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Escape from Dolphin Street

Page 12

by David Sharp

  The black velvet rustled and whished back revealing the band, Institutionalized, backlit in silhouette. The drummer beat out a backbeat while the deep bass came from the side followed by a melodic guitar. The intro to the song, Plexiglas Internment Camp came together from the instruments played by the shadowed musicians. On cue a blue light lit up Jason’s demigod, Ian Paisley. Jason gripped the edge of the stage not believing how close he was. Ian was wearing tight leather pants and no shirt. A tattoo of what looked like a war plane from World War II nosed out of his pants. The other tattoos formed a semblance of chaos on the singer’s body canvass, a war on the flesh. Jason felt the crush behind him and fought to hold his spot. All of his attention was focused on the lithe body of taut muscle before him dripping sweat. Jason felt all tingly and thoughts of Adam returned.

  Ian gripped the microphone, the melody played out to a thrashing beat. He fired out the lyrics like a machine gun. The time has come to leave your padded cell. And seek out your new living hell. No guards, no hope – it’s a maze with no escape – it’s a Plexiglas internment camp.

  The sound and fury of Institutionalized captivated the audience. Kelly and Tanya returned to Jason’s side right before the mosh pit came into full spin. The swirling mass of slammers looked like a hurricane with the requisite eye of the storm in its center. Bumped and shoved by the pit dancers, Tanya moved closer to Kelly as she almost swooned from the intensity.

  Jason was under the spell of Ian. He could feel random bodies touch his and bounce away. This is so cool. The energy is amazing. He felt high without the need for a pill. The music, the moment, all were a piece of heaven. Jason wished Adam was there to share it with him and looked back in hopes that he was somewhere in the crowd. Instead, he saw Hex and Syd on the far edge of the mosh pit scoping the scene out. Jason nudged Kelly and Tanya to his side, closer to the stage, to be out of the line of sight. The crowd closed in and he lost sight of punks.

  The song changed to the even faster paced, Straight Jacket. The pit was insane. In the whirling dervish, a tall, hulking figure, overdressed with long stringy hair bumped purposefully into Jason. He tried to ignore it like the rest, but was bumped again. Jason tore his eyes off Ian, who was on his knees yelling out the lyrics, and saw the hulking shape of what could have been Hound mosh back into the storm.

  Tanya tugged at Jason’s shirt and said loudly, “Those bitches are here.”

  “I know. Watch the show,” Jason said just as loud.

  Tanya got into the moment smiling for a change while banging her head beside Kelly.

  I am in a Straight Jacket, Straight Jacket. And I am bringing you with me, bound up in a Straight Jacket.

  Kelly screamed, “Ian!” The singer reached out to the audience towards Kelly. She reached back and briefly touched his fingers.

  Jason was jealous, but he was close enough to reach out and touch Ian’s leg. His demigod smiled upon him and the world seemed all right and he forgot about street punks. Hell, this is even better than alright. It’s perfect. Jason felt the hot leather under his hand and the flesh beneath. Enthralled, he had not noticed that the crowd behind him had subtly parted.

  A trench coat clad arm moved in. A clack sounded immediately followed by the smell of electricity burning the humid air in the form of a blue arc. Seeing it out of the corner of his eye, Jason turned away from Ian. The demigod’s sweat was dripping onto his face. He squeezed the leather clad flesh again as he saw Knappy holding his Taser out. The blue lightning crackled across the two points on its tip. Tanya noticed at the same time and tried to warn Kelly who grazed Ian’s finger one last time. Knappy depressed the button and pressed down hard, tasering Kelly in the small of the back. She went limp. Jason was quick to catch her. Tanya started screaming as the crowd went wild from a quick mid chord change in songs to, Magnetic Locks. Ian spun to another part of the stage. Knappy smiled. Kelly twitched a little as she slumped over Jason’s shoulder. With Tanya’s help they moved her to the side away from another shock. The stun gun missed and tasered a skinhead in the mosh pit who jumped high then continued his crashing discourse around the circle. Knappy held his ground and watched them with sadistic glee. Jason and Tanya pulled Kelly across the vortex of mosh pit dancers, both struggling with her dead weight. Almost getting pounded by shirtless punks, they made it through to the far side unscathed. Syd and Hex blew them kisses from across the pit. Tanya lunged in their general direction dropping half of Kelly.

