for his attention, not that he would be far off.

  "I need to talk to you?"

  "Okay...what is it?" He asks gently.

  And before I can stop the words from leaving my
mouth, I ask,

  "Did you sleep with her?"

  Looking at me with sad eyes, his head nods just one time. That one gesture brings my world down around me for the second time this week. My heart is weak and my strength is slowly disappearing, leaving but a shell.

  Closing my eyes, the image of them in a passionate embrace taunts me.

  How could he, how? He should have waited he said he was going to wait!?

  "Why do you care so much? Why pick now to tell me you care for me, I don't get it," he asks, with a confused look on his face.

  "You have really done it. I thought you were strong Ruk. You...fuck...I hate you for this!" I scream in heartache.

  I shouldn't be so unfair to him, but god, he said this wouldn't happen, if Den could fight this, then why couldn't he?! Why?

  "Zara, I'm sorry this hurts you, truly I am, but..."

  "No, its fine, I'm fine." I tell him, and walk around him to get to the door.

  I need to take myself away from this disaster; I can't look him in the eye without wanting to slap his face repeatedly, till he remembers us and what his thrown away.

  Stopping at the door, I turn my head to him, but don't meet his eyes.

  "I would have done anything for you, and there was once a time you would have done the same for me."

  Transporting myself to my home, I stand looking at my house, my home, the place where Ruk and I were going to bring up our children. Looking up at the sky, I let an almighty scream rip from my chest, a scream so loud that I feel the ground beneath me shake, and the animals in the woods scurry away to safety.

  Walking past the kitchen where Angus, Dallah, Sallack, and Den sit patiently, I head straight upstairs without looking their way, unable to take the looks of sympathy.

  Closing my door gently behind me, I walk over to my bed and sit on the edge and shut my eyes against the memory of Ruk and me together in a loving embrace, promising our life to one another.


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