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The Madame (The Chloe Chronicals)

Page 7

by Eden Rose

  Her soft curves molded with mine and I kissed her forehead gently. “Yeah, that sounds nice. But what about my shoes?” I looked down at her shoes and noticed that they probably wouldn’t be that comfortable if she were to walk in them.

  “Have I thanked you for how sexy they are?” I say before I can stop myself. I’ve been trying to be a perfect gentleman this whole date and my patience has begun to wear thin.

  Chloe lets out a music box giggle and then kicks them off to the side. Before I can lean over to grab them, she bends at the knees and does it for me. “No problem. Let’s go.”


  She interrupts me before I can say anything. “I have walked barefoot through some questionable areas. This is fine. Where did you want to walk to?”

  This is the Chloe that no one gets to see. This is the Chloe that is reserved and vulnerable while letting her guard down. I love this Chloe.

  I point out to the side and she turns her head to look to where I am pointing. “First stop, getting you a pair of sensible shoes.”

  Before she can object, I have leaned over, and picked her up behind her knees and adjusted her so she was against my body. Holding her like this, this close to me, I’m waging a war that I’m not sure I’m ready to fight. My dick is fighting against the zipper of my slacks, and my mind is telling to slow the hell down.

  The only way this can end is with my heart broken again.

  When we get to the pharmacy, the store clerk looks as if he’s about to tell us to go to hell, but he changes his tune when he sees her heels on her stomach. “Flip flops are on aisle five.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “I guess this happens a lot,” Chloe says as I lead her down aisle five. Once we are in front of the selection, she grabs a pair of black ones with a slight heel to it. The strap of the shoe had these stones on them that looked like diamonds or something.

  I start to laugh as she picks the shoes up to her hand that is wrapped around my neck and brings her other hand to rip it apart. “Do you need help?” I ask her with laughter.

  She grunts and I chuckle once they spring free. “I got it. I’m amazing.” Chloe drops them on the floor and then leaps out of my arms to shuffle her feet into them. I laugh once she does it because she spreads her arms out and goes: “Ta-da!”

  I laugh and then lean down to pick up her discarded shoes and the tags from the new ones. “Let’s go check out so we can go walk the strip.”

  We’ve paid, and I have her hand successfully tucked into mine and we are walking the strip like we are any other couple and I’m loving the fuck out of it. I’m loving the fact that she’s all mine right now and that no one is going to get in our way.

  Chloe- Then

  With my hand wrapped up tight in his, I didn’t pay attention to anything that we saw. It was similar to floating on a cloud and I’m not interested in coming off of the cloud.

  “Let’s find a bench,” I mention and start walking towards one. These flip flops are pinching my toes and I’m anxious to kick them off. I point to one and then he sits down with me next to him.

  I can just imagine how we look right now. Like an old couple who has been together forever. I’m so content and yet so full of belly bats right now that my insides are having trouble keeping up with everything. I’m breathing way too heavily for my physical condition, but I can’t help it. He has me thinking of things that I have no business thinking of.

  What kind of fucking bitch am I? I’m pregnant with another man’s baby but yet I’m having too much fun with Howard. I’m going to hell. There’s no other way around it.

  Before I can stop myself, I drop his hand and jump over so I’m straddling his lap. Once I have my hands around the back of his neck, I kiss him. Like full on. None of those wimpy kisses from earlier. This is one of those that will change your world.

  My tongue demands entrance into his mouth and once I’ve been granted that, I moan. Without trying to, my hips began gyrating on his and he grabs ahold of my hips to hold them still. His fingers bite against the fabric of my dress but I can feel his dick harden as it’s nestled between my highly sensitive area.

  I moan a little louder but he swallows it back and then moans against my lips. My back begins to tighten as I feel the muscles in my pussy tighten to the point where I feel as if I’m going to burst and I let out a cry. Heat pulsates straight to my pussy and I come like a wanton whore on the park bench.

  Suddenly feeling embarrassed, I remove my lips from his and start to move away from him. But he holds on to me and then takes one of his hands to grab ahold of my chin to hold me in place. “No, beautiful. You don’t hide from me. That was the most incredible thing I have ever witnessed. You are so perfect, baby. I love that you used me to get yourself off.”

  I take one of my hands and drop them to his slacks and start to undo the zipper. My fingers deftly pull but he’s grabbing my hand to push me away before I can do anything about it. “Wait, why are you doing that?” I ask. “It’s only fair that you get to come too.” I know what I look like right now. I have red cheeks from my orgasm and shiny eyes from lust. I feel beautiful right now.

  He chuckles and then pushes himself against my soaked and too sensitive of an area. “I almost did. But I can’t take my dick out yet.”

  Confused, I furrow my brows and tilt my head to the side. “Why?”

  “Because I want you to trust me first.”