  “Help me with her!” Jason struggled with holding Kelly in the mass of concert goers.

  “Damn it!” Tanya angrily helped. “They can’t do this!”

  Kelly moaned from between them. “What happened?”

  Tanya asked, “Are you alright?”

  “I don’t know. He was so hot.”

  Jason pulled them forward. “We’ve got to get out of here!”

  The three of them managed to get out a side door exiting the chaos into the night. The outside was deserted with the exception of some police officers nosing around the parked cars with their flashlights.

  Tanya leaned over holding her side in pain. “It is time to go home.”

  “I think I am going to be sick.” Kelly weakly walked a few yards away to vomit.

  Tanya held her hair back as she did. “I am going to get them,” Tanya said angrily.

  Jason comforted, patting Kelly on the back. “It’s okay, get that stuff out and you will feel better.”

  Kelly moved away. “Give me a moment.”

  The side exit door slammed open wide and Syd and Hex stared out at them wildly.

  The cops had quietly walked over. One, was middle aged with a gut and had a mean sour puss look etched on his face.

  The other, baby faced with a steroid built body, sounded off, “In or out, girls.”

  The paunchy one said, “There is no reentry.”

  Syd laughed and flicked a red strand of her hair back with a dirty hand. “Don’t be silly. We are staying in you big dope.”

  Hex raised her voice, eyeing Tanya, “I can’t wait to see y’all after the show.”

  “Tonight is going to be fierce!” Syd finished letting the door slam shut.

  Jason looked to Tanya and they stared at each other in disbelief. Kelly wiped her mouth and stood up straight. The policemen shook their heads and silently conversed. Jason felt so stupid.

  Why didn’t I listen to Adam? I should have left when he told me to. What was I thinking?

  The older cop barked, “You junky hoodlums shouldn’t be out here either.”

  Jason wanted to say something back, but knew there was no sane reason to argue. Tanya even bit her tongue, while Kelly nodded in acquiescence.

  The bulky, younger cop listened to his radio, motioning for his partner to be quiet. “Let’s go. I am not missing out on all the action this time.”

  The partner sighed. “You three, beat it.”

  The cops abandoned them to heed their advice and leave the Visions parking lot on their own volition. Jason looked Tanya and Kelly over wondering how high they still were. The older cop flashed his light back at them as a warning.

  “Whatever,” Jason said not moving an inch from his spot.

  “Let’s get something to eat, I don’t feel so well.” Tanya rubbed her groin.

  “That sounds good.” Kelly agreed.

  Jason walked with them away from the club. The concrete was dirty by his feet. Looking up he noticed John’s Mustang in the parking lot. “The car is here. Adam came back! We should get our stuff and ride home.”

  “I don’t see anyone in the car,” Tanya said.

  Kelly swooned and Tanya held her tight to her side.

  “Are you coming or what?” Jason left without an answer and was disheartened upon not finding Adam in the car. He tried the driver’s side door. “Dammit, it’s locked.”

  “That’s fine with me. I just got electrocuted by some psycho friend of his. I am not going back in that car.” Kelly blurted out righting herself from leaning on

  “I want my clothes, I’m calling Adam.” Tanya flipped open her cell phone and punched Adam’s name waiting a moment to be connected. There was a weird clacking noise that came out of the speaker loud enough for all of them to hear. “Hello,” Tanya said into the phone.

  Static erupted with sounds of pigs screeching in a high disturbing pitch. The cacophony of sound ended in silence as the battery died.

  “What the fuck?” Tanya looked in disbelief at her fading phone screen.

  “What was that noise?” Kelly trembled.

  “Did he answer?” Jason wanted to know.

