The Madame (The Chloe Chronicals)

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The Madame (The Chloe Chronicals) Page 13

by Eden Rose

  “Steve? What did you do with your leash?” I ask my dog who is pacing with me. Almost as if he’s trying to answer my question, he barks and then runs over to the couch. It is there that I see the leash is on top of the couch cushion.

  Did Howard move the leash?

  Wait. I don’t think he took him out today. I’m pretty sure I was the one that took him out while he was finishing getting ready. What the hell is happening? I have heard that people get pregnancy brain and begin to forget things that are mundane… But the clock and now the leash?

  I need a vacation.

  “Come on, Steve. Let’s go outside and get back in.” I bend down to clip the leash onto his collar and then walk towards the door with him following behind me. I look back at him before I open the door and his tongue is hanging out of his mouth like a freak but he looks so cute and all happy.

  Without even realizing it, I reach down and rub my stomach and then shut the door.

  Once outside, I walk him to the little grassy area and he continues to sniff the ground. “Come on, baby. Go potty.”

  I look up and am blinded by a pair of highbeam brights on a car. “What the fuck?” I growl and place my hand over my eyes to shield the light. The car speeds up as it passes me by and I lower my hand. “What the actual fuck?”

  “Come on, Steve. Let’s go in-” I’m cut off from finishing telling the dog it’s time to go inside when a loud engine speeds by again. The engine is so loud that several car alarms are blaring right now. “Are you fucking serious?”

  The car does a U-Turn and then drives past me again with it’s brights on full blast and honks their horn as they drive by. I dig my phone out of my pocket and pull up the camera app. I’m going to get a picture of this. That license plate is going to get ran and then-

  God damn it!

  Why am I so surprised this happening? I know why. Because I’m fucking stupid for thinking that the threat from the warehouse was a joke. It was no joke and that is probably one of them trying to scare me.

  Wait! That means that someone knows where I live and they can come by at anytime. This is a fucking nightmare.

  I’m outside for another few minutes waiting to see if the car comes back and when it doesn’t, I pull up the internet. While it loads, I lead Steve back inside to the apartment building and walk straight to my door. I tap out security cameras and unlock my door.

  But it was then that I realized that I’m not alone in my apartment.

  Howard- Then

  I have waited a whole two hours and she still hasn’t texted me back. The situation at the warehouse was more than distracting but I couldn’t help but worry about Chloe. What if she hurt herself or something? Fuck. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her that hurt her.

  Vlad and Dom left with Natasha and Barry and I are watching the remaining girls. I can see the way that Barry is watching Emily with big ass eyes. There is no doubt in my mind that he likes her but there is nothing he can do about it. If he acts upon this and tries to save her, she’s going to die. And so will he.

  I push into him gently with my shoulder and he looks at me with wild eyes. “What the fuck?” He growls.

  With my index finger, I point to Emily. “Quit looking at her. It’s going to make things worse.”

  Barry chuckles and looks at with hate and disgust. “How does it feel to be fucking your friend’s baby mama? Tell me, did you want to fuck her before they even broke up?”

  My hand makes a fist but before I can punch him in his face, Vlad comes strolling by as if he has all the time in the world. “Wvat’s going on you two?”

  I shake off his hand that is resting on my shoulder and walk away. There is no way in fucking hell that I can deal with this right now. Who knows where Chloe is and if she’s okay. God damn it!

  Chloe- Then

  Barry is nestled on my couch with his feet up and the remote in his hand. I always forget that he’s a fucking freak who watches the sports center on mute. Who does that?

  “What the fuck are you doing here?” I demand and unclip Steve’s leash. I’m still shook up by that car from outside and I don’t want to deal with my brother being an asshoe again. “If you’re here to be an asshole, you can kindly get the fuck out of my apartment.”

  If my snide comment pissed him off, he doesn’t reply but he does call for Steve. My dog goes running towards my brother and jumps up and down in front of him with his paws out. He looks like a crazy dog but he’s happy that someone is talking to him.

  I walk towards the living room and sit in the chair across from the couch and wait for him to tell me why he’s here. After what feels like hours and Barry still hasn’t said anything, I speak up. “What are you doing here?”

  He rolls his head and faces me head on with something weird on his facial expression. “I need your help.”

  Flabbergasted, I blurt: “What the fuck?” Before I can even stop those words from flying out of my mouth they hang in between us and I can tell when he registers what I said.

  “Look, I’m sorry for being an ass-”

  “You were more than an ass! You called me a fucking whore in the middle of a sex trade! Who does that? Who calls their sister a whore and doesn’t even know what’s going on! A fucking asshole.” I didn’t realize how loud I was until I felt my chest shaking from it. There’s a sudden pull and tug in my stomach almost like a cramp, and I place my hand over the slightly rounded area in order to calm the babies down.

