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Quest into Hidden Realms (Hidden Realms LitRPG Series Book 1)

Page 12

by Tom Gallier

  Fergus' right brow arched, and his eyes narrowed as he looked out the door onto all that chaos. Tiana slammed her mug down, claiming everyone's full attention.

  "Admit it, Fergus. You're just lazy," the thief said. "While I was rewarded for my efforts this morning by stealing half a dozen purses and leveling up some more."

  "Good for you, but you still failed to find Rand."

  "Like you could?"

  "Oh?" Fergus said, sitting up. He pulled out a shekel and tapped it on the table. "Put your money where your mouth is."

  Tiana tossed in a coin. Asha shrugged, and tossed in her shekel. Fergus grinned and nodded. Then he swept the coins up and poured them into his purse.

  "Hey! You haven't won yet. Where's Rand?"

  The ranger pointed at the door. "Right there."

  Asha turned to see Rand, and then Killum, rush inside and press themselves to the wall on either side of the door. Both men were puffing, looking flushed from excursion. Killum's character still had his face from the last realm, but his body looked a little taller, more muscular. Her eyes lingered on his broad shoulders, before he noticed them.

  "You found Asha!" Killum said.

  "It was more like she found us," Tiana said. "Welcome back to the living, battle-mage."

  "Living?" Asha asked.

  Killum flushed even redder and averted his eyes. Fergus laughed. And Rand shook his head. It was Tiana that answered.

  "Fergus and I ran into each other on the river, heading for Oxenbluff, just seconds before a troll attacked us," she said. "We didn't have any weapons, and the monster was pretty clever for a troll. Anyway, he backed us up against a cliff and I thought we were troll dinner, when Rand and Killum appeared out of nowhere and saved us."

  "Very heroically, I might add," Rand said.

  "Yes, you were adorable," Tiana continued. "Anyway, while Rand distracted the troll, Killum went up on top of the cliff and dropped a boulder on the troll's head. We thought it was killed, until Killum strutted up to it like the conquering hero."

  "The troll sat up and thrust his spear, turning poor Killum into human shish-ka-bob," Fergus cried. "You should've seen the look on his face."

  "Hey! I killed the troll before he killed me."

  "More like killed him at the same time," Rand said. "But you killed him."

  Killum caught Asha's eyes, looked embarrassed, and shrugged. Then his eyes raked her body a few times. "Damn, girl, you get hotter with every realm."

  Asha felt her face heat up. At the same time a smile she couldn't stop spread, and she averted her eyes. She noticed Tiana watching her reaction with a bemused look.

  "We have to go now," Killum said. "Rudolf is looking for you, Asha. He told the gate guards you murdered him, so has this town's excuse for cops after you as well."

  "He knows I'm here?"

  "I don't think so, but he was searching your room at the Crooked Staff. A couple in the pub told me to warn you," he said. "Considered yourself warned. Since it's such a small town, I don't think it'll take long for them to find you."

  "Madam Elise!" Fergus shouted. "We'd like to settle up, please."

  An elderly woman came out of the kitchen. She couldn't have been over five foot even, with steel-gray hair tied in a bun at the back of her head, and wearing a blue flowery dress. Madam Elise gave them all a friendly look as she wiped her hands on a red apron.

  "We're good," the innkeeper said. "Farewell, my friends. May your path find you safely back to my door."

  "Speaking of doors," Killum said. He gave Asha a worried look. "Is there a back door we can use?"


  Asha checked the innkeeper out. Fergus, Tiana, and Rand might trust her, but that was the first time she'd seen Madam Elise. For all she knew the innkeeper was best friends with Rudolf.

  Human Innkeeper (Lvl 17). +6 Light.

  That surprised Asha. Madam Elise seemed like a player to her, but she leaned toward Light, so couldn't be all bad. Making a snap judgment, Asha decided to trust her.

  "Last night a Dark wizard attempted to entrance me so he could…um, have his way with me. I defended myself," she said. Shrugging. "Unfortunately, I killed him. And worse, he's an Immortal, so now he's back and looking for revenge."

  "How awful," Madam Elise said. "Of course I have a back door you can use. I suggest following Wall Street over to the smaller Forest Gate. The Forest Road will take you north, but get off it after an hour or so. Go any direction but north."

