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Dragon's MatchMate Agency: A Paranormal Romance Boxset

Page 36

by Maia Star

  I laugh. We were only together a month before I left. She never even got the chance to find out I was a dragon shifter.

  Grabbing my phone and throwing on my shirt, I leave my apartment and climb the stairs to the roof. Out here, I can calm down, relax, feel the wind wash over me. It gives me a better view of the world, too, seeing the awesome lights over downtown.

  Sooner or later, I need to move on from Scarlet. I need to take dating seriously.

  I notice a dating app installed that I haven’t used before. Fiery Hearts. Officially, it’s meant for humans only...but I’ve heard that Fiery Hearts secretly allows dragon shifters like me to make an account anyway. To help us find our mates.

  I stare at my screen for a while before I make the decision to open up the app and create a profile. Within a matter of minutes, I’m set, ready to meet my future human mate. For a brief moment, I wish Scarlet would pop up as one of my matches. It’s a stupid, childish dream, so I quickly push that out of my mind, place my phone and keys on the ground, and strip down to my birthday suit. Stepping up to the edge of the roof, I suck in air and look down. My apartment building has twenty floors, just enough room for me to fall and shift midair.

  I wait a handful of heartbeats, my mind still on Scarlet, and then I step off, hurtling towards the street below. When I’m passing the tenth floor, I shift into my dragon form. Scales pop out. My body lengthens. Claws grow on my fingers. My tail grows, and so do my wings. Soon enough, I’m barreling high into the sky, flapping my wings, roaring out.

  Shifting always feels good. It helps with the stress, especially when it comes to Scarlet. My mind can never get off of her until I do something crazy.

  As I soar, I angle towards the water under the Golden Gate Bridge. Tonight, the water is black and foreboding, sloshing wildly despite how calm the city is. Flying low, I brush my belly against the water, feeling the cold overtake my senses. I even dive fully in and immediately back out, climbing higher and higher, trying to go so fast that I can barely even think. I push past clouds until I’m high enough to see an airplane in the distance.

  The moon is out, full and bright, beckoning me to fly even closer towards it.

  I stay suspended far above the city, unsure of what to do next. All I want is to fly free of my memories of Scarlet. It’s been four years now. I would have thought that I would have been able to move on. It’s not that easy. It never is.

  I screwed up. All I can do now is try to move on.

  Letting myself fall, I hurtle towards the Golden Gate Strait once more. Just before impact, I level myself out, creating ripples everywhere. I angle back towards downtown San Francisco, flying high over the nightlife.

  My apartment building is easy to pick out, and I land on the roof, shaking the building a bit. My neighbors have complained to me before about this, but I always shrug it off. It’s not my fault they’re light sleepers.

  Shifting, I take my time putting my clothes back on and picking up my phone and keys. I just go through the motions. I walk back down to my floor and head inside my apartment, where I jump on my bed and flip off the lights. I open my phone to see that dating app again. I don’t have any matches yet. Just looking at the app makes me a bit sick to my stomach.

  I wonder who my first match will be.

  Chapter Three


  It was a long day at my new secretarial job, having to rush around filing papers, sending out a gazillion emails, getting coffee, getting hit on by my less-than-stellar boss.

  Shutting the door behind me, I roll my eyes at the thought of the guy leaning over my shoulder, his tie hanging over my chest, and his eyes looking down my cleavage. I shiver and kick off my heels.

  Despite it being near eight, an hour past Kai’s bedtime, the tv is still blaring, brightening up the darkened living room. The nightly news is on, and a bald man in thin, black-rimmed glasses talking next to a video of a dragon shifter spewing fire near the piers. It is some old footage. A woman ran out into the street and was nearly killed.

  Before I see what happened next, the babysitter I shoots up to her feet and waves at me sweetly. “Welcome home, Mrs. Martinez!”

  “It’s Miss, not Mrs., Cindy, but thank you anyway,” I say, too tired to feign delight at being welcomed home. Walking over to the couch, I pull out a wad of cash. “Here you go. Thanks for watching Kai, and for starting on such short notice.”