  “I’m sorry. Look. This is not easy for me. I, uh, I know one of the girls that are there.” The way he says this makes it clear exactly what he means so I don’t need him to clarify.

  “Are you fucking one of them?” I ask accusingly and he looks off to the side and then picks up Steve who is resting his head on Barry’s leg.

  Barry shakes his head and then pins me with the look that tells me I’m not going to like what he has to say. “The girl, Emily? The one from the hospital?” I nod my head and then continues: “We used to date before I got locked up.”

  I do the math quickly in my head and then my mouth opens wide. “You mean to tell me that you dated her when she was still in high school?”

  The look of horror on his face makes me want to throw up. And the urgent feeling of it comes flooding through me and I run towards my bathroom. As soon as I see my toilet, I hunch over it and begin the cycle of morning sickness. It violently passes through my system and I flush the toilet and then brush my teeth. I’m too weak to walk back out to the living room so I call for Barry.

  “Hey, come into my room.”

  He enters with Steve perched on his shoulder and I can see my dog’s smile when he rests his head on top of Barry’s. “And no,” he says as he sits down on the corner of my bed, “I did not fuck her.”

  I shake my head and then burrow into my bed more. Shit, I’m so not feeling good. “What do you need my help with?”

  “We need to get her out. I don’t know how we are going to do it but we need to. Those fucking Russian assholes are going to kill her!”

  Before I can respond, Howard comes strolling through the apartment but walks fast and controlled as he enters my bedroom. I see that he has his gun raised and it’s aimed at Barry.

  “What the fuck!” I growl and then wince.

  Howard- Then

  When I get to Chloe’s apartment, I’m beyond pissed that I haven’t got her on the phone yet. What the fuck is she doing that makes it that she can’t answer her phone?

  There’s a man’s voice that draws my attention and I draw my gun and aim it towards the voice. Imagine my surprise that I see Barry sitting on my woman’s bed with Steve. I’m still pissed as fuck at the guy and I don’t want him here.

  “Did someone follow you?” I demand and keep my gun raised. I don’t trust this guy and I could care less that’s Chloe’s brother. Fuck, I don’t care if he’s a goddamn priest.

  Barry shakes his head and then looks over at Chloe. My girl’s blue eyes watch me and t
hen she snaps. “Put the fucking gun down.”

  Like a fucking slave that I am to this woman, I holster my gun and then redirect my attention to Barry. “Did someone follow you?” I ask again. I walk further into the room and then crawl into the bed on the other side of Chloe.

  Ask me if I care that I’m staking my claim on my woman? I don’t trust her crack headed brother and he needs to know that I’m not going anywhere. Chloe is it for me and I’m not going to let this asshole get in my way.

  “No one fucking followed me. Do you think I would put my pregnant sister in danger? You are such a fucking idiot.”

  He’s really pissing me off and I can feel my jaw tick from the anger. “All right. Are you here to tell us how much of a piece of shit we are? Do you know how much I wanted to punch you in the warehouse?” I ask and glare at him. I lace my fingers in with Chloe’s and she tugs them in between hers.

  “What did he say?” She asks me and then turns to Barry. “What the fuck did you say?” I watch as she pushes down the blanket she was using and sits up.

  “I told him what I told you!”

  My face spins and I look from Chloe to her brother. “You didn’t say that to your pregnant sister? Tell me you are not that stupid!” I say and silently pray for the strength to not freak out on him.


  “No, you look! Do you understand all that is at stake here? I don’t think you fucking understand what you are doing. You addressed Chloe in the warehouse and now they probably know that you know her outside of this! Are you serious?” I’m so angry that I can feel my face over heating.

  “I’m here because of-”

  Chloe shakes my hand and then looks at me with wonder. “I appreciate you sticking up for me but he’s my brother. I know he wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. He actually wants my help getting one of the girls out of the ring.”

  “Let me guess, it’s the same girl you were making eyes at today?” I ask even though I don’t need to. I already know the answer because he was watching her like she was his prey.

  “Yeah. I think… I think I’m in love with her. I want to save her.”

  “Well, that’s why we are here, isn’t it?” Chloe asks and then leans back. “I’m ready for a nap, boys.”

  As if Steve knew what that word meant, he climbed out of Barry’s lap and curled himself next to his owner. Chlo smiles and snuggles her dog closer and closes her eyes.

  I look over at Barry and nudge my shoulder. “I’ll walk you out.” I don’t give him much of a choice as I tell him it’s time to go. I really don’t give a fuck if he’s not ready to leave. I’m ready to hold on to Chloe and close my eyes as well.

  When we get out of the room, I grab his arm and pull him out. “You are something else. After all of that shit you said earlier and then you show up here? Do you understand what you being here could do?” I’m snarling and foaming at the mouth but I don’t give a shit if I’m being too hard on him. “You are putting the mother of my kids in danger. You fucking selfish asshole!”