  “But I-”

  Howard shuts me up and kisses me quickly. “No, you don’t. Not fully at least.”

  Before I can object, he cradles me against his chest and I tuck my face into the crook of his neck. He smells so good and I take a deep breath to inhale him. “You are such a puppy,” he says and chuckles.

  “I can’t help it that you smell so good.”

  Howard- Then

  The next morning, I awake in the heat of the desert sun as it filters through my window. I’m laying on top of my bed completely naked and look down at the raging boner that is jutting straight out.

  Quickly, I wrap my fist around it and begin to shuttle my hand up and down it. I watch as the bead of pre-come gets larger and then spread around the head of my dick.

  Oh fuck, yeah. That feels good.

  Chloe’s lips are pulled into a smile as she gets on her knees to take me in her mouth. They are painted a red but look so good as they wrap around the crown of my dick. Her tongue laves against my piercing at the tip and unsheathes her teeth to bite it gently and tug.

  “Fuck yeah, baby. Shit. You suck me so good,” I praise her once she deepthroats me all the to the back of her throat. I thank the gods of blow jobs for allowing her to do this.

  I’m not a large man by any means, but I do have some girth to my dick. But, I’ve never had any complaints. She wraps her hand around the base of my dick and begins to jack me into her mouth. “Are you going to swallow every ounce I give you?”

  Chloe nods and then focuses back on the task at hand. Her mouth swallows me whole and then slides back up again. When she begins to match the movements, my back begins to spasm and I can feel my orgasm ebbing closer. “Are you going to come for me, baby? I want you to.”

  I watch her hand slide down her body in between her thighs. She moans from deep in her chest as she flicks her own clit as she sucks me. “God damn it. Fuck!” I shout out as my orgasm shoots into her mouth. When I look down, she’s swallowing me and then moaning with her own pleasure.

  She looks up at me with her soulful eyes and I dig my fingers into her hair. “You are so perfect, baby,” I whisper. “I love you, Chloe. I love you so much. It hurts sometimes.”

  “I love you too, Howard.”

  My release shoots out and hits me on my stomach. My breath is hard and coming faster and faster as I come down from my orgasm. Shit, I can’t remember the last time I came that hard.

  Ring. Ring.

  “Hello?” I answer it and roll my eyes when I hear Barry’s voice.

  “Yo, asshole. Quit playing
house with my sister and get your ass over here. Something big is happening!”

  I sit straight up not even caring the my orgasm is spreading along my stomach. “What are you talking about, dick head?”

  “Get over here now. And pick up Chloe.”

  The asshole hangs up before I can question him some more about what he’s talking about.

  Or how he knew that Chloe wasn’t here with me.

  I click on Chloe’s face for her contact and then hit dial. When she doesn’t answer, I remember that she said that she was turning off her phone so she can sleep. God damn it.

  I push off of my bed and slip into my clothes to head over there. Quickly, I grab my keys off of the dresser and stuff my wallet into the back of my dress pants. After shoving my feet into my nice shoes, I’m ready to go.

  There are at least three traffic laws that I have broken on my way to Chloe’s and I want you to ask me if I care. Yeah, no. I don’t. There must be something big going on that has Barry freaking the fuck out like this.

  By the time I get to her place, I run up to her apartment and bang on the door. I’m taken aback when she answers it dressed in a robe and her hair is piled on the top of her head. In true Chloe fashion, she has her gun cocked in her hand.

  “Two things, beautiful. One, do you always answer the door like this? Two, do you always answer the door with your gun?” I chuckle at my last question even though I didn’t mean to. It slipped out. I wanted to give her shit about answering the door practically naked.

  “Only when mother fuckers wake me up out of a sound sleep. How may I help you?” She unblocks the door and walks toward her couch. “Steve!” The dog comes running from the direction of her bedroom and I can hear the clink of his tags as they chime together. “Come on, shit head.”

  He walks right over to the couch and plops down in front of it with a groan of despair. “I swear, your dog acts like an old man,” I inform her and walk over to the couch. She makes a bad choice when she uncrosses her legs and I can see the huge span of creamy skin. “God damn it.”

  She giggles and does it again. “Is my pain funny to you, missy?” I growl as I tuck my dick up into the waistband of my pants in order to hide it from it’s current hard state.

  “Sorry. What are you doing here? I thought I told you that I was going to sleep.” Her words are harsh and I can tell that she’s really tired.

  “Get your Russian shit on. Barry called me and told me that something is going down tonight and told me that we needed to get over there.”

  Before she can say anything, I grab Steve’s leash and he comes running over to me with his tongue lolled out of his mouth. “I’m taking him outside. Get your clothes on and let’s go.”

  By the time Steve has marked about three trees and an additional six garbage cans, it’s been about ten minutes. We need to get moving. There is no telling exactly what is happening and I’m anxious to see why we are being called.

