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Dragon's MatchMate Agency: A Paranormal Romance Boxset

Page 50

by Maia Star

  I began to fidget with my hands. “But can’t we go somewhere else? This is too much!”

  His brows furrowed together. “If it’s gonna stress you out that much then why don’t you wait for me by the entrance of the store? I won’t tell you how much it costs, okay?”

  I took a deep breath. “Okay. Okay. I can do that.”

  It was so considerate of him to offer that, and to trust me to wait for him. It definitely seemed like a good option for me at the moment, otherwise, I would just be too stressed.

  “But what do you mean we haven’t gotten to the best part yet?”

  “Oh, you’ll see,” he winked again. “Now go wait near the entrance. I’ll go check out and then come get you.”

  “Okay.” I watched as he disappeared with the clothing that we had picked out. Once he was out of view, I turned around and headed to wait by the entrance.

  Of course, the idea of escaping from him then and there was running through my mind. It had been running through my mind since he had left me that morning.

  This morning had definitely been more of a prime opportunity, though. I’d had access to all of my things and could have probably found some things of value in the house to sell to pay my way out of the city.

  But I hadn’t had a concrete plan (still didn’t) and I wanted to wait to escape until I had a clearer idea of what I was doing. I wanted the possibility of me getting caught to be as small as possible. Because once they knew that I was trying to escape, there was no way they were going to give me another opportunity to do it.

  It wasn’t much longer before Kyle came back with several bags in hand and a smile on his face.

  “All right, next store,” he said, gently grabbing my arms and escorting me out.

  I had no idea what kind of store we could be going to next. Hadn’t we already gotten everything that we needed?

  Apparently, I was wrong, because it wasn’t long before we were standing in front of a high-end lingerie boutique.

  Oh. Of course.

  It was my purpose to be sexy, to allow the unmated males of the clan to have their way with me, to fulfill their wildest desires. Of course, I would need lingerie to make that happen. I just hadn’t been thinking about it, and now that I was, it felt like a rude wake-up call.

  “Let’s go inside,” Kyle said, pulling me along.

  The store attendant greeted us with a warm smile.

  “Can I help you and your girlfriend find anything in particular today?” she asked, stepping forward.

  To my surprise, Kyle didn’t correct her at all.

  “Yes, of course. I want to get her some more basic items. Some cute bras and panties that fit well, preferably matching ones, as well as at least five different sets that she can wear in the bedroom. If they work well, then we’ll definitely be back for more.”

  The attendant brightened at this. “Of course, sir. Miss, come with me and let’s get your measurements taken so I can fit you properly.”

  I looked to Kyle one last time as I followed the attendant into a spacious changing room.

  “Would you mind stripping down for me, dear? I want to make sure I get as accurate of measurements as possible.”

  “Of course.”

  I had never been to a store this fancy before, so the procedures were beyond me.

  It did feel a tiny bit uncomfortable as I stripped down to just my bra and panties, but the attendant smiled at me the whole time, which made me feel a bit better.

  As she began to measure me, she spoke. “You’re so lucky to have a boyfriend like that. I know he’s going to be blown away by you when you wear our sets.”

  I considered correcting her, but I didn’t want to contradict Kyle or put us in an awkward position, so I kept silent.”

  “Do you have any preferences for styles or cuts?” she asked. “You would probably look best in a balconette bra and a pair of lacy boy shorts or cheeky cut panties, but that’s just my opinion. You have a great body to work with and would probably look good in anything.”

  “Whatever you think,” I said. I wasn’t used to being asked what I wanted, and I didn’t want to say anything wrong that would upset Kyle. Besides, I trusted the attendant. She seemed like she knew what she was talking about.

  “All right. I’ll pull out some things for you to try on then.”

  She left the changing room to go grab the lingerie, and I was left all alone with my thoughts again. Shivering, I clutched my arms tight to my body. When would be the next time I would use this lingerie? Would I enjoy it? Would it be with Kyle again or someone else?

  I hated thinking about things like this and was grateful when the attendant came back and kept up a steady stream of conversation as she had me try things on.

  “This looks beautiful on you,” she would say, or, “Not that one; let’s try this one instead.

  It was an intensive and draining process, but fun with her constant commentary. By the time Kyle and I left, she had convinced him to buy six sets of lingerie instead of five on top of the basics.

  “All right, we’re going home for a moment,” Kyle said then. “We’ll get you some early dinner. Did you remember to eat lunch?”

  I hesitated, then shook my head. I had been too worried, not knowing if I was allowed to eat anything that was in the fridge.

  He sighed and brought his palm up to his forehead in a look of disappointment.

  “Little Omega, you’ve got to eat. Let’s get one thing straight: you’re welcome to anything in that fridge unless I say otherwise. Next time, make sure you at least get lunch, or there will be consequences.”

  I shivered. I would have to remember to eat from now on. I hated the idea of what a consequence for not doing it might be.

  “All right, I’ll do it from now on,” I promised.

  “Good.” He reached out to ruffle my hair, and then moved down to grip my hand. “Now, let’s get back home and get you something to eat, shall we?”