  He starts laughing and blows past me. Of course this only pisses me off more. I walk fast and then stand behind him and then Barry whirls on me. “You think she’s the mother of your children? Are you fucking stupid? Chloe’s babies have a dad and it’s Grant. You are fucking in denial if you think that you are the father. And you know what else? She would pick him over you no matter what. Because Grant is more of a man than you will ever be. You’re a fucking dumb ass.”

  I don’t even think until my fist connects with his gut and he bends at the waist to hold onto where I just punched him. “Don’t concern yourself with things that don’t involve you and don’t get in my way.”

  Barry shrugs me off of him and walks out the door. Before he slams it shut he says over his shoulder: “Your possessive nature is only going to piss her the fuck off.”

  I lock the door and then walk back to Chloe’s bedroom. When I see her all spread out and looking like an angel, I shed my clothes to my briefs, and crawl into bed with her.

  The last thought that I had was: there is no way that she could still be hung up on Grant. Right?

  Chloe- then

  I wake up with a start as I feel Howard’s mouth latch onto my breast. Holy shit, that feels good! “Oh god!” I cry out as his tongue laves my nipple and then sucks it into his mouth. Shamelessly, I push my hips up in hope that he applies some friction where I need it. When he doesn’t I cry out.

  He moves to the left tit and begins tormenting that one with his lips and tongue. All the while he is pulling and tugging on my right nipple until I beg. “Fuck me! Please. Howard, don’t make me wait!”

  The bastard chuckles and continues what he is doing so I decide to take matters into my own hands. Well, finger. I push my hand down my body and past his mouth but before I can get south of the belly button, he bites my hand and I shriek.

  “Jesus!” I scream and I can feel tears of frustration forming in the corner of my eyes. I’m so turned on that I’m going to fucking freak out. “If you do not put your dick in my pussy about six seconds ago, I’m not going to be held responsible for my actions!”

  As if he were ignoring me, he continues his tormenting of my nipples and I can feel the familiar tightening in my lower stomach. Holy fuck. I think I’m about to come! “Oh, Howard!” I yell and then he slides in between my legs and thrusts up inside my pussy. When did I lose my pants? What the hell? I push the thoughts out of my head and concentrate on the friction and the pleasure of the tip of his earring give me.

  “Tell me it’s only me,” he says against my throat and then sucks on the skin covering my pulse.

  Fuck! He’s about to unravel me and I can feel my insides coil up. Howard works himself in and out of my pussy with varying speeds but he’s driving me crazy. “It’s only you,” I whisper and then he gives me what I needed.

  He thrusts hard and fast inside and reaches his hand in between our bodies and pinches my clit. I wrap my legs around his waist and hold onto him. With balancing his whole body on his left arm, he’s still able to have the amount of control to make crazy and speaking in tongues.

  “You like when I fuck you?”

  I moan my answer and then squeeze my eyes shut as the sensations flood through me. “Fuck! Don’t stop!” I beg and my body shatters around his stiff dick.

  Howard bites my pulse point again and then sucks on it hard. I thrust my hips up to meet his and he begins to lick where he bit and sucked to ease it.

  Hands down, Howard is amazing in bed. Holy fuck.


  Steve’s barking in the living room, and I run out there to find out what he’s barking and he’s staring at the door. Then I hear the knock again. “Who’s there?” I call with my accent.

  “Answer the fucking door right now!”

  Oh my god!

  Howard comes running of my bedroom with a towel around his waist and straight towards the door. “Shit, is that-”

  “Open the goddamn door now before I break it open!”

  Grant- Then

  Her long blonde hair is what captured me from the beginning. It was her heart that made me feel like a douche and follow her around like a loser for years.

  “Are you ready, Mr. Brandon?” The doctor asks as he pulls up the gloves on his hands while standing in between Chloe’s legs.

  “Fuck yeah. I’m ready for my wife to have my babies. Let’s do this.”

  Chloe looks over at me and winces with my swearing but I don’t give a fuck about her being angry with me. She’s been in labor for the past fifteen hours and I’m ready for her to have the babies already.

  Her hair is matted to her forehead and there’s sweat on her upper lip but she looks like the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. She’s perfect.

  “Shh, baby, you are almost ready. I can’t wait to see what we are having. Do you think it’s going to be one of each or two of the same?” I ask her to distract her from the contraction that is coming up. I’m so happy
that the doctor had taught me how to read the contraction machine and I’m able to see when she’s having one.

  “Grant, where’s Howard?” She asks me and then everything going black.

  I wake up with a start from the horrifying dream and my heart is beating so fast. What the fuck? I don’t understand that dream at all. One minute we are married and then the next she’s asking for Howard? What the actual fuck.


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