  “Come on, dog. Let’s go see what your mama is up to.”

  The tell tale sign of puking hits my ears when we walk into the apartment. “Chloe?” I call out and unclip the leash to the dog and run through the apartment until I find her hunched over the toilet. “It’s okay, honey. I’m here,” I kneel next to her and gather her hair into my fist. The pervert in me is loving the weight of her hair wrapped taut around my hand.

  I’m a sick fucking bastard.

  Once the retching has stopped, I reach over to the faucet in the shower and spin it on. “Let’s get you out of these clothes and into the shower. Once you are done in there, climb into bed and I will go to see what’s happening.”

  She shakes her head violently and looks at me with me vehemence. “No, this is just the beginning.”

  I shake my head to the left and try to remember what she’s talking about. And then I remembered. She’s pregnant. Somehow down the line, I began to think that she wasn’t which is stupid. It’s been only a day since I found out but I have successfully forgotten about it.

  “It’s okay, my sweet one.” I rub my hand up and down her shoulder and she shudders against me.

  “No, it’s not. Howard, it’s really not fine. What kind of person am I that I get knocked up by some guy that I hate and now I’m… shit. Now I’m starting to like you… God damn it. I’m a horrible fucking person.”

  Of course the part where she’s putting herself down is something that I don’t like, but it’s great to hear her admit that she likes me. Fuck off, Grant.

  I kiss the top of her sweaty head and then help her get up. “Let’s not worry about that. If you’re sure that you want to come, we need to go. I already took Steve out so we won’t have to worry about taking him out.”

  Chloe brushes past me and walks over to the sink and turns on the nozzle. She applies toothpaste onto the brush and begins to brush her teeth. “All right, I will meet you out here.”

  Grant- Now

  With a small bag of clothes thrown into the back of my car, I’m driving to Las Vegas. Kayla is pissed as hell at me but I need to find Chloe. I figured out that the type of people she is hanging around now are fucking sex traffickers.

  And she’s pregnant with my babies.

  By the grace of God, I manage to drive around the speed limit and get there within a decent time. As soon as I pulled into the familiar parking lot of her house, I slam my car into park and grab my keys. I run up to her door and see Howard standing in front of the door.

  Looks like he’s been waiting for me.

  “Got anything?” I ask as I shrug out of my coat that I didn’t realize I was wearing and throw it on the couch. “Steve, shut up!” I yell at the loud ass dog.

  Howard looks at me and shakes his head. “You know he was just happy to see you, you bastard.” His expression is similar to mine. He looks as stressed out as I am.

  His words sting a little and I look at him with his five o’clock shadow in full effect and he looks as if he hasn’t slept in a while.

  “Have you found out anything yet?” I ask and shrug off his comment. “We need to find her.”

  “No fucking shit! You act as if you are the only one that cares about her.”

  I don’t even think about it until my hand is in a fist and flying towards his jaw. He falls against the dining room table and rubs his jaw while he’s looking at me. “Fuck you, Grant!” He says as he stands up and shoves me against the wall. “You want to do this now?” Howard demands and stands up to his full height.

  “Yeah! You want to explain to me how my friend and old partner is fucking the mother of my kids? Want to explain that?” I yell and he flinches. “Yeah, there is no excuse for that. You’re a worthless piece of shit for doing that. Have you always wanted to fuck her?”

  I fly off the wall before he can come charging at me and he looks pissed. “Let’s talk about the fact that you fucked her friend and didn’t even tell her. Let’s talk about the fact that you knocked another woman up but didn’t tell Chloe. That woman has trust issues beyond belief and you shattered it. For some fucking reason she liked you.”

  “Excuse me! Shut up! Some of us are trying to sleep!” An angry woman yells from the door. “I’m going to call the police.”

  I laugh sardonically and pull out my wallet. “We are the police, lady.”

  Chloe- THen

  How the hell is there anything left in my stomach? Seriously. It should be empty as I puked up my stomach all last night. The real reason why I shut off my phone was because a random number kept calling in between my puking. And my body was so tired that I literally thought about sleeping next to the toilet last night.

  Seeing Howard this early wasn’t what I wanted. Especially when he came to the door dressed like a fucking model and I looked like death, straight up.

  After scrubbing all of my grossness off in the shower, I wrap myself in a towel and take myself to my closet. After carefully selecting a skirt that is loose around the waist, and a button down shirt, I slip into them. I throw my hair up into a me
ssy ass bun and I really don’t give a shit.

  Quickly, I slap on some makeup and make my way out to the living room. Howard is leaning against the wall that is across from my one of three windows I have out into the real world. His ankles are crossed and his arms are crossed against his chest in the sexy way that only he can pull off. He looks godly like that.

  “Take a picture, my sweet one. It would last longer.”


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