  When we got home, Kyle sent me to my room to unpack all of my new clothes while he made us sandwiches and salad. We ate in relative silence, him scrolling through his phone and me eventually getting up the courage to go and grab my book.

  It was a nice silence, something I hadn’t been expecting.

  Once we had finished, I cleaned up, and then Kyle turned to me.

  “All right, we’re heading out again. I need you to get changed.”

  I looked at him in surprise. “We are? Where are we going?”

  “That’s not for you to question. You’ll find out soon enough. Now come on, let’s go pick out what you are going to wear.”

  I nodded and followed him back to my bedroom, where he began going through things.

  He picked out a blue lacey bralette with matching panties and thigh highs and a little black mini dress that showed off my cleavage to go with them.

  “Get changed,” he said, thrusting them in my direction.

  “Okay.” His tone sounded so frustrated, even though I was fairly sure I hadn’t done anything wrong. Could there be something else going on?

  He left the room, and I got changed, feeling incredibly uncomfortable in such a revealing outfit. Where were we going with me dressed like this, and why? I knew that I would find out soon enough, but the anticipation was killing me. I hated not knowing.

  I exited, heading out to the living room to see that Kyle was waiting for me on the couch. He looked up at me and put away his phone.

  “All right, come on, we’re going to the car,” he said, coming over to grab my arm and begin leading me. It was like he was afraid that I wasn’t going to come, even though I had been good at obeying him so far.

  “I’m coming; you don’t have to pull me around,” I said, feeling a little braver.

  He didn’t listen to me, or loosen his grip, or respond.

  Instead, he just dragged me down to the car without saying a word, strapping me into the passenger seat and starting up the engine.

  I decided not to push the iss
ues or try to get him to talk on the way to wherever we were going.

  It wasn’t until we were almost at our destination—pulling into a parking space—that I realized where we were going.

  I turned to Kyle with an expression of fear on my face. I didn’t know what it was that I wanted from him, though. Maybe just some compassion? Some sort of acknowledgment that this wasn’t something that should be happening.

  Because I knew exactly what was happening now. Alpha James would be having his way with me, and there was nothing that I could do about it.

  But all I got from Kyle was a stone-cold expression as he escorted me into the building and then upstairs to the penthouse.

  Alpha James was waiting for us by the elevator doors.

  “Welcome,” he said with a sickly-sweet smile. “Our little Omega looks so lovely. You did a brilliant job with her.” He reached out to run his fingers through my hair.

  “Thank you, Alpha James,” Kyle said, sounding as curt as ever.

  I wished that I knew what was going through his head and why he was acting like this. I also just wished that I knew if he held any sympathy for me and my situation at all. Or did he just not care? Had everything else before this been a complete act? A shod?

  I hoped it hadn’t been. He had been so kind to me so far, and I didn’t want that to stop.

  “Come with me, Omega,” James demanded, then turned and began walking away as if he expected me to follow him.

  I shot one last pleading glance at Kyle and then did as James commanded, not wanting to get into any trouble.

  James led me through the apartment to a large bedroom that I assumed was the main one. It had the same sense of modernity and luxury as the rest of the apartment, and the bed was gigantic.

  “Now, little slut, you’re going to do your job and you’re going to fucking enjoy it,” James said, turning to face me. “That’s all you’re good for, isn’t it? Being bred and fucked like the little slut you are.”

  I didn’t want to contradict him. I didn’t want to get punished. So I nodded.

  “What was that? I can’t hear you.” His smile was a sneer. He was definitely taking some obscene pleasure in this and I hated it.

  “Yes, Alpha,” I replied.

  “Good. Now do your job, slut, or there will be consequences.”

  Chapter Eight


  I couldn’t believe I was letting this happen, especially with the way she had looked at me.

  Catarina had been pleading for help, that much was obvious. And I had completely denied it to her.

  I hadn’t even shown her an ounce of sympathy or even pity.

  The truth was, I was jealous. And I feared the moment that I let any sort of emotion show it would all come spilling out. And that would spell terrible things for my position in the clan and with James.

  If I could, I would have already claimed her as my mate, made her mine and marked her for it too.

  But according to tradition and the laws of the clan, that would be taboo. Catarina was public property. She belonged to the clan and the clan alone. No one could claim her. No one could make her their mate. And if they tried, they would surely be shunned and their life threatened.

  I wasn’t about to risk that, especially considering the fact that I hadn’t even known her that long.

  Trying not to think about what was happening between Catarina and James at the moment, I headed over to sit on the couch and scroll through my phone, trying to think about anything else. I wished that I had brought my laptop then so I could at least try to work on things.

  But in my heart, I knew that that wouldn’t have happened either.

  Thankfully, Alpha James was only using Catarina for his own pleasure. He wasn’t concerned about making her feel good or taking any extra steps to ensure that she was turned on. No, he merely wanted to use her for himself and breed her in hopes that she would bear a child for him.

  So it wasn't too long before the two of them emerged again.

  James looked as put together as always, the only sign on him that anything had happened being the fact that he was tying his tie again.