  "Why not north?" Asha asked.

  "It's the road to the Warlord's Castle," she said. "The farther away from that haunted place the better."

  "So there's nothing north of here but that castle?" Rand asked.

  "Oh no, the entire Kingdom of Kumar is up there," she said. "We're in the far south of the kingdom, but last year Lord Kathro led an undead host to conquer the castle. By doing so, he cut us off from the rest of the kingdom. Since then, his undead host has been terrorizing the towns and people of the valley. The farther north you travel, the more dangerous the journey."

  "Do you think this castle is a dungeon?" Asha asked Killum. He grinned and nodded. "Then maybe we should head for it."

  Madam Elise looked shocked. Killum looked eager, as did Rand. Tiana and Fergus were a little more wary.

  "So Lord Kathro is the Warlord now?" Asha asked. "Will we replace him if we defeat him?"

  The innkeeper shrugged. "Whoever kills the castle's master becomes the new master. If you kill Lord Kathro, you will become Warlord and rule the valley."

  You've been offered Quest to Conquer Warlord's Castle! Death and danger are assured, but the rewards are power and wealth. Do you accept this quest? Yes or No?

  Asha glanced at Killum, who was looking up at his quest prompt. Fergus, Rand, and Tiana were also looking up into space. Killum caught her eyes. For a second, electricity seemed to pass between them. Then they smiled and nodded.

  "Yes, I accept," Asha said.

  "We're off to slay monsters," Rand said.

  Killum took the lead. "Can we stop and buy some weapons and spells on the way out of town?"

  "Follow me," Asha said, pushing past him. "We'll arm up, get our battle-mage some spells, and head out. Provided we all have enough coin." She paused, giving them a grim look. "And I'll tell you my news. It's not good. We actually may be stuck in the Game forever."

  Chapter 17

  The Forest Gate was tiny in comparison to the main gate, only about the size of a standard door. Still, a dozen guards guarded each side. The people coming and going were mostly peasant farmer type mobs. Killum noticed a pair of hunters, as well as a "wood gatherer" character.

  Killum approached the gate with a little more spring in his step. Asha had taken him to Witchers Alley, where he bought magical weapons and spells, as well as healing and mana potions. He couldn't afford a magic sword, but got a decent one, and bought Wolfsheart Spear. It was a stabbing spear, but enchanted to always strike the heart of his enemy. And it was bound to him. He also bought a used, black-stained cuirass to protect his chest and back, and a matching steel helmet with a red horsehair crest. He even loaned Fergus and Rand enough coin to buy weapons. Fergus bought a curved elven sword and some green and brown elven leathers to wear, while Rand got a new battle-axe and horned helmet. Tiana had stolen enough purses to buy a dwarven battle sword, which was the same size as Asha's short sword.

  "You know, from the back, Rand looks just like a minotaur calf in his horned helmet," Fergus said.

  "Calf?" Rand cried.

  "Hush down," Killum said. "Don't cause trouble at the gate."

  The gate guards turned as they approached. Half of them put hand to hilt. That worried Killum a little. Were they told to keep an eye out for Asha?

  "Hi, boys," he called. They were all mobs, including the officer in charge. All were big, burly, and grim looking. The guards wore chainmail hauberks and plain iron helmets. Standard swords hung on their hips, and each held a six-foot spear with a red horsehair tass
el. "Can you tell us what the next town is up the Forest Road?"

  He'd already checked his map, so knew it was Knaresburg. It was a town twice as large as Oxenbluff, with a Baron serving as Lord as opposed to the Manor Lord, Sir Rufus, ruling their town. Killum only wanted to divert their attention away from Asha, and hopefully engage them in friendly conversation. Happy gate guards were friendlier.

  "Knaresburg is half a day's hard walk," the officer said. Killum assumed he was a Lieutenant, since he was wearing a US Army silver bar rank insignia. The game designers hadn't used much creativity there. "But the longer Trade Road is safer. Forest Road goes by Goblin Gully."

  "Is it dangerous?" Asha asked.