  Cindy took the wad of cash and unrolled it all, counting through it. She giggled when she handed half of it back. “You gave me too much, Miss Martinez. Your job must be difficult, huh?”

  “Just never-ending when I’m there,” I say, smiling and accepting the cash. “And it’s only been a few days.” Glancing over the couch, I spy the mini hallway in which Kai’s bedroom door sits slightly ajar. “Is he asleep?”

  “Yep! I tucked him in at seven. He fell asleep instantly. Either that or he’s a good actor.” Cindy pulls back her blonde hair. “Well, I better get going, Miss Martinez. My mom will be getting antsy about now.”

  “Do you live far? I can walk you…” I say, trying to push myself to my feet.

  Cindy shakes her head violently. “No! You need to rest. And yeah, I live pretty close. Somewhat. I’ll be fine; besides, it’s only eight.” Cindy backs up to the door, clasping her hands behind her back. “Same time tomorrow?”

  I smile. “Of course. Thanks, Cindy.”

  “No problem! Peace!” She throws up the sign and then leaves, causing me to blink. Who says “peace” anymore?

  Scratching my arm, I trudge over to Kai’s door and open it halfway.

  Kai’s room is small but just as cozy as the rest of the house. With the blinds on his windows completely pulled shut, and the cherry shaped night light attached to the outlet next to his closet, shadows overtake the entire room. His plush toys litter the ground, mingling with the odd LEGO piece here and there. I’m not brave enough to step over the clutter.

  Snug under his race car blanket, Kai is snoring softly. It’s so adorable, I almost want to brave his messy floor to plant a kiss on his forehead. But ultimately, I stay at the threshold of his room and blow him a silent kiss, smiling as I close his door and back out. Kai will be out for a while. Surprisingly, he sleeps very heavily for a four-year-old.

  Walking back to the living room, I leave the tv volume on low, sink back into the inviting couch, and whip out my phone. I haven’t really checked Fiery Hearts since I first made a profile, and I’m sure I’ve missed some matches already. Or maybe I’m not as pretty as I thought and no one had swiped on me yet. Which is a depressing thought that makes my shoulders slump.

  Shaking my head, I press the icon and go to my feed. Just like other apps, my matches work like cards; I can swipe left to pass on someone, or swipe right to start chatting with them.

  As I look at the first card on my screen, I press my phone to my chest, smothering the light and staring straight ahead with wide eyes.

  Did I see that right? Did I read that name right?

  My hands tremble as I peel my phone back and peek at the name over the first picture.

  Arthur Bell.

  Arthur Bell is the name of the man I fell in love with four years ago. Arthur Bell is the father of my child. Arthur Bell is the name of the man who walked out on me before I could tell him I was pregnant.

  I can’t say how long I look at the name. If I swipe right, he’ll be my first match.

  Before my mind can process the name I read over and over, I glance down at the picture. It’s of Arthur at the of the beaches in San Francisco. Still dirty-blond, his hair is cut a bit shorter but it’s still wispy and windswept. His charming smile matches the vibrant hue of his green eyes. Clad in a blue striped shirt and khaki shorts, his muscular body fills out his outfit nicely.

  Without a doubt, it’s him. The first man to show up on my feed is Arthur Bell.

  I have no idea what to do now. I never once expected to see him again, let alone match with him on a dating app in
a city I literally just moved to. I was convinced that I’d go the rest of my life without him, telling Kai and any other kids I have in the future about this evil man that coerced me into sleeping with him and then just left.

  My heart is fidgeting and beating uncomfortably. It’s a feeling I’ve never felt before. No, that’s not entirely correct. There were a few other times my heart nearly burst out of my chest, and those were when I first met him.

  Taking deep breaths and fanning myself, I rise to my feet and begin to pace as I stare at my screen. If he’s showing up on my feed, that means I’m showing up on his feed, right? Or maybe he hasn’t noticed yet. Or maybe he saw me hours ago. I’m starting to sweat.

  I come to a pause in front of my front door. I don’t know why I came marching over here, but there’s got to be a reason, right? Was I about to walk right out and go try to find him? Before I even swiped right or left?

