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Dying To Live

Page 20

by Sam Carter

  Chapter 48

  It wasn’t very often that Harlan found himself standing up to anyone, much less a cop. Most of the time he would just back off and take the blame. He would allow the person to get angry and yell at him. He would be everyone’s punching bag.

  Maybe that was why the voice chose him as a target. Not just as a target, but the main focus. The person who was key at every turn. Without Harlan’s 100 percent cooperation, nothing the voice wanted to do could be done. At least that’s how it felt, and it just seemed to be heading that way more and more every second.

  But something had changed in Harlan over the last few days. He couldn’t put his finger on it or identify when it happened, but something had changed. Maybe he changed when Cole finally put him in his place. But after a lifetime of being everyone’s favorite puppet, he was finally cutting those strings and being his own master. It felt good. And unnerving. And he hoped it would continue to help him as he faced what was coming next. Whatever that would be.

  As Harlan got closer to Cole’s house, he realized meeting Cole there might not be a great idea. Would the voice be watching his place and know that Harlan hadn’t blamed everything on Cole once he saw him there? Maybe he already knew. Maybe it didn’t matter what Harlan did next. Maybe it was already over.

  Harlan brushed those thoughts away. He had to stay focused and positive. And he needed to take care of his patients, which meant he needed to still play the game. He picked up the loaner and called Cole.

  “You getting close?”

  “Yes, but I’m not coming. It’s not safe.”

  “Is this just you being paranoid again? Come on. It will be fine.”

  “It won’t be. If I come there, he’ll know, and I don’t know what will happen then.” So many scenarios were running through his brain. Would his family be killed? Tortured? Would the voice do something to Cole, too? Harlan couldn’t risk it. Any of it. “If I come there he will know, if he doesn’t already, that I didn’t do what I was told.”

  “What are you talking about? You’ve done everything he’s asked, haven’t you?”

  “No. Not anymore. He wanted me to blame murders on you. I couldn’t do it.”

  There was complete silence on the other end. Harlan wished he could see Cole’s reaction. It would make it easier to know what he was thinking.

  “Wow. Here I thought my life was strange, but in comparison to yours, mine seems pretty normal.”

  “True. Who would have thought that would happen? But here we are.” Wherever here was, they were there for sure.

  “Have you called Fang yet? Please tell me something good.”

  “I did. And he’s got it. He says he’s got plenty, and we can have it all. Dude’s a big softy when it comes to kids.”

  “With a name like Fang, what else would he be? How are you going to get it? Is he coming down?”

  “I was waiting for you before heading up there to get it. I’ll leave now and take Clara. What are you doing?”

  “I want to go and get a hug from my mom and have her tell me it’s going to be ok. But I’m going to go to the hospital to see what I can do.”

  “Ok. I’ll keep you updated, and you do the same. See you in a few hours, and then this will all be over. And everything will be ok.”

  Harlan wasn’t so sure if this would ever be over, or if everything would ever be ok again.

  Chapter 49

  He didn’t expect Luke to go down so easily. A big, tough athlete like that? Sometimes the voice didn’t know his own strength.

  As a result, he ended up stuck with the body of a person that people were looking for, and he still had more work to do. So, he did what any logical person would do. He stuffed Luke in a janitorial closet in the basement of the hospital. Perhaps it wasn’t actually logical, but it would have to do for now. He couldn’t waste any more time. Luke had wasted enough of his already.

  The voice stepped back into the room where Josie lay dead. It was her best look by far. As much as he hated violence, he liked the outcome. One less person to deal with.

  He picked up his phone and decided he would call Mancuso first to see if he had done his simple task. Mancuso had secrets that gave the voice power, plus having a detective in your back pocket was a valuable thing. He figured he could use this guy to get what he wanted for years to come.


  “You sound weak, Rick. Is everything ok?”

  “I’m fine. Everything’s fine. I’m just tired. It’s almost 6:00 in the morning, and I haven’t slept. Been running myself ragged for you all day.” He sounded more than tired, but the voice decided not to push it. He only needed a bit of information from Mancuso now, no reason to drag this conversation out longer than it needed to be.

  “I can imagine. But don’t you worry. Soon this will be over for you. Your secrets will be safe, and you can sleep well again.” Of course, none of that was true. Not a single word. People will believe anything when a threat is attached.

  “I’m looking forward to that.”

  “I’m sure you are. So, how did it go tonight with Dr. Allred?”

  “Exactly as you said. He turned on his friend. It took a little bit, but I worked my magic, and we got him.”

  “Perfect.” The voice was smiling. Another one of his plans was working to perfection. “Have you arrested his friend?”

  “Not yet . . .”

  “Why not? This better be good, Rick. Give me a good reason.” The smile was gone as quickly as it had come.

  “No judge would give me a warrant without evidence. I tried. You’ve got to believe me.”

  “I believe you. I’m just not sure you tried hard enough.” The voice decided the next person he needed in his grasp was a judge. That should be easy enough. Lots of corruption and weaknesses there. “What’s the plan? You better not just be sitting there on your thumb, Rick.”

  “Harlan is getting the evidence for us. He said it would be simple. I bet by noon Cole will be behind bars.”