  Killum wanted to tell her to shut up and let him do the talking, but the guards were all looking her over with interest. Considering how hot she looked, he didn't blame them, but she was wearing her Robes of Concealment, so was covered head to toe in black. Unfortunately, even those robes couldn't completely conceal her shapely body.

  The battle-mage thought they could take out the guards, but there were more on the other side of the gate. That was too many for them to fight. Screw that. I've already been killed once.

  So instead, to get them focused back on him, "Are there any dungeons or monsters that need killing around here?"

  "Dungeons?" one of the guards said. "You must be Immortals."

  All of the guards scowled at them. Were mobs jealous of players? He had to admit, if he was a mob then he'd be jealous of an immortal player. He nodded and most of them turned away. That was just fine with him. Killum didn't really expect an answer.

  "There's Goblin Gully," the officer said. "It's full of undead goblins, hobgoblins, and orks. There are rumors of vampires and necromancers, too."

  "My thanks, sir," Killum said, ushering the others through the gate before the guards changed their minds. "Is Goblin Gully far?"

  "It's a little over an hour up the road. Believe me, you can't miss it. I suggest you stay on the road and just run past it."

  "They won't chase us?" Tiana asked.

  "No. I think they are bound to the place."

  Once out of the town, Killum led the way up Forest Road. Really, it was a footpath through the woods. He didn't stop for a good ten minutes to ensure they were alone.

  "Okay," he said, stopping at a gurgling brook for a drink and short rest. "If the undead monsters at Goblin Gully are bound, then it's a dungeon. We all agree to tackle it, right?"

  "Hell yes," Rand said. "I need to feed my pretty new axe and fill up my purse."

  "Of course I want to take on the dungeon. That's actually why I play the game," Asha said.

  Fergus even looked eager, while Tiana just nodded. So Killum pulled up his map, zoomed into their location and looked for Goblin Gully up the road. Asha took the opportunity to remove her Robes of Concealment, complaining about the heat.

  "Push her into the water," Rand said, looking like he wanted to. "That'll cool her off."

  "I'll turn you into a dog if you even try."

  Rand hesitated, but grinned. "I've never seen anyone get turned into anything else in the Game, so I don't think you can do it. Besides, this is just our second day here. I doubt you'd have that spell if it exists."

  Asha took a step toward the dwarven warrior, and cocked her head as she studied him. "You'll be a small dog. Probably one of those yappy little Chihuahuas."

  "Emphasis on yappy," Fergus said with a laugh.

  "Ha ha, you're the elven king and queen of comedy in the forest," Rand said, but no longer looked eager to push the sorceress into the water. "I'm rested. Let's go kick a dungeon's ass."

  As they continued up the road, Killum considered which spells to use. He had a disorientation spell, and could throw fireballs. He had a ring on his left middle finger that shot out lightning bolts, but would electricity kill the undead? He knew zombies would burn.

  I wish I had more time in the spell shop, he silently lamented. But I'll load up on spells in Knaresburg.

  That really depended on how much loot they won along the way. He'd spent all but one silver and twenty copper shekels on Witchers Alley. Fergus and Rand owed him three silver shekels and some change for the money he loaned them, but they couldn't pay him back until they won some loot, too. Tiana, though, was awful cagey about how much money she had, so he thought she'd stolen a lot.

  She's the most mercenary of us all, he thought, glancing back at the redhead. Probably because she's an accountant in real life.

  They moved quickly, eager for the fight. Killum smiled when they topped a low hill and spotted goblins and hobgoblins ahead. The mobs were one and all extremely pale. Most telling was the blank looks on their faces.

  "They are very undead," Asha said. She pulled her sword, a wicked smile tugging at the corners of her lips. The sorceress' eyes narrowed as she called up a fireball in her left hand. "It's time to start making them all the way dead."

  "You mean…" Killum said, curling his left hand into a fist and pointing it at the milling zombies. "Like this?"

  He focused on the closest zombie, a completely naked hobgoblin. A lightning bolt thundered out of his ring to strike the zombie in the chest. The mob dropped like a rock, but every other zombie turned their way.

  "Show off," she said, and threw her fireball.

  The five of them charged into battle as a goblin burst into flames. The poor undead mob ran around in circles, flapping his arms for a long moment, before finally succumbing to the flames. They avoided him as they plowed into the others.