  Damn it. What should I do?

  Seconds pass as I continue to stare at my screen. I swear I’m going to have all sorts of vision problems if I stare this hard at my screen for much longer. So, I force myself to make a decision and swipe right. I immediately regret my decision and turn and chuck my phone onto the couch. I don’t want to see what he says if he happens to respond instantly. My heart won’t be able to handle it.

  I wait for what seems like an eternity but is just a few seconds. I breathe deeply and then I march over. Reaching down, I go to pick up my phone again now that I’m calm.

  But then it vibrates, and I freeze. Someone sent me a message.

  Gently, and very slowly, I pick up my phone like it’s slathered in mud. Opening my notifications screen, I see I got a message from Arthur.

  Unwilling to let myself succumb to the wild mess my mind is in right now, I open up the app and view the message he sent me.

  Arthur: Scarlet? Scarlet Martinez? Is that really you?

  Gulping, a smile pulls at the corner of my mouth. I begin typing my reply, all my fears and worries suddenly gone.

  Scarlet: Yep, it’s me. Long time no see! How’s it going?

  Arthur: Haha, it’s been four years, and all you ask is ‘how’s it going?’ Seriously, I didn’t think this was how we’d meet again.

  Scarlet: I didn’t think we’d meet again at all.

  Arthur: Listen, sorry about that. All those years ago. Let me make it up to you. Drinks tonight?

  I glance at Kai’s bedroom door.

  Scarlet: Um, does it have to be tonight? I’ve got work in the morning…

  Arthur: Please. Come see me. I want to see you again. Doesn’t have to be a date if you don’t want it to be...or maybe it could.

  Even now, I’m imagining his voice reading off his text messages. I wonder if it’s changed all that much. Is he more mature now? I guess I won’t know unless I see him.

  Scarlet: Fine. Where do you want to meet? I’m craving pizza.

  Arthur: Pizza’s great! I know this place by me. I’ll send you the address. Hurry over.

  Putting my phone down, I claw at my chest, trying to keep myself from getting too excited. What is wrong with me? Arthur ditched me, left me with a kid he doesn’t know a thing about, and suddenly I’m excited to see him again?

  I need to stay grounded. There isn’t any reason to believe he’s changed just yet. And there’s certainly no reason for me to give him a second chance.


  Sighing, I rub my face and then march back over to Kai’s room. He’s still fast asleep. I already sent Cindy home...

  Guilt wracks my body as I dial Cindy’s number again. She yawns as she picks up. “Hey, Miss Martinez, what’s up?”

  “I don’t mean to be that person...but could you come back and watch Kai for a few more hours? I, um...”

  “You have a date or something?”

  “Yeah. A date.”

  “Sure! Let me just clear it with my mom and I’ll be over in a jiffy. See ya!”

  And with that, I have someone to watch Kai.

  Hurrying into my bedroom, I change into something sexier than my business outfit. I fix my makeup.

  Fifteen minutes later, Cindy arrives and I stand outside waiting for an Uber to drive me to the pizza place.

  The ride is agonizing, slow and fast at the same time. My mind keeps going back and forth on whether I want to meet him or not. Not that it matters. At this point, it’s too late. I’m going to meet him whether I like it or not. I help set up this little late-night dinner date.

  When my Uber driver drops me off in front of the pizza place, I see an outside seating area. Only half the seats are actually filled, but it’s still loud and bright. A neon sign on the building lights up the space in red and blue.

  And that’s when I see him rise from his seat and wave at me.

  Chapter Four


  This is unreal. Who would have thought that I would get a second chance like this? Not me, that’s for sure.

  My inner dragon is practically going wild while I wait for Scarlet to arrive. It’s almost impossible to believe it’s her. Did I seriously just match with Scarlet Martinez? Is the world playing a joke on me?

  Pulling up my phone again, I look through her profile pictures. The first is Scarlet at a bar with another woman holding onto her shoulders. The second shows Scarlet in a black and white image, her back turned to the camera.