  Catarina, on the other hand, looked like she had been through it. Her hair was all mussed up, her socks scrunched up and not all the way up, her clothes just a little off in their presentation on her body.

  She looked incredibly uncomfortable too, and I couldn’t say that I blamed her. She definitely hadn’t wanted to have anything to do with Alpha James in that way at all. And I had been the one to force her into that position.

  “Kyle!” James came to sit down next to me with a smile on his face, completely ignoring Catarina. She stood awkwardly to the side, her hands folded in front of her chest, looking around like she didn’t know what to do. “We need to talk business.”

  “About what?” I asked, confused as to why he would bring this up now, especially when he had just fucked Catarina and she was standing there awkwardly like she wanted to be anywhere else in the world.

  James began to launch into a long explanation about the finances of the clan, and how we were going to throw some events soon and we needed to look at the budget and move some things around.

  They were things that we definitely needed to talk about, especially after using some of that budget to properly clothe Catarina in a way that would be pleasing to him. But was now really the time? When she was standing right there awkwardly?

  If I was braver, maybe I would have said something. Maybe I would have stepped forward and said that this was wrong, that we needed to talk about this another time and in the meantime, I would get Catarina home.

  But I wasn’t that brave. I wasn’t looking to cause a scene or break the status quo. And that was exactly what I would be doing if I said anything. I couldn’t afford to do that, not right now.

  “Do you understand what I’m saying?” James asked, and I realized I had been drifting off in thought and hadn’t been paying attention.

  “Yes, I do.” I had a basic idea of what he had been saying. It didn’t matter if I didn’t have all the details.

  “Then you’ll start with the new budget tonight?”

  “Yes, Alpha James, I will start on it as soon as I get home.”

  “Good to hear. I want things ironed out before we throw our next little party.”

  “I can definitely do that.”

  “Speaking of which...” James turned to look at Catarina with a smile. “This little mutt was definitely better than I expected.”

  I tried my best not to let my jealousy at the statement show.

  “That is good to hear, sir.”

  “It is, isn’t it? I was a bit worried I was going to have to throw her around a bit to get her to do what I wanted. But she responded brilliantly. I am a bit jealous that you had first go at her, though. I would have loved to be the one to have broken her in for our little clan.”

  I let out a short laugh. “Sorry about that, sir. As I’m sure you can imagine, it was difficult to resist her.”

  “Oh, I know the feeling all too well. Do not worry. Well, what about it? You can’t breed her, but you’re welcome to have a go at her pretty little throat before you leave.”

  I looked at Catarina, who was growing more and more visibly uncomfortable.

  “I’m afraid I have to get her back home, but maybe once we get back,” I said, giving him a little wink.

  I had no intention of throat-fucking Catarina when we got home, no matter how much I might want to. She was clearly uncomfortable and she needed some time to unwind and relax after being bred by James.

  “Whatever you say,” he said with a shrug. “Your loss. You could get in something quick here and then another one when you get home.”

  I laughed. “My dick may be famous, Alpha, but I think you might be overestimating my abilities. That’s a lot in a short amount of time. And to resist fucking her other pretty little hole while I’m at it? I think I’ll stick to the one go when we get home.”

  James s

  “Whatever you say. Suit yourself. But one thing, Kyle. I don’t want you to get too attached to her. Once she births an heir for me, I will need a live-in nanny after all.”

  Out of the corner of my vision, Catarina shivered.

  “Don’t worry, Alpha. I don’t plan on it.”

  I stood then and walked over to Catarina, gently grabbing her arm and leading her over to the elevator.

  “We’ll take our leave then. I’ll see you soon.”

  James winked as the elevator doors closed behind us. “Oh, you can count on that.”

  Chapter Nine


  I didn’t care that it was his job, or that he was only a Beta when James was an Alpha. I felt so betrayed by the fact that Kyle hadn’t once tried to stand up for me that whole time. Not once. He had even gone along with James in acting like I didn’t exist when I was standing right there.

  I was shivering from fear and anxiety as I sat in the passenger seat of the car and brought my knees up to my chest.

  “It’s not safe to sit like that,” Kyle said.

  I didn’t care. I wanted the car to crash and I wanted to die. So I didn’t listen to him at all.

  “Catarina, put your knees down and sit properly,” he said, a warning tone to his voice.

  I shook my head and buried my face in my knees.

  “I’m not starting this car until you sit properly. Your safety is important to me.”

  I shook my head again, not wanting to look at him, not wanting to listen to him. I already knew that he wasn’t going to hurt me, and what was the point of being on his good side when he hadn’t even protected me when it counted?

  Firmly, Kyle placed a hand on my knees and shoved them down. I tried to resist, but he was much stronger than me, and I was no match for him.

  “Catarina, listen to me. I know you’re upset, and you can sit like that all you want as soon as we get home. For now, just do as you’re told.” There was command to his voice, and I knew that I had to listen to him now. He was right; I was being a bit unreasonable at the moment. My safety was important. Because if I didn’t survive, then how was I supposed to eventually escape?


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