  Killum thrust the Wolfsheart Spear into the heart of a goblin, and shouted, "HAI!"

  That sent a surge of magical power through the spear that blew the zombie off, sending him through the air a good dozen feet. Killum froze, staring incredulously.

  "Did you know it did that?" Fergus asked.


  "Be mindful of your health and mana!" Asha called, levitating up to throw fireballs at the zombies. "Watch out behind you, Tiana!"

  Killum glanced over to see the thief spin around and fire two arrows into a ghoul. That's when he realized the goblins and hobgoblins were there to pull them into a trap, so the ghouls could circle around and hit them from behind. Fergus was already turned around to shoot arrows into the eerily silent ghouls.

  The battle-mage pointed his left hand at the ghouls, and fired one, two, three bolts into them in quick succession. He was then forced to turn back to engage a trio of goblins attacking with just their bare hands. Killum thrust his spear into the heart of the middle undead goblin, but before he could blow him off of the spear, the little monster grabbed the haft and fell back.

  "Bastard," Killum muttered, and then pulled his sword. "Die, abominations!"

  "Abominations? I like it!" Rand cried. Goblin blood covered him, eyes wild with battlelust. "Kill the abominations! Wahoo!"

  Side-by-side, Rand and Killum marched forward slaying zombies. Fergus and Tiana followed, backing up as they killed ghouls coming up behind the group. Asha floated above throwing fireballs in both directions.

  "What? Oh no," Asha cried, and fell from the sky. "Aaiiee, dammit."

  She dropped to the ground in the middle of the goblins and hobgoblins, and appeared to twist her ankle upon impact. Then a goblin bit her wrist, enabling him to pull her sword away.

  "Asha!" Killum screamed.

  "No!" she cried, and hit the goblin with a fireball.

  The goblin thrust the sword into Asha's chest before falling away to burn up. Killum fired lightning bolt after lightning bolt, slaughtering zombies all around Asha's still writhing body. To his horror, zombies dropped to their knees around her, sinking their teeth into her bare flesh.

  "Hurry! She's still alive," the battle-mage screamed.

  All four of them rushed the zombies around the sorceress. Killum saw red, his mind and soul consumed with fury and horror. They cleared the zombies away in seconds, and he dropped to his knees to pull her into his lap.

  Asha looked up wi
th horrified eyes, blood flowing from her nose and mouth. She gurgled, gasped, and spewed hot blood in his face.

  "I'm…sorry," she rasped out. "Meet….you….Knares…"

  And the life faded out of her eyes. Killum stared down at her a long moment. For the first time, he thought the Game had gone too far, become too realistic. His mind and heart screamed for his friend so brutally butchered, and then she slowly faded away.

  Killum knelt there shaking, as his friends continued to fight off the zombies.

  Chapter 18

  "We need help, battle-mage," Fergus shouted.

  Killum jumped up and thrust his sword through the neck of a ghoul. Then he chopped off the arm of another, before turning and taking off the head of a hobgoblin. Rand stepped in front of him to kill a goblin slipping in to attack.

  "Thanks," he said. "Let's clear a space so Fergus and Tiana can use their bows."

  "You didn't happen to buy a sleep spell, did you?" Tiana asked. "It'd be easier to kill them if they were snoozing."

  He chuckled. Not a bad suggestion, but sleep spells were notoriously unreliable. What would put a human to sleep might energize a goblin, or make an ork super aggressive. But he had a couple of spells that might help.

  "How about a little disorientation?" he asked. The battle-mage stepped back from the fight, letting Rand handle the onslaught alone for a few seconds. He concentrated on the desired spell, that he'd purchased at Spells'R'Us. And then cast it out at the ghouls. "Disorientate!"

  He didn't have to say anything, but Killum mostly did. It felt right to do so, and it helped his comrades to know what his spell was doing to their foes. Asha occasionally shouted her spells, too, but mostly she cast in silence. He was working on her.

  The ghouls all stopped at once, swaying and looking around in confusion. Rand cried out in joy, and charged them. His battle-axe left red ruin behind, even as Tiana's arrows thudded into ghoul hearts. Fergus continued to shoot at the goblins, so Killum turned towards the remaining zombies.


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