  As I flip through all of her pictures, a natural smile forms on my face. I can’t help it. Scarlet is the most beautiful woman in the world, and now I’m going to see her in person again. I don’t think I’ll be able to stay calm around her. I don’t think any man can.

  A server comes to my table in a neat little tuxedo and tie, though I’m still absorbed in Scarlet’s photos. He pulls out a pen, clicks it, and then holds up a pad of paper and stares down at me. “What would you like, sir?”

  “Large pepperoni pizza with spinach and green peppers,” I say without missing a beat. It was Scarlet’s favorite four years ago, so I’m hoping she still has similar tastes. “Tab’s on me, by the way.”

  The server goes to walk away but pauses at my final comment. His brow quirks up. “Uh, you’re the only one here…”

  I grin at him. “Not for long. Try not to be too jealous when she arrives, okay? I don’t want to ruin the potential vibes.”

  The server eyes me as he turns away. I scoff, knowing full well my pride is already beginning to show. I’m gonna have to force myself to cool it a bit if I don’t want to piss Scarlet off.

  But before I can get myself in the right mindset, a black sedan pulls up to the curb just a couple dozen feet away. The car door opens, and Scarlet steps up. Time stops as she slowly gets out, her long, toned legs stark against the glimmering black dress she chose to wear for tonight. Her curves are accentuated, and I have a hard time sitting still as she looks through the crowd. When her gold eyes find mine, I rise to my feet and wave at her. She smiles softly, her full lips making my heart race just like it did the day I met her. I can imagine myself sprinting up to her, cupping her warm, beautiful cheeks in my hands, and kissing her until the sun comes up.

  As she weaves her way through the tables, people begin to stare. And it’s not just because she came dressed up to a pizza place; she’s a genuine goddess among humans, completely and utterly out of most people’s league. She might even be out of mine. Of course, Scarlet doesn’t notice. Her eyes are on me and me alone.

  When she stops in front of me, she goes to speak, but I wrap my arms around her, pulling her in for a tight hug. I feel her body press against me. It feels good just to hold her again.

  She gasps but returns the gesture. I hold on for a bit longer than I meant to, but when I let go, I’m beaming down at her. “Look at you! Still the sexiest woman around.”

  She laughs. “Thanks, Arthur.” Her eyes drift down my torso, eyeing my blazer and nice pants. “I see you dressed up for once. You never used to, from what I remember.”

  I shrug. “Well, a lot’s changed.”

nbsp; “Has it?” She steps away and crosses her arms. “You know you can’t just say you’ve changed. I need to see it.”

  Waving her comment off, I motion to the table. “Come on; there’s time to see how I’ve changed later. We’ve got pizza to eat. Jokes to laugh at.”

  “And some catching up to,” she says, following my lead as we sit down. Already, she’s putting the pressure on by leaning forward on the green table, her arms still somewhat crossed. Her guard is up. Which is frustrating because my inner dragon is telling me to go full speed ahead.

  Her wavy, brunette hair falls in thick locks over her face. I don’t understand how she isn’t working as a model. Or why she doesn’t have a cult following on Instagram or something. Are people seriously this blind? My heart’s about to burst from overload of love and lust.

  “So, where did you go after you left me?” she asks. Her voice is tight, pointed.

  I lick my lips and laugh, slapping the table. “You go right for the kill!”

  “Because I need to know.” She’s smiling, but it’s tight. It’s not genuine. I can see the hurt in her eyes. “Maybe some people can just find each other again and go on like nothing ever happened. But not me, Arthur. I need to know. Where did you go? Why did you leave me?”

  I stare back at her. “This is not where I wanted to take the conversation first, Scar.”

  Scarlet’s eyebrows twitch. “Oh? Did you think I came here just to eat pizza and make out with you? Did you think we would just avoid the fact that you ran away like a coward, never giving me a good reason why?”


  “No, listen to me. I didn’t come here just so you could fuck me and then abandon me again.” Tears rush down cheeks, but she quickly wipes them up with a napkin from the table. She stops talking and sighs. “Just give me a reason, okay?”


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