  “No, it was weird and fucked up. Now my phone is dead and my charger is in that car.”

  “Well, it’s not like we are going to find a pay phone out here.” Kelly seemed more like herself.

  Jason saw the Mustang in a new light. It sat before him empty and somehow dangerous unlike the previous night’s shelter. He walked around to the other side and tried the door handle and it opened. The light came on illuminating the interior. Jason was surprised to find their stuff strewn over the cabin of the car. He flung back clothes searching right and left and under. His skateboard was nowhere to be found. “Help me find my board.”

  “Somebody went through our stuff.” Kelly was shocked.

  “Put what you can find in your bag, girl.” Tanya was just as shocked but practical. “My charger is gone too.”

  “I think my panties are missing.’ Kelly shoved a blouse into her bag.

  “My skateboard, dammit, we should have never left our stuff here.”

  “See, Adam is another fucker just like John, all talk and bullshit.” Tanya leaned in grabbing a pair of shoes.

  “I don’t believe that he…” Jason was interrupted.

  “What the fuck do you think you are doing?” The overly muscular young cop had returned.

  Jason was startled and stuttered, “We are getting our stuff.”

  “We left our bags in here and our friend is inside.” Kelly tried to look innocent, but her eyes involuntarily rolled.

  The second seasoned cop yelled, “Out of the car now!”

  Tanya rushed to get as much of her stuff as possible. “Almost, one more minute,” she said.

  “I said get out!” The older cop yelled again.

  Most of their things were back in the girl’s bags and Jason’s backpack. Some clothing items hung out half tucked away, while others were lost to the interior of the car.

  The younger and possibly crueler cop pulled out his handcuffs. “Do you want to take them downtown?”

  “No, it’s not worth the paperwork.” The other cop sneered.

  “We’re leaving.” Jason shouldered his pack.

  Kelly and Tanya fussed with their stuff trying to sort it away and walk at the same time. The policemen watched them go shining their bright flashlights on their backs in emphasis.

  The younger cop yelled after them, “Don’t come back on the property tonight, punks.”

  Kelly turned and smiled a fake smile that reminded Jason of Syd. After walking out of sight, he flipped the bird in the cop’s general direction.

  “Eat my fuck, pigs!” Tanya exploded having held her tongue for way too long.

  Jason asked, “What exactly does that mean?”

  Tanya gave Jason the evil eye causing both her and Kelly to burst out laughing.

  “I think I am ready for that diner now.” Kelly switched gears.

  Tanya gave up on repacking while walking and said, “Me too.”

  “Let’s go back to the main strip and figure out what we are going to do.” Jason was disturbed that they were not taking anything seriously. He was glad to be sober, or perhaps he too would not care.

  Things have gone bad. His skateboard was even lost to one of those thieves in Liev’s gang. He knew two things. I am going to get my skateboard back and find out what the hell happened to Adam, no matter what.

  Reaching into his pocket cemented that assurance. Next to the ode inscribed picture of his brother Trevor, Jason fingered the rough edges of the Mustang’s keys he had found in the car the moment the cops had showed up. I will wait it out, get the car later, and everything will be okay.

  Hate Alley


  In the distance, thunder rumbled. The soft blur of faraway lightning caused the clouds to glow orange momentarily. Jason led Kelly and Tanya down the busy side of Westheimer Street. He felt uncomfortable without a clear destination to walk to. The wind picked up blowing about them amidst the night circus of the Montrose. Toting their few remaining belongings, the three runaways walked briskly down the road. A missing person poster tore away from a telephone pole and tumbled in the wind ahead of them. Lightning zigzagged across the dark sky and thunder rumbled afterwards with a deep bass in its eardrum shaking roar.

  “Did you see that?” Tanya stopped in her tracks.

  Kelly froze by her side. “Oh my God, you have to be kidding.”

  “We have to get off the street.” Jason looked around at the meager options. “A storm is coming.”

  “It’s getting cold out here.” Kelly shuddered under the blue glow of another flash.