  “Good. Now get some rest. You’ve earned a few hours.”

  He had been right about Harlan. The pushover would do whatever he wanted. And while he planned to use the detective for a long time, he could not say the same for Harlan. Once he was done with him, once Harlan was stripped of all his abilities and accolades, once people saw him for who he really was, Harlan would be begging for death. And his wish would be granted.

  Chapter 50

  Harlan pulled into his parking spot at work and glanced at the clock. It was just after 7:00 a.m. He honestly wasn’t sure what he was doing at the hospital right now. He had not slept for a full day; his brain was fried and he couldn’t do anything to help his patients until Cole got back with the antivenom. When would that be? Had Cole told Harlan where Fang and his snake farm were? But he just couldn’t think of anywhere else to go while he waited. Or anything else to do. Maybe he would just take a quick nap in his car. That sounded like a good idea. The best idea he’d had in a while.

  Before his eyes were closed all the way, he saw Lucy walking toward the parking lot. It was obvious that she had been crying, and why wouldn’t she? After what she had witnessed with Rex, he would be concerned if she weren’t He was amazed though. Even with her eyes all puffy, her hair flying all over the place and her makeup smeared, she was still gorgeous. Now may not be the time for thoughts like this, but he couldn’t help it.

  Harlan rolled down his window and called to Lucy. She stopped and stared, trying to see where his call was coming from. So, he got out of his car so she could see him. What a gentleman he was.

  “Lucy. Over here.” She spotted him and started to walk his way. He was pretty sure he even saw a tiny smile come to her face, which caused a smile to come to his face, too. What had gotten into him?

  “Hey, Dr. Allred. What are you doing here so early?”

  “Couldn’t sleep. Too much going on. How are you doing? Clara told me what happened.”

  “It was horrible.” Lucy started to cry agai
n and dug her head into Harlan’s chest. “We see difficult things all the time, but nothing like that. And then . . .” She trailed off as tears kept streaming down her face and onto Harlan’s shirt. He didn’t care. It was worth it. He wanted to ask her to keep going, but he had learned years ago that sometimes people just need to cry. We think it’s only kids who can’t stop crying once they’ve started, but it’s adults, too. Once they’re done and ready to talk, they will.

  A few minutes later, Lucy looked up at Harlan with a look of gratitude in her eyes and smiled again. “Sorry about your shirt. That’s nasty.”

  “It’s ok. I’ve got plenty.” I’ve got plenty? Very smooth. “Um, yeah. So, what else has happened?”

  “Dr. James happened. Once I finished speaking to the police, he cornered me and flipped out. Yelling at me for questioning Rex’s test and probably screwing up everything for the patients. Telling me to do my job as a nurse and just make sure the patients are comfortable. That I should leave the medicine, the real work, to the doctors.”

  This attitude that some doctors had toward nurses always made Harlan want to scream. He never understood it. They would be lost without nurses, and, if doctors didn’t know that, then they should probably find a new profession.

  “Why would he do that? It wasn’t my fault that Rex, that Rex . . .” The tears exploded again and back went her face into his chest. He could feel every sob, every movement, every part of her pain.

  “Why can’t more doctors be like you?” she said as her tear-filled eyes gazed up at him. He got lost in her beauty as he glanced back. He didn’t know what to say. Or do.

  “Why can’t more people be like you?” He wiped the tears away from her face and leaned in close. She still smelled like heaven. Like everything he was missing.

  Before he could think better of it, he kissed her. This time because he wanted to and for that moment the world stopped, and he couldn’t remember anything else. Everything that happened over the last few days left him. The kiss was all that mattered.

  “Wow,” Lucy said as they pulled apart.

  “I couldn’t have said it better myself.”

  The moment was abruptly ended by a loud ringing coming from Harlan’s pocket. The phone. Of all the things to end his bliss, it was the voice. His timing was equal parts impeccable and maddening.

  “I’m sorry. I have to take this. Trust me, I’d rather stay right here.” Cheesy. Incredibly cheesy. Harlan hardly recognized himself right now.

  Harlan took a few steps away from Lucy before he answered the phone, hoping she wouldn’t overhear anything. This was not something he felt like explaining again.


  “Much better, Harlan. It seems you’ve found your manners. Now let’s find out if you are still obedient.”

  Did he really not know what had happened that night? Was this another test for Harlan? He hated not knowing the answers when he entered a test. Especially when the wrong answer could result in devastation for all around him.

  “What else would I be? That’s why you chose me, right? Because you knew I would do whatever you asked.”

  “Such a smart man. Another reason I picked you. Intelligence never hurts. How about you tell me what happened with the detectives?”


  “No? What do you mean, no?” The anger in his voice should have stopped Harlan from going any further, but he didn’t care anymore.

  “I mean no. The opposite of yes. Do you need me to spell it out for you? ’Cause I will. N-O.”

  “I don’t think you have a choice. You tell me everything. Now. Don’t be stupid.”

  “Not on the phone. Only face to face. Come out of hiding, and I will tell you everything you want to hear.” Harlan didn’t think this would work. There was no way. But he knew the reaction would make it worth it.