  Tanya crossed her arms and glared at a closed diner ahead and said, “Any more bright ideas?”

  Jason felt the keys in his pocket. How long do I need to wait the cops out before going back to get the car? Another option came to him. “Maybe we can find a vacant house.”

  “What the hell, Jason?” Tanya flinched from another flash in the sky.

  “I know a place.” Jason was sure he could find one, but knew they had to hurry before the storm.

  “We should stay and look for a different diner. You know, be around people.” Kelly clutched her bag to her chest.

  “Everything we’ve seen, including that one, is already closed.” Tanya shivered from the cool wind.

  “And the cops are probably still at Visions.” Jason spotted another orange glow in the distance and could make out roiling clouds in the night sky.

  “Why don’t we catch a bus home then?” Kelly hoped for an alternative. And she was shot down by Tanya.

  “Honey, the last bus left at ten o’clock.”

  “So, we are stuck out here all night?”

  “I’ll find us a place. Let me get my bearings first.” Jason looked from one side of the street to the other. Past the bars and closed businesses, the neighborhood seemed the same on both sides.

  Lightning crashed again causing all three of them to huddle closer together.

  “Okay Jason, where are we going?” Tanya demanded.

  “Hang on. I’m thinking.” Jason hoped he could remember where Dolphin Street was. He had not been entirely paying attention to the roads. His eyes only had been for Adam at the time. I hope he is okay. The keys in his pocket gave him some confidence. Adam had left them for him, of that he had no doubt. If those cops would not have been there, they could have driven away. Why can’t things be easy?

  “We can’t just stand here.” Tanya was impatient.

  “Let’s go before it rains.” Kelly tapped her foot in a strange twitchy manner.

  Jason chose a direction and prayed for the best. “Fine, we are going this way.”

  Tanya mumbling something derogatory under her breath that ended with the word fags.

  Jason gritted his teeth. “I said this way.”

  “Are you sure,” Kelly said meekly.

  “Sure enough,” Jason lied as he led them.

  The main strip was left behind in half a block. The wind notched up and the air smelled damp. Rain was coming. Jason resumed the brisk pace, scanning the houses as they went. Around another block, he led an unusually quiet Tanya along with Kelly whose eyes spoke of a creeping madness. The neighborhood was mixed with old mansion style homes and small apartment complexes not quit like the desolate rows of houses Jason remembered. Only if he would have looked for a real street sign at that time, then he would know exactly what to do.

  Old trees seem to rea
ch over forming a canopy above the cracked streets. The houses seemed darker towards the right, the yards more unkempt, so Jason angled in that direction. He felt he was closer to the place Adam had taken him, but he could not be sure. Low, under his breath he said, “There has to be a vacant one somewhere.” The wind picked up carrying his soft voice away.

  The sky flashed orange. On the street they were on, a car turned slowly around a corner. Its tires barely made a noise on the concrete. Lights off, it slowly cruised towards them.

  In a hushed voice, Jason said, “Walk faster, that car is following us.”

  Tanya pressed, “Which way?”

  “On the sidewalk, then we will we go left.”

  “Jason, get us out of here.” Kelly clutched her bag even tighter.

  “I am.” Jason felt the adrenaline amp up inside his veins.

  Down the street, roughly a yard or two ahead of them, a shadowy figure catcalled to another. It was answered by someone much closer.

  “What the fuck was that?” Tanya stopped causing Kelly to run into her.

  “I’m scared.” Kelly trembled as the wind blew harder.

  Jason peered into the darkness trying to see who answered the call. It had to have been the house in front of them or closer. The car, with its lights off, slowly passed. It u-turned a little ways ahead of them, making a many pointed attempt to park on the opposite side of the street facing the wrong way. Eerily, it seemed to be waiting for their next move. It was disquieting that it was parked wrong, off kilter from the curb.

  “That’s John’s Mustang.” Tanya blurted out watching the car idle under a street lamp.

  “Maybe Adam has come back for us and we can get a ride home,” Kelly said hopefully.


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