  “You idiot. Do you really think you have any leverage here? That you can tell me what to do? You have no power. None.”

  “I have something you want. Information. I think that’s pretty good leverage.”

  “Do you really believe that I don’t know what already happened? Have I not known every step of the way? The only thing that’s stopping me from killing you right now is that you did what I asked.” Bingo. Stumpy came through. The voice walked right into that.

  “That’s great to hear. Look, as much as I enjoy talking to you, and I really do, I need to go. I still have so much to do. Evidence to make magically appear. Patients to save. Can we catch up later?” Harlan was probably just being foolish now, but he wasn’t about to stop.

  “We will talk soon. There is no doubt about that.”

  “Great. I’ll be waiting by the phone in anticipation.”

  Harlan began to hang up when the voice chimed in. “Good luck with your patients, Harlan. You will need it. Because while this may just be the end for them, it’s only the beginning for everyone else.”

  The phone went silent. Harlan was left confused, wondering what that was supposed to mean, but more sure of what he needed to do.

  “What was that all about?” Lucy startled him as she put her arm around his waist.

  “It’s hard to explain.”

  “Try me.”

  “I will, but not now. I need to go to work, and you need some rest.” Lucy looked disappointed. Harlan did not like the idea of making her feel that way. “But I am going to need your help in a few hours. Get some rest and call me when you get up.”

  “I guess if the doctor ordered it, I’ll do it.” She was cheesy, too. He liked that.

  Lucy reached up and kissed Harlan on the cheek before she walked away to find her car. He stood there for a few minutes and enjoyed the view. McHotty Pants indeed.

  As soon as she was out of sight, he snapped out of it. Focus. He needed to focus. There was still so much to do.

  Harlan was about to enter the hospital when he realized he needed to text Jack. He said he would, and he didn’t want Emily to be right about him.

  “Jack! Sorry we haven’t talked yet. Can we do lunch tomorrow?”

  Harlan waited for a moment before he walked into the hospital. He wanted to get a reply from Jack before he went on with whatever was waiting for him. But it seemed like that might not happen. The one minute that passed nearly convinced Harlan he had ruined everything with Jack again. He so often allowed the smallest things to cause him the most grief. Just another thing he wished he could change.

  His phone let out a beep and Harlan exhaled again. Phew.

  “That would be great.”

  And another big exhale, followed by another beep.

  “You need to talk to Mom. Soon.”

  That was strange. Jack had always stayed out of things between the two of them. Plus, he was writing every word out. It must be serious for him to get involved.

  “Ok. Why? Is everything ok?”

  Jack responded quickly this time. “It’s not, and I don’t know why exactly. Will you please talk to her?”

  “Of course. I’m walking into work. I’ll call her in a few hours.” He wasn’t sure what he could help her with. She had just yelled at him yesterday. But he would do it for Jack.

  “Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate it.”

  Burdened now with this new issue that he did not understand, Harlan walked through the front doors of the hospital, waved to the volunteer at the front desk, and made his way to the elevator. As he rounded the corner, a loud voice boomed in his direction.

  “Seriously? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Is that the only question you can ask me? If you must know, the answer has not changed from last night. I’m doing my job, Alex. What else would I be doing here? It’s certainly not for the food.”

  “Hilarious. Such a funny guy. You know what I mean, Harlan. I’m on call. This is my shift. You keep coming in during my shift. You’re here to steal my glory when I figure this out.”

  “What is wrong with you? I don’t care about that and neither should you. These are my pati
ents. It’s about the patients. Not about the credit.” Harlan started to walk away. He couldn’t stand another minute with this clown.

  “Spare me the speech. I know what you’re about. I know how you work.”

  That made him stop. I know how you work. That wasn’t the first time Alex had said that to him tonight, and those weren’t the only two times Harlan had heard it that night either.

  The voice. The voice had said those words to him, too.

  Chapter 51

  Clara and Cole finally got out of the car and approached the strangest looking home she had ever seen. It wasn’t a long drive to Fang’s farm in Lake Stevens, but it was nerve-wracking. Clara wasn’t exactly excited about going to a farm filled with dangerous snakes, especially when the owner had a name like Fang. It didn’t really promote safety or sanity.

  “Can I just stay back at the car?”

  “I wouldn’t do that. You never know what could be lurking around the corner.”

  “Are you serious?” Clara stopped walking and started looking around for something to jump out from among the trees.

  “No. You should see your face right now though. Classic,” Cole said through his laughter.

  “And you should see your face after I’m done with you. This is not my world.” The laughter quickly stopped as Cole could see she was not joking about rearranging his face to look like a Picasso painting.

  “There’s nothing to worry about. I’m serious. This is the safest place you’ll go with wild animals running around.”

  “This is the only place I’ll go with wild animals. Unless you count the one club downtown, The Zoo. You ever been there?”

  “Yup. It’s always nice to be in the presence of a fellow zoobie. We should go there together sometime.”

  And for the first time, Clara didn’t think Cole was insane. Now she knew he was, but it was her kind of insane.

  “Sounds good to me. But please don’t call me that. Zoobies are the worst. We should get Harlan to come. Can you imagine?”


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